Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7225 The Land of Wind Nest


After hearing Jun Yan's words, Qin Fengming's expression was shocked, his eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "In this case, let's go thousands of miles further to see if we can really find the Wind Blood Crystal."

Qin Fengming still had a backup plan, so he wasn't too worried about mana consumption. Without hesitation, the decision was made immediately.

Half an hour later, an increasingly clear dull roar and roar, accompanied by the roar of a hurricane, filled Qin Fengming's ears, making him nervous.

Here, Qin Fengming could no longer fly away. He used all his magic power in his body, grasped the Wenhuan Beast Armor with one hand, and quickly used the blessing of the mysterious spirit pattern with the other hand, and ran forward with his legs.

The hurricane in the sky is really terrifying, like countless giant hammers hammering, and there is a huge space twisting spiral force raging. If he didn't hear the beast armor, Qin Fengming believed that even if he ran in the ravines on the ground, he would be torn apart by the roaring hurricane. Split body.

The thunder became clearer and clearer, giving Qin Fengming a feeling that he was about to enter the thunder.

"Right ahead, I feel the strong aura of wind spirit." Jun Yan's message made Qin Fengming's heart beat.

Spiritual exploration is not allowed here, but Qin Fengming is not worried about how to find the Wind Blood Crystal. As a spirit body of heaven and earth, Jun Yan is sensitive to various spiritual objects of heaven and earth. As long as he is close to the wind blood crystal area, Jun Yan will sense it.

This is also the reason why you can't drive the realm-breaking boat to search. The realm-breaking boat has protective restrictions, and Jun Yan cannot sense the outside atmosphere through the restrictions.

Hundreds of miles later, amidst the rumbling thunder, the front suddenly became empty, and the hurricane that was originally filled in front suddenly disappeared, as if the sky and earth in front were protected by a huge wall, directly shielding the hurricane.

Looking around, Qin Fengming suddenly discovered a deep cliff dozens of miles away.

Looking carefully, he suddenly realized that there was not a restricted protective shield in front of him, but a terrifying hurricane under the cliff soaring into the sky, forming a vacuum-like area near the edge of the cliff, without the hurricane.

Rushing into that area, Qin Fengming suddenly felt light all over his body.

The hurricane impact that originally seemed to be hit by huge waves disappeared, and the spiral twisting power disappeared. However, the ice cold here seemed to be even worse than that in the hurricane, and the artistic conception of the law of wind was even more intense, just hiding under the smell. Under the wolf's armor, the feeling is still strong.

However, the aura of the law of ice and wind did not pose a fatal threat to Qin Fengming.

A huge roar like the collapse of the world resounded in the sky, and waves of strange roars filled the world, making Qin Fengming's mind agitate.

After stabilizing his mind, Qin Fengming stepped carefully towards the cliff in the distance.

Here the body can fly freely,

The gaze can be extremely far away and there is no way to block it. Soon, he reached the edge of the cliff, and Qin Fengming looked down.

If he didn't look at it, Qin Fengming couldn't help but his mind was roaring and his heart was pounding and trembling.

The cliff ahead is so deep that you can't see the bottom at a glance. But as far as the eye can see, the void below the cliff is filled with thick tornado hurricanes that stretch across the sky.

Looking up, the void above the cliff is obscured by thick gray-black majestic clouds. The thick clouds are rolling, and heart-shaking thunder rumbles in them.

And beneath the rolling thick clouds, there are huge tornado hurricanes swinging and rotating in the void.

The formation of a tornado hurricane is very simple, because the vitality energy in the void clouds is strongly agitated, forming an energy thunderstorm, which consumes energy crazily, and ultimately forms a terrifying scene of convection and impact of energy from heaven and earth.

The thunderstorm in the void stirs up, and the vitality energy is consumed wildly, and the abundant energy below will be injected madly upward, forming a huge wind column that violently rotates upward and has terrifying tearing power.

From a distance, it looks like a huge dragon holding up the sky, with its head and tail touching the sky and the earth.

Now, what Qin Fengming saw was that there were countless thick tornadoes and hurricanes in the void below the cliff, raging across the sky and the earth, like giant dragons straightening up from the cliff below and sinking directly into the clouds above.

Thick clouds rolled turbulently, and vast sea-like energy shrouded the surroundings, forming terrifying hurricanes that impacted all around. At the same time, the vast area on the edge of the cliff formed a stable field. Without hurricanes, it seemed very strange and mysterious.

