Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6364 A terrifying blow

"This ferocious bird spirit turns out to be just an appearance, and there is no threat at all." As soon as he touched the evil bird spirit, Qin Fengming's words immediately rang out in the white mist.

This ferocious bird demon soul with a huge body and capable of chirping turned out to have no attack power at all.

The tall temple was not hindered by the rapid scratching of the two giant claws of the demon bird spirit. The white mist swept across, directly passed through the giant claws and sank into the body of the vicious bird spirit.

Sensing a surge of thick divine soul energy, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that there was no soul essence at all in this huge, sticky soul.

It turns out that this demon bird spirit is not a real spirit, but a condensed thing that is made up of the majestic soul energy to form the demon bird body.

Although it is in the form of a demon bird, the sharp claws it wields are just a ball of soul energy.

Although the soul energy was solidified, it immediately shattered when it touched the tall temple, and no attack power was revealed at all.

Just when Qin Fengming drove the temple and submerged into the body of the giant demon bird, Zhan Meng, who was blocked by the spirit of the giant demon bird and looked horrified, had already come into contact with Yi Yu who was chasing after him.

Amidst the loud bang, Zhan Meng's body immediately hit a tall mountain peak in the distance like an arrow.

Without any dodge, Zhan Meng's body touched the tall mountain peak.

With the sudden roar, Zhan Meng sank into the mountain peak and disappeared without a trace.

The huge demon bird did not stop, and a huge claw suddenly struck down from its body, and it firmly grasped the tall mountain peak.

The tall mountain peaks, which are two to three hundred feet high, have stood on this island for countless thousands of years. They still stand upright despite the ravages of many ferocious birds and giant beasts. But this time, under Yi Yu's grasp, they were immediately They shattered one after another, and most of the mountain peak fell apart, and huge rocks flew around.

A figure shot out from the huge flying rocks, and fled towards the distance in panic.

A bird's song with great sonic impact resounded, and amidst the waves, a huge claw finger suddenly swept towards Zhan Meng's body, which showed his body shape.

At this moment, Zhan Meng could not suppress the fear in his heart.

Zhan Meng's original intention was to hide in the mountain wall, but the ferocious bird's ferocious nature directly shattered the strong and tall mountain.

He had fought against ferocious birds and monsters before, but at that time he acted with determination and always had the upper hand. Although dangerous, there are backup plans to deal with them.

However, at this time, Zhan Meng was first frightened and blocked by a huge ferocious bird spirit, and then suddenly attacked at close range by Yi Yu. No matter how many methods he had, he had no means to defeat the enemy when he was in close contact with Yi Yu.

His body is indescribably huge, and his body is covered with tough feathers. His body's defense is simply not something he can break through. No matter how powerful the attack is, it is difficult to cause damage to Yiyu.

Zhan Meng believed that if he was hit by the edge of one of Yi Yu's feathers, his body would instantly shatter.

Being enveloped by Yi Yu's close aura, Zhan Meng's mind was roaring, his scalp was tense, and a sense of fear that he hadn't experienced in many years surged in his chest.

The body was forced out by Yi Yu again, and his whole body was covered by the powerful sound wave. Suddenly, his body sprayed out streams of gray air.

When the air current appeared, it immediately shot towards the void like a spear blade containing powerful power.

As the gray light emerged, the sound wave fluctuations all over the sky were immediately pierced through. Gray light flashed, and a huge gray-white net hundreds of feet tall appeared behind Zhan Meng instantly.

The sharp claws moved across the sky quickly, sweeping across the world like a sky-bearing pillar.

The giant gray net that was three to four hundred feet long passed across the thick fingertips, and immediately made a rapid stabbing sound. The sound resounded, and the giant network immediately shattered into the void.

A figure was suddenly thrown away amidst the resounding sound, and hit the hard stone ground below heavily.

With a small banging sound, gravel flew away, dust was scattered everywhere, and Zhan Meng's body was immediately embedded in a pit several feet deep.

Zhan Meng didn't get up, and just lay down in the pit, motionless. The breath all over his body was scattered, and the breath of life seemed to disappear suddenly and rapidly under this impact.

