Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6678 Alarming the Real Ghost World

"Four Mahayana escaped from the mist, and one of them was covered in blood and seriously injured. How is this possible?"

In the secret cave in the big city of Danhuang Pavilion, Uncle Xia and others showed incredible expressions on their faces.

On the crystal wall in front of them, four figures appeared flying out of the mist. Although the faces of the four figures were obscured, from their exposed eyes, it was still possible to see how frightened the three of them were at this moment.

Not only were the four of them shocked, but the hearts of those monitored by Uncle Xia were also pounding.

In just two or three hours, four Mahayana men fled the mist-shrouded place in a hurry. What happened inside left everyone puzzled.

"Two commanders faintly heard four miserable howls at the edge of the mist." Suddenly, Cang Ju exclaimed while holding a message board.

Everyone was shocked again and looked at Cang Ju.

Everyone saw two lines of writing on the communication card in Cang Ju's hand.

"Withdraw the surrounding patrol teams. It seems that Master Qin has the ability to protect himself. We don't need to worry about it." Uncle Xia's eyes flashed, he thought for a while and then ordered in a deep voice.

Being able to kill or seriously injure four Mahayana warriors within two or three hours, such a record is shocking.

An accident involving three Mahayana men is definitely a major event in the world of immortality. It is bound to cause a chain reaction, possibly triggering a great shock in a vast area and causing the death of countless monks.

But Mr. Xia Shudan was calm at this time and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

For several days, the white mist area was calm and no other monks entered or exited it.

But as time slowly approached the period for Danjun's assessment, everyone in Xia Shudanjun became anxious. At the beginning, Qin Fengming said that he would definitely return before the assessment day, but now there is only one day left before the assessment. The surroundings of the white mist are silent, and not a single figure appears at all.

Xia Shudanjun's heart was fluctuating, but the entire Danhuang Pavilion, as well as the six branches of the Danhuang Pavilion and the Danhuang Pavilion City of the True Ghost Realm, were in a lively scene.

Countless monks flocked to various markets to participate in this time's Dan Jun Master's assessment of gambling on alchemy.

Everyone was attracted because what happened on Yunli Island was reported earlier, and they learned that a monk successfully challenged the test question that the two talented masters failed to complete back then.

If Qin Fengming knew about the handicap offered by various markets,

You will definitely be confused.

Because except for the main city of Danhuang Pavilion on Beisong Island, other subordinate cities did not open the market according to Qin Fengming's wishes. They just made a handicap on whether he could pass the assessment.

Moreover, the handicap for Qin Fengming to pass the assessment is very low, paying one for one.

Compared with the usual five-for-one and seven-for-one, this can be said to be too low. But even if the odds are so low, and there are rumors about Yunli Island, there are still not many monks betting on Qin Fengming to win.

This is not surprising, because no one has successfully challenged the real ghost world for two thousand years.

Even those extremely talented alchemy masters have already suffered at least two or three times. And everyone even heard that the deadline for challenging Dan Jun this time is only four months.

Anyone with a little foundation in alchemy will know the time required to refine a Mahayana elixir. Even for a familiar elixir, four months is still very tight, let alone a refining plan that is not an elixir.

In the entire real ghost world, it can be said that less than 20% of the monks bet on Qin Fengming to win, and more people still bet on him to lose.

If Qin Fengming wins, Danhuang Pavilion will be able to reap trillions of top-quality Yin Stone wealth just this time.

No wonder Danhuang Pavilion didn't open the market in accordance with Qin Fengming's wishes. Naturally, they couldn't give up such an opportunity to make money.

Of course, it is not that no one bets that Qin Fengming will win. In the Immortal Cultivation World of Jiuxu Mountain, there are many monks betting that Qin Fengming will win, and the bets and the number of people are large.

In addition to Jiuxu Mountain, there are several places where people are betting that Qin Fengming will win.

In a body of water, a very beautiful girl with bright eyes and white teeth was looking at the sky. She had just come out of seclusion and was adjusting her state of mind and preparing to break through to the mysterious realm.

"Report to the commander, let the subordinates find out the name of the commander's brother!"

The girl was wandering outside, when suddenly two figures flew from a distance, landed on the mountain peak, then bowed and saluted, and said.

These two monks are female monks, older than the girls, and very beautiful in appearance.

"Tell me, what news did you get?" The girl suddenly woke up and asked urgently.

