Record of Chaos

Chapter 196: Upside down and get out

   There are four main cultivators in the Profound Gate of the World, and the others are side branches.

   Qi cultivates qi, cultivates the body through the body, cultivates the enlightenment through the method, and cultivates the soul through the soul. These four cultivation paths all originated from the Spiritual Source Sect, and then were carried forward by the other four sects. Yin and Yang Sect master Qi cultivation, Extreme Wuzong main body cultivation, Five Elements Sect master method cultivation, and Soul Sect master soul cultivation.

   Cuiyu Palace is taught by the Five Elements School, but it is different from the Five Elements School. The monks of the Five Elements Sect mostly study the magic of the five elements of heaven and earth, control everything, but don't pay much attention to their own qi refining. Therefore, most of them are law revision. Although Fa Xiu also refines alchemy, the alchemy cultivated is the outer alchemy.

   Qin Zunyang was originally a disciple of the Five Elements School, majoring in the technique of wood escape. But when he planted spirit seeds, he realized the method of co-cultivation of humans and trees, and he was able to connect his true qi with the spiritual grass and immortal trees at once, and cultivate into inner alchemy, which became the cultivation of qi.

   Therefore, Jade Palace is unique among the many schools of the Five Elements Sect. Using the growth of spirit woods to absorb the qi of heaven and earth to nourish one's own true qi formation, it is the cultivation of Qingmu true qi as the main qi refining.

  Qi repair mostly gathers zhen qi in the dantian qi sea, while physical training is different. zhen qi is scattered in the meridians and condensed in the flesh and blood. The flesh and blood of ordinary cultivators simply cannot contain the more and more abundant true qi, either they are forced to have a nervous breakdown or become devastated or burst into death.

   Only if you can train your body day after day, year after year, and turn yourself into steel, can you withstand the enormous energy of the true Qi in your body.

   Qi is full of self-condensation, physical cultivation will eventually form an inner pill. However, physical cultivation is a cultivation method that does not deliberately pursue pill formation, and its strength obviously far exceeds Qi cultivation of the same realm.

   But for Gouzhu, Gu Wentian is the same no matter what state it is. Since he is physical cultivation, the shackles of immortals are meaningless.

   He is still wearing a fairy shackle on his right hand that is holding the ribs of the pig's chest, which does not reduce the strength of his fingers like a steel hook. The mysterious flames on his body had already burned with his torn robes and cheeks, his left hand had been freed, and he grabbed the shackles on his own.

   Immortal shackles were originally used to tie up monks, but they were made of profound iron. They were extremely tough. How could it be so easy to break free?

   But he didn't get the key at all. Instead, he hooked the hoop with **** of his left hand, and then directly pulled it out.

   The extremely sturdy black iron is stretched like soft candy. Ordinary monks have such a powerful force, even if they can break the shackles of the immortal, they can't bear it with their wrists, and they must break their hand bones.

   But immediately after a sound, the bracelet of the immortal shackles has been cut off.

   The immortal shackles can't help but his physical strength, but it prevents him from performing soul search. So he had to control the hook pig with one hand and remove the immortal shackles with the other.

   Gu Wentian changed his hand, grabbed Gouzhu's neck with his left hand, still in shackles, and buckled his key points, lest he use his true energy again and spray out the unstoppable mysterious flames.

   Then he buckled the immortal shackles of his left hand with his free right hand, and forced it again.

   was about to exert force, a bright light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes. This light was cold and clear moonlight, but so strong, it was as if the bright moon was suddenly carried to him outside the narrow sky gap of the Dragon Skeleton Valley.

   "Illusion?" Gu Wentian was shocked. In the Jade Palace, there are only a handful of monks who can perform illusions. Besides, the Xingtang Tianyan Jade in his hand clearly shows that in this dragon skeleton valley, there are only five people from Gouzhuwuyuan and one He Si who is **** and thrown by the stream.

