This message was so shocking that it actually asked them to stuff the surrounding mountains into the huge hole in front of them. Such unbelievable words made everyone's faces change.

"There is a huge force of flight suppression in the deep cave space below. The three young masters are unable to leap out, so they can only use rocks to raise the bottom of the cave." Hexuan explained with a gloomy face.

Everyone suddenly understood, but their hearts were heavy again.

If Qin Fengming and Master Nirvana are unable to leap forward with their escape skills, then the suppressive power of the space below will be so huge. If the rock falls below, it will collapse. The number of rocks required to raise it makes everyone's hearts tremble.

But no one raised any objections, and they immediately took off and flew towards the peaks around the huge hole. Even Kong Quan and Xiaofeng were not left behind.

Logically speaking, monks at the early stage of Xuan level can break mountains, split rocks, and turn rivers upside down.

But it is definitely not easy for everyone to smash the mountain to pieces. Although there is no danger in this matter, the short-term loss of energy and mana energy makes everyone dare not take it lightly.

Earth-shaking roars followed, and violent fluctuations appeared everywhere within a radius of hundreds of miles. Magic weapons flew, secret techniques shone, and boulders measuring several feet or even dozens of feet flew into the huge holes from all directions. For a moment, the area was vast. There seemed to be a lot of momentum in the world.

And as the boulder sank into the huge hole, at the bottom of the cave of unknown depth, Qin Fengming and the other two turned into three rays of light, constantly flying and flashing in the void.

As the body flies and shoots, huge masses of energy emerge, with giant hands and ribbons flying, and they can often intercept the boulders falling like meteors from above, causing them to fall rapidly, and then fall to the ground. above the ground below.

The sound of clanging resounded, dust and gravel splashed, and the vast area in the underground space was once again obscured by the rising debris.

At this moment, the terrifying hurricane in the underground space has been greatly weakened, and the terrifying sharp energy in the biting wind is no longer fierce. However, huge boulders fell from above, and the terrifying power they carried, even if blocked by three people, could still cause the rubble in the underground space to sweep and splash.

After the power of the hurricane weakened, Qin Fengming and the others had already tried. After flying upward for a certain distance, there would be a terrifying huge force that suppressed the physical body. Even if Qin Fengming used all the strength of his physical body, he could not fly out of this underground place at all. space.

That suppressive force is not a restriction, it seems to be related to the flow of breath in the underground space here.

After thinking hard and planning, the three of them came up with this stupid method.

Let the people on the ground throw the surrounding rocks into the cave and slowly pile them up, hoping to raise the bottom.

Although this method seems slow and clumsy, it is undoubtedly symptomatic.

However, as time slowly passed, the three of them finally felt tired. Intercepting the falling boulder from above, even if it only weakens its falling momentum, is an extremely arduous task for the three of them.

Even though Qin Fengming's physical body was so powerful that he could ignore the consumption of mana, he gradually felt powerless.

Following the transmission of a message, He Xuan and others stopped performing spells.

The three of them sat cross-legged and began to restore their mana and energy. It was not until three days later that Qin Fengming opened his eyes. He raised his arm and two jade slips appeared in his hand.

After sketching on it, he sent it to Master Qingyu and Master Nirvana.

"There is a set of forbidden spirit patterns on the jade slips. It is not very effective, but it has great space power. As long as we deploy it in a large area, we should be able to block the falling boulders from above. However, this requires us to continue to deploy a large number and cover the vast area. area." Qin Fengming opened his mouth and explained.

Qin Fengming's method can be regarded as a shortcut, but although the hurricane here is no longer terrifying, it still exists, and the vitality energy here is lacking, so it is impossible to use the energy of heaven and earth to set up the magic circle. To arrange the spiritual pattern restriction, three people need to continue to support it with their own magic power.

The space spirit pattern restriction is undoubtedly the most energy-saving.

Qin Fengming was able to plan a set of forbidden spirit patterns in just three days, which greatly impressed Master Nirvana. This requires extremely high attainments in runes and formations.

