Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6458 Danxiang Pavilion

( ) "Fellow Taoist, won't you accompany us in?" Qin Fengming was slightly surprised, looked at Qinghai Lian and said.

There should be no one stationed in this hall, but now Qinghailian doesn't even enter. It's really unexpected that there is no one to guard such an important place.

"No need, the two fellow Taoists will understand how to act after entering it." Qinghai Lian shook his head slightly.

Qin Fengming and the Red Demon Ancestor did not say anything more, and walked side by side towards the steps of the tall hall.

There is no moss on the tall steps, and there is a thick layer of fallen leaves covering them. The two horns make a crisp sound when stepped on them.

This palace door is several feet tall, and each door has a huge animal head inlaid on it. The huge mouth of the beast's head opened, and the sharp teeth protruded from the mouth. The black color looked very scary, and it seemed that it was waiting to kill people.

After standing in front of the high hall and looking at it for a moment, Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming stretched out their hands at the same time and placed their seals on a huge hall door without much hesitation.

As soon as the magic power in the body moved, two huge forces were transmitted.

However, the palace door only shook slightly and did not open.

"Two fellow Taoists, to open the door of the Danxiang Pavilion, you need to put a large number of elixirs into the mouths of the two beasts above the door. As long as the two beasts swallow enough elixirs, the door of the main hall will be opened. It will open on its own."

When Qin Fengming and the Scarlet Demon Ancestor's expressions darkened, and they were planning to use their inner magic power again, the words of Qing Hailian behind them resounded loudly again.

After hearing the voice, the Red Demon Ancestor and Qin Fengming looked at each other and instantly understood the underlying reason.

The two turned around and looked at Qing Hailian who was standing far away.

"It turns out that there are still such conditions. It seems that the Danxiang Pavilion's ban uses various spiritual pills as the source of energy. You are really planning to take advantage of it." The ancestor of the red demon flashed his eyes and said coldly.

"As masters of alchemy, you two naturally have many elixirs on your body. It is not difficult to complete this matter. Even if there are no elixirs, you can refine enough elixirs in a short time with your ability. Qing will not disturb them. You have performed the spell, I will wait for you two at the place of teleportation, I hope you both gain something."

Qinghailian's expression remained as usual, she spoke the words, turned around, and walked away towards the path she came from.

At this time, it is naturally impossible for Qin Fengming and the Red Demon Ancestor to pursue anything in Jiuxu Mountain. The only way is to provide elixirs as much as possible and open the palace door.

Qinghailian didn't say what elixir was placed there.

This means that any elixir can be placed in this beast's head.

Because no matter what kind of elixir, although the effects are different, they all contain majestic energy.

And this hall restriction should be able to decompose any pill and then convert it into the required energy. It seems that the setting of Danxiang Pavilion can be regarded as a setting that considers the level of alchemy of the monks who come here.

The ancestor of the red demon looked gloomy, but without hesitation, he immediately waved his hand and several pills flew out and fell into the mouth of the beast in front of him.

Naturally, Qin Fengming would not lag behind, and also sent several pills taken by Xuan-level monks into the mouth of the vicious beast in front of him.

As the elixir fell into the beast's mouth, a black mist suddenly swept out of the huge beast's mouth, rolled up the elixir, and then disappeared into the huge beast's mouth.

A slight fluctuation suddenly appeared above the tall palace door, but Qin Fengming and the two stretched out their hands, but the palace door still failed to open and shook violently, no different from before.

Facing this scene, the two of them couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"The number of Xuan-level elixirs needed for this palace gate must be dozens or even hundreds." Qin Fengming frowned and said in judgment.

The ancestor of the red demon looked coldly and then nodded.

Judging from the state of the giant beast swallowing the pill, the two of them reached the same conclusion.

"You and I each take out fifty pills and see if it works." The Red Demon Ancestor hesitated for a moment, and then immediately told the plan.

Qin Fengming frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face. After a moment, he nodded and agreed to the proposal of the Red Demon Ancestor.

Neither of them needed to refine it. As they waved their hands, groups of fluorescent-wrapped objects flew towards the huge beast's mouth in front of them.

The ancestor of the red demon waved out real pills, but the fluorescent-wrapped thing in Qin Fengming's hand was actually a ball of liquid droplets. It was obviously the spiritual liquid in the small gourd.

Qin Fengming was not convinced that the small gourd spirit liquid could open the door to the palace in front of him, but he planned to give it a try first. You can only tell if it works by trying it.

What made Qin Fengming happy was that as the two waved the objects in their hands, the tall palace door suddenly made a roaring sound. The sound rumbled, and a burst of dust appeared.

"Okay, the palace door is open." Seeing the strong fluctuations above the palace door, the Red Demon Ancestor said in a deep voice.

