Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6559 Ice Soul Beast

"Don't fight this ferocious beast head-on!" Qin Fengming's body flashed again, and he suddenly retreated tens of feet away, and a cry came out of his mouth.

He could clearly see that the fire-attributed Golden Crow Peck of the Red Demon Ancestor was huge and thick, and its scorching energy was terrifying. When it fired, it could make a crackling sound that could scorch the surrounding void.

But he was still slapped by the claws of the vicious beast and flew away.

"It doesn't matter, let's see if the Golden Crow's pecking of flames can cause damage to that ferocious beast." However, following Qin Fengming's words, the Red Demon Ancestor spoke again.

While the two were talking, they saw a ball of red flame suddenly evaporating from the huge palm of the huge ferocious beast that had just knocked away the Golden Crow.

A terrifying high temperature that was twice as hot as the hot breath carried by the Golden Crow suddenly appeared.

Suddenly feeling the hot flames, Qin Fengming's heart froze slightly. If this flame was just hot, it was a bit hotter than his soul-devouring ghost fire.

There are a lot of secrets in the ancestor of the Red Demon. No wonder he dares to face the peak cultivator of the Xuan Order without fear at a late stage of the Xuan Stage.

Qin Fengming's eyes were fixed on the huge ferocious beast, and at the same time as the flames suddenly appeared, an angry beast roar resounded.

It was very obvious that the burning of the flames made the beast sense danger.

Amidst the angry roars, the tall ferocious beast's giant palm suddenly slapped the ground below, followed by a bang and explosion, and a piece of broken ice flew out.

The ferocious beast struck the ground with its palm, hoping to get rid of the flames that spread rapidly above the beast's palm.

However, when the beast's palm was raised again, he saw that instead of being shaken off, the hot flames wrapped around it were rapidly spreading along its giant legs and towards its huge body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just when the roar of the beast sounded again, the entire body of the tall ferocious beast had been swallowed up by the rapidly spreading crimson flames.

The beast roared again and again, and the sounds of slapping followed closely.

However, just as the flames enveloped the ferocious beast, Qin Fengming's words rang out: "This scorching flame attack does not seem to be able to kill this ferocious beast."

He could see clearly that in the flames, although the beast seemed to be in danger, no part of its body was burned apart from the flames.

Not only was it not burned, but the tall body of the ferocious beast suddenly became stronger and seemed to be swollen after every collision with the ground.

"That ferocious beast is weird. It slaps the ground not to get rid of the burning flames, but to replenish itself from the ice on the ground with weird techniques." The ancestor of the red demon frowned and exclaimed in surprise.

Qin Fengming had already seen the clues without the need for Scarlet Demon to remind him.

"Take back the scorching flames, the demonic flames alone cannot kill them.

"Qin Fengming nodded and decided.

The Red Demon Ancestor understood in his heart, he pointed quickly with both hands, and the huge golden crow suddenly flew out again and spread out in the air. Suddenly a clear bird song suddenly sounded.

In an instant, the huge pointed thing turned into a huge bird head that was as graceful as life.

Qin Fengming could clearly see that the bird head wrapped in red light was the head of a huge golden crow. No wonder this thing is called the Golden Crow Peck, because it can turn into a Golden Crow head.

The huge bird's head suddenly flew away, its sharp mouth opened, and it pecked away at the tall ferocious beast.

Two sharp beaks drew two red tracks in the air, and quickly touched the back of the giant beast, followed by a loud bang.

A ball of ice crystals then splashed up and spread out in all directions. The huge bird's beak was also bounced away again, and under the rapid urging of the red demon, it flew back quickly.

At the same time, the red flame that originally enveloped the huge ferocious beast suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"This ferocious beast seems to be made of solid ice, and its body is covered with ice crystals that are difficult to damage with magic weapons. If you want to break through the defense, it will be extremely difficult for the magic weapons of late Xuan level and peak monks to do so."

The ancestor of the red demon looked at the golden crow in front of him and said in a deep voice with a slight frown.

Qin Fengming also frowned, and he had the same general thought in his mind. This tall and ferocious beast, which looks clumsy but moves swiftly, is so hard that even Qin Fengming's sharpest blade cannot break through its defenses. It can be said that this is the first time Qin Fengming has encountered such a ferocious beast.

The tall ferocious beast disappeared with flames all over its body. It roared immediately and looked at the Red Demon Ancestor. Its body suddenly flashed with white light, and an afterimage flew towards the Red Demon.

The speed is so fast that it is only faster than the speed of the magic weapon of the monks at the top of the Xuan level.

Facing the fierce beast's sudden attack, the Red Demon Ancestor could not fight with it physically. As his body flashed, two palm prints shot out, blocking the beast.

His body quickly retreated into the distance.

However, the red demon still underestimated the strength of this ferocious beast. The two huge palm prints he made were smashed into pieces by the ferocious beast's claws amidst two loud bangs. The ferocious beast's body seemed not to be damaged at all. The blockage came with the red demon's flashing body.

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed sharply, and he let out a low drink.

Then three Shaoyue palm prints were slapped out one after another. Suddenly three dull loud bangs resounded in the darkness.

The huge beast's body was finally sluggish and stopped under the slaps of three Yue-shaking palms that showed full power.

However, the ferocious beast was only stopped for a moment by Shaoyue Palm. As the palm seal was implemented, the huge ferocious beast's body flashed with white light. As its body swayed, its figure flashed illusoryly again.

This time, the huge ferocious beast did not pursue the Red Demon Ancestor, but suddenly flew towards Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming was speechless, and he physically fought with him at close range. Qin Fengming thought that he couldn't get away with it, so he had to use the magic power in his body to create a series of palm seals that shook the mountains. Only this huge palm print, which can crack mountains and rocks, can slightly delay the attack of this terrifying beast.

"This is an ice soul beast. It was born in ice and snow. It is almost immortal in the land of ice and snow. Its body is hard and difficult to be damaged by magic weapons. If it is a high-level ice soul beast, not even Mahayana can kill it with magic weapons."

Just when Qin Fengming and the Red Demon Ancestor were struggling with their inability to seriously injure this huge beast, a voice suddenly rang out in the darkness in the distance.

After all, the Haiyi Saint Ancestor survived for a very long time and figured out the origin of this ferocious beast.

"Ice Soul Beast!" Qin Fengming's heart was shocked, but there was no memory of this name in his mind. It was obvious that he had never heard of it before. However, he suddenly understood that the ice soul beast mentioned by Saint Ancestor Haiyi should be a kind of ferocious beast, not just the one in front of him.

"Senior, I wonder what means can be used to kill such a ferocious beast?" Qin Fengming's figure flashed, and he shouted as he waved his hands rapidly.

"I encountered an ice soul beast in a dangerous place back then, but I didn't kill it at that time. Later, I checked a lot of books. One book recorded that a powerful man once used a magic circle to trap an ice soul beast. , after isolating the icy world, killed the ice soul beast. I have never practiced it in detail."

The voice of Saint Ancestor Haiyi came up again, and he mentioned a way to kill the ice soul beast.

Qin Fengming frowned. The method taught by Haiyi Saint Ancestor seemed to be inapplicable to this ferocious beast at all. It is definitely not an easy task to set up a magic circle without the cold atmosphere here.

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