Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6294 Wu Rong Gao Yang

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The sound swayed, seemingly unaffected by the ear-splitting roar, but the sound became hazy amid the huge hurricane.

Suddenly hearing the sound, the faces of Qin Fengming and three others changed drastically at the same time, and they all suddenly turned pale.

Facing the wild beasts and ferocious birds in front of them, the three of them no longer had too much fear in their hearts. However, the three of them were all horrified by the possibility of coming from the Mastiff Vine Realm Mahayana.

Although the alien beasts are somewhat intelligent, their intelligence is not very high. Even if Qin Fengming entered the dust space in front of the alien beasts and birds, he would not search aggressively with the intelligence of the alien beasts and birds.

But the Mahayana in the Mastiff Vine world is different. As long as Qin Fengming and the others suddenly disappear from their spiritual consciousness, the Mahayana will immediately think of the Sumeru space, and it is certain to search carefully nearby.

It can be said that at this time, Qin Fengming and the others have fallen into the consciousness of the person who made the voice.

No matter how the three of them hide, it is no longer possible.

Facing a Mahayana, Qin Fengming still had some confidence in his heart, but if he faced several Mahayana from the Mastiff Vine Realm, then he really had no confidence at all.

Xuan Luo and Yao Luo looked at Qin Fengming quickly with pale faces, their eyes filled with eager inquiries.

At this time, the two of them had the same thing in mind, that is, to escape from this place as soon as possible.

However, the two of them also knew that even if they wanted to escape, they might not be able to escape.

"Let's see who is coming." Qin Fengming's expression was gloomy, his eyes flashed sharply, his body turned around, looking in the direction of the sound, and he spoke quickly.

By this time, Qin Fengming no longer thought about luck, but had stabilized his mind again.

What he wanted to see most at this time was of course the people from the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range. Qin Fengming no longer has any illusions about Youfu Palace.

But he still had expectations in his heart for the Mahayana in the Mastiff Vine Mountains. At least if Fairy Ruo Jing is here, it will definitely ease the opponent's intention to capture him.

Just as Qin Fengming's words came out, a figure appeared in the eyes of Qin Fengming and the others. The figure shot forward and quickly stopped on the spot.


It's Wu Rong! "At the moment when the figure came quickly, a urgent cry suddenly sounded from Xuan Luo's mouth. As soon as the voice came out, Xuan Luo's already pale face became even more colorless in an instant.

Qin Fengming and Yao Luo already have a certain understanding of who Wu Rong is.

It can be said that the three of them know more about Wu Rong than the monks of Youfu Palace at this time.

Qin Fengming was shocked when he suddenly heard what Xuan Luo said. At the same time, he also understood that there must be a portrait of Wu Rong in the Xuan Luo family.

"The three juniors must be the ones who ventured into the space passage. You are indeed extraordinary. You actually passed through the unstable space passage safely. Okay, very good! Who is Qin Fengming among you three? Please stand up and speak. "

Wu Rong did not directly rush forward to capture the three of them, but quickly glanced at the huge lying motionless beast in the distance, then stopped in the void two hundred feet away in front of the three of them and looked at them. The man, with his eyes flashing, suddenly spoke.

When Wu Rong said these words, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly shook. He had never had any conflict with Mahayana, the longest surviving person in the world of mastiffs and vines, and had never met him before. However, as soon as Shi Shi appeared here, he started to look for him, which made Qin Fengming's heart immediately Chill appears.

Xuan Luo and Yao Luo looked shocked, but neither of them looked at Qin Fengming.

The two of them knew in their hearts that since the other party was looking for Qin Fengming as soon as he showed up, he must have gotten some information. Naturally, they don't know whether it is good or bad. However, the two of them can be regarded as mentally strong people. Although they thought they could not be the opponents of the powerful mastiff vine in front of them, they were instantly ready for a fight.

Looking at the Mahayana in front of him, Qin Fengming's expression flashed, and the fear in his heart was immediately subdued by his force. He flashed and faced Wu Rong directly.

"Junior Qin Fengming, I wonder why senior is looking for this junior?" Qin Fengming's figure flashed out, and the expression on his face quickly returned to normal.

"You are Qin Fengming, you are very good..."

Just when the expression on Wu Rong's face showed and he was about to continue speaking, he suddenly shut up and his eyes quickly looked in another direction.

"Hahaha... Fellow Daoist Wu, you didn't give Gao much time in advance. It seems that the road map in Fellow Daoist's hand is not much better than the one in Gao's hand."

Just when Qin Fengming was greatly surprised and his consciousness was quickly released to explore the direction facing Wu Rong, an equally ethereal voice suddenly reached the scene.

The voice sounded, but Qin Fengming's consciousness did not detect the person coming.

Although the man had not yet shown his figure, Qin Fengming was already feeling cold again. Because he already knew who was coming at this time, it was Gao Yang who was ranked number one in Youfu Palace.

Hearing Gao Yang's words, Qin Fengming fully understood in his heart that they were not the only ones to get the happy path map in their hearts. There were also path scrolls in Youfu Palace and the Mastiff Vine Mountains.

With his mind spinning, Qin Fengming had already figured out the origin of the map scrolls of the Mastiff Vine Mountains and Youfu Palace.

