Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7107: Understanding the Stone Tablet

"Hey, brother Qing Cang, who is the young man sitting with fellow Taoist Gu Yichen over there? It seems that he fell into samadhi without even trying." A voice transmission entered Qing Cang's ears.

Turning his head to look, Qingcang's eyes were slightly startled.

Qin Fengming, who was sitting in a wooden chair at this moment, crossed his hands in a meditative posture, and had actually entered into a deep understanding.

What was going on? Qing Cang and Mu Lingfeng were both very surprised.

Many late Xuan-level and peak monks in the three realms of the human race have realized that the fastest time for anyone to enter this stone tablet is several hours. Even if they were Mahayana people, the first time they explored it, it took even the shortest person an hour.

This is not because everyone is timid or has poor means, but because everyone is unable to stabilize their minds when faced with Wu Guang's strange situation that imprisons and pulls their consciousness. They cannot stabilize their consciousness when their consciousness is disturbed. Consciousness keeps folding.

In an unknown situation, who would dare to release their spiritual consciousness with all their strength without even trying, and let it pull them away?

"Brother Mu has been in seclusion and has never seen this young man. He is the most famous Qin Danjun in Miguang Island at the moment. He made a big gamble in the Danhuang Pavilion of the True Ghost Realm, and this time he challenged a first-class fight in the Douji Workshop. For the skill question, I got a large amount of magical materials that are almost extinct in the world of immortality from the Douji Workshop. It is also the owner behind our Wanbao Palace's gambling this time. "

Qing Cang secretly sent a message and explained in detail.

Mu Lingfeng's eyes flashed and he looked at Qin Fengming carefully without saying anything more.

Time slowly passed, and the faces of the hundreds of Mahayana here began to change. Some frowned, some were obviously tough, and some looked very painful, as if they were suffering from some severe pain.

Slowly, some people became quiet and fell into concentration.

Until three hours later, except for a few monks who had not yet advanced to the Mahayana, all the Mahayana in the three realms had entered concentration, and their spiritual consciousness was integrated into the black light of the stone tablet.

What that black light is, no one still knows clearly.

Everyone just wants to know where their spiritual consciousness can detect, and they want to pursue the end of the black light and see what is in the depths of the black light.

Qing Cang and Mu Lingfeng have both experienced it before and know everyone's condition.

As for what this stone tablet is, Qingcang and the others cannot tell, but they can touch it with their hands. It is a hard stone tablet.

There are lines on it, but you can't see it with your eyes, nor can you use your spiritual consciousness to see the whole picture.

The three realms of the human race are not without their gains. Once there was a monk at the top of the Xuan level who sensed that there was a land of violent winds in the black light. The terrifying hurricanes in the sky were like wind dragons, spreading their teeth and claws, ravaging the world. The monk suddenly felt frightened, and his whole body was instantly covered in cold sweat.

The sinister scene made the monk suddenly wake up from his trance, his face extremely ugly.

He stabilized his emotions and said that he sensed an apocalyptic scene in the dark light. The world was overturned, all life was extinct, and a terrifying hurricane enveloped the world. He himself lost his magic power and became a mortal. It seemed that he was about to fall silent in that world that was destroyed everywhere. middle.

Everyone was shocked and didn't know why. No matter who tried after that, they never saw the scene that the monk mentioned.

However, Mu Lingfeng saw another scene. It was a dark void without any mountainous landforms. There were dark clouds everywhere, and there were terrifying blue lightning flashes like huge light dragons looming in it. Thunder shook the sky, and violent The lightning tore through the dense clouds and struck the ground, creating huge criss-crossing ravines.

Mu Lingfeng was equally frightened. He became defenseless. Without his magic power, his soul energy was imprisoned. He was frightened by the scene and woke up suddenly.

Although it was only a brief glimpse, Mu Lingfeng suddenly felt that there was something strange and strange in the dark clouds. Just thinking about it, he actually sensed the boiling blue lightning flashing in the dark clouds, like spiritual patterns. , which he could not erase from his mind for a long time.

It's a pity that he only tried this once. He tried countless times in the future and never entered that dark cloud again.

The Mahayana of the Three Realms wanted to thoroughly understand the details of this stone tablet, so they brought it to the Chaos Realm. Through this gambling in the Wanbao Palace, they gathered a large number of Mahayana of the Three Realms and made it public.