As the words fell, the two tall palace doors slowly opened.

However, the palace door had just been opened less than halfway when it suddenly stopped violently and then started to shake violently.

"Come in quickly!" Qin Fengming shouted, and his figure suddenly turned into a phantom and flew towards the main hall.

Following Qin Fengming, the Red Demon Ancestor also turned into a burst of red light and moved.

Just as the two of them passed through the tall hall door, the violently shaking hall door suddenly flashed with fluorescent lights, and then hurriedly closed again with a bang.

"One hundred Xuan-level elixirs only opened the door of the Danxiang Pavilion for a breath. The energy of the elixirs that are forbidden to be swallowed by this palace door is really abnormal." The ancestor of the red demon took a breath of cold air, looked behind him and closed it again. The tall hall door opened, and he said with a slight sigh of relief.

If there was any hesitation between the two of them just now, they must still be outside the palace gate now.

Qin Fengming frowned slightly but did not speak. But I understand in my heart why this is the case. Although the spiritual liquid was full of energy, the energy inside could not last long and was consumed in an instant.

Looking up at the land in front of me, I saw a vast space surrounded by rooms and buildings. Each room has a name on it: root, stem, leaf, fruit, juice, flower, powder, sesame. …

There are thirty or forty rooms.

Looking at the labels above, Qin Fengming knew that the rooms on this floor should introduce the effects of various heaven and earth spiritual objects used as medicine. That is, the properties of vegetation are introduced.

If you are a newbie to alchemy, you should be able to gain a lot from this level of enlightenment.

But Qin Fengming and the Red Demon Ancestor will not stay here at this time.

The two just glanced at the names of each room, immediately turned around and walked towards the stairs to the second floor.

There are many fewer rooms on the second floor of Danxiang Pavilion, but there are still fifteen. There is also a sign on the door of each room, but it is just a number and no specific label. And those numbers are irregular, ranging from dozens to hundreds.

The Red Demon Ancestor just stood still for a moment, then immediately turned around and walked towards the third floor.

Qin Fengming paused for a moment, and soon a look of understanding appeared on his face. This layer should be some alchemy experience scrolls, and the number should be the number of scrolls in the room.

Although Qin Fengming also needs the knowledge of alchemy, it is not what he wants to understand most at this time.

Following the Red Demon Ancestor, Qin Fengming came to the third floor.

As soon as Shi Yi boarded the third floor, there was no danger when he stepped on the first floor. However, there was a wall of space aura emitting from the wall, and a thick aura of forbidden energy instantly swept Qin Fengming's body into it.

Qin Fengming looked intently, and in front of him was a dark place with a cold aura. In the dim fog, a jagged mountain peak with strange rocks and no visible top stands. On top of the peak are densely packed rocks of different sizes. In the dim fog, the entire mountain peak looks eerie and cold.

"There are writings carved on many rocks on this mountain peak. It seems that the Danxiang Pavilion's elixir recipe is from these rocks." Qin Fengming's eyes flashed blue and he immediately spoke.

"Yes, it is said that the elixirs closer to the top are more ancient. However, most of the elixirs here are incomplete. I hope you can find what I need."

The ancestor of the red demon nodded and spoke in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, he took steps and climbed directly towards the mountain peak with huge rocks in front of him.

Qin Fengming frowned slightly as he looked at the tall mountain peak in front of him and a huge rock standing on top of it. He didn't know how many rocks there were on the mountain with inscribed elixirs.

But roughly speaking, there are probably dozens, hundreds, or even hundreds.

Such a quantity of elixirs, even if they are incomplete, is enough to make Qin Fengming feel overwhelmed.

Looking at the mountain peak in front of him, Qin Fengming suddenly thought of what Qinghailian once said, even if he entered Danxiang Pavilion, he would not gain much.

Facing a large number of prescriptions, if he wanted to search and identify them one by one, it would take two months, let alone two years, to see clearly the rocks towering on the mountain peak.

If the elixir he is interested in is incomplete, he will not get any results even if he studies it for a year and a half.

Under such circumstances, Qinghailian really didn't lie.

Qin Fengming has obtained many pill prescriptions, and those pill prescriptions should be those that are circulated in the immortal cultivation world in Jiuxu Mountain. Those elixir prescriptions were probably learned by countless monks from the Danxiang Pavilion in Jiuxu Mountain over many years.

Those pill recipes are enough for a Xuan-level monk, even a Mahayana being. Because those pill formulas are exactly what the real ghost world can refine.

Qin Fengming became motionless for a moment as he watched the Red Demon Ancestor climb upwards and quickly disappear into the mist.

Thinking rapidly in his heart, Qin Fengming stood for a full quarter of an hour before swaying his body, using his light body technique, and climbed towards the mountain peak.

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