"Haha...hahaha...you are daydreaming about killing me. If I want to leave, even if there are a few more Mahayana men, you can't even think of intercepting me."

After hearing the words of Master Qin Fengming and Master Fengji, Master Beidou's face was ashen, but a ferocious look appeared on his face instantly, and a crazy joke suddenly sounded in his mouth.

The words resounded, and a strong wave spread out from Master Beidou.

As soon as this aura appeared, the void around Master Beidou's body immediately erupted with bursts of crunching sounds. In an instant, layers of ice crystals appeared out of thin air within a few dozen feet around Master Beidou.

"This...is this the Ice Tyrant Technique! You have actually cultivated the Ice Tyrant Technique. But do you think that stimulating this magical power can protect you? Ah...no, you have to use the Long Whirlpool Escape Technique."

Seeing the changes around Beidou, Master Fengji's expression suddenly changed with shock, but his words still showed disdain. But halfway through speaking, the expression on his face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in surprise.

As the words resounded, a strong wind blew up from Master Fengji's body, sweeping Jueyin's body and flying away quickly behind him.

As the two figures quickly retreated, a roar suddenly sounded not far from Master Beidou.

It was the self-destruction of several ghosts in the realm of the gods. The energy of the explosion swept across and quickly impacted on the layers of ice crystals that appeared around Master Beidou.

Layers of ice crystals were swept away by the explosive impact, and ice shards immediately flew up.

In an instant, the ice crystals surrounding Master Beidou were swept away several feet deep by the violent explosion energy.

Debris flew and the violent energy swirled wildly. The layers of ice crystals that had just been shattered by the violent energy filled up at a rapid speed.

In just an instant, it became several feet thicker than before.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!~~" Violent explosions resounded one after another, and the violent aura emerging from the explosions increased rapidly.

Suddenly, in the vast mist that had just swept over, a huge mushroom energy suddenly appeared covering an area of ​​two to three thousand feet. Energy swept across the sky, forming a shocking mushroom cloud.

At the moment of the explosion, Qin Fengming had already quickly dodged away from the scene.

Stopping on a mountain peak, feeling an impact wave sweeping over him, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly became solemn.

He could sense the terror of the sudden explosive energy.

Thinking secretly, he believed that if he were in it, he would not be able to resist the sweeping force of the explosion easily. Although he was confident that he would not fall into it if he tried his best, it would definitely cause physical damage.

Even if he quickly activates the treasure ghost refining technique and sacrifices the soul-devouring ghost fire and Huanji mysterious light, it will definitely not be good.

Because the explosion was an impact of explosive energy caused by the simultaneous self-destruction of thousands of supernatural and mysterious ghosts. The self-explosion of any ghost is enough to threaten a peak Xuan-level monk, causing the peak Xuan-level monk to use all means to resist.

Moreover, the explosive energy formed by the ghost's self-destruction seems to contain a large number of runes, which instantly merge the self-destruction energy of each ghost without canceling each other out.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but feel horrified as he watched the runes of symbols flashing and flashing in the explosion.

He can be sure that these ghosts should be worshiping silence.

When he first met Chongji in the North Pole, what Chongji did was to set up a magic circle to capture the soul cultivators who had escaped from the Broken Bone Realm. And Chongji has been stranded in the Arctic for more than a thousand years, and no one knows how many powerful soul cultivators he can capture.

Now, these powerful soul corrections that have been sacrificed and refined by Master Fengji are bursting out with violent attack energy.

Qin Fengming's heart grew more horrified as he watched the explosions that were gradually approaching him and the runes that flickered in them.

His body flashed and he retreated thousands of feet away again.

Qin Fengming didn't know what kind of magical powers the Ice Tyrant Technique and Long Xuan Escape Technique that Master Fengji exclaimed just now were. However, he could also instantly understand that the Ice Tyrant Technique must be a powerful offensive and defensive magical power. The Taki Xuan Escape Technique is a flying escape technique, and can allow Master Beidou to escape the joint efforts of Qin Fengming and Master Fengji.

Qin Fengming was also full of curiosity and interest in what kind of powerful escape magic power it was that needed to be protected by a powerful defensive technique.

"Hahaha... Feng Ji, since you know that I have comprehended the Ice Tyrant Technique and that I have practiced the Taki Whirlpool Escape Technique, why didn't you stop me? If you dare to show up now, then you will be hunted down again. Come on. When I leave Jiuyi Land and adjust my condition, I will definitely look for you again."

Suddenly, a sound of wild laughter echoed throughout the vast world.

The sound was ethereal, as if coming from the bottomless abyss.

Qin Fengming glanced quickly with his spiritual consciousness, and suddenly saw an icy space aura hundreds of miles away, and a figure suddenly appeared. After the figure suddenly stopped, it disappeared on the spot again and disappeared.

In the midst of the terrifying explosions that filled the sky, Master Beidou managed to escape from the envelope of the explosion easily. Such a powerful method made Qin Fengming immediately stunned on the spot.

The Xuanfeng Aotian Technique he performed is definitely one of the extremely fast escape techniques that can disappear into the void.

But that kind of escape technique does not have the ability to break out of the sky amid explosions. But the escape technique used by Beidou Master did this. Such a situation really shocked Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming was stunned on the spot. The violent explosion energy all around him dissipated, and he didn't even move.

Two figures flashed and stopped several hundred feet in front of Qin Fengming. Only then did Qin Fengming's expression become lively again.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is truly an extraordinary person. With his cultivation at the Xuan level, he can dodge and move around among many Mahayana without any damage. In the Three Realms for countless thousands of years, there are probably not many people who can do it."