   Is there an invasion by foreign enemies? This is impossible. There was an invasion by a foreign enemy, and the heavy restrictions outside the Jade Jade Palace were not disturbed. How could this be possible?

   At this time, the tip of his left finger felt empty, and the hook pig that had been firmly clasped in his hand was gone.

   "Phantom Array!" Gu Wentian was not upset, and pulled away the fairy shackles on his left hand. The shackles of spiritual consciousness disappeared immediately. He felt the spirit wave from the surrounding formation.

  The spiritual sense of physical cultivation is a bit worse than that of Qi cultivation, but Gu Wentian, as a virtual pill physical cultivator, said that there is a foundation-building monk who wants to hide his spiritual sense to set up an array around him, that is absolutely impossible. It's just that the immortal fetters restricted the cultivator's true energy from coming out of the body, which also restricted the release of his spiritual knowledge.

   Someone took advantage of the short period of time when he was detained in fairy shackles, and laid a formation around him.

   "Upside down the chaotic array." Gu Wentian was quite knowledgeable, and he knew it at a glance. The extremely bright moonlight in front of him actually came from the distant night sky beyond the sky above his head.

   This array directly interferes with human consciousness. What you see and touch, the more distant things are, the closer you are, and the closer you are, the more far you feel. But all this is actually an illusion made up by the forces, not real.

   Gouzhu was close in front of him, but his consciousness was disturbed and made him think that he had moved to a distance. He felt that his fingertips were empty, and then fooled and let go, causing people to slip away under his nose.

   Not to mention this formation in the Jade Palace, even the Five Elements Sect has never heard of anyone able to use it. But in the Soul Sect, this is just an entry-level chaos formation. Gu Wentian even felt a trace of anxiety in his heart:

   "Could it be that in this Wuyuan, some people and the Soul Sect have..."

   But he immediately dispelled the idea. Among the world's major sects, Yin Yang Sect and Five Elements Sect are the deadly enemies of Soul Sect. It is not surprising that some of the Soul Sect's magic techniques have been passed down to the world. For example, the soul search technique commonly used in Xuanmen is just a few common and some rare.

   It is absolutely impossible for such a small Outer Sect Wuyuan, a group of Zhuji disciples to interact with the Soul Sect without being noticed by the Sect.

   Gu Wentian has a certain mind, and the qi in his body is about to burst out.

   "Lord Faji!" There was a shout from outside, but Qian Yan desperately caught up with the breathless Qian Yan. It didn't matter what he shouted, Gu Wentian seemed to wake up from a dream, and the upside-down chaotic array collapsed.

  The formation of divine consciousness is like a dream, and those who fall into the dream cannot escape. But once an outsider breaks in and awakens the person in the dream, the formation will collapse.

   Qian Yan accidentally broke the formation, and Gu Wentian didn't have any gratitude. On his original confident and leisurely face, his brows frowned unconsciously.

   He sprinted away Qian Yan, just not wanting anyone to see himself searching for the soul of an outside disciple.

   But this hidden treasure disciple is really as difficult as a dog skin plaster. He couldn't stop Qian Yan, after all, he still had to take into consideration Su Xuanbi, the treasure elder who was sitting behind him.

   Gu Wentian didn't immediately chase the Gouzhu who fled, but instead blocked Qian Yan's path.

   "What you want in the treasure cave is nothing more than the underworld orchid on this kid. Underworld orchid is one of the three treasures of Xuanyin, and the speed of condensing Xuanyin's energy to refine Xuanyin Dan is unparalleled in the world."

   "Uncle Gu's words are serious." Qian Yan's old face wrinkled and smiled, "If it is an exhibit, naturally let the Lord handle it."

   "Underworld Lan and all the Profound Yin Pills on this kid belong to you." Gu Wentian was too lazy to be polite with him. He wanted to seal the mouth of this treasured disciple now, so he could only benefit him.

   Qian Yan smiled wittily: "The law entrusts the adults to justice. If there is a dispatch, the adults will not hesitate to die."

