Record of Chaos

Chapter 203: Danyang Pavilion

   Huo Yun's face sank. Originally thought that he had grasped Gu Wentian's handle, but he did not expect him to say this. This is the end of the matter, and it is really difficult to sit down.

Lian Ping watched Gu Wentian talk nonsense, **** a crime of law enforcement and brutalizing his colleagues with the soul-searching technique, but she could not refute it. She only felt a vicious anger rising from the sky, but rushed. Does not come out. She held back for a long time, then refuted:

   "He is an outside disciple who has only been in the market for less than two years. Where can I get a soul search pill?"

"My subordinates will never know about it. I'm afraid the adults will have to ask him himself." Gu Wentian replied without changing his face. "It's just that the subordinates remember that the case of the outer disciple Bai Changsheng died. There are people involved. The case file contains that this son has exchanged nearly 10,000 Pure Yang Pills in Xuanshi, Qingyang Town. As for whether he has exchanged other medicines, his subordinates have no way of knowing!"

   "You!" Lian Ping was flushed with anger, her chest that was not convex and concave violently rises and falls, but she has no words to refute. After all, that soul search pill had indeed been eaten by Gouzhu. As for who it originally belonged to and how it was eaten, no one can prove it.

   Then Gui Xuanyin spoke. He was also relieved. Gu Wentian really intends to search for souls, but fortunately the soul search technique has not yet begun, so even if it falls into the hands of Danyang Pavilion Lianping, it still leaves him room for maneuver. What's more, Gu Wentian asked for quotations and even turned out the history of Gouzhu. This remark was justified, and the other party could not produce any evidence to refute it.

"The Gu Wentian soul search is too suspicious. I will discuss it after the old man thoroughly investigates it. In addition, the loss of vitality in the Dragon Skeleton Valley, the arson in the valley, and the collision of the two deacon disciples on behalf of the guard, etc., the old man will investigate them together. Disciple, please come back to Xingtang for questioning."

   Ghost Xuanyin and Gu Wentian secretly spread the sound, he already probably knew the connection between these outer disciples and Killing. According to the ancient gate rules of the Cuiyu Palace, the Xingtang Law Envoy had the right to make investigations for the outer and inner disciples. As long as these people reach the Xingtang, although they may not be able to search for their souls, he will always have a way to dig up some useful clues. What's more, how can we just leave it alone?

   "Dare you guys!" Lian Ping's eyes widened, murderous in his eyes. If Gui Xuanyin pushes her into a hurry, she doesn't care about the desperate fight, and the big deal is to take people to hide in the Danyang Pavilion to control the mountain protection formation.

   Gouzhu is her only clue to her sister's whereabouts. If he is mentioned to Xingtang and falls into the hands of Gui Xuanyin, the consequences will be disastrous. She had made up her mind a long time ago that she couldn't let the other party succeed even if she tried to die.

   Gu Wentian didn't speak, but he sneered in his heart. Although Lian Ping is acting as a guardian, but with so many incidents in the Dragon Skeleton Valley that night, he did not allow the mention to go to the Xingtang for questioning, and he was faced with the famous "iron-faced judge" Gui Xuanyin. The good show was seen.

Gui Xuanyin said in a cold tone, and asked: "Master Shou, this is to use power to favor favors, so that nothing happens to the Xingtang tonight? Master, this is to impose the iron rules of my Jade Palace for hundreds of years. Land? Be an example of guarding relatives. In the future, my Xingtang will do things. How can I serve the public?" Gui Xuanyin asked several rhetorically, and his tone became stronger than one sentence. The coercion of the divine consciousness followed like a big wave, which forced Lian Ping almost to Go back.

   This matter is indeed due to Gui Xuan Yin. Originally, unless it was a true disciple, as long as it was an outer disciple and an inner disciple, Xingtang could ask questions at any time. But there are some special circumstances. For example, if someone is accepted as a disciple by an elder, and then accepted to practice in the elder's gate, the Xingtang must first pass the elder before doing things.

   But Huo Yun is an exception. He himself is the elder of the outer court, and all the outer disciples are regarded as his registered disciples by default, and he has no right to exempt Xingtang from mentioning. He glanced at Lian Ping at this time, and Lian Ping also understood what he meant.

   "Old ghost, don't make noise!" Lian Ping bit Zhu's lips, "I will accept all of these people as registered disciples. From now on, I will enter the Danyang Pavilion of Cuiyu Peak to practice. I will see who dares to come to my pavilion to catch people!"

   Outer disciple, go directly to Cuiyu Peak and enter Danyang Pavilion? Everyone stayed for a while, all around dead. This matter is indeed not in compliance with the rules, but how to recruit disciples, this rule only belongs to Danyang Pavilion, and Xingtang can't control it.


   Gouzhu didn't know how much suffering he went through. When I woke up, my quilt and pillow were all sweaty. But the pain caused by the medicinal properties of the soul search pill has long since passed, and at this time his soul is immersed in a kind of soothing peace.

   He got up from the couch. This is not his tree house, but a simple bedroom. The window was wide open, it was early morning. A gentle cool breeze blew into the house, making him wake up all at once.

   Gouzhu rushed to the window and looked at it, and it was gray, like a sea of ​​clouds filled with boundless gray cotton wool. Above the sea of ​​clouds are sparse black islands. At the end of the sky is a gray horizontal line, faintly covered with a layer of golden sky light. The radiant light will soon burst out.

