Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7324 Injured Mu Lingfeng

Latest website: "Mu Lingfeng, your young master has been waiting here to see where you are going to escape." Qin Fengming suddenly appeared with a shout. He did not take action, but his aura was surging, blocking the path of the escaping light.

Mu Lingfeng and Qin Fengming were not going to let him go. Even if the bear spirit didn't severely damage him, he still had to take action.

"Damn it, junior, you are looking for death!"

There was a loud roar, and a stream of crystal water spurted out.

The water flowed, and spiritual patterns that were almost integrated into each other shot through it. The water flow flew, the majestic energy surged, and in the flash of blue light, it transformed into a python as thick as a water tank. It opened its teeth and claws, and flew toward Qin Fengming.

The python's aura is thick, and its body is covered with a layer of palm-sized dragon scales, exuding a Mahayana aura. The blue light flashed, dazzling the eyes, and a terrifying aura surged that made people's hearts palpitate. Even if there was a mountain peak in front of it, it seemed that the python could pass through it and smash the rocks of the mountain.

This move was obviously Mu Lingfeng's powerful attack method.

Qin Fengming did not resist him at close range. He quickly dodged and at the same time, a large number of self-exploding crystals flew out, causing a sudden roar that echoed throughout the world.

Violent energy swept across, and the strong winds scattered and impacted. A radius of more than ten miles was immediately filled with violent explosions.

The two peaks within the scope of the explosion fell apart instantly under the sudden bombardment of the self-exploding crystals, and nearly half of the peaks disappeared.

Qin Fengming sensed the terror of the python's secret technique and threw twenty or thirty self-exploding crystals at once.

These crystal stone talisman formations were carefully refined by Qin Fengming, and they were aimed at Mahayana monks. They certainly could not kill Mahayana monks, and even serious damage could not be mentioned, but there was definitely a threat.

Just such consumption made Qin Fengming feel heartbroken.

However, Qin Fengming did not hesitate at this moment. He wanted to confirm Mu Lingfeng's condition at this moment, so he had to blast away the energy around Mu Lingfeng.

Mu Lingfeng, as the most powerful Mahayana in the three realms of the human race at this time, made Qin Fengming feel pressured. In addition, without the help of Jun Yan, he no longer has much advantage in this ferocious beast continent, and he must know himself and his enemy.

"Hahaha... It turns out that the old man has been seriously injured. Let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant."

There was a roar, and amidst the raging energy of the rolling and colliding explosion, a burst of laughter that shook the void suddenly rang out between heaven and earth.

Qin Fengming saw a tragic scene. Mu Lingfeng, who still maintained the body of an ice rhinoceros, had not much fur on his body at this moment. One of his hind legs was missing from the buttocks and was torn apart by something. Moreover, there was a very deep scar on his abdomen, a section of intestine meat was exposed outside the body, the neck was also bloody and bloody, and the two strong horns on his head were also broken.

What a miserable picture this is, Qin Fengming cannot imagine it. He really didn't know what kind of attack and killing Mu Lingfeng had just gone through, and how he could end up in such a miserable state.

The roaring sound just now must have been caused by Mu Lingfeng and the Mahayana bear spirit. Mu Lingfeng was in such a miserable scene, but he didn't know what happened to the Mahayana bear spirit.

"If you want to escape, you couldn't before, and now it's even more impossible in this state. I'll give you a way to survive. Immediately swear the oath of the Star Ancestor and recognize Qin as your master. Otherwise, Qin won't mind killing a Three Realm Domain member today. The Mahayana."

Qin Fengming was suspended in the air, his aura surging around his body, the red and blue sword pointed in front of him, and his whole body exuded a stern aura.

Facing Mahayana Mu Lingfeng, Qin Fengming at this moment is more like a Mahayana who is at the top of the three realms.

Bing Xi's whole body was broken, and even now, blood was still flowing from his body. He was too seriously injured in the previous fight.

Mu Lingfeng's heart was bleeding at this moment.

Ever since he met Qin Fengming this time, he thought he could manipulate this Xuan-level monk at will, but he didn't expect that he would actually fall into the opponent's plan.

I don’t know what kind of methods the other party used to control the Mahayana bear spirit to explode with unimaginable power. He had no choice but to fight head-on with the bear spirit.

Mu Lingfeng saw the yellow mist and felt the horror in it, but he really couldn't figure out the specifics of the yellow mist. He just knew that the mist that turned into a short blade had a lot of power to harass him. If he was enveloped by the yellow mist, he might become like the Mahayana bear spirit, without any intelligence and only know how to kill. In the end, He couldn't control the energy in his body and self-destructed his body.