A cry that shook the vast world resounded, and groups of Yinhun Mingyan suddenly gathered and gathered together. In an instant, a huge ball of demonic flames reappeared, suspended in front of the huge ferocious bird.

Amidst the high-pitched chirping, the giant ferocious bird opened its mouth, and the demonic flames that had just gathered together were immediately swallowed into the ferocious bird's mouth and disappeared.

If he saw Yi Yu doing this now, Qin Fengming would definitely be horrified on the spot.

The reason why Yihun Mingyan is so spiritual is that it turns out that this demonic flame is the same as the soul-devouring ghostly fire in Qin Fengming's body, and was fostered by Yiyu in his body.

Instead of attacking Zhan Meng, Yi Yu's body, which withdrew the demonic flames, flew out again. The huge body carried a vast wave and suddenly disappeared, disappearing into the void.

Although Qin Fengming, who was submerged in the spirit of the huge ferocious bird, did not sense any dangerous attacks, his face suddenly showed a pale and frightened look after an instant, because he suddenly sensed the tall temple that was flying away quickly, and his speed suddenly slowed down greatly.

Although the huge ferocious bird spirit has no attack, the sticky soul energy can powerfully block the rapid escape of the temple.

Just as thoughts flashed through Qin Fengming's mind, an exclamation reached his ears:

"Not good, there is a powerful obstacle in the spirit body."

Fairy Yao Xi sensed something strange instantly, and in the midst of her exclamation, a huge terrifying wave suddenly spewed out from the tall mountain peak.

As the fluctuations emerged, a breath visible to the naked eye swept up, and the thick white mist on the mountain peak suddenly rolled violently, and rushed towards the mountain peak very quickly.

In an instant, a huge group of heads dozens of feet high suddenly appeared on the mountain peak.

The head solidified rapidly, and an extremely majestic face appeared in an instant. Two huge eyes suddenly blinked, shooting out two dazzling rays of light.

Fairy Yao Xi didn't hesitate at all, and immediately activated the temple's strongest attack: the Face of the Star Ancestor.

When the face suddenly appeared, two streams of white mist appeared quickly, and a pair of huge palms appeared in front of the tall head. When the palms were raised, a monstrous wave suddenly rose into the sky.

In an instant, Fairy Yao Xi launched the most powerful attack from the temple.

It wasn't that the female cultivator was being too cautious, but that things had developed to the point where Fairy Yao Xi had no choice but to activate this taboo attack that depleted her essence.

The huge ferocious bird was chasing behind her. If there was no obstruction from the spirit of the ferocious bird, Fairy Yao Xi still had some confidence that she would be able to escape with Qin Fengming's speed without considering any loss.

But now, with the speed greatly reduced, it is no longer possible to escape from Yiyu.

Faced with the huge and unspeakable Yi Yu flying toward him, Fairy Yao Xi felt a surge of horror in her heart. Although the temple was strong, she had no confidence that it could withstand Yi Yu's huge sharpness just by relying on the temple's own tenacity. Claws fly.

It has to be said that Fairy Yao Xi has rich experience and can respond decisively when the opportunity arises. Just when the face of the tall Star Ancestor appeared and the huge palm condensed into shape, a deafening bird's cry also sounded in her ears.

The sound wave impact stirred up the world, and the tall temple finally broke out of the huge vicious bird spirit body and reappeared in the world.

Before the temple's escaping light flashed, a huge thing covering the heaven and earth had already covered it. Two huge and unspeakable claws appeared, and they suddenly grabbed at the tall temple.

Tremendous fluctuations appeared, and two huge palms appeared out of thin air, directly facing the two sharp claws.

There was no too deafening roar, only two dull pops, and a sharp bird song immediately resounded between heaven and earth.

The huge body of Yiyu that was flying rapidly suddenly stopped in the void. The huge body shook. Several pieces of dozens of feet in size suddenly shot out from the fierce bird and fell towards the mountains and forests below. .

At the same time, a series of angry bird calls were also transmitted, spreading throughout the vast world.

Accompanied by bursts of birdsong, the tall temple was immediately thrown out.

"I can no longer control the temple, please wish for yourself." The temple fired, and a stoic word suddenly entered Qin Fengming's ears.

As the words entered his ears, the tall temple suddenly shrank rapidly, and instantly returned to its compact appearance.

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