There was a roar and explosion, and the huge vine demon bodies that were suddenly frozen by the cold breath suddenly burst out with a huge explosion energy impact.

The breath surged, and the icy cold atmosphere around him was immediately stirred up.

Feeling the impact of explosive energy all around, Zhan Meng's heart suddenly trembled. He could clearly feel that although these explosions could not shake the cold and chaotic atmosphere around him, they could greatly consume his mana and energy.

In addition, this place already consumes the power of the Five Elements. As time goes by, the mana in his body will inevitably fall into a situation where he cannot make ends meet.

After realizing this, how could Zhan Meng not understand that what Qin Fengming did was to drain the magic power from his body.

His eyes flashed, and Zhan Meng let out a shout: "Junior has thought very well, today Zhan will see whether your magic circle is exhausted first, or whether Zhan is killed by the magic circle."

As Zhan Meng spoke, a strange neighing sound suddenly echoed throughout his body.

The neighing continued, but it didn't carry very far. As the roar resounded, finger-thick green mist suddenly filled the air.

The mist surged, like woven ropes, suddenly intertwined around Zhan Meng's body.

In an instant, layers of tightly wound black rope balls formed around Zhan Meng's body.

"No, that black round ball has corrosive power and can corrode and absorb explosive energy." As the black rope wrapped Zhan Meng, Qin Daoxi's exclamation entered Qin Fengming's ears.

Qin Fengming could vaguely see what Zhan Meng had done, and his heart tightened slightly, and then he felt relaxed.

"This is great. Since he won't attack anymore, let's just fight him." Qin Fengming said the words and appeared directly outside the formation in a flash.

This time for Zhan Meng, his original intention was to tie him here. What Zhan Meng is doing now is exactly in line with Qin Fengming's wish.

"Thanks to the help of the four of you, Zhan Meng is now trapped in the magic circle by a group of beasts. As long as he is not too forced, I am afraid that he will not be able to use magic to break the magic circle for a while. With the control of the magic disk in the hands of the four , according to the rune spells told by Qin, it is enough to control this formation. However, depending on the operation of the formation, it is difficult for this formation to last for a year. But this is enough. I hope the four Taoist friends can wait until the formation When the Dharma energy is exhausted, the four of you must still be careful of Zhan Meng's hair and severely injure fellow Taoists."

Qin Fengming raised his fists towards the four mastiff vine cultivators who were invisible among the beasts, and said.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Qin,

Since the two of us, the Rong clan, have benefited from you, we will definitely try our best to intercept that Zhan Meng. Even if he leaves the magic circle and is protected by a group of beasts, it is enough for us to activate the teleportation talisman and leave. If we are destined in the future, I hope to join hands with fellow Taoists to fight against the enemy. "

The Rong brothers looked at Qin Fengming, cupped their fists and cupped their hands. The two looked attentive, but there was excitement flashing deep in their eyes.

The two of them were excited. In addition to receiving incredible benefits from Qin Fengming, they also used the power of the magic circle to besiege the famous Zhan Meng in Youfu Palace.

Such an experience can be said to be unique among the monks in the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range.

"If you Taoist friends want to leave the Mastiff Vine Realm, the dangers in the virtual realm passage will definitely be much worse than when they arrived. If you are not completely sure, please stay in the Mastiff Vine Realm for a while. If you are willing, Taoist friends , you can go to the Mastiff Vine Mountains, but Liangyou Fu Palace doesn’t dare to go to the Mastiff Vine Mountains to pursue fellow Taoists.”

Jun Lan looked at Qin Fengming and said.

"Yes, if fellow Taoist are willing, you can go to the Mastiff Vine Mountains. I think the Mahayana in my clan will definitely be willing to get to know fellow Taoist." Jun Yun nodded, and spoke with a clear look of passion in her eyes.

The four people spoke with sincerity in their expressions, and they did not have any grudges because they were captured by Qin Fengming and had forbidden runes in their bodies.

To be able to make the four of them feel so emotional, not only Qin Fengming's experience is really impressive, but also Qin Daoxi's discussion of Taoism and practice with everyone for several years, which really gave these mysterious beings in the Mastiff Vine Mountains a sense of enlightenment.

It can be said that Qin Daoxi's guidance to everyone made everyone feel more grateful than the Mahayana in the Mastiff Vine Mountains.

After Qin Fengming returned, he directly resolved the bonds in everyone's body and gave everyone many unimaginable benefits that they had never thought of.

Then they heard that he had been chased by Zhan Meng for several years. Although everyone did not know the specific situation, when Qin Fengming said this, everyone still looked at Qin Fengming with strong meaning.

Who is Zhan Meng? As a strong man in the Mastiff Vine Mountains, everyone has heard about it. Such a Mahayana was repeatedly escaped by Qin Fengming. This was definitely not something that anyone could do.

Qin Fengming has always done what he has always done, and naturally it is impossible to lie to others.

Now that they saw Zhan Meng chasing after him with their own eyes and being trapped by the magic circle arranged by Qin Daoxi, everyone believed what Qin Fengming said.

"No, Qin's affairs in the Mastiff Vine Realm are over, and it's time to leave. Although the space passage out of the Mastiff Vine Realm is dangerous, you can still be sure if you make careful preparations. If you meet other fellow Taoists in the future , I’ll have a drink and talk later. I’ll leave it to you fellow Taoists here.”

