( ) At this moment, the number of monks in Qihuang Hall has been greatly reduced, but there are still tens of thousands stranded. Among them are thousands of monks from Jiuxu Mountain.

Jiuxu Mountain is founded on the Tao of Alchemy, and the monks in the sect can be said to be masters of the Tao of Alchemy. Although they may not all be alchemy kings or alchemy masters, they must be extremely interested in alchemy.

Being able to listen to an alchemy master explain the alchemy way, as long as everyone can escape, they will naturally not miss it.

Most of those who were not alchemy monks came here for the exchange materials on Qin Fengming's list.

At the beginning, Qin Fengming entrusted Liu Pu to make an announcement, saying that as long as the materials and items on his list could be exchanged with him, the exchange items were not stated clearly, but they would definitely be generous.

If Qin Fengming had just come to Qihuang Hall to make such an announcement, not many people would be interested. Even if everyone has the items listed on the list, not many people will ask Qin Fengming to exchange them.

But it's different now. A top expert in alchemy in almost all the alchemy worlds in the Alchemy Hall and Jiuxu Mountain bet on alchemy, and won the reward issued by the victor, which suddenly increased the demand and desire of the monks. .

Qin Fengming's reward items are all precious items in the real ghost world. These items are naturally not available to ordinary people. Therefore, those waiting for Qihuang Hall at this time are all ghost masters and above.

With the arrival of Qin Fengming, a message that excited all the monks was delivered:

"Whether it is to exchange for the best Yin Stone, various pills to improve one's cultivation, or to provide guidance on cultivation or pill bottlenecks, you can exchange it for it."

What a monk values ​​most is naturally his or her own cultivation realm, or the alchemy monk's own alchemy attainments. Qin Fengming, who is at the top of the Xuan level, wants to guide the group of cultivators in Qihuang Hall at the moment, which is really not an exaggeration.

On the understanding of heaven and earth, Qin Fengming can still interject a few words even when discussing Taoism with Mahayana monks.

One or two extremely precious materials or spiritual herbs in the world of immortality, exchanged for a few words from Qin Fengming, seemed like a loss in the transaction, but there were still hundreds of monks in the Qihuang Hall who weighed it and chose this trading plan.

At first, everyone was hesitant, worried that what Qin Fengming knew could not solve the bottleneck of their own skills.

However, as a monk completed the transaction, what made everyone extremely happy and surprised was that no matter what kind of spiritual root attributes the monk himself had, or what attribute skills he practiced, as long as he raised questions about cultivation, he would be able to get everyone's answer. It's a surprising reminder.

Qin Fengming didn't talk much.

But as long as it is said, it will always point directly to the difficulties in everyone's cultivation.

Just like a difficult and complicated disease, Qin Fengming's words are a good cure, reaching the focus of the disease and resolving the pain.

But more monks do not believe that Qin Fengming's advice can benefit them, so they choose exchange materials or elixirs that are more suitable for them.

Qin Fengming did not prepare the elixirs that so many monks wanted to redeem, but Jiuxu Mountain did.

After secretly communicating with Liu Pu and others, Jiuxu Mountain provided all the pills that Qin Fengming needed to exchange.

And what Jiuxu Mountain did was naturally approved by Qinghailian.

Jiuxu Mountain is founded on the path of alchemy, and it is also respected by the path of alchemy. Qinghai Lian's cultivation level is not the highest, but his status in Jiuxu Mountain is extremely high. Naturally, no one will disobey what he allows.

Of course, Qin Fengming was not without benefits to Jiuxu Mountain. The price Qin Fengming paid was to allow all the monks from Jiuxu Mountain to participate in the explanation of alchemy later.

The two parties hit it off immediately, and naturally everyone was happy.

The completion of the exchange of items is the highlight of Qin Fengming's transaction: explaining the way of alchemy.

The explanation of alchemy experience is undoubtedly the most attractive to alchemy monks. And everyone is looking forward to hearing the experiences of those who have won the alchemy bet with many monks.

Master Dan Zong is most concerned about the process of Qin Fengming refining Jueyang Pill using single attribute spiritual grass.

It can be said that apart from Qin Fengming, Qinghailian knows the process of refining Jueyang Pill the best.

Because Qin Fengming started refining, Qinghailian watched it closely. However, even so, he still wanted to hear Qin Fengming explain the refining process himself.

The appointment with Mr. Lei Songdan was for ten days. Excluding the three days spent exchanging various items, the remaining seven days were spent in Qin Fengming's explanation alone.

