The body of the huge Yiyu flew over hundreds of thousands of miles away. Not to mention that Yiyu had the Yinhun Nether Flame, just the terrifying physical power carried by the huge body flying around was enough to scare anyone's heart.

It was a band of terrifying power that was like a tall mountain falling from the sky. No matter what was blocking it, it could not withstand its impact under that power.

Mahayana, after all, stands at the pinnacle position among the three realms. The attack launched by the three of them is certainly no small matter.

Facing the huge flying bird, three magical powers that spread rapidly and covered hundreds of miles simultaneously approached the body of the huge demonic bird flying towards it.

There was not much roaring sound. The three groups that the three great powers mobilized with all their strength had different shapes, but the attacks that had covered dozens of miles were suddenly shrouded in two huge wings that covered the sky and the sun.

The dark mist activated by Master Beidou seemed to have touched a tall and solid wall, and was immediately bounced back. The mist rolled back, and dense but unclear banging sounds resounded continuously in the mist. It shows that the attack power in the fog that covers dozens of miles is astonishing.

The various Pi Lian wrapped in purple light also seemed to have touched something solid and huge, and they were immediately unable to move any further. Pi Lian fired one after another, and instantly a huge purple thing that seemed to be solidified blocked in front of the huge wings.

The attacks of Beidou Master and Zixiao Fairy obviously have the hard attack power like sword blades. When they touch the huge wings, the difference between the two sides will be judged by which side has the greatest power.

It is very obvious that the attacks of Beidou Master and Zixiao Fairy cannot shake the huge feather wings covering the huge Yiyu. The attack is frustrated and cannot break the huge feather wings.

The vast wave of light driven by Zhan Meng was like a sea of ​​water surging, rapidly impacting the huge wings.

The waves rippled fiercely, like huge waves surging forward in the vast sea water. Each wave was higher than the other and hit the huge wings that flew towards them.

The waves of light seemed to be endless, one after another, full of stamina.

The huge wings came in a flash, easily blocking the range attacks of Master Beidou and Fairy Zixiao, and cracking them one after another. However, in the face of the continuous surge of resilient waves, the huge wings finally came to a standstill.

The wings were blocked, and the waves surged into the sky, blocking the huge reputation.

"Damn it, junior, it's not his real body, but an energy shadow!" In the surging mist, Master Beidou's angry shout followed by Qin Fengming's laughter rang in the ears of Zhan Meng and Fairy Zixiao middle.

Qin Fengming's figure was swept into the mist by Master Beidou, and immediately collapsed and disappeared into Beidou's consciousness.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Beidou Master could not know what happened.

Master Beidou was extremely frightened and angry at this time. Ever since he met Qin Fengming, although he thought he had enough strength to crush the opponent, he had collided head-on with Qin Fengming several times, and the opponent always had the upper hand.

In the secret space, although the runes detonated by the opponent failed to kill the three of them, they all suffered serious injuries, with their flesh and blood shattered and their bones damaged. Later, when he had intercepted the opponent, he was shot by the opponent Xu Huang and escaped. Now, he was lured forward by the opponent again without checking, and faced Yi Yu directly.

All these things made Master Beidou feel frightened and angry.

"Now our first priority is to work together to deal with Yiyu."

Following Master Beidou's exclamation, Zhan Meng's shout also sounded on the spot.

Faced with the whirring and flapping of Yi Yu's huge wings, the three Mahayana just worked together to deal with it. If they want to avoid being involved by Yi Yu's body, the three of them must work together.

The words came out loudly, and the figures of the three Mahayana people, who were in perfect harmony, used their magical powers and retreated quickly behind them.

"Quack!" A deafening bird song sounded again, and the huge wings flapped again in the vast world. Suddenly, violent hurricanes gathered and swept forward, like wind dragons flying forward.

They rushed towards the three Mahayana's urging attacks.

