Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6383 Meeting Luo Sheng again

The Xuan-level vine demon monk captured by Qin Fengming had no special body tattoos and was not of royal blood.

Mastiff vine monks with royal bloodline are equivalent to the existence of mutated spiritual roots among monks, and of course there are not many in number. If one is not of the royal bloodline and can cultivate to the peak of the Xuan level, there is certainly something extraordinary about it.

As long as you don't encounter a monk of royal blood, a powerful person at the top of the Xuan level can be enough to intimidate the beasts.

Several other Mastiff Vine monks who were about to speak threatening words suddenly heard Qin Fengming's words, and their expressions changed, and several whistles sounded from their mouths.

As the roar came out, people all around rushed towards Qin Fengming and the others. The beasts that were blocked dozens of feet away by the trio's attacks suddenly stopped moving forward.

"Your surname is Qin? Are you the monk named Qin who once met His Royal Highnesses Jun Lan and Jun Yun?"

The beasts suddenly stopped, and a cry of surprise and question rang in the ears of the three of them.

The speaker was the middle-aged monk who was forcibly robbed by Qin Fengming.

"You have heard of Qin's name, so you must have met your two highnesses. This is a great thing. I wonder where your two highnesses are at the moment?"

After hearing the middle-aged words, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly brightened and he immediately asked.

"If it's really you, no wonder the monks from the Vine Tribe who know you all say that your strength is terrifying and unspeakable. Today, when Li saw it with his own eyes, I realized that what they said was true. Li was willing to lose at your hands, but he didn't know who you were. Why is Gu's aura so weird that Li loses his ability to resist even after just a moment's exposure?"

The middle-aged man did not answer Qin Fengming, but looked at him with twinkling eyes and said this.

In front of being captured by Qin Fengming, the middle-aged man still maintained his composure.

"Qin has special means to restrain the demon clan. Let alone you, even the demon clan Mahayana can be restrained by Qin. You should be acquainted with the two highnesses. Are they still in Fengze City?"

Seeing the majestic look on the middle-aged man's face and his firm eyes, Qin Fengming knew that this man should have a very high status among the vine demon clan, so with a wave of his hand, he had removed the restriction from his body and said at the same time.

Suddenly, he felt that the strangeness that had just appeared in his body disappeared, and the middle-aged man looked stunned.

A word of thanks came out from his mouth: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for showing mercy. Your two highnesses are still in Fengze City at this moment. Your two highnesses once told us and other tribesmen that if we see our fellow daoist,

Must be treated kindly. Unexpectedly, Li met fellow Taoist on his way back to the Mastiff Mountain Range. "

The middle-aged man hugged Qin Fengming with a fist in his arms. Although his expression was normal, there was a burning meaning in his eyes.

Qin Fengming has no grudge against the Mastiff Teng Mountain Range. Instead of having any grudge, he has received the favor of the Mastiff Teng Mountain Range Mahayana and has a very good relationship with Fairy Ruojing.

He would not capture and kill the monks from the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range at will, either due to emotion or reason.

The middle-aged monk's expression made Qin Fengming understand that this person was not a sinister and cunning person, and he felt slightly relieved. Although he is not afraid of the other party, traveling with a person with ulterior motives will undoubtedly make Qin Fengming worry more.

"You are going back to the Mastiff Vine Mountains. Have you received any news from the Mastiff Vine Mahayana?" Qin Fengming nodded and asked.

At this moment, there are several Mahayana people in the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range who should still be in the secret space of Jiuyi Land. Without knowing the situation of Jiuyi Land, it stands to reason that the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range Mahayana would not recall these monks who spread the Mastiff Vine interface.

"Fairy Ruojing passed a message a few years ago through a spiritual secret technique of our Vine tribe, asking us to slowly return to the Mastiff Vine Mountains. However, the two highnesses have to wait for fellow Taoists, so they have not returned yet and are still in Fengze Waiting near the city."

The middle-aged man named Li nodded, convinced of what Qin Fengming asked.

"So it turns out that Qin is going to Fengze City to see the two His Highnesses. He is worried about being shackled on the way, so he is asking fellow Daoist Li to return to Fengze City so that he can see the two His Highnesses as soon as possible."

Qin Fengming knew that Fairy Ruo Jing had not entered the Jiuyi Land, so it was the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range that asked her to coordinate and control the Mastiff Vine monks' return to the Mastiff Vine Mountains.

Regarding the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Mountains, Qin Fengming actually did not see everything.

The few people he met were not hostile to him for the time being, so Qin Fengming had no ill intentions towards everyone.

"Okay, I will go with my fellow Taoist." The middle-aged man agreed immediately without any hesitation.

"In this case, let's hurry up as soon as possible. It's just that it's too far away from Fengze City, so Qin plans to ask fellow Taoists to take the lead to a flag city ahead, and then Qin can use the monks' teleportation array to travel." Seeing that the middle-aged man agreed without any hesitation, Qin Fengming thought about it and immediately spoke.

The middle-aged man surnamed Li nodded, turned around and returned to the beasts for a moment, then immediately waved to Qin Fengming and the others, and then flew away into the distance.

With a powerful person from the vine demon clan accompanying them, Qin Fengming and the others naturally no longer need to rely on the vine demon's body to travel.

The three of them all have the aura of the vine demon clan. As long as they are not encountered by the powerful vine demon clan at close range, they will naturally not be blocked by the vine demon beasts.