These seven days are the seven days during which thousands of monks here have benefited the most from others’ experiences and experiences in their cultivation of immortality.

It is the seven days that everyone often thinks about in their future careers as immortals.

Qin Fengming is not a treacherous person. Since he has made a deal with everyone and made a promise, he will do his best to complete it. Except that he did not take out the elixir recipe and show it to everyone, Qin Fengming explained the process of refining the Jueyang elixir in great detail.

When answering everyone's questions, he also said everything he thought without any secrets.

Stones from other mountains can attack jade!

Qin Fengming spent so much energy explaining and talking about alchemy with everyone this time, and it was definitely not just to share his experience and clear up doubts.

Although the Jiuxu Mountain Cultivation Realm is only a small place in the real ghost world, it may only be equivalent to one hundred or one thousandth of the scope of the real ghost world. But the alchemy attainments of the alchemy monks gathered here can definitely represent the top people in the alchemy world in the real ghost world.

While talking with everyone about his experiences and solving problems, Qin Fengming himself benefited from everyone's bottlenecks and problems, which was no worse than others.

Of course, people with higher attainments in alchemy will gain more insights during these seven days. As for those monks who were Alchemy King or had not yet broken through to the level of Alchemy King, many of them suddenly had an enlightenment while listening to Qin Fengming's explanation, and their alchemy attainments were greatly improved.

No one who participated in Qin Fengming's Alchemy Professor stood up and left after seven days. Instead, they all stayed in the Alchemy Hall and entered seclusion.

Everyone's alchemy attainments will undoubtedly be improved during everyone's retreat.

But how much it can be improved can only depend on the luck of each individual.

Master Danjun Qing Hailian also had his eyes closed and his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Qin Fengming glanced at the alchemy monks who closed their eyes one after another. Their expressions suddenly became solemn as they were deep in thought. He looked at the top of the vast alchemy cauldron hall and became motionless for a moment.

His eyes were deep and he seemed to see places that others could not see.

Previously, Qin Fengming got the opportunity of alchemy from Danxiang Pavilion. Now, he explained some of his insights to the alchemy monks in Jiuxu Mountain's Immortal Cultivation World through word of mouth, which can be regarded as repaying the favor of Jiuxu Mountain.

Cause and effect is an empty law. A basket of food, a gourd of drink, an end of life, and a good deed all contain cause and effect karma.

When monks cultivate immortality, they practice the way of heaven, but the principle of cause and effect has been attached to a person since he was born.

It cannot be let go, nor can it be removed.

Qin Fengming entered the Yunying space, got the opportunity to enter the Danxiang Pavilion, and got the benefits of the Danshi space. Now he shared it with Jiuxu Mountain, which can be regarded as giving Jiuxu Mountain an explanation and a good relationship. cause and effect.

Qin Fengming looked around and saw a faint fluorescent light flowing in the Alchemy Hall. Under Qin Fengming's clear eyes, it suddenly slowly changed. It became very soft and became more intense. Slowly, there seemed to be something in the fluorescent light. Spiritual patterns emerge...

Qin Fengming sat cross-legged, and the entire hall seemed to have stopped in time, silent and frozen, without any sound.

If someone suddenly entered the hall at this moment and saw thousands of monks sitting cross-legged in the hall, they would definitely be surprised, because there is a strange aura emanating from the bodies of these monks sitting cross-legged.

The aura is not energy, but a scent of elixir that is visible to the naked eye.

The fragrant fragrance of red pepper floats and gathers towards the sky above the hall. I don’t know how long it took, but a vast scene of mist and majestic waves gathered in the sky above the hall.

It is a land of mist-shrouded mountains. Looking from a distance, you will see tall palaces that seem to be floating in the clouds and mist. Although only a few corner walls at the top of the palaces are exposed, each one looks exquisite and brilliant.

The palaces seemed to be spread far away, and as far as the eye could see, one could see the corners of the palaces looming in the clouds. The exact number cannot be calculated, because the palace is still vaguely visible in the distance.

Suddenly, a rumbling bell sounded from a distance, and figures suddenly appeared in the vast mist.

There were figures of light-footed monks, men and women, old and young, and they were all gathering towards one place.

Suddenly, a rumbling voice that seemed to be transmitted from the depths of endless years, containing the supreme law, sounded: "The Hongmeng is broken, the Haoding is opened! All the disciples of Danding Mountain can find the wonders in it, the wonderful way condenses the mystery, and travels in the ten directions."

The sound shook the sky and the earth, shaking the whole world. It spread throughout the vast world and gradually moved away.

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