Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7304 Seal the enemy


The Thunder Soul Bead contains the thunder and lightning of the Heavenly Tribulation, which has the power of purification and destruction. The thunder and lightning of the heavenly tribulation have a more effective effect on corroding the spirit body, and the two are naturally incompatible.

When the energy of the soul encounters the power of thunder and lightning, even when the wormwood cotton wool encounters the flames, it will be burned up in an instant.

Three thunder soul beads that were comparable to the thunder and lightning of the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation were detonated, and the destructive power displayed was something that even the Mahayana in its heyday would definitely not want to be contaminated by, let alone the fact that Holy Ancestor Luo Zhe was only a spirit body at this moment.

Suddenly seeing the roar of thunder and lightning in the sky, and the intertwining of terrifying arcs, the spirit of Saint Luo Zhe suddenly screamed like a mouse seeing a cat, and quickly retreated away.

"Thunder Soul Beads that are comparable to the power of thunder and lightning in the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation? How could Qin Fengming have one, and throw three of them out at once?" Someone from the crowd watching the battle in the distance exclaimed, full of surprise and suspicion.

Everyone is well-informed. Although not everyone can refine the Thunder Soul Pearl, they all know the conditions for refining the Thunder Soul Pearl. It requires the blessing of the thunder and lightning energy of the Heavenly Tribulation and a large number of spirits of the corresponding level. .

Although the Mahayana people are convinced that the spirits used in the refining of these three thunder soul beads are definitely not Mahayana spirits, they must be in the late stage and peak of the Xuan level, otherwise they would not be so powerful.

In addition, not to mention how difficult it is to refine it, but it is not something that anyone can do easily if you are distracted by other things while going through a catastrophe comparable to the Mahayana.

Qin Fengming was just a cultivator at the top of the Xuan level, and there was no way he could experience a catastrophe comparable to the Mahayana. And this kind of Thunder Soul Pearl, which is comparable to the power of the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation, even if it is refined by the Mahayana, is generally not given out easily, and three of them are given out at once.

The sky shook with roars and explosions, and terrifying thunder and lightning that could collapse mountains raged. The strange sound waves emitted by the soul drum touched the violent thunder and lightning energy, and were immediately swept away like smoke meeting a hurricane, and disappeared invisible.

A roar resounded, and the soul drum suddenly exploded. A ball of terrifying explosive soul energy surged, resisting the explosive energy of three thunder soul beads.

Saint Luo Zhe simply abandoned the soul drum and let it self-destruct.

It was precisely because of the explosive impact caused by the self-destruction of the terrifying soul drum that the spirit of Saint Luo Zhe avoided the thunder and lightning of the Thunder Soul Pearl and retreated quickly.

"Damn it, I actually have three terrifying Thunder Soul Beads, junior. But your Thunder Soul Beads can't kill me. There is no external thing to rely on below. Let's see how you can resist my divine soul attack."

Luo Zhe's Saint Ancestor Spirit's face was livid, his eyes were fierce, he looked at Qin Fengming's spirit in the distance, and shouted loudly.

At this moment, the spirit of the Holy Ancestor Luo Zhe was extremely angry. The soul drum was obtained from an ancient powerful cave hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is a true upper realm object. With that soul treasure, he had severely injured several powerful men of the same level.

Now, this soul treasure that Saint Ancestor Luo Zhe regarded as his trump card was actually destroyed by a Xuan-level monk from the spiritual world. This made him angry and unable to suppress it, and his heart was filled with the intention of killing Qin Fengming.

"It's not that Qin's Thunder Soul Pearl is weak and can't hit you hard, but Qin didn't detonate it at close range, so he showed mercy. Since you don't appreciate it, I will let you completely stop fighting with the power of the soul. .”

Qin Fengming looked coldly at the spirit of the Holy Ancestor Luo Zhe and said calmly.

He spoke calmly and indifferently, as if he was preaching to a low-level disciple, and he did not take the threatening words of a Mahayana spirit into his eyes at all.

Everyone in the distance was turned to stone, unable to discern the authenticity of what Qin Fengming said, but these words really shocked everyone.

A Xuan-level monk actually said such words to a Mahayana man. This was the first time in everyone's consciousness.

Even Gengjian stopped showing contempt at this moment.

Faced with the terrifying scene of thunder and lightning that occurred when the three Thunder Soul Beads self-destructed just now, what Qin Fengming said was really not a lie. If it were detonated nearby, Luo Zhe's spirit would be involved in the energy of the explosion, and it would not be impossible for his spirit to be severely injured.

The spirit of Saint Luo Zhe snorted coldly and did not retort. Instead, his body flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

In the void more than a hundred feet away from Qin Fengming's spirit, a ball of divine soul energy suddenly appeared. Wrapped in the energy was a slightly illusory figure that flashed rapidly, which was the spirit of Saint Ancestor Luo Zhe.

