Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 7099: Uncover the treasure

As one of the famous fighting skills monks finished, Qin Fengming was the only one who was still fighting. The monks who were watching the ceremony in other palaces gathered in the hall where there was a scene of Qin Fengming's fighting skills.

And those monks who participated in the fighting skills, no matter whether they won or lost, came here to watch and wait for Qin Fengming's final fighting skills to end.

The hall was crowded, but very quiet. At this moment, a dozen monks suddenly appeared, which naturally surprised the already densely packed monks in the hall, and they all looked at the dozen monks who entered.

"Deputy Palace Master Gu! Fairy Moon Dew!"

"Senior Ji and Fairy Leng Yan!"

"Ah, is that fellow Taoist Mukui who has been missing for two to three hundred thousand years?"

In an instant, exclamations rang out one after another in the hall. The monks in the hall at this moment can be said to include all the monks of the same interface in the three realms. There were many well-informed people among the crowd, and there were even well-known Mahayana figures in the three realms. When they saw the monks entering, someone immediately recognized their identities.

Before participating in the Dou Ji, Qin Fengming specifically told everyone that there was no need to enter the Dou Ji workshop early, as long as the last three days arrived. Qin Fengming was worried that something would happen, so he invited everyone to come and suppress the situation.

Everyone naturally followed Qin Fengming's words, and it was not until the last three days that they walked out of their respective retreat rooms.

Among these people, there are naturally four fairies: Qing Yu, Yao Xi, Hui Mei and Fairy Qu Wen. However, the four fairies cover their faces and cannot be identified.

"Welcome everyone, now Qin Danjun's fighting skill challenge is coming to an end, and it will end in three days. But it may cost you a lot of money. Fellow Daoist Qin has no magic weapon to refine at all, so he seems to have given up."

Yin Zhao suddenly stepped out, clasped his fists at the people standing at the door of the hall, and spoke with excitement on his face.

Gu Yichen was surprised and his face became slightly solemn: "Has Mr. Qin Dan always been sitting cross-legged like this without any movement?"

The expressions of the others also changed slightly, and they were all puzzled.

"That's not true. Qin Danjun stopped moving for nearly a month and just sat cross-legged." Yin Zhao said, not thinking there was anything wrong with this.

To refine a magical weapon for a Xuan-level monk, Yin Zhao, as the head of the Douji Workshop, certainly knows that the refining process is not simple. Even if there are suitable materials, a large number of spiritual patterns must be incorporated during refining, and time is not available. It can be completed in one or twenty days.

Qin Fengming has been purifying and has not incorporated a large amount of spiritual patterns at all.

Anyone can see that he really did not refine the magic weapon and gave up.

"It turns out that Qin Danjun only stopped in the past month, so let's wait for Danjun to come out." Gu Yichen's expression relaxed and he returned to a calm state.

Everyone left the hall without saying a word and waited in another hall.

As everyone left, the originally quiet hall was no longer quiet. Most of the people had smiles on their faces and spoke one after another. There was only one topic, and that was that they could go to Wanbao Palace to receive a large compensation in three days.

In this Wanbaodian gambling game, the odds of Qin Fengming's failure in fighting were only 5 to 1, while the odds of winning were as high as 3 to 1.

Despite this, the monks were still enthusiastic about placing bets. More than 95% of the 100 monks were betting on Qin Fengming's failure in the challenge. Most of the monks believed that Qin Fengming would definitely not win, so everyone placed a huge bet.

This kind of gambling is destined to fail, and there are still powerful people who dare to set up a gambling. In the eyes of everyone, this is to bring benefits to everyone. For those who dare to gamble, it is a huge gamble in itself. There is no background, no foundation, and there is no way to support this kind of gamble.

Behind the Wanbao Palace is the Mahayana of the Three Realms of the Spiritual Realm, which can also be said to be dozens of first-class sects in the Three Realms of the Spiritual World. Therefore, all the monks believe it and are willing to place bets without worrying that the Wanbao Palace cannot pay the compensation.

As time passed, everyone's excitement grew higher and higher, waiting for the young man in the picture to open the door of the cave and teleport to everyone.

Finally the last day of fighting has arrived.

Qin Fengming seemed to have set a clock, and when the last day arrived, his eyes suddenly opened. The figure flew up and hovered in front of the huge weapon refining furnace.

During this month, although Qin Fengming did not move, the weapon refining furnace was constantly being burned by the flames.

