Inside this tall cave, near an edge, there is a huge stone platform one foot high. Hundreds of stone tables are placed under the tall stone platform. There are two stone chairs placed next to each stone table.

At this time, there were already more than a hundred monks sitting in the hall, and monks were entering the cave one after another. None of the gorgeous girls I saw before were missing.

What shocked Qin Fengming was that there were many caves on the stone wall opposite the tall stone platform. Outside these caves, there are colorful lights lingering, and one can tell at a glance that there are powerful restrictions on them.

In several of the caves, several vague figures appeared. From the vague spiritual pressure emanating from those vague figures, Qin Fengming was convinced that based on the vague figures, they were undoubtedly old monsters in the infant stage.

Although Qin Fengming has not participated in several trade fairs, he knows from past experience that attracting the Infant Transformation Monk to come here to participate in the trade fair means that there will definitely be extremely precious treasures to be auctioned at this Locust Alliance Treasure Fair. .

Qin Fengming sat in this cave for half an hour. Although there were nearly three hundred monks in the cave at this time, the entire cave was extremely quiet.

"Seniors and colleagues, I, Li Shuqing, am the host of this trade fair of our Flying Locust Alliance. Today is the day when the trade fair of our Flying Locust Alliance starts every three years. I represent the Flying Locust Alliance, Everyone is welcome.”

Just when Qin Fengming was meditating with his eyes slightly closed, an extremely graceful and soft voice came from the front. Although the sound was not loud, everyone present could hear it clearly.

Following the voice, Qin Fengming saw ten monks standing behind a wooden table on the tall stone platform ahead.

The four people in front were one woman and three men, but the woman among them was extremely gorgeous. He was wearing gorgeous clothes, his face was lightly powdered, and his charming charm was clearly revealed between his every frown and smile. Not very old, around thirty years old.

The three male cultivators are quite old, with old faces and white hair. Although they are old, their eyes are shining, and there is a faint pressure.

Looking at the cultivation of these four people, they have all reached the late stage of becoming an elixir or even the peak state.

Following the words of this gorgeous woman, everyone present raised their heads and stared at the high platform in front of them.

"These are the three famous treasure appreciators of our Locust Alliance, namely Mr. Ji, Mr. Wei and Mr. Yan. The three elders have been dedicated to treasure appreciation for three hundred years. No matter what kind of treasure it is, after the three elders have appraised it, , there will definitely be no mistakes.”

Following the introduction of the gorgeous woman, the three wise elders stood up one after another and bowed their hands to everyone in the audience. Then he retreated and sat on the wooden chair next to him.

As the three old men stood up, monks from the audience kept shouting, and the three of them greeted each other. It seems that these three old men are old acquaintances with some monks below.

"This trade fair is a grand event held by our Locust Alliance every three years. It is also an honor for our Locust Alliance to be able to invite more than ten senior Huayings to attend this time."

Li Shuqing said, and bowed to the cave chambers on the stone walls of the cave again.

"Girl Li, you don't need to be so polite. We are here, but we are here for the treasure. You'd better proceed quickly."

As the beautiful female cultivator bowed, a deep voice came from one of the cave chambers. Listening to this voice, it seemed that the elder of the gorgeous female cultivator at the main material trade fair was familiar.

"Yes, Senior Yue, my niece will officially start the trade fair."

After bowing again, the gorgeous woman named Li waved her hand, and one of the six young women behind her stepped forward and placed a tray in her hand on the wooden table.

"I won't say much. This treasure fair is no different from other auctions. The highest bidder wins. However, there is a special situation, that is, fellow Taoists can also bring out their own treasures. Exchange it with the treasures provided by our Locust Alliance."

"As long as that fellow Taoist can provide me with the treasures requested by the Locust Alliance,

That will give priority to the treasures provided by our Locust Alliance. Regarding this point, I would also like to ask all colleagues who are coming to clarify this point. Except for this situation, it depends on who produces how many spiritual stones. "

"Of course, after all the treasures of our Flying Locust Alliance are exchanged, fellow Taoists can also take out their own treasures and exchange them on the stage, but this requires the three elders and Ji to screen them. Okay, here is my Flying Locust Alliance The first item to be traded. Fellow Taoists, please take a look."

At this time, Qin Fengming understood that the treasure trade fair organized by the Locust Alliance was not entirely for the spirit stones, but also because he really wanted to exchange for something he wanted.

Following the movements of the gorgeous woman named Li, a dazzling golden light was revealed in front of everyone.

Qin Fengming looked intently and saw a piece of golden material the size of a baby's fist placed on the tabletop on the tall stone platform in front of him.

As the gorgeous woman named Li held the material in her hands, the golden light became even brighter.

Meteorite, Qin Fengming couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the golden light ball in the hand of the gorgeous woman. Based on his years of studying weapon refining books, he recognized the material at a glance.

Although this piece of material cannot be compared with obsidian crystal, it is also an extremely rare weapon-refining material in the world of immortality. It is undoubtedly a precious material for refining metallic magic weapons. However, it will never be sold in the other leisure markets. The first item returned by the Locust Alliance was this rare item, but it shocked Qin Fengming.

"This piece of material is called meteorite. Many fellow Taoists must have known its name. This meteorite is the best choice for refining metallic magic weapons. As long as this material is added, it will become an ordinary magic weapon. It will definitely be able to exert the power of the top magic weapon."

As soon as the beautiful woman finished her introduction, a burst of sighs suddenly sounded in the huge cave.

"The Locust Alliance actually trades such precious weapon refining materials. This seems to be extremely rare in previous trade fairs."

"It seems that the Three Realms War is approaching, and the elders in the Locust Alliance are also trying their best to accumulate strength, otherwise they will never exchange this rare thing."

"What Fellow Daoist Wang said is true. Hey, if my natal magic weapon is a metal object, I will definitely get this material at any cost."

As everyone talked, the cave became much more lively than before.

Looking at the meteorite in the hand of the beautiful woman in front of him, although Qin Fengming's heart was extremely trembling, he had no intention of redeeming it.

Its natal magic weapon, Xuanwei Qingyan Sword, originally has two attributes: water and fire. Although metal is also one of them, it is not important. The materials on his body already meet his needs.

"Haha, fellow Taoists, this meteorite is priced at a low price of 100,000 spiritual stones. However, if that Taoist friend has Xiwu Stone and Blue Yue Stone, he will be able to exchange for this material first."

As the beautiful woman named Li spoke again, the discussion at the scene became even more intense.

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