Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7230 Sangtai’s shock

【Hundred Refiners Ascension Record】 【】

The huge wave of soul energy surged and impacted, and Qin Fengming's soul body was like a rootless duckweed, suddenly being surged into the distance by violent energy.

In an instant, Qin Fengming lost sight of the Thunder Soul Tower and the terrifying blue mist.

The soul energy was powerfully circulated, and spiritual patterns flashed out, wrapping Qin Fengming's soul body in it. The spiritual patterns were coiled, like countless spiritual snakes surging, and the violent energy was finally resisted by Qin Fengming.

However, Qin Fengming's spirit did not stop and continued to fly towards the distance.

It was too dangerous here, which gave him a strong feeling of death.

In a short period of time, a large amount of energy in Qin Fengming's soul was swept away by the waves surging from those giant eyes. If the Thunder Soul Tower hadn't suddenly erupted with terrifying thunder and lightning to strike him, Qin Fengming felt that his spirit body would have been killed within a few breaths.

Qin Fengming's figure escaped quickly, and his mind was racing at the same time. What made him speechless was that the Thunder Soul Tower did not respond at all.

"No, the Thunder Soul Tower wasn't protecting me just now. It was just targeting the terrifying aura released by the liquid mass."

Suddenly, Qin Fengming shouted in surprise, his eyes flashed, and his heart surged.

Carefully recalling the situation just now, the pair of giant eyes emitted terrifying beams of light to envelope Qin Fengming's spirit, and then lightning flashes appeared from the Thunder Soul Tower, scattering the two beams of light. Then two giant eyes appeared, causing terrifying fluctuations. The Thunder Soul Tower exploded with all its strength at the same time, resisting the fluctuations.

All this seems to be because Qin Fengming's spirit was attacked, but actually, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't look like it. Thunder Soul Tower had been confronting the liquid group before, and they were constantly attacking each other. His appearance on the spot only caused the liquid group to react and attack him.

The Thunder Soul Tower has been fighting with the liquid mass. Any fluctuations in the liquid mass will cause the Thunder Soul Tower to react.

What made Qin Fengming feel speechless the most at this moment was that he was unable to control the Thunder Soul Tower at this moment.

Although he could still feel a close connection with the Thunder Soul Tower in his mind, he had a feeling that there seemed to be a strange aura blocking him from the Thunder Soul Tower. No matter how he urged it, the Thunder Soul Tower that was originally connected to his mind did not respond. .

The Thunder Soul Tower is an ancient treasure, not a soul treasure refined by Qin Fengming. It has powerful power, so it was chosen by Qin Fengming as a nurturing object to stabilize the sea of ​​consciousness.

Later, in the Broken Bone Realm, the Thunder Soul Tower once displayed its power and collected a large amount of thunder and lightning energy from the Heavenly Tribulation, which greatly surprised Qin Fengming. But it was just a surprise, and I did not delve too deeply into it, nor did I carefully examine why the Thunder Soul Tower could be so effective in the raging thunder and lightning.

Soul treasures are actually most feared by lightning strikes. As soul treasures driven by pure divine soul energy, when thunder and lightning are raging, they are like wormwood touching fire. They are two existences that are naturally incompatible.

However, the Thunder Soul Tower can actually collect massive amounts of lightning energy in the Thunder Soul Sea in the Bone Broken Realm. This has to be said to be very strange.

"Could it be that the Thunder Soul Tower is not what it looks like on the surface? It has deeper roots?"

Qin Fengming's mind flashed, and suddenly an idea appeared in his mind, which made him feel worried and no longer happy.

If Thunder Soul Tower has unknown secrets, it would be good or bad for Qin Fengming. It would be fine if there were just some shocking secrets hidden in it, but if there were any weapon spirits or spiritual intelligences, something might happen, and it might be possible to seize his body.

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【Hundred Refiners Ascension Record】 【】

Now the Thunder Soul Tower is independently confronting the weird Holy Soul of the First Lord. If the Holy Soul of the First Lord wins and the Thunder Soul Tower is shattered, it will be absolutely fatal to Qin Fengming.

Without the Thunder Soul Pagoda to stabilize the sea of ​​consciousness and the sea of ​​pills, his sea of ​​consciousness might collapse, and his physical body would definitely not be preserved.

If the Thunder Soul Tower defeats the Holy Soul of the First Lord, then Qin Fengming will also have no idea whether it will be good or bad.

Qin Fengming felt chills all over his body when he thought of those terrifying giant eyes and the sight of being surrounded by the beam without any resistance. That is swallowing, which will completely integrate Qin Fengming's soul and body into the Holy Soul of the First Lord.

Before coming here, Qin Fengming thought that he was already very powerful. Even if he faced the top Mahayana in the Three Realms, he was not too afraid. Even if he couldn't fight him, he would naturally have the means to escape.

