Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6346 Reappearance of 2 Divine Thoughts

Although the two of them were using their spiritual thoughts to transform into attacks this time, the majestic pressure of their divine thoughts still spread out rapidly during the attack.

And if someone senses it from a distance, it will be easy to identify that the pressure of the divine will displayed by Qin Fengming's divine soul is significantly weaker. The strength of the spiritual mind depends on the monk's own spiritual realm.

At this moment, Qin Fengming's divine soul realm has definitely reached the Mahayana realm, and is only stronger than ordinary Mahayana spiritual thoughts. This can be known from Qin Fengming's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

However, his own spiritual thoughts were still weaker than Master Beidou.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!~~"

Invisible energy surged, the sky shook, and a huge roar immediately resounded throughout the area.

It was a phenomenon completely different from the attack and collision of the heaven and earth's vitality. The heaven and earth were swept by the invisible wind, and only its sound was heard but its shape was not seen.

The impact of the strong wind did not show the violent scene shown by the roar of vitality energy, but there was a coercive power that rushed directly into the mind and heart.

"Hahaha... Although the number of my spiritual attacks is large, the power is too weak. It depends on how long you can hold on." A loud shout sounded, and the tall figure slowly stepped forward amidst the attacks of sharp blades in the sky, holding a huge giant in his hand. As the ax danced, the sharp blades were chopped into pieces one after another.

The sword blade condensed with spiritual thoughts was blasted to pieces, and the monks were bound to be affected to some extent.

If a large number of spiritual sword blades are broken, it will undoubtedly cause a certain backlash to the monks. It is not surprising that the spiritual consciousness is damaged.

Just the first collision caused the blade of Qin Fengming's spiritual sword to shatter. Master Beidou was naturally overjoyed.

Anyone can see that the power of spiritual thought contained in that huge mountain-like figure is far more dominant than the blade light that Qin Fengming sacrificed.

Regardless of its solidity or power, it is far from comparable to scattered sword blades.

"Qin is blocking you with numbers." Seeing the blades of the spiritual swords shattering, Qin Fengming did not show any fear, and a cold shout rang out immediately.

As Qin Fengming's words resounded, a scene that made Master Beidou suddenly screamed appeared in front of him: "Impossible, how can you easily re-condensate the broken spiritual blade?"

It's not that Beidou Master is short-sighted, but what Qin Fengming did is really hard to understand.

Spiritual attacks generally use the collision of powerful spiritual forces as an attack method.

The spiritual thought is sacrificed and it can be withdrawn, which is actually the same as the spiritual consciousness exploration.

The collision and fragmentation of the spiritual thoughts does not mean that they are completely out of control. They can be taken back by the monks, but they lose the ability to gather power to attack. It can also be activated again after the spiritual thought is withdrawn, but it will take time.

The tall figure presented by Beidou Master can wield a giant ax and dance and chop. This is already a spiritual attack method that integrates the art of spiritual consciousness.

However, at this moment, he saw a situation that even he could not do. After the spiritual sword blades sacrificed by Qin Fengming were shattered, they re-condensed and took shape without being withdrawn, and joined the attack again.

Just when Master Beidou exclaimed, the huge figure like a mountain was already surrounded by densely packed sharp divine sword blades that shot and slashed.

The tall body swayed left and right. Although it could still move, every step it took seemed very difficult.

The spiritual attacks from both sides were at a stalemate for a while.

"Hmph, even if your spiritual thoughts are not as deep as yours, they can still resist your spiritual thoughts." Qin Fengming's words came out, and there was a sense of great struggle in his body.

When it comes to the power of spiritual thoughts, Qin Fengming believes that he is not inferior to Master Beidou. The power of his spiritual thoughts that he mobilized at this time was only his own spiritual thoughts, and the second mysterious soul and spiritual body did not participate in it at all.

Although the power of the second mysterious soul's spiritual body will be greatly reduced if its spiritual thoughts are separated from the main body, the combined force of the two will surely be able to firmly suppress Master Beidou's spiritual thoughts.

But Qin Fengming knew in his heart that even if the two of them could defeat Master Beidou together, they might not be able to severely damage Master Beidou.

In the battle of spiritual thoughts, it is not just who has the most powerful spiritual thoughts who can surely win, there are also skills involved.

Beidou Master's technique of controlling spiritual thoughts is not just a simple transformation. It can make a tall figure swing a giant ax and chop. This is already a kind of spiritual control technique.

With this method, Qin Fengming believed that even if they worked together, it would be impossible to severely damage him.

"Junior Taixiu, please be proud. This is just the beginning. Let's see how you resist." Following Qin Fengming's words, a cold voice sounded.

As soon as he started speaking, another surge of divine pressure suddenly surged from above the head of Master Beidou who was sitting cross-legged.

The coercion was so powerful that it seemed not much worse than the divine thought that had just condensed into a tall figure. The pressure of divine thoughts suddenly appeared and suddenly condensed into a huge invisible cloud.

Huge clouds drifted without wind, flying towards the sky above Qin Fengming's head.

The huge clouds were fluttering and rolling, suddenly surging and condensing, and a thick and huge hand suddenly formed in mid-air.

Suddenly seeing Master Beidou once again offering a vast force of spiritual thoughts, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly shook, and a shout immediately resounded: "You actually cultivated a second mysterious soul spirit body."

Sensing the aura that seemed to be the same as that of the tall figure, Qin Fengming suddenly made a judgment.

"Ignorant and ignorant, you think that only by cultivating the second profound soul spirit body can you activate the power of two divine thoughts. My divine thoughts are so majestic. If you don't let that Mahayana show up, you will be killed immediately."

Master Beidou shouted loudly. He mentioned this repeatedly, obviously afraid of the hidden Mahayana beside Qin Fengming.

"Hmph, I want to see Qin's help, but you can't do it with this method alone."

Qin Fengming's expression suddenly became ferocious, and a loud shout echoed throughout the place.

Amid the words, a monstrous power of spiritual thought suddenly emerged above his head.

"Impossible, you still have such a huge power of spiritual thoughts to sacrifice?" Suddenly seeing the power of spiritual thoughts rising from Qin Fengming's head, Master Beidou, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly shook his body, and his face showed He had an expression of disbelief, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Master Beidou certainly knows how powerful the spiritual power a Mahayana monk can activate.

Although the power of spiritual thoughts activated by different Mahayana is not the same, he is also sure of the approximate power of spiritual thoughts of a Mahayana.

Qin Fengming was able to resist the first spiritual attack, which shocked Master Beidou.

However, now, after Qin Fengming resisted his first spiritual attack, he was able to use the same majestic spiritual energy again.

Although this divine thought is not as good as the torrent of divine thought sword activated by the first one, it is still seven to eight points more powerful.

Not only Master Beidou would be surprised, but anyone who saw Qin Fengming unleashing a huge spiritual force again would also be shocked.

Because a Xuan-level monk can activate the power of divine thoughts in the Mahayana realm, which is already amazing.

Even if the Xuan-level monk has a second Xuan-level Xuanhun spirit body in his body, it is impossible for all the soul realms to reach the Mahayana realm.

But now, Qin Fengming has done such an impossible thing.

"There are many things that are impossible for Qin, and you may not be able to see them all." Qin Fengming shouted, and the power of his spiritual thoughts that spurted out immediately condensed, and a similarly huge palm suddenly appeared and came down to cover it. Master Beidou walked away with his huge palm of mind.

A loud roar followed, and a huge impact of spiritual energy suddenly filled the air.

Seeing the two huge palms touching, Master Beidou blurted out a surprise word: "The power of your spiritual thought is far less than the first one. Let's see how long you can hold on?"

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