Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 981 Seizing the Remnant Chapter

While the Chengdan monks were still discussing, the old man surnamed Dai who was in charge of the trade fair finally revealed the low price of the imitation fragment of this Lingbao.

As the low price was announced, a bigger wave of discussion also sounded in the Palace of Fushou and Longevity.

The low price of half a million spirit stones disapproved of most of the Chengdan cultivators present. Even if this incomplete refining method is obtained, no one can fully study it.

You must know that the refining method of each magic weapon, the combination and dosage of various materials are extremely precise calculations. If even one material is inconsistent with the description, the refining person may lose all previous efforts and scrap the remaining precious materials.

This is also the reason why every alchemy monk can use his or her own elixir fire to smelt various refining materials, but the masters of refining are extremely rare.

Because weapon refining is a complicated process, unless you can smelt various weapon refining materials, everything will be fine. Among them, the person who refines it needs to be extremely proficient in the properties, uses, and dosage of various materials.

And when refining a magic weapon, the person who refines it needs to have an extremely precise grasp of each step of refining the weapon, as well as the various heat conditions. This is a skill that not all monks have.

Although all the Chengdan monks present were aware of all of this, when faced with a secret manual for refining and imitating spiritual treasures, there were still many monks willing to bid. Shortly after the old man surnamed Dai finished speaking, a series of bids were heard on the scene:

"I bid 550,000 spiritual stones."

"Five hundred and seventy thousand spiritual stones."

"I bid 600,000 spiritual stones."

In just a moment, this fragment of the God Emperor's Seal had already reached a sky-high price of 1.1 million spiritual stones.

This price, not to mention the Chengdan monks who participated in the fair, was also greatly surprised by the old man named Dai on the high platform.

In general treasure auctions, only those spiritual herbs, weapon refining materials, or ancient treasures that are extremely valuable in themselves are likely to see prices increase so quickly. But this was just a incomplete weapon refining secret book, and it was so fast that everyone present was shocked.

When the price of this fragment jumped to such a high price, the bidding voices became sparse.

Faced with such a high price, even the monks who were interested in purchasing this fragment couldn't help but hesitate. More than one million spiritual stones are enough to buy several powerful ancient treasures. If you buy elixirs that enhance the cultivation of elixir monks, you can buy a bottle of spiritual elixirs.

Spending so many spiritual stones to acquire such a weapon-refining secret book that was of almost no use seemed to be more than worth the gain.

Qin Fengming watched with cold eyes. He had already discovered that the three or four people still bidding at this time were all monks wearing sect costumes. It can be seen from the clothes they wear that they are monks from Jingyun Sect, Julimen Sect, Yujian Sect and Baifeng Mountain respectively.

It seems that these four people are entrusted by their sect and are bound to get this fragment into their hands.

Until this moment, Qin Fengming had not said a word to bid. Facing the four sects, Qin Fengming knew it and started bidding, but it had little effect. If you want to win this fragment, you cannot use the regular bidding price and increase it little by little.

This kind of saying is like filling the fire with kerosene, which will inevitably make the price of this fragment higher and higher. By the end, everyone will be so excited that they can’t stop.

Seeing that there were not many people left to bid, Qin Fengming knew that if he didn't take action now, he would undoubtedly offend a larger sect if he took action when there was only one sect left.

At this time, when the four people were in a stalemate, the price was suddenly raised. Although the four people were extremely uncomfortable, the original anger towards the other three people had not diminished, but the anger that was transferred to Qin Fengming was not there. How many.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengming raised his voice for the first time:

"One and a half million spirit stones."

As the 1.5 million spirit stones were exported, the expressions of the nearly 10,000 Chengdan monks in the Palace of Fortune and Longevity immediately changed, and gasps of cold air could be heard everywhere in the hall.

Such a price is already three times the original low price of the fragment of the Divine Emperor's Seal.

Treasures that can achieve such a high multiple of bidding are very rare, let alone among Chengdan monks, even in the trading fairs of those wealthy Huaying monks.

Qin Fengming dared to risk offending several monks at the peak of Chengdan Peak because he knew that absolutely no one in the Green Snake Valley would dare to blatantly attack him. As long as there is a slight dispute between the monks, the trade fair guarding monks will appear immediately. Even if the Transformation Infant cultivator comes in person, it is very possible.

As Qin Fengming announced the price, the scene was silent for a long time. It turned out that the people from the four sects who were competing for the price also kept silent.

Faced with such a high price, which already exceeded their sect's original budget, these four people were unable to decide whether to continue bidding. Therefore, after hearing this, the four of them were filled with thoughts and found it difficult to speak in time. Some even started urgent negotiations with the monks next to them.

After hearing this, the face of the old man surnamed Dai became more and more rosy, and his whole old face suddenly became full of joy.

Even the organizer of their Green Snake Valley Trade Fair never expected that someone could command such a high price for this fragment of a secret book for refining a replica of the God Emperor's Seal. They originally estimated that this fragment could fetch 12.3 million spirit stones, which was already an extremely high price.

"One million and a half million spirit stones."

Just when everyone was silent, one of the four people who made the final bid spoke again.

"One million and eighty million spiritual stones."

Following the man's words, a more crisp bidding sound sounded.

Qin Fengming used a secret technique to make his voice dissociate when he made his bid. Although he was on the second floor at this time, the bidding sound seemed to be coming from the lobby on the first floor.

As Qin Fengming bid again, the monks in the hall on the first floor turned to look, trying to follow the voice to find out who had such courage.

But to everyone's disappointment, although the sound was very clear and clear, when everyone looked for it, they found that the sound seemed to be coming from everywhere in the first-floor hall and did not have a fixed place. By this time, everyone knew that the person making the bid was very low-key and did not want others to know his identity.

The high price of 1.8 million spirit stones, not to mention the four sects, even the old man named Dai who presided over the transaction, was stunned on the spot.

With such a high price, even if the old man surnamed Dai once again presides over the transaction of this secret book, it is absolutely impossible to imagine that anyone would pay a high price of 1.8 million spirit stones to buy this slightly useless treasure refining fragment.

One by one, he glanced at the four sect monks who made the final bid. The old man surnamed Dai discovered that the four people named Price could only shake their heads at this time. With such a high price, they have lost any interest in bidding again.

"This secret book of refining the Divine Emperor's Seal belongs to the Taoist friend who made the last bid. Please go to the main hall and hand over the spirit stone and take this secret book."

After a while of burning incense, the old man named Dai spoke with excitement.

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