Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6340 Soul Control Law

Only Mahayana monks in the Three Realms can truly activate the artistic conception of law. This is a situation that has never changed since the beginning of time.

Even if the realm of the soul of a Xuan-level monk reaches the Mahayana, and the understanding of heaven and earth has been established, it cannot truly stimulate the artistic conception of the laws of heaven and earth. Because in order to activate the artistic conception of the laws of heaven and earth, the mana in the body needs to be pure enough to reach the level of Mahayana.

If the magic power in a Xuan-level monk's body reaches the level of purity of a Mahayana monk, then he is no longer in the Xuan-level realm, but a true Mahayana person.

This is an eternal principle, and no one has ever changed the records in the classics.

Of course, those Xuan-level monks who have reached the Mahayana realm of understanding of heaven and earth are not unable to stimulate their own understanding of the law and artistic conception. As long as you push it with all your strength regardless of the loss of your own mana, it will only linger around your own body and cannot release it to the vast world.

In other words, Xuan-level monks are limited by the purity of their own magic power and cannot truly activate the artistic conception of law to fight head-on with Mahayana.

Master Beidou now knows that the power of Qin Fengming's spiritual thoughts is extremely extraordinary, but he does not fight with Qin Fengming, but chooses to release the artistic conception of the law. The choice of means can be said to be the right one.

Just imagine what it would be like for a person who cannot use the artistic conception of law to fight with another monk in the artistic conception of law.

Master Beidou's proud words rang out, and his sense of relaxation was clearly revealed.

Following Master Beidou's wild laughter, strange fluctuations suddenly appeared in the heaven and earth, which rushed away quickly. Those fluctuations did not sweep away the vitality of heaven and earth.

A cold aura emerged, and the world seemed to have suddenly fallen into winter.

Hearing Master Beidou's wild joke and feeling the rapid emergence of the artistic conception of the Cold Law, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly became solemn.

Until now, he still couldn't tell what laws of heaven and earth Master Beidou had comprehended.

Beidou Master is full of secrets, his origin is very strange, and there is another person who is exactly the same as him, with no difference at all.

Qin Fengming vaguely felt in his heart that Master Fengji should know some of Beidou's secrets. Otherwise, Master Beidou would not deliberately try to kill Master Fengji.

Facing Master Beidou's artistic conception of urging the law, Qin Fengming's expression changed, but his heart was calm.

After sending out a sound transmission in his mind, his eyes immediately locked onto the cold aura surrounding him that was quickly spreading away. He needs to determine what Beidou Master's artistic conception is,

We also need to know to what extent the artistic conception of Beidou Master's laws can be achieved.

Whether the artistic conception of the law is powerful or not depends on how wide the artistic conception of the law can cover.

At this time, Qin Fengming was enveloped in the artistic conception of Master Beidou's laws. Even if he wanted to escape, it was no longer possible. There is a powerful obstacle in the artistic conception of the law. If there is no corresponding response method, it is simply impossible to control the escape light and escape quickly.

Feeling the icy cold breath disappearing rapidly, and the area of ​​seven to eight hundred miles around was quickly covered by the cold breath, Qin Fengming's heart was suddenly shaken. The artistic conception of laws activated by Beidou Master may not be fully effective, but just this situation can already put him at the forefront of Mahayana.

Just when Qin Fengming's heart was shaken and his face showed a look of shock, masses of black mist suddenly appeared around him. The mist was thick and full of coldness, and wherever it passed, whether it was rocks or vegetation, it was immediately covered by a layer of ice crystals.

At the same time, a feeling of horror suddenly emerged that made Qin Fengming's soul tremble, causing him to suddenly fall into a state of horror.

"What you have understood is the law of soul control!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise came out of Qin Fengming's mouth. The words resounded, and Qin Fengming's voice showed great shock.

The law of soul control is a law of heaven and earth that can only be understood by monks in the Netherworld. Although the law of soul control also exists in the three realms, no one in the real ghost world can understand this law.

As Qin Fengming exclaimed, illusory figures suddenly emerged from the mist around him.

Those figures are illusory and cannot be seen at all, but in the consciousness, there are transparent illusory existences.

As soon as the illusory figure appeared, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that the spirit in his body seemed to be summoned by some kind of summons, and it actually wanted to break away from his body and merge into the icy mist around him.

"This junior has extensive knowledge, and he instantly recognized the power of the law that I comprehended. Since you know the law of soul control, do you still want to resist within the artistic conception of my law?"

Hearing Qin Fengming shouting out the truth and falsehood of his own laws, Master Beidou's eyes flashed slightly. The artistic conception of the laws of heaven and earth he had comprehended was extremely rare. He did not expect that the Xuan-level monk in front of him knew about it.

The reason why Qin Fengming was able to identify the Soul Control Law was because he had experienced the power of the Soul Prayer Law in the Qinggu space. Although the Soul Prayer Law had a different artistic conception from that of Soul Control, it still had the same feeling of turbulence in the monk's soul.

Now that he suddenly felt the artistic conception coming to him, Qin Fengming suddenly thought of the soul control law.

Sensing that Sangtai's spirit in his body suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness in terror, Qin Fengming's spirit immediately waved out several runes, binding Sangtai's spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sangtai's spiritual realm was too low to withstand the interference of the soul-controlling law that enveloped his body.

"Resist? You think you can capture Qin as long as you use the artistic conception of law, but you still can't do it. Qin can also activate the mere artistic conception."

With Master Beidou's threatening words, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly showed determination, and a sentence that made Master Beidou's expression suddenly changed sounded in his ears.

"If you want to use the power of the Mahayana to fight against my artistic conception, you can call it out..."

His expression changed. Master Beidou immediately thought of something and spoke immediately.

However, just before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and a situation that he could not have imagined suddenly appeared in front of him.

A wave of fluctuation suddenly spread out from Qin Fengming's body. The wave suddenly appeared, and a strange rustling sound filled the surrounding world and disappeared.

It was a rustling sound like the wind blowing through the forest trees. The sound was not loud, but it was not affected by the artistic conception of the law activated by Master Beidou, and the sound was clearly transmitted to the surroundings.

"Impossible, you can actually use the sonic technique in the artistic conception of my law without being affected by anything." As the voice passed, Master Beidou shouted.

This is the first time Master Beidou has exclaimed that he doesn't believe his words when facing Qin Fengming.

With the exclamations in his mouth, Master Beidou suddenly felt like he was in an illusion. There is no lawful artistic conception, but he can use the sound wave technique in other people's lawful artistic conception. Such a situation is really hard for him to believe.

Although the artistic conception of the law cannot kill others, in the artistic conception of the law, any monk who performs a spell will undoubtedly touch the artistic conception and greatly weaken the spell.

However, the sound wave fluctuations that appeared at this time were not hindered or resisted at all by the artistic conception of the Soul Control Law activated by Beidou Master.

Sound wave fluctuations swept across, and instantly filled a radius of three to four hundred miles.

"Rumble!~~" Suddenly, a huge roar like the collapse of heaven and earth suddenly resounded in the void, and the roar was like a sudden disaster.

Following the deafening roar, the sound waves that had just quickly spread and impacted the surroundings suddenly showed a series of solid waves visible to the naked eye. The waves intertwined and surged, like a huge gauze covering the entire area of ​​hundreds of miles.

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