The handsome-faced Master Fengji froze, and clasped his fists at Qin Fengming, and then the words rang out in his mouth.

His words and actions can be said to be quite polite to Qin Fengming.

I wonder which Mahayana would speak to a Xuan-level monk with such expressions and movements.

At this moment, Master Fengji had no intention of pursuing Beidou as he fled away. He also didn't pay any attention to Beidou's taunting and threatening words, and didn't even reply.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Fengji has been nearby for a long time. It is really beyond Qin's expectation that Fellow Daoist can return to the Mahayana realm in such a short period of time. Could it be that Fellow Daoist encountered some unforeseen opportunity?"

Qin Fengming's eyes shone brightly, and he looked at Master Fengji with a slightly solemn expression. He clasped his fists in his hands and spoke without any abnormality in his figure.

Qin Fengming was deeply wary of Master Fengji.

Master Fengji is definitely not an easy person to interact with. From his experience, it is clear that he is a ruthless and cruel person.

Just by talking calmly, he didn't dare to put down his guard against Master Fengji easily.

"Fellow Daoist Qin's words are somewhat inaccurate. Although my attack now shows the aura of Mahayana, it has not truly advanced to the realm of Mahayana. Beidou misidentified my cultivation level without checking. However, I do have some opportunities. Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily receive Beidou's two palm print attacks.

Although I have not yet recovered the Mahayana realm, it is not too difficult to truly restore the Mahayana strength as long as I retreat for a period of time. I didn't expect Beidou to have successfully mastered the Ice Tyrant Technique before, giving him time to cast the spell and escape successfully. It would be extremely difficult for him to encounter such an opportunity again. Fellow Taoist must be careful when encountering Beidou in the future.

However, Taoist friends don't have to worry too much. Since Beidou has inspired the Taki Uzumaki Escape Technique this time, he is bound to suffer a lot of backlash. It will take dozens or even hundreds of years to restore him to his full glory. I'm afraid it will be impossible. By then, fellow Taoist should no longer be in the mastiff and vine world. "

Master Fengji's eyes flashed and he spoke to Qin Fengming very talkatively.

He not only answered what Qin Fengming said, but also explained Master Beidou's situation.

"But I don't know what the magical powers of the Ice Tyrant Technique and Long Xuan Escape Technique performed by Master Beidou are? I would like to ask fellow Taoists to clarify my doubts." Qin Fengming's eyes flashed and he asked immediately.

Master Beidou did not use these two magical powers when he fought with him, Qin Fengming wanted to find out now.

"The Ice Tyrant Technique is a powerful magical power in Youfu Palace that is both offensive and defensive. However, that magical power is extremely difficult to cultivate, and there are many constraints in it. Many Mahayana practitioners have learned it, but there is no record of anyone successfully cultivating it. It is not difficult to comprehend the Ice Tyrant Technique, but practicing the Ice Tyrant Technique requires several rare materials that are rumored to be extremely difficult to find in the Miluo world. To say that Beidou found those materials, I don't believe it at all. I really don't know how Beidou master practices it. This magical power was achieved.

Taki Xuan Escape Technique, as the name suggests, is a magical escape technique. That magical power is Beidou Master's unique skill. I have never understood that magical power, but I know that Beidou has used it once. After that performance, Beidou had been in seclusion for nearly a hundred years before coming out. Because the use of that magical power requires the consumption of the monk's original energy to activate it, and it has a lot of backlash on oneself. But once the Escape Technique is used, it can break through the void and enter the virtual realm.

Although you can enter the virtual realm and escape by using the Taki Whirlpool Escape Technique, you cannot stay there for long, and you will soon need to return to the interface. Even so, it is still enough to avoid powerful attacks. Although the escape technique is wonderful, it is not easy to perform and requires a certain amount of time to perform. Therefore, although the escape technique is fast and powerful, it is not suitable for monks to use in pursuit and escape battles. "

Listening to Master Fengji speaking slowly, Qin Fengming slowly frowned.

These two magical powers are absolutely extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible for Master Beidou to cultivate them.

Master Fengji detonated thousands of powerful ghosts but could not break the Ice Tyrant Technique, which is enough to know how powerful this technique is. In conjunction with the Taki Uzumaki Escape Technique, it is a very suitable joint technique.

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, and a strange look immediately appeared on his expression.

"What? Fellow Daoist Qin, are you interested in these two magical powers?" What made Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly shine was when Master Fengji suddenly said this.

"Fellow Taoist Fengji can exchange the cultivation method of Ice Tyrant Technique to Mr. Qin. I wonder what Mr. Qin needs to exchange with Mr. Taoist?" Qin Fengming's heart moved and he immediately said.

"Hahaha... Fellow Taoist is really a very clever person. I saw you deal with Beidou's Fierce Light Prison Seal Technique before and easily escape from the purgatory runes. I wonder if you can..."

Master Fengji laughed and immediately said what he wanted.

However, before Master Fengji could finish his words, Qin Fengming interrupted Fengji with a shocked expression: "If you want to get the green feather bamboo leaves, you will be disappointed. That green feather bamboo leaf Qin can't To Taoist friends."

Hearing Qin Fengming's decisive refusal, Master Fengji's expression did not change much, but he spoke again: "What about the method of cultivating treasure ghosts?"

Upon hearing Master Fengji's words, Qin Fengming's expression immediately changed, and a strong evil aura filled his body.

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