This set of restrictions is not complicated, and the number of spiritual patterns used is only twenty or thirty, but what is mysterious is that the spiritual patterns can be wrapped on top-quality Yin stones. The spiritual patterns surge and a large amount of mist transpires.

Looking at the mist spreading in front of him in a radius of tens of feet and emitting a strong spatial aura, Qingyu's brows were full of excitement.

Qing Yu believed that her attainments in formations were not low, and she also had a lot of understanding of space spirit patterns. However, she thought she was not able to plan such a powerful combination of formations and spirit patterns in a short time.

However, Qin Fengming created such a spiritual pattern restriction in a short period of time, and it is also a kind of restriction that can be jointly performed by multiple people and can integrate many restrictions with each other. This in itself shows that Qin Fengming's control of the spiritual pattern has reached an extremely high level. level.

This restriction is simple and has a single effect, but Qing Yu understands that this kind of restriction array that can absorb the energy of the best Yin Stone can allow her to gain a lot of insights and greatly benefit her attainments in runes and formations.

Ten days later, the huge stone fell again, and Qin Fengming and the other two people, shrouded in the restrictive fog, became calm and calm.

Two and a half months later, a message appeared on Haek Hyun's message board.

As Hexuan's shouts and words rang out, everyone stopped, with obvious tired looks on their faces and eyes.

Although it was only seventy or eighty days, even if everyone was at peace and knew that there would be no danger, the continuous attempts to split the huge rocks on the mountain would be a huge loss to everyone.

Just when everyone stopped, three figures suddenly shot out from the dark hole.

"Senior Ji, everything is fine!" Kong Quan shouted, with joy on his face.

Kong Quan and Xiaofeng were now completely convinced that the strange beast that caused them so much suffering must have completely perished.

Without the threat of the ferocious beast, the boulder in their hearts finally disappeared.

"We finally left the underground space. This is not a good place. We'd better leave here quickly." Master Nirvana stopped in front of everyone and said immediately.

Everyone's hearts sank and their expressions changed slightly.

"Don't worry, everyone, that ferocious beast has been completely killed by Fellow Daoist Qin. However, the underground here has been hollowed out. If there is an accident, I am afraid there will be holes, accompanied by terrifying suction. Let's stay away from here first and then we can make sense." Nie Mie The Master spoke, Shu Xin and everyone said.

Without any further delay, everyone immediately flew away in the distance.

By this time, Qin Fengming had lost interest in looking for opportunities in the chaos and mist. He was convinced that he had already obtained the most incredible opportunity in this chaotic mist.

Bypassing this area is a choice that everyone is willing to make at this moment.

Although everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, they were still five to six hundred thousand miles away from the chaotic mist area before stopping in a dense forest.

Three days later, Qin Fengming opened his eyes.

Although the danger of falling into the abyss this time was not great, the energy required for everyone was no worse than fighting against a powerful being. Of course, the rewards will definitely make all monks happy.

"Fellow Taoists, Mr. Qin plans to stay here for a few years and try his best to refine the flesh and blood of the strange ferocious beasts. Mr. Qin has collected a lot of flesh and blood of ferocious beasts. You can find Mr. Qin if you need. But that substance does not seem to be The more you refine, the more beneficial it is, so just do what you can."

Qin Fengming stood up, and after everyone around him opened their eyes, he suddenly said.

Naturally, no one had any objection to Qin Fengming's words. Even Kong Quan and Xiaofeng showed surprise on their faces.

Without the threat of the ferocious beast, the two people's minds immediately became active. The flesh and blood of the ferocious beast undoubtedly contained great benefits. Since they could get it, how could they refuse it.

As everyone ingested the flesh and blood of the ferocious beast that had not yet been completely dissipated and fled away, Qin Fengming, He Xuan, and Qing Yu also found a place and began to retreat again.

Integrating chaotic matter into a magic weapon requires the blessing of special spiritual patterns, but refining the flesh and blood of ferocious beasts does not require suitable spiritual patterns at all. For everyone, this is definitely a heaven-defying opportunity.

Faced with such benefits, no matter how willing to miss it, everyone naturally goes all out in order to win the greatest opportunity.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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