At the same time that the spiritual body of Holy Ancestor Luo Zhe suddenly appeared, densely packed skeletons suddenly appeared. It was obvious that the rapidly flashing body was performing some kind of mysterious soul magic, rapidly releasing skeleton bodies.

The skeletons are not tall, only three or four feet tall. Each skeleton has black bones and holds two ghostly, sharp and shining blades in its hands. As its hands dance, the whole body is covered by a ball of sharp ice. The cold air enveloped him, leaving cracks in the void wherever he passed.

These skeletons were obviously formed by condensation of divine soul energy, and carried terrifying cutting power. Dozens and hundreds of skeletons were fired, and dark holes suddenly appeared in the void, which looked terrifying and frightening.

The ear-piercing whistling resounded, and skeletons flew towards Qin Fengming like arrows one after another. The hurricane of terrifying souls swept through, the mountains shook, and gravel flew away.

Everyone can see that although the small skeletons are condensed soul energy, the attack power contained in them is not much worse than the real Mahayana attack.

Their numbers number in the hundreds, and the terrifying power displayed by them makes even the top Xuan-level monks tremble with fear. Even Shi Pan, who is extremely confident in his defense power, suddenly sees the densely packed skeletons flying towards him, and his back feels cold.

Not only Shi Pan, but also several other Mahayana people also frowned and tensed their minds.

Everyone could clearly see that although these skeletons did not have the power of law, they were solid and tough, probably harder than fine iron. Even if everyone used their soul treasures to attack, they might not be able to break them into pieces with one blow. .

Wei Lin frowned, wondering what method Qin Fengming could use to resist this kind of soul attack that combined power and quantity.

Pu Wen and Yun Xi also looked solemn suddenly, sensing the powerful attack of Saint Luo Zhe's soul.

Mu Yancheng and Gengjian suddenly showed excitement on their faces. Although they did not speak, they were obviously sure that with just one blow, the battle would end and the winner would be determined.

However, the scene that everyone saw afterwards was once again beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw skeletons dancing with double knives in their hands, carrying terrifying power as they passed by. Qin Fengming's spirit was suspended above the vast soul mist, and he seemed to have lost all reaction and did not make any movement.

In just an instant, hundreds of skeletons drowned Qin Fengming's spiritual body.

"No, it's a soul clone!"

Suddenly, with the exclamation of the spirit of Saint Luo Zhe resounding, the body of Qin Fengming's spirit, which was submerged by skeletons, was like cotton wool being chopped by a sharp blade, instantly shattered into thousands of strands, and then wrapped in the sharp breath of the terrifying sharp blade. , and then disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Everyone was stunned, no one saw when Qin Fengming's solid soul body was replaced.

The spirit of the Holy Ancestor Luo Zhe was very close to Qin Fengming, and he didn't notice anything strange even under the locked situation. This situation was really beyond everyone's imagination.

Just as Saint Ancestor Luo Zhe's spirit screamed, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air next to his spirit body.

A mental message that made Saint Luo Zhe's soul fly away, and also entered his soul mind at the same time: "I have been waiting for you to get close. If you come, then I will explain it here."

Following this divine soul transmission, a wave of drowsiness suddenly swept over the spirit of Saint Ancestor Luo Zhe.

Spirit patterns flashed out, like intertwined cyan ropes, appearing densely around the soul of Saint Luo Zhe. The dense soul energy around Saint Luo Zhe's spirit was immediately isolated at the moment the blue spirit patterns appeared.

The spirit patterns appeared rapidly, and in just a matter of breaths, a radius of tens of feet was covered by the cyan spirit patterns.

Qin Fengming did not attack the spirit of Saint Luo Zhe. UU Reading only used thousands of divine soul patterns to seal his spirit body.

It's not that Qin Fengming can't kill the spirit of the Holy Ancestor Luo Zhe, it's just that he can't.

If there was no one around in the wild land and there was such an opportunity, Qin Fengming would use all his methods without hesitation to kill Saint Luo Zhe completely. But now there are more than a dozen people watching the game, so he must keep a low profile.

"Is this the end? Saint Luo Zhe was attacked without even exerting his full strength." Gengjian sighed, his face full of disappointment.

It can be seen that the skeleton attack from the spirit of Saint Luo Zhe was extremely terrifying, but the opponent did not resist it at all. He just used a split soul to deceive the terrifying attack, then suddenly approached him, and then sealed it with a strange spiritual pattern. A Mahayana spirit is trapped.

It doesn't take much for everyone to know that those spirit patterns must have the ability to trap souls, and if they are detonated, they will definitely be terrifying.

"I lost. It turns out that you were a split soul that merged with the soul energy to confront me from the beginning. Your true body has been waiting for me to get close. These spirit patterns were all prepared by you in advance. I If you are too confident, you won't lose unjustly." Saint Ancestor Luo Zhe's spirit was suspended in the spiritual pattern, his expression recovered, and he spoke with a lonely expression.

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