At this moment, Qin Fengming understood that the reason why hurricanes roared all year round in this Yinfeng Canyon was because this was a place filled with tornadoes and hurricanes.

Looking at the huge tornado below the cliff, Qin Fengming was horrified. He was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the terrifying rotating force in the tornado. Even if he heard about the wild beast armor, he felt unsafe. Maybe if he fell into it, the beast armor would be separated by the power of rotation in the tornado, and his body would be shattered in it.

Looking at the rolling clouds high in the sky, Qin Fengming was horrified. There must be a reason why there was a strong conflict of vitality energy in that area, but Qin Fengming understood that with his current methods, it was impossible to enter the clouds to explore.

The aura of the spirit here is strong, which is obviously inconsistent with the aura of the wind spirit, which indeed confirms Jun Yan's judgment.

"Haha...hahaha...there really is a wind blood crystal here."

Jun Yan's figure flashed and appeared next to Qin Fengming. A burst of surprise laughter covered the thunder in the air and rang in Qin Fengming's ears.

Following Jun Yan's gaze, Qin Fengming searched carefully. Soon, in a rapidly rotating tornado closest to the edge of the cliff, there was a fist-sized red substance flying rapidly around the center of the vortex in the huge vortex. escape.

"You said that red thing is the Wind Blood Crystal? But how can the Wind Blood Crystal be in the tornado nest and still remain intact? Isn't the Wind Blood Crystal extremely hard?"

Qin Fengming frowned slightly, looking at the red object in the large amount of rubble in the tornado hurricane with doubts in his heart.

"I don't know the details of the formation of the wind blood crystal, but there is a rumor in my mind that the wind blood crystal is a kind of blood crystal substance formed after the death of a powerful being and enveloped by the special law of wind. I don't know the details. If the rumor is true , which means that there was once an extremely powerful being who died here, and his blood energy could not be dissipated, and finally formed this rumored heaven-defying thing."

Jun Yan's eyes sparkled and his eyes were fiery.

Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly brightened. What Jun Yan knew about the formation of the Wind Blood Crystal made his heart skip a beat. A powerful existence must not be the Mahayana in the Three Realms. It should be an existence comparable to a true immortal or a Taoist king. , otherwise how could Qi and blood survive forever under the influence of the laws of heaven and earth?

The law of heaven and earth is a powerful and terrifying spiritual pattern of law and order. It is the original energy that forms the world. All things in the world are covered by the spiritual pattern of law and order, and it is the purest source of all energy. It's just that the energy of the law is not manifested. Only when the realm reaches a certain height can it be sensed.

In the manifested laws of heaven and earth, any energy object will be eroded and destroyed, or it will be assimilated by the power of the laws, and the physical body's energy and blood will naturally not be retained.

And the blood energy that can be preserved must be strange, not something Qin Fengming can recognize.

However, Qin Fengming understood that this level of physical body was definitely a treasure. Maybe the physical bones contain innate spiritual patterns, like the dragon bone Qin Fengming once obtained.

Qin Fengming's eyes shone brightly, and his face was full of expectation.

"Boy, don't be happy. If you want to get the Wind Blood Crystal in that tornado hurricane, it will be an extremely difficult thing to accomplish." Jun Yan looked at the hurricane vortex, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

Qin Fengming also looked stagnant. This was a difficulty. At this moment, he did not dare to enter the terrifying tornado hurricane.

If you can't enter, you can't get it.

"If someone else comes here, even if they are descended from the Miluo Realm, they will definitely not be able to enter the tornado hurricane ahead to get the Wind Blood Crystal, but you might actually be able to get it." Suddenly, Jun Yan's tone became firm, His eyes flashed brightly.

"Can I get it? I wonder how I can get into the terrifying tornado hurricane?" Qin Fengming was surprised and frowned.

"There is something on you that should not be disturbed by the hurricane, and with the help of the Wearing Wolf Beast Armor and the Taotie Qiankun Gui, you are very likely to get closer to the hurricane. Whether it is possible, you can only know if you take the risk and try." Jun Yan's eyes darkened, The words suddenly became less certain.

"You mean to use the Green Crystal Star Divine Sand!" Qin Fengming's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of something.

"Exactly! It's the green crystal star sacred sand. That sacred sand is not afraid of the laws of heaven and earth, and naturally it is not afraid of the hurricane here. As long as you can get closer, you might have a chance to get the wind blood crystal in the hurricane vortex. "Jun Yan nodded.

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