Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6396 The Forest Realm

Zhan Meng is not Fairy Fengqi, and he has no idea that Qin Fengming has a clone.

Even if one had seen Qin Daoxi in the Small Five Elements Sumeru Formation, it would have been impossible to tell that the two were related to each other, because Qin Fengming and Qin Daoxi's appearance were not very similar.

In the Xumi Formation, what he saw of Qin Fengming's body was an illusion, and he could not examine it carefully at all.

Facing the appearance of two clusters of chasing target auras, Zhan Meng didn't know which direction to pursue no matter how mysterious his probing skills were.

In fact, for Zhan Meng, even if he chases him at this time, there is a high probability that he will not be able to catch him.

He has used the technique of detecting breath several times in a short period of time. For Zhan Meng, it has exceeded his limit. It will be several years before he uses it again.

For such a long time, Qin Fengming had no idea where he had fled.

Although there are ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays arranged by Youfu Palace on the Mastiff Vine Realm, those teleportation arrays are not easily driven.

The Mastiff Vine Demon can release a special breath that can disrupt the breath of space.

Therefore, if you want to drive an ultra-long-distance teleportation array, you need powerful and majestic energy blessing, which is far beyond the comparison of other interface teleportation arrays.

The previous teleportation arrays arranged by Qin Daoxi were all short-distance. It was because the Mastiff Beast Vine Demon had this special talent and had to use the number of teleportation arrays to achieve long distances.

Thoughts flashed in Zhan Meng's heart, and anger appeared on his expression. After a moment, he looked around coldly, and in a flash, he disappeared into the still violent herd of beasts, and flew away towards the passage of Youfu Palace. .

Zhan Meng did not give up chasing Qin Fengming, but wanted to mobilize the entire Youfu Palace to find Qin Fengming's traces.

As the supreme being that controls the mastiff and vine world, Youfu Palace naturally has an effective operating system. What Zhanmeng has to do is to make this system work.

As long as the rewards issued are enough, the monks from the Seven Prefectures on the entire Mastiff Vine interface will all become his spies. He didn't believe that Qin Fengming could remain hidden on the mastiff and vine interface.

Of course, Zhan Meng also thought that Qin Fengming might leave the mastiff and vine world.

But Zhan Meng was certain that even if Qin Fengming left the world of mastiff vines, it would be decades or even hundreds of years later.

Without him,

Because if a monk whose body is contaminated with the aura of the Mastiff Vine Realm leaves the Mastiff Vine Realm, the virtual realm attack he will receive will be much more terrifying than when he entered it. If you want to leave the Mastiff Vine Realm, you must be fully prepared to deal with the terrorist attacks in the space passage.

If you want to be fully prepared, you must spend a lot of time, energy and various resources to refine means that can resist various attacks in the virtual domain channel. This cannot be prepared in a short time.

If you want to seek resources on the mastiff vine interface, you will definitely appear in the monk area. Because only where the monks are, it is possible to quickly obtain various resources for use in the passage.

It was precisely because Zhan Meng was convinced of this that he gave up pursuing Qin Fengming and sought a more secure solution.

"You said that the passage leading to the real ghost world is in a small interface called the Yousen Realm?"

Qin Fengming and Qin Daoxi separated and did not stop for retreat at all. Instead, they followed Xiao Bing and flew away in another direction.

As soon as they separated, Xiao Bing said an interface name.

"Yes, there are not many stable passages from the Mastiff Vine Realm to the Real Ghost Realm. In fact, even if there are, they are extremely dangerous space passages. Although the Mastiff Vine Interface is a vassal interface of the Real Ghost Realm, the laws of the two worlds are different. It's strange, so they are not close to each other.

If you go directly to the real ghost world, the virtual realm's attack on the alien aura will be extremely terrifying, so it is safest to take a detour to some other small interfaces first, and then go to the real ghost world. The path I chose is the shortest, but there are some dangers involved. "

Xiao Bing didn't show any signs of surprise at Qin Fengming's surprise, and immediately started to explain.

Qin Fengming has long known about the danger of the interface channel that Xiao Bing mentioned. When he first came to the Mastiff Vine world, he learned something about the Mastiff Vine interface from the Jinpo Ancestor.

The main reason why mastiff vine monks rarely go to other interfaces is because monks with the aura of mastiff vine interface will receive more attacks when entering the space channel, and the attacks are much stronger than those of other interface monks.

The reason for this is because the laws of heaven and earth in the mastiff and vine world are slightly different from those in the real ghost world.

Qin Fengming's thoughts flashed in his mind, and he soon felt relieved.

His goal is to go to the real ghost world, and a stable passage is naturally a good thing for him.

With Xiao Bing accompanying him, the journey was very safe. No matter whether it was a mastiff beast or a vine demon, as long as it saw Xiao Bing, it would make way for a long distance.

Xiao Bing has always been aggressive and cunning, but when the two of them were walking together, they didn't behave too much.

The Forest Realm is a small interface, rather than a relatively large space. If we calculate the specific area, it is not much larger than Jiuyi Land.

At this moment, Qin Fengming and Xiao Bing finally arrived near the space passage leading to the Youshen Realm after more than two years of rushing.

