Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 83 The dust has settled

Qin Fengming arrived at the Luoxia Sect's competition ground early because today was the last round of competition.

In the valley, there were already five or six thousand Luoxia Sect disciples standing at this time. All the disciples seemed very excited, and even those who had been eliminated had smiles on their faces. Because today will determine the final forty people to participate in the battle for mineral deposits.

Not long after, Sect Leader Wang and others appeared above the competition ground again, glanced at the people below, and said loudly:

"Calm down, disciples. Today will be the last day of this competition. The top forty disciples will be selected from the remaining forty-six. The rules of today's competition are different from the past. Each of the remaining forty-six disciples will draw another one. Good cards. The disciples who draw numbers 41 to 46 will randomly select one of the disciples 1 to 40 to compete. The winner will enter the top 40, and the loser will be eliminated. Okay, now go and draw Number plate.”

Hearing the sect leader's words, Qin Fengming was a little stunned. He never thought that the sect would decide the final top forty in this way.

Following the crowd, Qin Fengming also flew forward and drew the number one card. Looking carefully, I saw the number thirty-seven written on it. You know you don’t need to choose your opponent, you just need to wait for your opponent to choose you.

Qin Fengming knew in his heart that he was undoubtedly the lowest among the forty-six people, and it seemed certain that he would be chosen by other disciples.

"The remaining forty-six disciples have drawn number plates, and the last six disciples will start to choose their opponents. Now take a look at the numbers corresponding to the first forty monks. You only need to use your spiritual power to write the corresponding numbers on the number plates. .”

Following the words of the middle-aged uncle who had presided over the competition a few days ago, a huge light wall suddenly appeared on a stone wall in front of him. On this wall of light, there was a flash of light, and four emerald green names suddenly appeared.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw it, and they all admired the powerful monk's methods.

Looking carefully at the names on the wall, Qin Fengming didn't recognize most of them, but he recognized two of them. One was Senior Sister Zeng, and the other was a member of the Feng family: Feng Lang.

Of these two people, one was the owner of his first high-grade magic weapon, and the other allowed him to refine it into his first top-grade magic weapon.

In just one cup of tea, six of the names turned red.

But what makes Qin Fengming feel incredible is that he is not among these six people.

It stands to reason that he is the weakest, so no one chooses him. After thinking about it for a while, Qin Fengming suddenly understood the reason.

It's just that everyone is afraid of the many talismans on their bodies.

If no one challenges you, it's great. Qin Fengming then ignored the competition in the field, found a quiet place, and began to close his eyes and rest.

After nearly an hour of competition, the top 40 candidates were finally selected.

Among these forty people, there were actually five women. Looking at these five female disciples, we can see that all of them are graceful and beautiful as flowers. Even Qin Fengming was dumbfounded.

Qin Fengming knew that to be able to stand out among the nearly a thousand Qi-gathering peak disciples, these five female disciples all had powerful backers.

"The forty winners will gather at the main hall of Yunque Peak tomorrow at Mao."

Following Sect Master Wang's instructions, this extremely lively low-level disciple competition finally came to an end.

After several competitions this time, Qin Fengming can be said to be a blockbuster. As a low-level disciple of the Luoxia Sect, those who don't know him probably don't have much to talk about.

At dawn the next day, Qin Fengming set off for the main hall of Yunque Peak.

During the flight, all the disciples he met nodded to him, and he seemed to have become a famous person in the Luoxia Sect.

When we arrived at the main hall, dozens of disciples had already arrived. Everyone was sitting quietly on the futon, and no one made any noise. Qin Fengming found a secluded place, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and started meditating.

When Mao Shi arrived, he saw Sect Master Wang and two others appearing in the main hall. One of them was the middle-aged man who was hosting the competition, and the other was an old man with red hair.

After all the disciples stood up and saluted respectfully, Sect Leader Wang looked at the disciples present, nodded slightly, pointed at the middle-aged man, and said: "After several rounds of competition, you forty disciples have finally been shortlisted. Very good, this time Junior Brother Zhu will be responsible for distributing the rewards later."

Upon hearing this, all the disciples present could not help but look surprised. The Foundation Building Pill is something that everyone longs for.

After a short pause, Sect Leader Wang continued to speak. "In this selection, I think you already know that the forty of you will represent the Luoxia Sect and participate in the battle for the Lingshi Mine that will be held at the Blood Refining Sect eight months later. This battle is related to our sect's occupation of the Lingshi. No matter how much you mine, I hope you will follow Junior Brother Zhu and Junior Brother Bai to practice hard in the next six months, so that you can achieve good results in this competition."

"Junior Brother Zhu will teach you the skills of controlling magical weapons, and Junior Brother Bai will teach you the use of various spells. When you go to participate in the competition, our sect will also give everyone here a top-notch magical weapon. I hope you will do your best, Don’t let down the sect’s hope for you. The rest will be left to Junior Brother Zhu and Junior Brother Bai.”

After Sect Master Wang finished speaking, he turned around and exited the hall.

"I won't say any more. Now, I will distribute this reward to everyone. You all should keep it." The middle-aged bromine said, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of red pills flew to each direction. Everyone.

The elixir stopped two feet away in front of everyone and started spinning in the air. It was so miraculous that everyone was shocked and started to burst into uproar.

Qin Fengming looked at the elixir in front of him, and saw that the elixir had an extremely fragrant fragrance, refreshing the heart and lungs. When he smelled it, his mind was refreshed. Overjoyed, he hurriedly took it into his arms.

Seeing that everyone was very enthusiastic about the manipulation technique just now, the middle-aged man smiled slightly and spoke again:

"Hahaha, what I did just now is the art of controlling magical weapons. As long as you study hard and practice hard, you can reach this level."

"Today I will give you the art of controlling magical weapons. This art is divided into four categories: control, control, speed, and determination. What I just performed was the control of words and the determination of words. In the next three months, I will use Here, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask at any time. Now I will give you the formula, and you must memorize it carefully."

Following his words, an extremely difficult sentence reached the ears of all the disciples present.

Qin Fengming couldn't understand it for a while, so he could only remember it with his heart.

After a long time, the red-haired old man also stepped forward and said: "I will teach you the skills of using low-level spells. I think you are all proficient in the spells, but it is doubtful whether you have mastered the deep meaning."

As the old man spoke, he raised his hand, and a fireball appeared on his fingertips. As the fireball beat, he flicked his middle finger again, and the same fireball flashed out.

The two fireballs kept jumping on his fingertips, changing positions with each other, very quickly.

Suddenly, the two fireballs collided and merged into one. The volume is slightly larger than the original one.

As his fingers kept moving, six fireballs appeared in succession, and all of them merged together without exception.

The fireball at this time was twice as large as before. With the flick of the old man's finger, a red light shot out and went straight to a huge stone outside the hall.

"Boom!" A loud noise suddenly sounded, and a powerful energy shock suddenly spread from the huge rock to all directions. At the same time, a dazzling red light also flashed on the spot.

Seeing the powerful attack revealed in front of them, all the disciples present took a deep breath. Such a huge energy attack, even a top-level magic weapon, is difficult to compare with the pride. The extremely ordinary low-level spell Fire Bullet turned out to be so powerful, which really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Qin Fengming looked carefully and saw that the red-haired old man's technique was definitely not much less powerful than a basic high-level spell.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, the old man named Bai smiled calmly and said: "Don't underestimate low-level spells. Sometimes, low-level spells can turn decay into magic. Turn waste into treasure. I hope you will study hard in the future."

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