Yiyu is very spiritual. When the two parties came into contact, it had already sensed the powerful attack power of the three Mahayana sacrifices. Therefore, this time it did not fly forward with its physical body, but instead swept the power of the surrounding heaven and earth.

Two feather wings suddenly waved, and the sky and the earth within a radius of hundreds of miles were swept by the huge wings. Hurricanes containing strange physical power formed like vortices on the vast sea.

The hurricane roared and enveloped the three Youfu Palace Mahayana.

As the hurricane swept through, Beidou Master instantly felt a force like the squeezing and friction of hard rock raging on the fog around him. The huge impact force enveloped the mist around him, making his body suddenly feel a huge force attacking him in the mist.

The body swayed, making Master Beidou almost unable to control his body.

When this situation suddenly appeared, Master Beidou could no longer use his magical powers to attack the huge reputation except to withstand the hurricane.

"Two fellow Taoists, you restrain this ferocious bird. I will try my best to escape from the hurricane and go to capture the junior."

Just when Zhan Meng and Fairy Zixiao were trying their best to resist the hurricane swept by the demon bird's wings, Master Beidou's urgent words reached their ears.

The voice wavered and seemed very unstable.

Upon hearing Master Beidou's words, Fairy Zixiao's heart sank. At this moment, facing Yi Yu's attack, the three of them could only resist Yi Yu's flying attack. If Master Beidou leaves and there are only two people left, they will not be able to deal with the vicious bird attack.

"If Brother Beidou can escape from the demon bird, you can go."

Fairy Zixiao didn't speak, but Zhan Meng's shout had already sounded.

In fact, before Zhan Meng could say anything, Master Beidou's body suddenly appeared with a colorful glow. When the glow suddenly appeared, a thin squeaking sound suddenly sounded around him.

As the sound resounded, Master Beidou suddenly shot away.

Feeling that Master Beidou had easily left, Fairy Zixiao suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. She believed that with her own strength, she would not be able to escape from the hurricanes sweeping around her as easily as Master Beidou.

Zhan Meng's eyes flashed, and something strange seemed to appear as he quickly walked away from Master Beidou.

"Ouch!" When Beidou Master left and walked away, a deafening beast roar suddenly sounded in the raging hurricane.

The sound resounded, and the huge red beast flew towards it and stopped on a tall mountain. The huge body covered the continuous mountains.

Zhu Yan's huge head was raised and he looked towards the direction of Qin Fengming who quickly disappeared without a trace in the distance, followed by a series of beast roars.

The huge ferocious beast did not continue to pursue it, nor did it attack Zhan Meng and Fairy Zixiao who were swept away by the hurricane of Yiyu. Instead, it looked ahead and stood still for a moment.

"Beidou is out of the attack range of that vicious bird." Sensing a sudden rapid wave behind him, Qin Fengming's heart sank as he fled quickly.

He did not expect that Master Beidou would be able to escape Yi Yu's attack in such a short period of time.

Qin Fengming was not sure about Yi Yu's strength, but he was sure that if he was entangled by Yi Yu, he would not be able to escape easily.

When I was easily exiled by two Mahayana in the Nightmare Moon Realm, I can only say that the targets of the two evil creatures were not those two Mahayana. If they were really targeting those two Mahayana, even if the other party had a mysterious treasure in hand, they would not be easily exiled. Into the virtual realm.

Facing Master Beidou's rapid pursuit, Qin Fengming flew away quickly without stopping.

The two escaping lights, one after the other, quickly left the island.

As his body was flying away, Qin Fengming's heart gradually calmed down, because apart from Master Beidou's aura, the only ones who were chasing him quickly were Chong Ji and Jueyin who came later.

Zhan Meng and Fairy Zixiao did not pursue him.

Sensing the approaching light behind him, Qin Fengming snorted coldly from the bottom of his heart: "Okay, Qin will find a position and fight you head-on to see if Qin has made any progress in these years."

Qin Fengming's figure swept across the vast water and soon entered the mountains.

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