   Although the Underworld Orchid is a treasure, it must be handed over to Su Xuanbi. Although he can't embezzle, but he also has the merit of solving the case. In addition, Gu Wentian was meticulous, and he also pointed out that all the Xuan Yin Pills on this person belonged to him. In this way, he is bound to make a large sum, which is worthwhile. At this point, he still doesn't know the interest, that is, he is boring.

  Gu Wentian said: "Go to the Longxikou waterfall three miles downstream of Longxi, and there are a few outside disciples who are breaking through the formation. You go to deal with it, and it's a matter of resisting arrest and killing."

   Gu Wentian had already sent two law enforcement disciples there before. What puzzled him was that the hard spirit that bombarded the iron cage array of the illusion vibrated like a drum. Not only did it not disappear, but it felt heavier and heavier.

   Although he didn't believe that this group of outer disciples could really break through the formation, it made him more uneasy.

   Now the formation is intact, even if the hook pig gets away temporarily, there is nowhere to escape. Once the big formation broke down, this group of people went out and called the elder Huo Yun of the Foreign Academy, and the following things were very tricky.

   The Qian Yan in front of him is very obstructive, so it's better to use waste and let him deal with the outer disciples who want to break the formation. In addition to Qian Yan, he also mobilized more Xingtang disciples.

   "Follow the orders of the law." Qian Yan obediently lowered his head and turned to walk along Longxi.

   "Everything that happened in the bones of the dragon tonight, I will write it in the file. But I don't want to say anything differently."

   Before Qian Yan left, Gu Wentian coldly reminded him. Gouzhu became an idiot when he was searched for his soul. He would naturally write that he was lost because of his refusal to catch his luck.

   Su Xuanbi is a person who regards wealth as fate, so he won't say much about the benefits of the underworld orchid. Qian Yan also looks very smart, but he has to remind him.

   "The ancient law makes you rest assured, how can our elders be so unreasonable?" Qian Yan smiled, not mentioning himself, but mentioning his superior.

   A moment ago, Huang Lu was under the sacred fire cauldron, watching Song Ruhai mobilize her infuriating to spur the huge sacred fire cauldron, and the flames burned the thick iron wall of the phantom iron cage formation.

  The intense flame light reflected on her face, swept away all the chill in the dark night, and made her feel hot on her cheeks.

   "A quarter of an hour is not enough..." she murmured. Her original speculation was based on the constant power of the Shenhuo Cauldron. The Shenhuo Cauldron is a rare ancient treasure. It has absorbed the aura of heaven and earth for thousands of years without knowing how much energy it has accumulated. But it is not easy to urge it as you want.

   If it weren’t for Song Ruhai’s inherited urging method, and Song Ruhai’s father’s cultivation since childhood, he would continue to strengthen his spiritual connection with the Shenhuo Ding. With Song Ruhai’s foundation-building cultivation base, I’m afraid it would be impossible to mobilize.

   Now he reluctantly urges him to make a sneak attack. To burn for such a long time, the power will inevitably decrease. Murong Qing held a pure Yang Pill to absorb the pure yang qi, and then injected it from behind, which was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

   Song Ruhai sits on the ground, the pure Yang Zhen Qi on his body has already reached the extreme, and a faint red light is enveloped all around his body. He closed his eyes tightly and ignored him, he had entered the state of selflessness. Except for constantly urging Shenhuoding, there was nothing else in his mind.

   And wood, now it looks more terrifying.

   He was standing under the flames of the Shenhuo Cauldron, holding a giant axe, and facing the red iron wall. The sparks above his head splashed all over the body, like rain. His Dao robe had long been riddled with sores, revealing his sweaty and violent muscles. But he was not afraid at all, as if he had the strength to do it, and smashed the giant axe on the red iron wall one after another. The iron wall in front of me has sunk into a big hole half a foot in length.

   is another half a foot, this big array can be worn!

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