Thinking of the yellow mist, Mu Lingfeng felt cold all over his body. If the dagger condensed with yellow mist had attacked him secretly, he would have fallen by now.

Although he didn't know the specifics of the yellow mist, he was sure that the mist was a strange thing that was specifically targeted at monsters.

"Is there the rumored spiritual creature of heaven and earth around you that can control thousands of monsters?" Suddenly, Mu Lingfeng's eyes suddenly showed shock, and he exclaimed.

Although questions came out of his mouth, Mu Lingfeng suddenly felt certain in his heart.

Only the kind of thing that exists in rumors can make a Mahayana ferocious beast lose its nature and be completely dominated by ferocious madness with just a strange mist.

The ice rhinoceros transformed by Mu Lingfeng showed a pair of big copper bell eyes with a look of fear.

He is a Mahayana being and can be said to be well-informed. Although the kind of heaven and earth spiritual beings that exist in the classics have never appeared in the Three Realms, everyone is convinced that they are real and not fabricated.

It's not sure what kind of spiritual creature from heaven and earth is around Qin Fengming, but Mu Lingfeng is almost certain that it must be related to that kind of existence and legendary spiritual creature.

"If you want to know Qin's methods, just restrain your hands and swear the Star Ancestor Oath, otherwise you will become a fool." Qin Fengming pointed the sword blade at the ice rhinoceros in his hand, and the mana surged in his body. He already had the means to kill Mu Lingfeng. meaning.

But at this time, he was no longer in a hurry to take action. The ice rhino's blood was now gurgling, and it was obvious that Mu Lingfeng could not stop the bleeding just by trying to stop it.

Especially among the severed limbs and cracked flesh, Qin Fengming could sense a strange energy aura raging inside. In Mu Lingfeng's current state, it was impossible to eliminate and resolve that strange energy aura in a short time.

"Damn it, this junior bullied me and seriously injured me. Even if I break my body, it won't be difficult to kill you." A terrifying aura surged from Bingxi's body, and a violent roar resounded throughout the world.

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin. Don't tell me that you are seriously injured at this moment. Even if you are in your prime, Qin will not be afraid. I will surrender completely."

Qin Fengming sneered, and as he spoke, balls of chaotic aura shot out, and instantly three Chaos Spiritual Treasures with chaotic aura appeared in mid-air.

The roar of the beast suddenly sounded, and five ancient ferocious beasts jumped into the void. The ferocious ferocious beasts were filled with the aura of chaos, and waves of terrifying power that seemed to come from the wild surged towards the ice rhinoceros.

At the same time, a long purple sword was suspended in the air, and the same aura of chaos surged. On the other side, there is a huge purple-black seal that looks like a hill.

Three chaotic objects suddenly appeared, and Bing Xi, who was frantically condensing the energy of heaven and earth, suddenly revealed his eyes in shock. When he suddenly saw three Chaos Spiritual Treasures, even Mu Lingfeng, who was in the Mahayana realm, couldn't help but be shaken.

Although Chaos Spiritual Treasures may not be valued by Mahayana, the quantity is not available to everyone in the Three Realms of Immortal Cultivation. Even in super sects, not everyone has a Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

But now, UU reads www. Qin Fengming sacrificed three pieces at once, and they were famous Chaos Spiritual Treasures in the world of immortality. How could this not frighten Mu Lingfeng?

But soon, he noticed that two of the Chaos Spiritual Treasures were different. They were acquired Spiritual Treasures and lacked the aura of the ancient world.

Although they were not the real Chaos Spirit Treasures handed down from ancient times in the Spirit Treasure List, they still shocked Mu Lingfeng's heart. The chaos energy wrapped around the square seal and the five ferocious beasts was too majestic. Even compared to the Chaos Spiritual Treasures with purple light shining at the top, the richness of the chaos aura was not far behind.

The strangeness in his heart lasted only for a moment, and Bingxi's sharply changing eyes became determined again, and he shouted loudly: "Junior thinks that a few Chaos Spiritual Treasures can protect you. You underestimate me."

At the sound of the sound, a majestic dense fog of divine soul energy suddenly surged out from Bing Xi's huge incomplete body. In an instant, the heaven and earth roared loudly.

Qin Fengming suddenly became alert, and green light flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, Qin Fengming's face suddenly changed color, the hairs on his body stood up, and an unparalleled sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart.

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