   "Is this the top of Cuiyu Peak?"

   On the Qingxiao Mountain, the highest is Cuiyu Peak. On the East Sea, it seems to stand out from the crowd. Only on the Cuiyu Peak can you see the mountains in this way, and I feel that the peaks near Cuiyu Peak are a bit shorter. Compared with Chaoyang Peak, where Gouzhu had been to, this place is higher and has more aura of heaven and earth.

   During the breath, he can feel a breath of clear air inhaling and spit out naturally without adjusting his breath, which is really unexplainable. What's even better is that it is breezy and warm like spring. But it is the place that naturally gathers pure Yang Qi, and a faint red light lingers around it all year round, resisting the wind and cold outside this sky. Therefore, this peak is also known as Danyang Peak, and the Danyang Pavilion on the mountain is the best practice place in the entire Jade Jade Palace.

   "Do you know the whereabouts of the palace lord?" A soft female voice heard in his ear.

   Gouzhu quickly turned around, only then did he see that the door curtain had been opened. Lian Ping looks like a willow, a plain face Sai Xue Qishuang that has not been dressed, she wears a plain white dress with crescent moon, her hair hanging down her shoulders, and her agile eyes with strong expectations, she seems to be waiting for him to speak directly The whereabouts of her sister Lian Ling is here.

   Her bedroom is on this floor, not far from here. As soon as she noticed that Gouzhu woke up, she had no time to freshen up, so she dragged a pair of wooden clogs and walked directly over.

   She has already cross-examined other people in this Wuyuan. No one knows the whereabouts of Lian Ling. There was no need to ask questions at all. She looked into their eyes and knew they were not lying.

   But this person must know.

   A few months ago, Gou Zhu and the others went to Qingyang Town. She once attached to Gou Zhu with the technique of avatar. Although she did not see Lian Ling's real body, she realized the breath of Lian Ling. There is also the horrifying Green Wood Dragon Snake technique, which is definitely impossible for a second person to use. This made her sure that the clue of Lian Ling's whereabouts lies with this person.

   But her sister has always worked smoothly and without any leakage. If Lian Ling was willing to tell her his whereabouts, I'm afraid he would have told her already. She is still in the dark, and can only explain that for a certain reason, Lian Ling does not intend to let herself know.

   This is probably also related to my rough temper. She acts impulsively, regardless of the consequences. It is easy to fall into the trap of Gui Xuanyin, Gu Wentian and others. During the period of Lian Ling's absence, if it were not for the support of Huo Yun, the elder of the Foreign Academy, she would have been driven out of Danyang Pavilion by these opponents long ago.

   Lianping thought to herself: My sister must be worried about me, so she didn't let me know.

   At the same time that Lian Ling disappeared, three elders and one true disciple on the side of Gui Xuan Yin also disappeared.

   Even she can guess it must be a hard fight. Since Lian Ling hadn't died, he probably hid for treatment. It doesn't matter whether she knows the whereabouts of her sister, the important thing is that Gui Xuanyin can't know. Otherwise, Lian Ling was seriously injured and not healed, and this group of people chased and killed them, and their lives would be in danger.

That’s why she kept Huo Yun staring at this Wu Yuan carefully, but even Huo Yun did not expect that Gouzhu would have a way to fly out of the outer courtyard in the middle of the night and ran to the Dragon Skeleton Valley to condense the pills, and also fell to Su Xuanbi and Gu Wentian. Hands.

   It was a night of shock. Fortunately, in the end, there is no danger.

"Senior, you laughed..." As soon as Gouzhu saw her, his eyes were immediately narrowed, and he made a flattering expression, "Little brother is just an outer disciple, how could he know the whereabouts of the palace lord... last night? Gu Wentian's gangster died, it must be the predecessor's I don't know what I can do for my little brother, the younger one-the liver and the brain, I will follow you too!..."

   Lian Ping frowned. With her cultivation base, she couldn't see through this thieves. Normal lower-level disciples talk to her. She can notice subtle emotional changes as long as she looks at the other person's eyes, knowing whether the other person is nervous or guilty, telling the truth or lying. And this person, every word seemed to be a shameless lie, so that she didn't need to judge at all, and her simple mind-reading skills naturally lost its effect.

   But this man obviously has too many secrets.

   Lianping suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed the Yangxi point on Gouzhu's right wrist not far from the pulse.

   She has slender fingers, white as a lotus root, gently clasped, and Gouzhu doesn't dare to struggle. I only felt a rush of cold Mizuki Zhenqi coming in from the Yangxi point and pouring in along the meridians, and the meridians in the entire arm were like a sharp blade entering the body, and the pain almost burst.

   "You just killed the little brother, I can't tell. If you force me, I can only break a place!" Gou Zhu cried out crying. Lian Ping was unmoved, his five fingers clasped like a hook, making him immobile.

   persisted for a long time. Although Gouzhu cried and cried, he did not let go. Lian Ping was secretly relieved. It seems that this kid's tone is still tight.

   She used Zhen Qi to probe the meridians of the pig and forced out a lot of weird things.

   The blood on the little thief's hand was bulging, and his skin became pale, a chill lingered, a burst of white cold light appeared from the cyan blood vessels, and several blood-red charms faintly revealed from under the skin.

   "I don't want you to tell me the whereabouts of the palace lord. It's just that there are too many secrets in your body-arsenic poison, bitter cold body, and human puppet witchcraft! Whose witch man puppet are you? Could it be..."

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