Record of Chaos

Chapter 317: Iron claws and bronze heads divide the corpse, humiliating Mu Yuan with hatred

Iron Claw watched the eight zombies cross the wall of Mu's house, and smiled and said to Tongtou: "You are still as timid as you always have. Two foundation-building monks, you actually dispatched ten zombies. If I change my chief, I only want these eight zombies to pounce on, and the four disciples of the Jade Palace plus Mu Yuan will also be wiped out."

   When the corpse collection bureau makes a shot, three or two people usually do it together. One of them is the main task, and the others do it.

   Although the principal and the engagement are nominally the relationship between the boss and the subordinate, there is not much difference in status after this matter is over. Even the two people joining hands are more of mutual supervision and restraint. Therefore, there is no fear between the words of the iron claw and the bronze head.

"That's why I'm not you," Tongtou said coldly, "the Cangyunhai of the gold sect and the ghost Xuanyin of the Jade Palace are not characters we can afford. Although I am a little cautious. , But it’s better than you poke out the basket and leave it alone."

Iron Claw laughed: "You are the one who is in charge, and I just listen to you. It's just that this time the bodies of a few large disciples are rarely taken, how do you divide them? Or else the bodies of the two female disciples from Jade Palace belong to me , How about the other whole Mu family belonging to you?"

   Corpse Collection Bureau is under the Corpse Soul Sect. In addition to taking money for each client's murder, fresh corpses, especially the corpses of monks with excellent qualifications, are also one of their biggest incomes.

   If you obtain the corpse of the Master of the Purple Mansion, you can also refine it into the appalling "Resurrection Pill", which is invaluable.

   Although these foundation-building cultivators can't make a Borrowing Resurrection Pill, they are also very good for use as zombies. In particular, the value of the corpse of a young female sister is much higher than that of a male corpse. So Tie Claw wanted to book the two sisters first.

   "All other corpses belong to you. Except for the woman surnamed Tong from Cuiyu Palace!" Tongtou said beyond doubt.

   "Okay." Tie Claw's tone was a bit regretful. He was watching near Mu's house all day today. He saw the woman surnamed Tong at a glance. Unexpectedly, the copper head was also eyeing. This matter happened to be Tongtou's principal again, and he had nothing to say. Fortunately, another woman surnamed Huang is also good.

   In fact, if you simply talk about appearance, Huang Lu is Huang Quan’s Yuan Ying after all, and she is even more refined. However, Zhong Dou's charm technique is too strong. After entering Tong Yao's body, Tong Yao's body, temperament and aura completely changed.

   The copper head also saw how good this woman was. If he has a beautiful corpse to charm opponents, it will be much easier for him to kill in the future.

   "Is the two respected drivers talking about the little girl?"

   Tongtou and Ironclaw had just fallen off their voices when a scent of fragrant breeze came, which was the opposite of the corpse odor they were used to.

   The copper head was startled, but when he looked back, he saw a slim woman with willow eyebrows and apricot lips, her eyes like stars, a purple dress with a tight waist, and she had been standing behind them without knowing when. It was the disciple of the Jade Palace named Tong Yao.


   After a scuffle, the wing where Gou Zhu was originally located has been demolished to a pile of rubble. He and Mu Yuan stood back-to-back in the courtyard, facing the two black shadows attacked by both sides.

   Gouzhu was expecting a loud noise to let the monks of the Mu family come out to confront the enemy. But what he didn't expect was the silence around him, as if everyone had died.

  Don't talk about the monks of the Mu family. Except for Mu Yuan, Zhong Dou, Mu Mu, Huang Lu, and even the house that were close at hand, were almost torn down, and they never showed up.

   "Did they all have an accident?" He couldn't help thinking, numb. But he immediately denied this idea. Even if something happened to them, could it be that something happened to the entire Mu family?

   After all, he is regarded as half of the disciple of the soul elder Miao. Seeing such a strange situation, the first thing that comes to mind is fantasy. He may have fallen into a certain illusion with Mu Yuan.

   But all his feelings are no different from reality, which makes him suspect that it is not an illusion.

   But regardless of whether it is an illusion or not, he believes that the opponent has absolutely no strength to quietly kill everyone else. If the other party really has this ability, he will naturally have no resistance, and will never do anything with the other party here. This might be a spell that he didn't know at all to him.

   Gouzhu didn't use his Xuanyin True Fire and Underworld Orchid, but always used the magic sword against the enemy. Xuan Yin Zhenhuo and Underworld Lan are both profound treasures, and he didn't want to reveal them in front of Mu Yuan. What if someone is thinking about it?

