In the world of chaos, that is a major event that Qin Fengming has been preparing for for thousands of years. It is also an extremely important thing that he must participate in.

He has been waiting for many years, but he did not expect to hear the news of the opening of the Chaos Realm at this moment.

Qin Fengming's mind roared, his chest suddenly surged, and his mind went blank for a moment.

"Are you serious? Has the Realm of Chaos really opened?" Fairy Yao Xi's delicate body trembled as she seemed unable to control herself for a moment.

She is more concerned about the Chaos Realm than Qin Fengming, because Fairy Yao Xi is trapped in the Chaos Realm.

"You know that the Chaos Realm has been opened. Is it possible that the Broken Soul Realm also has a passage to enter the Chaos Realm?" Qin Fengming suppressed the turbulence in his chest and asked.

"Of course there will be passages. The Broken Soul Realm is extremely vast. Although it is far less than the real ghost world, it can be said to be even better than the spirit world. There is no doubt that a few Chaos Orders will appear. ." The person who answered Qin Fengming was not the Mahayana ghost, but Fairy Yao Xi, who had the power to stabilize her mind.

When Qin Fengming heard these words, his heart suddenly became clear.

No wonder Fairy Yao Xi doesn’t want to fall out with the Mahayana ghosts. In such a vast Broken Soul World, there are really endless ghosts and ghosts. If there is a fight, the Mahayana ghosts will definitely summon countless ghosts and ghosts to come.

When the Order of Chaos appears in the Broken Soul Realm, ghosts and ghosts can naturally enter the Chaos Realm, but Qin Fengming doesn't know whether those ghosts and ghosts can physically change in the Chaos Realm.

Of course, this is not something Qin Fengming worries about. He shows that his heart is surging and he just wants to leave the Nether Soul Mountain Range and enter the world of chaos as soon as possible.

The rattling sound sounded, and he seemed much calmer and calmer.

"What? You want to exchange these items for 4.5 billion top-quality Yin stones? Humph, you really dare to ask for it." Suddenly, Fairy Yao Xi snorted coldly, and her expression suddenly showed a cold meaning.

This Mahayana ghost actually saw the eagerness of the three people when they heard about the opening of the Chaos Realm, and wanted to rip them off.

"Do you want to start a war? If you have evil intentions, Qin will directly destroy the top-grade Yin Stone on your body, and then it will be up to you how to get what you need." Qin Fengming's eyes also flashed with coldness, and he said in a deep voice.

Mahayana Ghost's expression was obviously stagnant, and he looked at Qin Fengming with a pair of fierce eyes full of hesitation.

It didn't expect that Qin Fengming's mind would be so smart, and it immediately took the initiative again.

"Three billion top grade Yin stones,

Exchange those items of yours, or you and I will go to war to see who laughs last. "Fairy Yao Xi shouted coldly, and then her hands suddenly pointed at the mountain below her.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound surged out from the mountain peak, and the violent energy of heaven and earth swirled rapidly. In an instant, a huge vortex formed on the top of the mountain peak, spreading rapidly, covering a vast area.

The dark mist surging around him quickly poured towards the huge vortex on the mountain peak.

In an instant, dozens or hundreds of horse training suddenly flew out from the mountain peaks wrapped in white mist. Hundreds of various huge magic weapons with condensed light shone in the criss-crossing, and the surroundings of the tall mountain peaks immediately appeared. Distorted lights and shadows like huge spider webs appeared.

Qin Fengming was surprised that the temple could absorb the corrosive mist surrounding it.

Also shocked was the Mahayana ghost. Suddenly seeing the powerful magic weapons that were slashing and slashing around the hundreds of feet tall mountain peak, the Mahayana ghost's eyes were stunned.

The power of those magic weapons may not be able to threaten Mahayana ghosts, but Xuan-level ghosts will definitely not be able to get close to the mountain.

The sound of rattling started again, and the aura of the Mahayana Ghost Soul was slightly restrained, conveying its good intentions.

However, Fairy Yao Xi remained unmoved and stared at the Mahayana Ghost with cold eyes, showing no intention of changing her words or giving in. The scene became depressing for a moment, and the atmosphere suddenly became dangerous.

The Mahayana ghost obviously wanted to take advantage of the situation, and he was sure that the three of them were eager to get out of the ghost mountain range. Who would have thought that the three of them would not give in at all, but instead aggressively lowered the price and wanted to fight.

The Mahayana ghost is really worried that the opponent will damage the top-grade Yin stone during the fight, so it really doesn't have much confidence to fight with all its strength.

"Don't think about the number of four billion. That was the previous value, and now it is three billion. If you agree, then make the deal, otherwise you and I will have a fight." Fairy Yao Xi sneered and insisted that she would not let go. .