But now, he felt so helpless.

In front of the holy soul of the First Lord with two eyes, his soul seemed to have lost all means, unable to resist, and allowed to be slaughtered.

He didn't dare to step forward now. Although he was immune to the huge thunder and lightning energy released by the Thunder Soul Tower, even the aura fluctuations of the strange Holy Soul of the First Lord could strip away and swallow up a large amount of Qin Fengming's soul energy.

At this moment, Qin Fengming felt very powerless. This feeling that his life was in the hands of others made Qin Fengming crazy, but he was powerless.

This forced Qin Fengming to examine himself. He still underestimated the world of immortality.

Since he entered the ranks of monks, although he has experienced as many dangers as anyone else, faced life and death dangers many times, and even stepped into the gate of hell several times, he has rarely encountered something that he could not save at all with his own strength. situation.

Now, Qin Fengming is facing this situation.

Facing that mass of the Holy Soul of the First Lord, even if the breath of the Holy Soul of the First Lord is released, it can easily imprison his spiritual body, unable to produce even a trace of resistance.

At this moment, Qin Fengming suddenly understood what the true Holy Soul of the First Lord was. It was the supreme terrifying existence that any spirit in the world must kneel down for. Even a strange beast like the Golden Bite cannot resist it.

At the same time, it also made Qin Fengming deeply aware that there were many unknown and terrifying existences in the world of immortality that he had never seen before and had no means to fight against.

This greatly increased his awe for the world of immortality.

"Rumble~~~" A series of dull roars came from the distant mist. The mist shook, the wind suddenly rose, and a terrifying aura that made Qin Fengming's soul feel suffocated swept over, making him feel frightened. , whole body is cold.

The cold breath had no effect on Qin Fengming's soul, but a strange fluctuation contained in it made Qin Fengming's soul body feel like it was being cut by thousands of sharp invisible blades, and strands of soul energy were being stripped away.

Qin Fengming's scalp was numb and his heart was horrified.

The fight in the distance has obviously reached a fever pitch. Even though they are so far away, they are still affected by the fight.

Qin Fengming did not dare to stay, and quickly fled further away. Where exactly this place is, he has not fully understood until now.

If this is his sea of ​​consciousness, it stands to reason that he should be able to find the energy of the vast sea of ​​consciousness, but until this moment, he still has not sensed it at all.

If it weren't for the Consciousness Sea, how could the Thunder Soul Tower appear and take the initiative to fight against the Holy Soul of the First Lord?

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【Hundred Refiners Ascension Record】 【】

"Hey, there is a strong divine soul aura in that direction. Is that the sea of ​​consciousness?" Suddenly, Qin Fengming's spirit was shocked, and he sensed the familiar fluctuations of divine soul energy.

The soul in that direction fluctuated strongly, as if the sea of ​​consciousness was vibrating violently, exuding a strong aura of soul energy.

Qin Fengming was overjoyed. The most important thing for him now was to find the sea of ​​consciousness. Because only with the help of the majestic soul energy of the sea of ​​consciousness, he could cast a spell and try to summon a big killer weapon. As long as that big killer weapon appeared, he would be sure to deal with the Holy Soul of the First Lord.

Soon, Qin Fengming appeared in front of a vast sea of ​​souls.

However, looking at the vast and rough sea ahead, Qin Fengming was stunned for a moment.

The divine soul energy in front is as thick as the sea, vast and majestic. It is the sea of ​​divine soul energy that Qin Fengming has practiced for two thousand years.

However, the surface of the stirring soul energy sea at this moment was also shrouded in a thick blue mist. Originally, Qin Fengming's mind only needed to move slightly to activate the sea of ​​consciousness. But at this time, no matter how much his mind stirred, the sea of ​​consciousness remained calm, as if there was an impenetrable barrier between him and the ocean of energy, blocking the connection.

Suddenly, the rippling sea surface suddenly surged with waves, and the green mist that covered the Soul Sea suddenly retreated rapidly under the impact of a sudden energy aura, and a figure suddenly rushed out of the Soul Sea.

"Sangtai! You are here." Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly brightened.

What suddenly appeared in front of him was the spirit of Sangtai, a demon cultivator who was staying in Qin Fengming's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is this the aura of the Holy Soul of the First Lord, or the aura of the Holy Soul of the First Lord that has been integrated into the prototype of a spiritual embryo? How did you provoke such a terrifying thing? It is impossible to fight against it with the means of the monks of the three realms. Your sea of ​​consciousness, I am afraid that my body will be taken away by the holy soul of the First Lord and become the place where it is conceived and reborn."

Sangtai's face was extremely ugly, and he rushed to Qin Fengming, his eyes showing fear and he spoke urgently.

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