Qin Fengming didn't hesitate at all and immediately rejected Jun Yun and Jun Lan's kindness.

"If you want to go to the real ghost world, I know a safer way. Would you like it?"

However, just as Qin Fengming finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared from among the beasts and appeared beside Qin Fengming and the others.

It was Xiao Bing who appeared. Although Qin Fengming had been paying attention to his surroundings, he didn't notice where Xiao Bing had just disappeared.

Huan Miao Snow Mastiff is really very good at hiding.

"The passage leading to the real ghost world? Of course Qin is interested. When this happens, Qin will talk to the fairy again." Qin Fengming paused for a moment, then revealed his surprise.

Xiao Bing turned to look at Jun Yun, and then looked at the legal formation in front of him, his eyes flickering, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

Qin Fengming spoke to the royal family of the Mastiff Teng Mountain Range, then turned around and re-entered the magic circle.

When he reappeared, there were already several more people around him.

The figures of the people flashed and disappeared into the surrounding beasts.

An hour later, Qin Fengming and his party had passed through the teleportation array one after another and were hundreds of millions of miles away from the Land of Tianji. Although these teleportation arrays are not the kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays that can travel tens of billions of miles, they can still travel hundreds of millions of miles each time.

Qin Daoxi and Qin Fengming can be said to be of the same origin, and their thoughts are generally cautious.

In recent years, Qin Daoxi not only completed what Qin Fengming asked him to do, but also deployed many medium and long-distance teleportation formations.

It is impossible for Qin Daoxi to know what kind of danger Qin Fengming may encounter, but arranging this quick escape route is still the most practical and safest.

This time Qin Fengming repeatedly escaped from Beidou Master, Zhan Meng and Zi Xiao. Although it cannot be said that it is all a reflection of Qin Fengming's own strength, it is definitely the first time in the world of immortality that someone has been able to do such a thing in countless years.

Faced with life and death again and again, Qin Fengming was able to survive again and again, which seemed lucky, but it was also related to Qin Fengming's strength and consistent experience.

If it weren't for Qin Fengming's sudden inspiration to send out the elixir, Zhu Xi would not have helped; if he hadn't left a guidance jade tablet, he wouldn't have been able to go to Fairy Fengqi's teleportation array; if He Xuan had been allowed to do so earlier Overcoming the tribulation, he could not rely on the tribulation to frighten away Zhan Meng.

All these things, it seems that Qin Fengming can always use external forces to avert danger, but if there is no antecedent, there will be no such luck.

But this time Qin Fengming relied on the sect-protecting formation he created to trap Zhanmeng, which was definitely a reflection of Qin Fengming's strength.

Being able to surround Zhan Meng is enough to illustrate the power of this sect-protecting formation.

If such a large array is arranged in an area with a radius of hundreds or even thousands of miles, regardless of the number of energy crystals required, just talk about the power of this array, trapping several Mahayana, it may not be What a difficult thing to do.

Even if the trapped monk uses forbidden magical powers and finally breaks out of the restriction, the forbidden circle will not be seriously damaged.

The formation created by Qin Fengming is very different from other formations. For the sect-protecting formations popular in the world of immortality, it can be said that most of the formations will have a formation base that provides energy for the formation and an formation that controls the operation of the entire formation. pivot, and the formation base and formation pivot are the formation eyes of the formation.

If any formation hole is broken, the power of the formation will be greatly reduced. If the most important formation hub is cracked, the entire formation will lose its power.

Although the formation base and formation hub will have strong defenses, as long as the specific locations of the formation base and formation hub are known, no matter how powerful the defense is, it will eventually be possible to break through.

However, Qin Fengming, the formation he created himself, does not have a fixed formation pivot.

Of course, it's not that there is no formation pivot, but that the formation pivot changes its position as the magic disk in the hands of the monk who controls the formation moves. As long as the controlling monk is not a fool and does not get close to the trapped person, it is enough to prevent the formation center from being broken.

The formation base, which is the energy source of the entire formation, was also arranged to be movable by Qin Fengming. The formation base in a certain position in the formation can move with the movement of the controlling monk.

This strange method of arranging the base and center of a large formation can form a powerful local attack without the need to operate the entire formation.

The size of the area that the formation can cover can be said to depend on the number of energy crystals that the monks can produce. As long as there is enough energy provided and a sufficient number of monks to control it, a large area can be covered.

This is just a large formation within a hundred miles, and it only takes two monks to fully control it. Even if it is a large formation with a range of thousands of miles, a dozen monks can fully operate it.

It's just that this kind of magic circle is only suitable for protecting the surroundings, not suitable for protecting the entire sect. Because of the arrangement like that, the required spiritual stones are really not something that any sect can provide.

Although it has shortcomings, it is still very capable as a forbidden formation to protect the sect.

Although the array is powerful, it is difficult to compare with the Five Elements Sumeru Formation, but being able to reach such a level has already made Qin Fengming happy.

But how to integrate the statue runes into the formation and how to reduce the energy consumption of the formation's operation still requires Qin Feng to think more and improve in the future.

A group of several people stopped in a cave on a mountain peak, and everyone hid in the magic circle arranged by Yao Luo.

At this time, Qin Fengming needed to think carefully about how to proceed.

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