In the ghost world in the lower world, Qin Fengming experienced the opening of the temple, which required the help of many monks in the realm of infant transformation to activate it with the power of the soul.

The temple that has been sacrificed by Qin Fengming naturally does not need Qin Fengming to open the temple in that way.

But the majestic soul energy contained in the temple still exists. Not only does it exist, but under Qin Fengming's protection and help for many years, the energy of the soul has increased even more.

Although Qin Fengming did not deliberately sacrifice the temple in a dangerous place containing soul energy, the temple was nourished by the pure soul energy collected by Qin Fengming from time to time.

Qin Fengming knew in his heart that the temple could not belong to him, but he was relieved and would always take good care of the temple as something that could save his life.

Of course, Qin Fengming also understood that in order for the temple to be more helpful to him, he must increase the power of the temple.

At the same time, the split soul of Fairy Yao Xi who controls the temple becomes more solid.

Therefore, he has always been targeted to infuse the collected pure soul energy into the temple, so that the split soul of Fairy Yao Xi can be nourished and strengthened.

Fairy Yao Xi's split soul now is no different than when she fought with Mu Ran Ying Shen.

This situation shows that Fairy Yao Xi's own condition has greatly improved at this time. Although it is far from reaching its peak, it is no longer weak for a long time every time he uses all his strength, and it takes a long time to recover.

Now that Fairy Yao Xi is in control of the temple, Qin Fengming feels very at ease.

Entering the mountain peak shrouded in white mist, Yingyi and Yaoluo's eyes flashed with excitement. Although I don’t know what this tall mountain is, seeing Master Fengji’s shocked expression, I understand that this item must be of great importance.

Sensing the confining white mist around them, both Master Fengji and the two women felt a sense of stability in their hearts.

"Use your magic to bombard the demonic flames."

The breath of the mountain peak was surging, and Fairy Yao Xi's words rang in the ears of several people.

As the female cultivator's calm words rang out, the mist around Qin Fengming and everyone immediately felt loose.

Master Fengji did not speak, but waved his hands, and immediately the soul cultivators flew out and headed towards the place surrounded by huge ice crystals in front.

Seeing two to three hundred soul cultivators appear in front of him, Qin Fengming's heart was slightly moved.

He couldn't help but feel a little admiration for Chongji.

Being able to spend thousands of years staying in the Arctic to capture so many powerful soul cultivators is something not everyone is willing to do.

It's a pity that Chongji was really unlucky and met Master Fengji.

Qin Fengming also had a lot of judgment. If Chongji hadn't been injured while fighting with him, maybe even if Master Fengji encountered Chongji, he wouldn't be able to capture him.

This is really an unpredictable world, and anything unimaginable can happen in the world of immortality.

The self-destruction of soul cultivation controlled by Master Fengji can superimpose the power of individual soul cultivation explosions, which is far more powerful than the ghost ghosts that Qin Fengming usually detonates. This kind of method is not available to any monk.

At least Qin Fengming is now unable to superimpose the self-destruction power of each ghost.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to bombard the extremely cold and vitality-melting demon flames with just the self-destruction power of these ghosts..." Fairy Yao Xi said immediately when she saw Master Fengji move.

However, before Fairy Yao Xi could finish her words, a series of explosions sounded on the spot.

A violent explosion suddenly appeared, then surged suddenly, and the overwhelming energy impact suddenly swept towards the tall mountain peaks, instantly covering the mountain peaks.

"The self-destruction power of this ghost can be superimposed, which is good."

As the explosion swept through, Fairy Yao Xi's words of surprise also rang out amid the roar.

To be able to make the well-informed Fairy Yao Xi exclaim in surprise and admiration, Master Fengji's unique self-destruction method of soul cultivation is quite proud.

The violent explosion energy suddenly swept over, and Master Fengji felt a sudden squeezing force on his body, and the white mist around him suddenly surged up.

As the mist surged, his consciousness was immediately obscured by a ferocious aura.

In an instant, Master Fengji felt that he was wrapped in a thick aura, and there was no contact with the outside world. Even the ferocious explosive energy suddenly disappeared, but a violent shaking suddenly came from the tall mountain below his feet. And arrived.

Master Fengji and Ying Yi could not see the raging explosive energy, but Qin Fengming was not blocked by the fog in the temple and could still clearly see the surging explosive energy around the temple.

The temple spun out of thin air. At the moment of the explosion, it immediately turned 180 degrees, turning everyone away from the direction of the explosion.

The soul cultivator self-destructed, and the explosion energy was filled with the most energy, not the five elements of vitality, but the divine soul energy.

The talisman arrays all over the temple were also dominated by divine soul energy. Seeing the soul cultivator self-destructing, Fairy Yao Xi didn't pay attention, but she suddenly sensed the violent explosion energy rapidly superimposing under the blessing of talismans. She suddenly felt a sudden change in her heart. As soon as it tightened, the temple, which was not fully activated, suddenly burst out with violent fluctuations.

At the same time, the tall mountain peaks rotated rapidly, blocking everyone behind them.

The temple has a powerful ability to devour vitality energy. Huge attacks bombarded on the temple will be instantly enveloped and drowned by the billowing white mist. However, the temple cannot magically resolve soul energy attacks.

