These Chengdan monks are all arrogant people. After advancing to the peak of Chengdan, they are only half a step away from transforming into an infant. They can already be regarded as gods on land.

No one could bear to hear such provocative words from the other party at this time.

This spiritual fruit can be said to have been discovered by both Fanyin Temple and Qingming Sect at the same time. Everyone can see at a glance that this spiritual fruit is extremely precious.

If there are only two spiritual fruits on it, then there will be no fight between the two parties, and they will definitely divide them equally.

Unfortunately, there are five spiritual fruits growing on top of this spiritual fruit. If one party gets it, everyone will definitely get one. In such a matter, it is difficult for the two parties to reach an agreement, so under this , the fight between the Fanyin Temple and the Qingming Sect started.

At this time, there was actually another wave of monks who wanted to compete for this spiritual fruit. The eight people from Fanyin Temple and Qingming Sect were very reluctant. A big battle was inevitable.

"Hmph, is it possible that our Qingming Sect is still afraid of your Heisha Island? We can just let our horses come over and die,"

An old man from the Qingming Sect did not wait for the old man surnamed Zhai to speak. When he heard what the people from Heisha Island said, he immediately became angry and spoke first. Following his words, he moved forward and left. The spiritual fruit was dozens of feet away,

At the same time, the old man surnamed Zhai secretly communicated with the leading monk of Fanyin Temple.

"Master Tianming, the first thing at this time is that we and the other two parties need to work together to defeat the people on Heisha Island in front of us. I don't know what Master thinks,"

"Amitabha, the words of Almsgiver Zhai are also what the old monk thinks. As long as we defeat the people in front of us, the old monk guarantees that our Fanyin Temple will only take two of the spiritual fruits. , but the remaining three all belong to four fellow Taoists, "

Suddenly hearing what the old monk in front of him said, the old man surnamed Zhai of the Qingming Sect couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Since the old monk Tianming has sworn in the name of Fanyin Temple, what he said will definitely not be false. If it is true as Tianming said, he will get three spiritual fruits, then he will definitely get one by himself. A spiritual fruit without a doubt,

But he is also an old and cunning person. With his spiritual thoughts, he immediately understood the wishful thinking of Tianming Thief Tudu. If he agreed to Tulu's words at this time, he would definitely have to use his strength in the subsequent battle against the people of Heisha Island.

Regarding this point, the old man surnamed Zhai would not take it on his own. After thinking about it for a moment, he transmitted the message again:

"Hmph, Master, you and I are both discerning people. Don't let the dogs pounce on the water thieves when they cross the river. The seven people in front of us are people from Heisha Island. We can only defeat them if we try our best, otherwise we will definitely... The result is a loss of both human and financial resources,”

"Amitabha, what donor Zhai said is true, how about we take action together and use our strength in numbers to dispatch the people on the opposite side as quickly as possible,"

Monk Tianming is also a decisive person. Although he initially intended to use the four Qingming Sect members as cannon fodder, he also knows that the seven people in front of him are not easy to mess with. If he is not careful, he may kill the old man. I am in danger of losing my life here,

"Okay, as the master said, we will take action immediately and we will definitely kill all seven people on the opposite side."

After reaching an agreement with everyone in Fanyin Temple, the old man surnamed Cui did not wait for his junior brother and the other party to take action, but suddenly shouted: "Hmph, you are too arrogant on Heisha Island. You dare to do this and want to snatch it from me and others." This spiritual thing, no matter what, let’s have a battle to see what’s so strange about your Heisha Island.”

After saying this, he whispered to the three junior brothers beside him twice, then swayed, walked thirty feet away, waved his hand, and a magic weapon disappeared from the black light that was more than ten feet away. Then he slashed towards a monk from Heisha Island who was locked with his spiritual consciousness.

The other three Qingming Sect monks stopped answering and activated their magic weapons one after another to attack a person from Heisha Island. The other three monks from Fanyin Temple, under the signal of the old monk Tianming, also took control. Each magic weapon flew forward,

When the old man surnamed Wang from Heisha Island saw the two monks who were fighting endlessly just now, they united together in the blink of an eye. He smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and didn't mind at all.

The seven of them, after entering the Tianyan Mountain Range, relied on their powerful secret skills to kill several waves of monks, including a team of more than ten people.

Although the old man surnamed Wang knew in his heart that after the Demon Art was cast, there would be some residual symptoms for him, but as long as he retreated to a safe place and meditated for more than a month, he would naturally recover as before.

Facing the rare spiritual grass in the distance, it only took a month. The old man surnamed Wang naturally thought it was a great deal.

At this time, seeing the other party coming together to attack, the old man surnamed Wang from Heisha Island did not show the slightest hint of timidity on his face. He gave a low command, and the seven people swung around and intercepted one of the other party.

Suddenly, within a few miles of this place, huge banging sounds were heard one after another, and huge energy fluctuations were like surging sea water, rushing in all directions. Even where Qin Fengming was standing, he suddenly felt The shape shook for a while, and the spiritual power in the body suddenly stabilized.

Facing the people on Heisha Island, whether it was the four people from Qingming Sect or a few people from Fanyin Temple, they all knew in their hearts that the people on the opposite side could not be defeated by ordinary means, so as soon as everyone came into contact with the people from Heisha Island , they all began to use their own powerful methods, trying to kill each other in front of them in one fell swoop.

At this time, the person the old man surnamed Zhai was facing was a monk at the peak of Chengdan on Heisha Island.

As soon as the two sides met, the old man surnamed Zhai opened his mouth, and an object wrapped in red light flew out of his mouth. This was undoubtedly the natal magic weapon that the old man surnamed Cui had been practicing in his body for hundreds of years.

With the flash of red light, a skull as tall as a house appeared in front of the old man named Zhai.

As soon as this huge skull appeared, seven streams of dark red smelly gas spewed out from the huge seven orifices of the skull. This dark red gas filled the air extremely quickly, covering an area of ​​40 to 50 feet in radius in an instant. in it,

"Quack quack"

Following a terrifying scream, the huge skull quickly flew towards the monk from Heisha Island opposite.

As soon as he saw the other party fighting, he sacrificed his own treasure. The monk from Heisha Island standing opposite did not dare to neglect. He opened his mouth and sacrificed his own treasure. In a flash, A huge ring shining with black light appeared above his head, and in a flash, it slashed towards the huge skull flying forward.

There is no doubt that this natal thing of the Black Devil Island monk is also an evil thing.


A huge roaring sound that resounded throughout the world came from the collision between the two. The two monks at the peak of Chengdan were shocked at the collision. This time the collision seemed to be evenly matched. Who was it? I didn't get anything good,

At this moment, the other six pairs of monks each used their own magic weapons and fought with each other.

The cultivation level of everyone is basically between the same. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to kill each other in an instant.

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