"You can't be wrong, this must be the place of Bingfu Crystal Palace."

As soon as Qin Fengming stopped on the iceberg peak, Weng Mi's words already rang in his ears. The tone of his voice sounded excited and full of joy.

Regarding Diyuan, everyone was sure that there would be many precious cultivation materials here, but no one went to look for those materials along the way. Because the purpose of everyone's trip is the Bingfu Crystal Palace.

Now that the Bingfu Crystal Palace is right in front of them, it is impossible for everyone not to be excited.

Even Qin Fengming's eyes flashed when he heard this, and his heart was filled with anticipation.

"Little friend Qin, this place is not easy, be careful." Just as Qin Fengming's eyes flashed towards the mist ahead, a voice came into his ears.

The one who conveyed the message was naturally the Holy Ancestor of Haiyi.

Qin Fengming was startled. He didn't know what the Haiyi Saint Ancestor who arrived here first found here.

With his eyes flashing, Qin Fengming did not ask about the Hai Yi Saint Ancestor. Because he can be sure that the Haiyi Saint Ancestor may have just sensed something strange, and may not be able to tell the details.

"The fog here must contain restrictions. Fellow Daoist Weng, Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist A, and Fellow Daoist B are all proficient in formations. I wonder how to break this restriction in the fog?"

Seeing Qin Fengming arriving, Li Jitong glanced at everyone and suddenly said.

It seems that Li Jitong has already made some inquiries and found out some facts about the monks present.

Qin Fengming did not speak, but looked at the mist ahead with a slight frown. The Red Demon Ancestor also kept silent with a solemn expression.

The two Xuan-level experts who were named also looked solemn, their eyes scanning the fog in front of them, and no one was in a hurry to express any opinions.

"If you want to know what the restrictions are like here, you can know something by attacking them." Qin Fengming and everyone were speechless, but the words of Shen Tu beside him suddenly sounded on the spot.

Upon hearing Shen Tu's words, Qin Fengming immediately dodged and shot away into the distance.

Just when Qin Fengming made the move, other monks also flickered and moved away from where Shen Tu stood.

Everyone is a well-informed person, and of course they know that the way of restriction is mysterious and difficult to explain, and any situation may occur. Although attacking the ban is a means of testing the ban, it may also be enveloped by the aura of the ban.

Shen Tu was not disturbed by everyone's rapid dodging. After everyone moved away, he made a seal with his hands, and a majestic energy suddenly burst out from his body.

The energy surged, condensed instantly, and turned into a human-shaped thing.

Seeing Shen Tu's skill of condensing energy and transforming into form, Qin Fengming couldn't help but admire him. This method can be regarded as an extremely applicable technique.

As the human form solidified rapidly,

A body that looked very similar to Shen Tu appeared on the spot.

"Go!" With a loud shout, the energy-condensed body immediately ejected and flew towards the mist-filled place ahead.

The vigilance in everyone's mind did not appear. They saw that Shen Tu's magic body instantly touched the mist, and then entered it in a flash and disappeared.

Everyone's eyes were locked on the location where the body disappeared, and they held their breath and concentrated. No one spoke for a while.

"Hey, there is something strange in the fog!" While everyone was watching the changes in the fog, Shen Tu suddenly let out a startled sound.

As the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly saw a violent surge of fog in front of him. Then a figure suddenly flew out of it.

The human body that Shen Tu had just condensed and formed actually seemed to be thrown out by the mist.

"Could this mist restriction be able to block the rebounding energy of the five elements?" Suddenly seeing the situation change, Qin Fengming suddenly heard a word from his mouth.

He could clearly see that the figure Shen Tu condensed was his own magic power, which could be said to be pure five elements energy.

The mist didn't strangle the person, it just bounced it out. This is easy to explain. This fog is to block the hurricane of the abyss.

The hurricane in the abyss is cold and terrifying, but it is naturally the existence of the five elements of energy.

"What Taoist Fellow A said is not unreasonable. Mr. Weng also has this judgment. But it needs to be tested, so it can be done." After Qin Fengming finished speaking, Weng Mi followed up.

As he spoke his words and moved his hands, a divine aura suddenly appeared.

In the sudden surge of breath, a pure spirit ghost appeared in front of him. As Weng Mi pointed out his finger, the ghost immediately flew away and entered the mist in an instant.

"Sure enough, one of my spirit ghosts has entered the depths of the mist!" Not long after, Weng Mi's words rang out.

Everyone looked shocked, but no one spoke, just waiting for Weng Mi to continue testing.

After a cup of tea, Weng Mi pointed his finger, and saw the mist suddenly fluctuate, and the ghost that entered it suddenly flew out and quickly returned to Weng Mi.

"Weng's spirit ghost has not been attacked or damaged in any way. It seems that there is indeed no obstacle to the spirit here." After a moment, Weng Mi confirmed.

When he said this, everyone's expressions flashed, and no one spoke.

"Everyone, for the sake of safety, it is better to conduct an in-depth test. I wonder which fellow Taoist is willing to split a ray of spirit and enter it to find out?"

Li Jitong opened his mouth and said.

After hearing Li Jitong's words, everyone naturally agreed, but when the split spirit was to be tested personally, everyone present was silent.

It is not difficult to split a soul, but taking risks is not something that everyone is willing to do.

Looking at the crowd and seeing that no one spoke, Hun Yuan nodded and said, "Since none of you fellow Taoists are willing, I'll take the risk and give it a try."

After he spoke the words, he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground in front of everyone, made a fist with his hands, and began to perform a spell to split the soul.

As a cloud of mist emerged, a thick and vast spiritual aura filled the scene. The vastness and majesty of this spiritual aura made everyone's expressions change.

Watching Soul Yuan perform the technique, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Hun Yuan likes to suck the souls of monks. He has personally seen Hun Yuan's body cross the boundary to the lower interface and devour the soul energy condensed by the special method of Huangquan Palace.

Not long after Soul Yuan cast the spell, a ball of soul energy suddenly shot out from the fog and flew towards the fog ahead. In the spirit aura, an illusory soul body appeared.

Time passed slowly, and it took much longer than before when Weng Mi sent a spirit ghost into the mist.

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, and his consciousness secretly swept across Li Jitong, Mingzhan and Mu Yangchun. His heart suddenly became calm, and his face did not show the worry that other monks carried.

As the illusory spirit shot back, the soul element also opened its eyes.

"Yes, in this fog, spirits can enter and exit at will, and are not blocked by the restrictions in the fog." Soul Yuan spoke and made an accurate judgment.

As Soul Yuan made a sound, he immediately pointed his arm toward the void, and a mist rolled into the air with ripples of light. As the mist waves surged, a clear scene slowly emerged.

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