There was a roar and explosion, and Qin Fengming felt that the monstrous explosive energy was like a huge wave covering it, sweeping over suddenly and instantly wrapping itself around the tall mountain peaks suspended in the air.

The tall and stable mountain peak that seemed to be standing tall and strong immediately began to shake violently under the impact of the violent explosion.

Suddenly, a huge wave of energy suddenly emerged, and the tall mountain peaks suddenly surged with white light.

"Hurry up and release the soul energy. The power of this explosion is too powerful." Suddenly, a cry of urgency sounded in Qin Fengming's ears.

When the voice reached his ears, Qin Fengming was suddenly startled. Without a trace of hesitation, Qin Fengming immediately released the soul energy in his body and injected it towards the tall mountain peak.

In an instant, Qin Fengming felt a terrifying force of plunder suddenly wrap around his body, and the soul energy in his body surged out of his body like a raging river.

"Boom!" A deafening dull roar suddenly sounded outside the tall mountain peaks.

There was a roar and explosion, and an impact force that made Qin Fengming's body unable to stabilize suddenly passed through the white mist and swept over his body.

At this time, Qin Fengming and Master Fengji were no longer in the same position.

Qin Fengming was standing side by side with Fairy Yao Xi at this moment, facing the impact of the soul cultivator's self-destruction. Qin Fengming has some means of controlling the temple, so he can naturally mobilize the power of the temple's guards to resist the impact of the explosive energy in front of him.

But the sudden violent force of the roar and explosion instantly broke through the temple's defense barrier and directly affected Qin Fengming's body.

Qin Fengming immediately felt severe pain in his body. The violent mana surged within his body, and he was able to withstand the violent impact. Suddenly, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed. He suddenly sensed a breath of avenue.

Qin Fengming couldn't understand what the aura of the avenue meant.

"That ball of Yinhun Mingyan was blown away!" Qin Fengming exclaimed, full of excitement.

Qin Fengming did not see how much Xuanhuang soil there was in Yihun Mingyan, but the amount of Xuanhuang soil that Yi Yu and Zhu Nu could compete for was definitely not small.

Back then, he could encounter so much mysterious wasteland in the Qinggu space. The amount controlled by the two fierce creatures made Qin Fengming suddenly feel excited.

"Those demonic flames were only broken into pieces and were not destroyed by such violent explosion energy."

Amid the roar, Fairy Yao Xi's surprised words suddenly rang in Qin Fengming's ears.

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with blue light, and he saw groups of fragmented Yihun Mingyan in the violent energy explosion.

The ball of Yinhun Mingyan, smaller than a fist, was thrown away by the violent energy impact, shot away from Qin Fengming's gaze, and spread to a vast area of ​​unknown distance.

"It was not only the demonic flames that collapsed, but also the mysterious wasteland." Suddenly, a gloomy voice resounded from Qin Fengming's mouth.

His eyes were gloomy, looking at the violent energy still surging ahead, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Although he had expected that bombarding Yihun Mingyan with brute force would most likely scatter the mysterious wasteland inside, Qin Fengming suddenly felt a sudden sensation in his heart when he suddenly saw groups of colorful rays of light flying past his eyes and falling to an unknown place. Bad thoughts arise.

"If it is really a mysterious wasteland, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will not be able to damage it."

Just as Qin Fengming's heart sank and the words fell from his mouth, Fairy Yao Xi's words also rang out.

As soon as the sound reached his ears, Qin Fengming immediately understood that the mysterious wasteland contained the aura of the great law, and it was definitely not destroyed just because it was destroyed.

"Now that the explosion energy impact has been greatly weakened, you can look for Xuanhuangtu."

Not long after the time passed, a shout rang out in the white mist.

As the words sounded, the white mist surged suddenly, and Master Fengji felt the squeezing force on his body suddenly loosen.

Without any hesitation, Master Fengji swayed out of the mist covering the tall mountain peaks and entered the still violent energy impact.

At this time, the world is still raging with energy, but there is no longer too much danger to those who are at the peak of Xuan level.

Qin Fengming warned Yaoluo and immediately left Baiwu.

The Xuanhuang soil had been blown away at this time, and it took several people to search carefully to find it.

Naturally, without being reminded by others, everyone immediately dispersed and began to search for the heaven-defying mysterious wasteland in the chaotic world...

"No, the demonic flames are actually merging with each other!"

Just as everyone was scattering around, looking for the mysterious wasteland that had fallen into the vast area, a shout suddenly sounded on the spot.

Hearing Fairy Yao Xi's urgent words, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly trembled.

His spiritual consciousness quickly scanned, and he soon saw a head-sized demonic flame floating and flying away in the distance. The demonic flames scattered wherever it passed quickly gathered and merged into the demonic flame.

He suddenly thought of what Master Fengji had said back then when he said that the demonic flames could merge with each other and gather together. It seemed that the demonic flames were indeed very spiritual and could gather together.

"Quick, before the Yihun Ming Yan merges and becomes powerful enough, we can collect as much mysterious wasteland as we can." Qin Fengming shouted.

"Stop it now. You actually took advantage of us to lure away two evil creatures to plot against the Xuanhuang Land. It's really abominable."

Just as Qin Fengming finished speaking, a tender cry from a distant place, accompanied by a vast sound wave, suddenly sounded where everyone was.

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