   On the contrary, the magic weapon of Mu Yuan's mercury bullet is very powerful. He is looking forward to Mu Yuan's contribution. However, Mu Yuan seems to have the same thoughts, and he has not seen any shots.

   If you only use swordsmanship against the enemy, both of them are extremely difficult. The two black shadows seem to have no spiritual fluctuations, and they can't use any magical powers or magic weapons at all. However, their physical bodies are extremely strong, like two hills, and they are extremely flexible.

   One of them displayed a silver chain flying claw, dancing in the air like a silver wheel. The other man wielded a long knife like a tiger descending the mountain, with amazing momentum. After the fierce battle for a long while, Goujiu and Mu Yuan leaned back together and gasped.

   "They are all long weapons. If they are close to World War I, there may be some way." Gouzhu carefully transmitted to Mu Yuan.

   Mu Yuan nodded and replied: "You can try it." After speaking, he lowered his head and dodged a sweep of the big knife. But he had no way to retreat, so instead of retreating, he moved forward and dashed directly in front of the opponent.

The same goes for    Gouzhu. When he arrived in front of the dark shadow, he felt that the pungent odor on the opponent's body became stronger and stronger.

   Wei Ying’s flying claws were still five steps away, and it was too late to take it back. It could be said that the door was wide open. Gouzhu secretly moved a group of underworld orchids in his hand, and then a gust of profound yin true energy condensed in his palms, a single palm brought a yin wind, and a heavy hand of underworld orchid hit the black shadow on the chest.

   With a series of micro-explosive sounds, more than ten underworld orchids burst open in his palm, exuding countless corpse qi, devouring vitality madly.

   In the past, even the palm of Ling Ling drew out the vitality of a towering tree for hundreds of years. Although he was not as powerful as Lian Ling, he was confident that no one could hold the foundation-building cultivator with this palm.

   And all his underworld orchids are hidden in the palms of his hands, and they are not visible from the outside. Even if Mu Yuan noticed, he could only know that his palms were extremely cold and powerful, but he would not find out that he had used a treasure like Underworld Orchid.

   slapped the opponent with a palm, as if pushing a wall. He pushed with all his strength, and the opponent moved slightly, but immediately stood firm. The strange figure with the mask was stiff, his left hand immediately loosened the silver chain and punched him.

   Gouzhu was stunned. It stands to reason that as long as the other party is a living person, and when he is breathed in by this underworld orchid, no matter how many abilities he has, he will immediately fall down. This person is actually fine, and still has the strength to punch?

   The fist of the weirdo came over, hitting the innocent body of the hook, it was like a mountain and a rock. The hook was hit and flew, and his whole body was angry like being stirred and boiling water. After landing, You started to churn.

   At this time, Mu Yuan was still fighting close to another stranger. The man had already disassembled the long sword, turned into a knife and a stick, and fought close to the sword in Mu Yuan's hand. Not only did he not let the wind fall, but he often forced Mu Yuan to resist it.

Turning his eyes, an idea came to my deliberately yelled: "The last name is Mu, your mercury bullet is so powerful, why don't you take it out, wait until you are half dead," It's useless to take it out again!"

   Mu Yuan was surprised. His "bearing water and flowing silver" is the most precious treasure of the Liujin Sect. Not long ago, the master secretly passed it on to him, and he also told him that he must not show it in front of anyone, otherwise the strong will inevitably covet it. Why did this person know when he first saw him?

   Does the other party have any secret techniques to detect the magic weapon hidden in their body? This is really incredible.

   He didn't want to use this raw water and flowing silver, because he was afraid that he would be seen by his fellow foreign sect. Now that the other party knew about it and yelled for fear that the world would not know it, he had nothing to hide, and immediately opened his mouth.

   Guaiying was shielding her chest with a horizontal stick in her left hand, and slashed her head with her right hand to cover her face. But Mu Yuan spit out a ray of silver light. The silver light hit the black shadow's blade without stopping at all, passing straight through. Then he hit the center of the black shadow's eyebrows.

The silver light was like a long silver snake, hitting the opponent's blade to stop, leaving a big hole in it, and then passing directly through the opponent's mask, breaking out of the brain, and finally floating in the air, becoming the size of a human head. Of a silver sphere.

   His raw water flowing silver is not ordinary mercury, but a mercury jelly that has been refined by Cangyun Sea for many years. It looks only a human head-sized mass, but actually weighs several thousand jin.

   And his flowing silver has a characteristic. Except iron, all metals melt instantly. When he rushed out in such a line, the opponent's sword and mask were made of black copper, and of course he couldn't resist it.

   A hole was pierced in the man's mask, but no blood was gushing in the middle, only a black sticky substance exuding a pungent smell. Mu Yuan frowned and said, "So it's a zombie?"

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