To the surprise of Qin Fengming and the others, with this middle-aged monk accompanying them, they passed through two teleportation arrays arranged by monks from the Mastiff Vine Mountains and approached Shanfeng City directly.

This greatly shortens the travel time.

Shanfeng City is a flag city that Qin Fengming experienced when he left Tianji Land with Fairy Fengqian. There is a teleportation array near Shanfeng City, which Gu Jun used to guide the way.

"There are no more mastiff beasts and vine demons gathering ahead. If Fellow Daoist Qin wants to go to Tianji Mansion City first, it is most appropriate to enter from now on." The middle-aged man surnamed Li pointed at the vast world in front of him and said.

"Thank you Taoist Li for your help, otherwise I don't know how long it will take the three of me. If you meet Senior Jin Mao and Fairy Ruo Jing in the future, I will definitely say hello to Qin. I just said that if there is a fate in the future, Qin will definitely thank you two in person. senior."

Qin Fengming raised his fists towards the middle-aged man and suddenly said.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, the middle-aged man named Li was greatly moved. His eyes suddenly showed surprise, and he even said in shock:

"It turns out that Taoist friend really has a relationship with me, the Mahayana of the Mastiff Teng Mountain Range. I am really disrespectful."

When he met a middle-aged man named Li, Qin Fengming once said something about the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Mountains. But the middle-aged man named Li didn't believe it, thinking that Qin Fengming was just a modest word.

Now that Qin Fengming said this, the middle-aged man immediately believed it.

Qin Fengming was grateful to Fairy Ruojing because Fairy Ruojing did protect him and repeatedly told him about the contact information and asked him to be careful.

Jin Mao had even taken action to defend Qin Fengming from Beidou Master's attack.

Regardless of whether Jin Mao had other selfish motives, this act was enough for Qin Fengming to appreciate him.

"Fellow Taoist Li, you and I will say goodbye. If one day you travel to the Tianhong Realm of the Spirit Realm, you can go to Icefield Island to look for Qin. By then, Qin will be drinking and chatting with you."

Looking at the middle-aged man who was calm and neither humble nor arrogant, Qin Fengming's words seemed to be very sincere.

"Okay, Kasayama made a note of it. We'll see you again in the future." The middle-aged man clasped his fists at Qin Fengming and Ying Yi and handed them over, then turned around and fled towards the path he came from.

"This person's surname is Li, and he should be a strong man among the Teng Yao Li tribe. The Li tribe is said to be extremely good at the art of the soul. The fact that he was able to discover us at the beginning is enough to show that his power of spiritual consciousness is far stronger than those of the same level. people."

Watching Mount Li disappear into the mountains in the distance, Yaoluo suddenly spoke.

Upon hearing Yaoluo's words, Qin Fengming's eyes flickered. Previously, he thought that the aura of heavenly calamity on his body was obvious, and that was why he was noticed by the other party. Yaoluo's words showed that there was something hidden in it.

"Okay, let's go find those teleportation arrays before, and then go to Tianji City. Once we get to Tianji City, we will know how to get to Fengze City."

Qin Fengming nodded slightly, calmed down, and spoke again.

There are many teleportation arrays in Tianji Land. If Qin Fengming wants to find it, he can find a more suitable teleportation array by going to a flag city and using his methods.

But he didn't want to do this. He didn't want the monks in Tianji Land to know about his trip, so as long as he could safely merge with the second soul, the trip would be considered complete.

This is because Qin Fengming does not want to have any more entanglements with the monks from Tianji Land.

He is not a person who is easy to kill, so it is naturally very suitable for him to do so without resorting to resorting to means.

The three of them flew away and became calm. Although there are still no monks here, there are no mastiff beasts or vine monsters scattered here, so it is considered a safe place.

Qin Fengming and Ying Yi were not familiar with Tianji Land, but based on their memories, it was not too difficult to find the path and the teleportation array they had used.

Some of these teleportation arrays were stationed by monks. Although some monks had never seen Ying Yi and Qin Fengming and sensed the strange auras of the three of them, when they saw the Youfu Order in Ying Yi's hand, the stationed monks immediately became speechless. Out.

After several teleportations, Qin Fengming and the others finally approached Tianjifu City.

However, the moment Qin Fengming and the others left the last teleportation station, Qin Fengming's calm expression suddenly changed and became a little more solemn in an instant.

"Brother Qin, do you feel something strange?" Yaoluo's expression changed slightly and he immediately said.

Qin Fengming was suspended in the air, looking around with flickering eyes, scanning quickly with his consciousness, and his expression slowly recovered.

"It's nothing. I just suddenly felt some fluctuations in my mind. It should be fine. This is in the northwest of Tianji City. We have to go around Fengze City to find the teleportation array in the direction of Fengze City."

Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, Qin Fengming spoke.

Although it only goes around a city, the distance is not close, because these teleportation arrays are extremely far away from the city.

The three of them flew away again and disappeared into the mountains.

"Hahaha... Isn't this Fellow Daoist Qin? Fellow Daoist returned to Tianji Mansion. It seems that the mission has been completed. I wonder what kind of benefits he got?"

Just when Qin Fengming and the others had just flown tens of thousands of miles away, a voice of laughter suddenly sounded from a mountain peak in front of them. The sound suddenly appeared, and three figures suddenly appeared on the mountain peak.

"It's Luo Sheng!" As the voice suddenly rose, a soft voice rang in Qin Fengming's ears.

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