Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6401 Samsara Underworld Crystal

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Fengming to know Xiao Bing's little trick, but even if he knew that Xiao Bing was hiding Xiao Jiujiu, he would definitely go into the undead mist to look for the undead demon soul.

It can be said that this is the first time he has encountered this kind of undead demon soul in his journey of cultivating immortality. If you miss it, you may not encounter it in the future.

This thing is of great benefit to him, and it is already very difficult for him to give up this opportunity.

At this moment, Qin Fengming couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, because he finally found what he was interested in under Jin Yan's devouring of the juices.

As Jin Yan devoured it, Qin Fengming cleverly snatched a ball of juice from Jin Yan's mouth.

This mass of juice looks no different from its juice. If it weren't for Jin Yan's obvious desire to avoid the liquid when he faced it, and Jin Yan's excitement, Qin Fengming would not have been able to tell that this liquid was what he was looking for.

Quickly stopping Jin Yan from swallowing the juice, Qin Fengming waved his hand and used a soul-eating claw.

To deal with this kind of juice, the Five Elements technique is useless.

The moment the soul-eating claws containing divine soul energy and mana touched the juice, they were immediately swept away by a corrosive force. At the same time, a strong force of escape emerged from the juice, and a ball of extremely cutting power emerged. The breath surged out from the dark juice and split with force on the palm.

Although the cutting force could not break the huge palm, it suddenly gave the soul-eating claws a loose feeling, making it impossible for the soul claws to hold tightly.

Qin Fengming could feel the rapid loss of energy on the soul-devouring claws.

It seems that the juice in the palm is a small black hole that can absorb the energy of the five elements and the soul, and quickly absorbs all the energy that touches it.

The rapid absorption speed made Qin Fengming feel a chill in his heart. Just by breathing, Qin Fengming felt that twenty-three percent of the energy in the soul-eating claws was lost.

Such a rapid rate of loss would make every monk feel a chill in his heart.

Under Qin Fengming's vast mana regardless of the cost, a ball of blue light mist still firmly bound it in Qin Fengming's palm, preventing it from escaping.

In the mass of juice, a round object as big as a baby's fist, black and translucent, like a black crystal stone, was cleaned up by Qin Fengming and appeared in front of him.

Seeing this piece of material,

Qin Fengming's eyes were stunned for a moment.

The texture of this piece of material is strange. It looks hard and solid, but it is full of softness when touched. On the surface of the dark and crystal clear material, there are even wisps of extremely fine lines looming.

The lines were so small that if Qin Fengming hadn't powerfully used his spiritual eyes, he wouldn't have been able to detect them. Among the tiny lines, Qin Fengming felt a sense of empty world.

Although this material has a soft texture, it does not deform when pinched.

Qin Fengming had never seen this object before, but he sensed a familiar aura from this piece of material.

"Soul Milk!" Suddenly, a name suddenly appeared in Qin Fengming's mind.

Qin Fengming only figured out what soul milk was after experiencing the Demonic Soul Sea with Si Rong. It is a kind of divine soul energy that gives birth to the essence of the soul.

It's just that the soul milk Qin Fengming had seen before was a kind of divine soul energy, like gas.

But now, on this strange substance, he actually sensed the breath of soul milk. And it was a soul milk aura that was richer and more pure than the soul milk I had seen before.

Qin Fengming stood on the spot, unable to understand the situation for a while.

"Jun Yan, do you know what this piece of material is?" Thinking in his heart, Qin Fengming disappeared in a flash and entered the Xumi space. At the same time, a sound transmission entered Jun Yan's ears.

"This..." Jun Yan looked at Qin Fengming who appeared next to him, his eyes motionless for a moment.

"Is this the Samsara Underworld Crystal?" Suddenly, Jun Yan exclaimed on the spot. As the words came out, Jun Yan's body immediately seemed to shake several times.

"The Samsara Underworld Crystal? But I don't know what the Samsara Underworld Crystal is?" Qin Fengming looked shocked and asked directly.

He can be regarded as a well-informed being. He has consulted most of the Mahayana books in the Three Realms, but probably not as many as Qin Fengming.

But this was the first time he heard about Samsara Mingjing.

There is a lot of material in the world of immortality about the word reincarnation, and he knows several types: reincarnation stone, reincarnation vine, and reincarnation underworld. But Samsara Mingjing had no impression at all.

Jun Yan's body swayed and he did not answer Qin Fengming for a moment. Instead, he looked straight at the dark crystal in Qin Fengming's hand and became speechless for a moment.

A huge body shot out, and Ruxue also appeared next to Qin Fengming.

Just the huge ruthless eyes blinked, and he didn't recognize the thing in Qin Fengming's hand at all.

"This object is an object that can reshape the soul. Fairy Qingzhu will definitely be surprised if she sees it. But this object has been enchanted by others. If you want to erase the mark on it, you will have to go to the lower interface. No one among them can do it.”

Jun Yan's eyes flickered, he took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

Although he did not explain what the Samsara Underworld Crystal was, Qin Fengming's body was suddenly shocked when he said these words.

Of course he could imagine what a substance that could reshape one's soul meant.

"If something can reshape the soul, doesn't that mean anyone can use this thing to avoid the risk of death?" Lu Xue asked in confusion.

Qin Fengming also suddenly thought of what Li Xue said, if this thing can really reshape the monk's soul, then as long as he has this thing, wouldn't it be possible for everyone to survive. Doesn't this make Mighty lose his awe of the heavenly calamity.

However, there has never been such a material spread in the world of immortality, which really caused doubts in his mind.

"It's so simple. Although this kind of reincarnation crystal can reshape the soul, it is definitely not easy to do. It will take countless thousands of years to succeed. And this kind of crystal is not a natural thing, but It was made through sacrifice the day after tomorrow, but I don’t know how. I said Fairy Qingzhu would be interested in this thing because if her soul could be attached to it, it would bring untold benefits to her soul. It definitely doesn’t mean that her soul can be reshaped.”

Jun Yan opened his mouth and explained again.

Hearing Jun Yan's words, Qin Fengming suddenly understood. Although this reincarnation crystal can reshape the monk's soul, the process cannot be successful in a short time.

And once this thing is used, it cannot be used by others.

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that this thing is useless to us." Qin Fengming murmured in his mouth.

"This object is not useless, but is very useful. This object can temper the soul of a monk. It is an extremely heaven-defying soul material. However, once this object is marked, it will be extremely difficult for others to remove it. If it has an owner, then They will be pursued.”

Jun Yan looked at the thing in Qin Fengming's hand, and there was some pity in his eyes.

He could feel that this Samsara Underworld Crystal was a piece that had been used by someone, and that there was spirit aura emanating from it. This not only greatly reduced the effectiveness of the Underworld Crystal, but it might also cause trouble.

Upon hearing Jun Yan's words, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly flashed, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

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