Here is a place shrouded in dark fog.

Standing outside the fog, Qin Fengming immediately felt vigilant in his heart.

This mist is cold and cold, and anyone who sees this mist will not be cautious, because this mist is full of strong death energy, giving people a feeling that if you go deep into it, life will disappear.

The breath of death contains a kind of necrotic breath, which shows dead silence, coldness and depression.

Although it is slightly inferior to the extremely concentrated necromantic energy that Qin Fengming collected back then, it is still a deadly corrosive thing for the monks.

If the mist containing the aura of the undead invades the body, it is feared that a monk at the top of the Xuan level will also be corroded by the aura of the undead, causing his cultivation to be unable to advance even an inch.

Standing very far away in the fog, Qin Fengming could feel the terrifying aura in the air ahead that could affect his mind.

It seems that as long as you are contaminated with that fog, your mind will fall into it, lose your intelligence, and become a dementia person.

The death energy not only corrodes the soul of the monks, but also poses a great threat to magic weapons and other objects, and can pollute the condensed light on magic weapons. And once it's contaminated, it's extremely difficult to remove.

Because the energy of the dead is very ineffective when restrained by the energy of the five elements, if you want to remove it, you must use powerful divine soul magic, which consumes a lot of money.

In the world of immortality, there are magic and magical powers for cultivating the spirit of the dead, but the process and methods of cultivating such magical powers are very bloody and generally not tolerated by people.

The aura of the dead appearing here should be generated by heaven and earth, not released by man.

Qin Fengming stood in the distance and could only sense the aura of the dead. He would not know if there were other more powerful negative corrosive forces in the mist unless he entered it.

However, Qin Fengming was not afraid of the mist contained in this undead aura, but instead felt happy.

This kind of necromantic gas, which has extremely corrosive damage to monks, is an energy gas that Jinbite likes to absorb very much. Not only is the spirit of death harmless to Jin Yan, but it can actually help him cultivate.

Back then, Qin Fengming had collected the energy of the dead and condensed it into a kind of ball. As long as it was sacrificed, it could threaten the Xuan-level powers.

It's just that such a powerful ball is of little help to Qin Fengming. After these years, he has found a way to increase the power of the necromantic energy, which is to integrate the soul-devouring ghost fire. If enough necromantic energy can be obtained, the Miasma Bird in the Soul-eating Ghost Fire can carry enough necrotic energy to threaten the peak power of Xuanjie and even the existence of Mahayana.

Suddenly seeing Qin Fengming's face showing joy, Xiao Bing's pretty face showed confusion.

Even she had to face the fog ahead. But the young monk next to her actually showed joy, which really surprised her.

"Xiao Fairy, in the fog ahead, is there an area where the spirit of death is born?" Qin Fengming's eyes flickered and he said directly.

"You want to find a place that contains the rich aura of the dead? You don't have to look for it at all, because the forest world is filled with mist containing the aura of the dead. It's not difficult to find the richest place. But you have to collect it. , I'm afraid it will be difficult, because in the aura of the dead, there are some unconscious souls of the dead that can sense strange auras. They are very capable of attacking, and the magic weapon cannot be damaged. Being surrounded by several bodies, even a Mahayana has to scramble. No. If we enter it, we will be lucky if we can escape and not be surrounded by it."

Xiao Bing blinked her eyes. Although her eyes did not look frightened, her words showed that she was still very afraid of the undead spirits in the forest world.

"There are undead demon souls? This is excellent. It seems that there is a passage to the forest world in this mist. Let's go immediately and enter it early. Zhan Meng will never be able to track it."

Qin Fengming ignored Xiao Bing's cautious words, but his eyes flashed brightly and he spoke.

The undead demon soul, as the name suggests, is a ghostly ghost with a terrifying undead aura. Qin Fengming is not afraid of such ghosts.

Seeing Qin Fengming like this, Xiao Bing, who was always smart, blinked and glanced sideways at Qin Fengming, with some sarcasm suddenly showing on his face.

"What? Do you think Qin can't defeat those undead demon souls? As long as they don't have Mahayana strength, Qin can handle them. It's just a small interface, and even if you think about it, it's impossible for Mahayana undead demon souls to be born."

Qin Fengming smiled slightly and said nonchalantly.

Qin Fengming had never been afraid of spirits and ghosts. Back then, the spirits of the Moon-covering Demon Ape were even more powerful than the Mahayana, but he had killed them all.

Seeing Qin Fengming's expression and words, Xiao Bing was truly speechless for a moment.

"I have a technique that can protect you and me from being invaded by the breath of the dead, and protect us to the space passage. But to enter the passage, you need to use your own magic to resist the attacks of the breath of the dead and the space passage."

As Xiao Bing spoke, white light suddenly flashed around her body, and a dense layer of white fluorescence obscured her figure. Qin Fengming could clearly see that in this layer of white fluorescence, countless inch-long slender white needle blades appeared closely and orderly.

Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness touched it, and he immediately felt a sense of emptiness, as if the white light in front of him was not real.

"Thank you fairy, enter the passage, Qin will deal with it alone." Qin Fengming agreed immediately without hesitation.

The white light flashed, and Qin Fengming's figure disappeared into the white light.

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