A rattling sound was heard, and the Mahayana ghost became fierce. The ghosts and monsters roared all around, and the violent ghost mist surged and rolled, enveloping the tall mountain peaks like a vast ocean.

"Three and a half billion top grade Yin stones, if you don't want them, then let's fight." Qin Fengming said, waving several storage rings in his hand.

As the storage ring appeared, a violent energy immediately condensed in Qin Fengming's palm.

Seeing that Qin Fengming could destroy the storage ring in his hand at any time, the Mahayana Ghost stared at Qin Fengming, and his huge body became unstable.

It felt a little regretful, as it shouldn't have taken advantage of the three of them just now.

After a while, the Mahayana ghost finally agreed to the number of 3.5 billion.

Half an hour later, when the three of them stood on the mountain peak and flew away, Gao Dacheng's ghost still stopped at the spot. It did not feel lost, but the excitement in its eyes did not go away for a long time.

For countless years, countless spiritual beings in the Broken Soul World have wanted to cultivate the Hades Fruit, but it can be said that there are very few successful ones. The most difficult part is that they cannot find a large number of top-quality Yin Stones.

Many Mahayana ghosts not only failed, but in the end they got themselves involved, and their bodies collapsed and turned into a ghost existence without a body.

Even Mahayana ghosts will lose their own energy as long as they stay away from the exit of the Soul Broken Realm.

For the Mahayana Ghost Soul, it is not sure whether the 3.5 billion top-grade Yin Stones can make the Hades Fruit bear mature fruits. However, as long as the seeds can sprout and grow, it will be confident to find a large number of top-grade Yin Stones.

"Senior Fairy, what exactly is this Hades Liquid and how effective is it?" Qin Fengming felt relieved as he was far away from the army of ghosts and ghosts and asked.

"The Hades Liquid is an energy substance used by the Mahayana Wraiths of the Broken Soul Realm to nourish their own souls. You will know its specific effects if you drive slowly through the temple and I refine some of the Hades Liquid." Yao Xi The fairy looked happy and spoke with a hint of excitement.

After speaking her words, she immediately sat cross-legged on top of the mountain.

As a ball of white mist enveloped her, Fairy Yao Xi disappeared into it and disappeared.

Qin Fengming and He Xuan looked at each other, not knowing what the female cultivator meant by this move.

Two days later, as a group of soul waves dispersed and the mist surged, Fairy Yao Xi's separated body reappeared in front of Qin Fengming and He Xuan.

"The effect of the Hades Liquid is so powerful. In a short period of time, the fairy's spirit body has become so solid." Qin Fengming's eyes were filled with surprise as he looked at the female cultivator in front of him whose soul body was almost solidified.

Seeing the changes in the female cultivator's soul, Qin Fengming and He Xuan finally understood how powerful the Hades Liquid was, and why just that one ball was worth one or two billion of the best Yin Stone.

"The Underworld Liquid does not exist in the Three Realms at all. Even the low-level ghosts in the Broken Soul Realm will not have the Underworld Liquid. It can only be found in the Mahayana, and the Underworld Liquid guarantees the Mahayana Underworld." It is a guarantee that the soul and body will not collapse. If the Mahayana ghost leaves the Broken Soul Realm, it will be impossible to return to the Broken Soul Realm. And those Hades liquids are the Mahayana ghosts who have spent countless thousands of years gathering in the Broken Soul Realm. Yes, it is very rare to be able to hand over those. The Mahayana ghost that I met back then only offered two drops of the deal, how can it be compared to this time when I got half a bottle."

Fairy Yao Xi looked at her body, her plump and tender face showed a smile, and a bright and exuberant aura suddenly emerged from the cold and cold world around her.

Fairy Yao Xi took 20% of the Hades liquid, Hexun took 10%, and Qin Fengming took the rest.

At this moment, Qin Fengming thought that the amount of Hades Liquid in exchange for the best Yin Stone was too much. After witnessing Fairy Yao Xi's soul-divided state with his own eyes, he finally understood that the value of Hades Liquid was so high that it could not be measured by Yin Stone.

The Hades liquid not only contains pure soul energy, but also contains the majestic breath of life. If this Hades liquid had been in hand before, Lian Taiqing's soul would not have to look for a place with rich life breath. It would only need to refine some The Hades liquid must be able to solidify the soul.

Qin Fengming's heart pounded, and the surprise in his chest was hard to suppress.

"Let's leave the Wraith Mountains as soon as possible and find a passage to the Chaos Realm to enter it." Fairy Yao Xi's eyes were blazing and she said with a little excitement. After saying the words, she was about to return to the mountain.

"Fairy, don't go back to the temple yet. Qin has something to ask the fairy for advice." Qin Fengming's eyes flashed and he spoke hastily to stop him.

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