As Qin Fengming cast several spells, the sixteen fire-bringing beasts that had been burning for a month finally stopped spewing scorching fire. The tall weapon-refining furnace was shiny with oil, and spiritual patterns radiated across the surface of the furnace wall. Thick energy fluctuations surrounded the furnace.

No one in the hall could sense the specific state of the furnace, but they could imagine that the energy in the furnace must be surging at the moment. If one thing goes wrong, it might explode.

High-level weapon refining furnaces are all sealed, isolating the blending of outside atmosphere, in order to seal various attribute energies during the refining process and prevent the loss of power. The refining spells and characteristic spiritual patterns can balance the violent energy in the refining furnace and seal all material attribute energy in the magic weapon.

The weapon refining furnace exploded because the energy inside could not be restrained and the weapon refining furnace itself was not strong enough.

The high-end and top-level refining furnace used by Qin Fengming at this moment naturally cannot explode easily.

Although everyone was not optimistic that Qin Fengming could refine the magic weapon, at this moment, all the monks watching the ceremony were speechless and stared closely at the weapon refining furnace, wanting to see what kind of item could be produced in the furnace.

As the flames disappeared, under the gaze of everyone, Qin Fengming suddenly began to point and move rapidly. As the shadow of his fingertips appeared, the dense spiritual patterns were like a raging torrent, covering the refining furnace crazily. .

In an instant, a dazzling multicolored glow suddenly appeared from the refining furnace. The glow was like a volcano erupting, and all the crystal murals were filled with the dazzling glow.

Everyone watching the ceremony in the hall shrank their eyes and quickly closed their eyes.

As everyone got used to the glow, they saw Qin Fengming in the glow, still rapidly drawing out the spiritual patterns with his hands. The spiritual patterns surged, making everyone feel terrifying.

Everyone knows that such a rapid spell to activate the spiritual patterns not only consumes a lot of energy, but also requires extremely high spiritual attainments on the monk's own part. As long as there is a mistake in the spiritual pattern, the violent energy in the refining furnace may be detonated, causing a furnace explosion.

For one hour, two hours, and six consecutive hours, Qin Fengming was frantically displaying the spirit patterns without any pause in between.

The crowd started to jeer and laugh, but gradually became silent.

Not to mention whether Qin Fengming's weapon refining was successful, just this skill of spiritual pattern was enough to silence all the monks present.

"The spirit patterns that Qin Danjun sacrificed seem to have both weapon-refining spirit patterns and formation spirit patterns. I am ashamed to be able to perfectly sacrifice so many spirit patterns without affecting each other." The old man surnamed Hong suddenly spoke with a full tone. It means admiration.

No one could help but admire them. There were no more than one or two hundred Mahayana people in the Three Realms present, and no one dared to say that when the furnace was finally opened for refining, they could perform such a magic on the refining furnace like Qin Fengming. Everyone understood that he wanted to integrate the spiritual patterns into the smelting materials in the refining furnace to form the real power of the magic weapon.

But this process must be carried out in the middle of refining the weapon. Because after the magic weapon is integrated into the spiritual pattern, it needs to be smelted with fierce flames in the refining furnace so that the energy of the rune pattern can be converged and completely integrated with the magic weapon.

If it is not smelted for a long time, even if the spirit pattern is integrated into the magic weapon, it will be difficult to say that the energy of the spirit pattern will be converged, and the power of the magic weapon will be completely controlled.

Everyone was shocked. Qin Fengming in the picture suddenly stopped his technique, and then with a finger, the huge furnace cover immediately levitated, and a violent burst of multi-colored rays of light suddenly rose from the mouth of the refining furnace. The energy was violent, reaching the top of the cave, covering a wide area. In the refining room, forbidden waves suddenly buzzed.

"The energy in the refining furnace is so terrifying. Didn't those spiritual patterns seal the energy in the furnace into the formed magic weapon?" The old man surnamed Hong exclaimed, his expression was extremely solemn, even more serious than when he was refining the weapon. Two points.

Ancestor Hongbo was obsessed with refining weapons, and the way to enlightenment was the way of smelting.

At this time, he had already guessed Qin Fengming's weapon refining situation. Although it was not complete, his understanding of weapon refining suddenly became enlightened. He was convinced that as long as he studied carefully in the future, his weapon refining skills would be improved. promote.

However, it seemed to be different from what he expected.

"Fortunately, the magic weapon did not break. The magic weapon must have taken shape." After a moment, the old man surnamed Hong's face relaxed, and the look on his face showed anticipation again.

"A treasure has come out of the furnace!" Several exclamations echoed in the hall at the same time.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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