Mu Lingfeng looked at Qin Fengming who was in trance, and there were wisps of sharp light in his eyes.

"There are more than a hundred powerful people. I wonder how many of them can make discoveries?" Qing Cang's eyes showed expectancy, and he secretly chatted with Mu Lingfeng through voice messages.

Mu Lingfeng's expression was gloomy, and he scanned the monks present, focusing on everyone one by one, especially Patriarch Jiao Wei, Gu Yichen and others who were powerful and well-known in the Three Realms.

"I think it won't be more than ten fingers at most. That state is not about being powerful and being able to reach it with advanced cultivation. There is a certain secret in it and it requires some opportunities." After a while, Mu Lingfeng slowly transmitted the message.

One day, two days, three days...

"That Qin Danjun entered samadhi quickly and left quickly." Three days later, Mu Lingfeng suddenly called Qing Cang and looked at Qin Fengming who opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Qingcang glanced at Qin Fengming and saw that there was no other abnormality in his expression. He immediately understood in his heart that Qin Fengming did not see anything strange.

A few days later, another person opened his eyes and left the enlightenment.

Qing Cang and Mu Lingfeng opened their eyes and looked at the monk quickly. Both of them had disappointment in their eyes, and then they closed their eyes again.

The monk's expression was calm, there was nothing unusual about his expression, and he had obviously not experienced any special scenes.

After that, monks came out of trance one after another. Most of them had blank expressions and had not experienced any special circumstances.

Qing Cang and Mu Lingfeng knew that the length of time spent in and out of concentration was not a criterion for entering a special scene. Only those monks who were frightened by the scene and woke up with frightened expressions should have seen the strange scene contained in it and sensed it. Arrived special scene.

What those scenes mean is what Qing Cang and the two are most concerned about.

As the monks left and entered concentration one after another, everyone remained silent and looked at the black light stone tablet on the stone platform again, wanting to enter it again with their spiritual consciousness.

However, everyone was speechless. The black light of the stone tablet was still deep and surrounded by a thick wave of energy. However, no matter how everyone's consciousness touched the black light, the previous feeling of being captured and pulled by the black light no longer appeared.

Through spiritual exploration, everyone was able to touch the surface of the stone tablet and sense some lines carved on the wall.

The more everyone explored the stone tablet, the more they frowned, because no matter how they sensed the lines, they could not see the details clearly. They could only feel that the lines were intermittent and extremely messy.

Everyone was stunned. If they hadn't felt clearly that they had been captured by the black light before, they would have thought that the black light had no special effects.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Qing Cang and Mu Lingfeng were speechless.

What everyone in front of them is experiencing at this moment is exactly what they have sensed before. Although after trying to explore again, it is possible for the spiritual consciousness to enter the dark light cave again, but it will not be possible in a short time. It will take a long time before it is possible again. touch.

It is a normal situation to enter and leave the samadhi state in three to five days. There are very few people who are still immersed in it for more than seven days.

As the fifth and sixth days came, almost all the monks on the peak woke up from their trance. What surprised Qing Cang and Mu Lingfeng was that none of the powerful monks here had any special experiences.

Here, there are more than a hundred Mahayana figures in the Three Realms, many of whom are the top beings in the Three Realms.

It also includes powerful monks from outside the three realms such as Master Nirvana and Emperor Hanxiao.

"This stone tablet is somewhat special. Once you enter it once, it is extremely difficult to enter it again. I wonder if you fellow Taoists have understood anything?"

Looking at everyone present, Qing Cang still asked.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"It seems that although this stone tablet is strange and mysterious, it seems that if you want to easily get a glimpse of the opportunities within it, you will not be able to do it in a short time. If you are interested, you can go to the three realms of the spirit world and human race, and then you can study it again. That’s it for now. At this moment, the exchange meeting of Wanbaodian is over. We welcome everyone to come and support it next time. At the next exchange meeting, I, Wanbaodian, will bring out a volume of Immortal World. In addition to the powerful handbook, there is also a strange enlightenment stone in exchange. If you are interested in it, please appreciate it."

Qingcang glanced over everyone's faces, smiled slightly, and returned to his usual expression, thus ending the exchange meeting.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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