"Now in Danhuang Pavilion on Beisong Island, there is a Danzong master with the same name as the leader brother who wants to challenge Danjun's assessment. Now there are rumors about this in all Danhuanggefang cities, and the Danzong master is not far away from Beisong Island. On the distant Yunli Island, I once successfully challenged the alchemy question that the two Danjun masters failed to complete. Now everyone in the city is placing bets. The prosperity is unprecedented. I don’t know how many monks went there. It is far better than any previous Danjun assessment. "

A female cultivator spoke up and explained in detail.

"Beisong Island is too far away from here. Even if we go with all our strength, I'm afraid it will take several years. If we really rush there, my brother will have left long ago." The girl frowned slightly and murmured.

"Bet, you say bet? Well, my brother is very accomplished in alchemy. I think that person is my brother. Although we can't meet each other now, I can place a bet to give my brother a strong reputation."

The girl's face was full of joy, her clear and bright eyes blinked, like stars in the night sky, flashing with sparkling light.

"The commander is so amazing and talented. I really don't know what kind of genius the commander's brother will be. I really want to meet the commander's brother." The two female cultivators suddenly showed their nymphomaniac looks, their eyes twinkling with brilliance.

"Of course my brother will be very extraordinary, otherwise he would be my brother. But you don't have to think about it, my brother is a family man." The girl said coquettishly, but her face was full of joy.

An hour later, a major event suddenly occurred in Danhuanggefang City that shocked thousands of monks in the city. A monk actually bet eight billion of the best Yin Stone on the success of Master Qin's challenge.

As soon as this incident came out, it immediately swept around like a storm. An hour later, monks tens of millions of miles away were all preaching about this heaven-defying bet.

At the same time, in another place countless millions of miles away from the girl, a female cultivator suddenly opened her eyes from a voice transmission.

This female cultivator is extremely beautiful, with a smooth face, white teeth, and beautiful eyes. She is dressed in white and looks like a fairy from the Moon Palace. The really bright wrists are covered with frost and snow, and the lotus flowers are ashamed of their beautiful faces.

"Ping'er, come in." The female cultivator paused for a moment, then opened her red lips and called softly.

The palace door opened, and a female cultivator who looked like a maid walked in quickly from outside the palace.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. The monk named 'Qin Fengming' whom Your Majesty is looking for has found his whereabouts. He is currently in the Danhuang Pavilion on Beisong Island." The maid entered the palace and immediately bowed in greeting.

"We really have information about him. Why did I feel something? It seems that the boy has made great progress in cultivation and has really come to the real ghost world. But what is he doing in Danhuang Pavilion? The Danhuang Pavilion will be held in half a year. At this time, doesn’t he also want to get a few pills that can enter the realm of chaos?”

The beautiful female cultivator's eyes flashed slightly and she said in doubt.

"Replying to the Lord, that person is not asking for elixirs, but refining them. Now all the cities and towns are placing bets, and that person wants to challenge the Alchemy Master for the assessment." The maid replied.

"Alchemy? Well, I heard that he once worshiped five masters in Manghuang Mountain and dabbled in all kinds of miscellaneous arts in the world of immortality. It seems that alchemy is not weak anymore. I wonder what his handicap is?" The beautiful female cultivator Wei Wei It was a flash of thought, and he suddenly thought of something, and then asked.

"You pay one for one, which is definitely the lowest among all the times that Dan Sect has challenged Dan Lord. In addition, something happened not long ago, that is, the monk surnamed Qin once challenged the competition between Hailian Dan Lord and Hongzhen Dan Lord. Dou, no one has completed an alchemy problem, and finally refined the finished elixir. I heard that the Danhuang Pavilion lost more than 100 billion of the best Yin stones. And this time to challenge the Danjun assessment, the monk surnamed Qin once asserted , he wants to make a bet with all the monks in the real ghost world, betting one billion high-quality Yin stones. If he cannot successfully refine the elixir and fails the Alchemy Lord's assessment, then he will give one billion high-quality Yin stones to every monk who participates in the bet. It’s just that this kind of gambling is only available on Beisong Island, and other cities don’t have this kind of market.”

The information the maid received was very detailed and she reported it all.

This statement made the female cultivator's beautiful face immediately appear a little surprised. How could that boy have such a superb alchemy at such a young age.

However, when she thought of the many encounters and fights in the lower world, and the scheming and methods shown by the seemingly young young people, the beautiful female cultivator suddenly showed a faint smile.

"Since that kid dares to bet, let's make a bet with him. You go to Fangshi and bet tens of billions of top-quality Yin stones, and bet that kid will win."

Soon, a storm suddenly broke out in the world of immortal cultivation where the female cultivator was located, sweeping across a vast area.

At the same time, the same thing was happening in the other three locations in the real ghost world...

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