The scrolls in Youfu Palace must have been left by the two Mahayana who attacked and killed Fairy Xuankun, and the ones in the Mastiff Vine Mountains were naturally drawn by Wu Rong himself.

And Qin Fengming suddenly felt helpless in his heart. In fact, they found this place according to the map in Xuan Luo's hand. They may have taken many detours and wasted a lot of time.

This idea came about because Qin Fengming suddenly thought of something, that is, the space passage between the Mastiff Vine Realm and the Jiuyi Land is a stable passage, with a fixed position and will not change.

The three Mahayana people who entered the Jiuyi Land at the beginning were naturally able to easily draw a path map to reach the place where Yiyu lives.

Although the map scroll in Xuan Luo's hand was quite detailed for the entire Jiuyi Land, compared with the map scrolls described by Wu Rong and the others, it seemed too complicated and far less concise than their scrolls.

Because the map scroll Wu Rong held must have only marked the general directions of the space passage and Yi Yu's habitat, and there were no vicious bird nests marked on the way.

This allows Wu Rong to arrive here directly without any fear.

However, Qin Fengming and the others stayed there for a while as soon as they entered Jiuyi Land. Later, Lu Xue would detour whenever he encountered the nest, which undoubtedly wasted a lot of time.

The stop-and-go was enough to kill the time that the three people had spent early entering the Nine Lands.

Seeing Gao Yang flashing into his consciousness and then quickly flying over, Qin Fengming's fear that he had just heard after hearing Gao Yang's words also quickly subsided.

By this time, he no longer had any illusions or expectations.

All you have to do is prepare for a fight.

Facing the Mahayana of Youfu Palace, Xuan Luo and Yao Luo were even more frightened than Qin Fengming. As monks from the Seventh Mansion, they can be said to be monks under the control of Youfu Palace.

Although the two parties have no affiliation, everyone understands that Youfu Palace is the commander-in-chief of the entire Mastiff Vine World monks. Now that he has entered the Jiuyi Land first and is standing next to Qin Fengming, thinking about it will make the two of them feel uneasy.

"You didn't fall into that unstable space passage. This is really beyond my expectation. Okay, very good."

Gao Yang shot up and looked at the ferocious beast in the distance. Then he turned to look at Qin Fengming and the others. His face immediately showed some surprise and he said.

His words were the same as Wu Rong's, with the word "good" coming out of his mouth repeatedly.

Hearing Gao Yang's words, Qin Fengming shouted in his heart that something was wrong.

Gao Yang once said that he wanted him to learn an elixir recipe, but later Qin Fengming chose to continue the sealing mission and postponed the study. Gao Yang ordered Fairy Fengqian and Xu Guan to bring Qin Fengming back, naturally for this reason.

Of course, Qin Fengming is willing to learn about the elixir, but the premise is that he must have personal freedom.

Qin Fengming felt a chill in his heart when he thought of the information he had obtained about Youfu Palace.

Qin Fengming was unwilling to join the Youfu Palace Mahayana who could kill fellow monks for profit. Even if he was given great freedom, he would not join such a force.

"You are able to find this place. It seems that you also have some understanding of the Jiuyi Land. However, with your profound level of cultivation, you are still overestimating your ability to plot things here. No matter how you pass through the space passage , I advise you to stay away from here."

Before Qin Fengming could speak, Gao Yang's expression had turned sinister and he spoke coldly.

Gao Yang's expression changes and words made Qin Fengming and the others confused. I don’t know why he said such words at this time.

"Fellow Taoist Gao is right. This place is not something that Xuan-level monks can touch. If you follow Wu, I can protect you."

Following Gao Yang's words, Wu Rong also spoke again. He said something that puzzled Qin Fengming and the others.

When Wu Rong spoke, before Qin Fengming and the others could react, Gao Yang frowned and said coldly: "Fellow Daoist Wu wants to protect these three monks from the Seventh Prefecture?"

Gao Yang was puzzled as to why the Mahayana of the Mastiff Teng Mountain Range, who had never shown up before, could say such words.

"These three little kids are the people who once worked hard to strengthen the seal of the Hidden Yuan Land. Now that they have met, they naturally have to take care of them." Wu Rong said calmly with a calm face.

When he said this, everyone present knew that what he said was untrue.

A Mastiff Vine Realm Mahayana has to take care of several monks from Qifu. This is really funny.

But Wu Rong said this and was very likely to do so immediately.

Gao Yang's eyes flashed and he didn't speak for a moment.

Gao Yang was wary of the Mastiff Vine Master in front of him who had the longest surviving life in the Mastiff Vine world. When he advanced to Mahayana, Wu Rong had already stayed in the Mahayana realm for hundreds of thousands of years.

At that time, Wu Rong was already the most powerful being in the Mastiff Vine Mountains.

After so many years of not showing up in the mastiff and vine world, no one knows how strong Wu Rong has become. But it is definitely stronger than before.

Of course, Gao Yang is not really afraid of the other party.

Gao Yang himself was convinced that even if he was defeated, he would definitely not be easily captured by Wu Rong.

"Look, the fog is settling rapidly ahead." Just when Wu Rong finished speaking and there was no words to speak at the scene, Yao Luo's tender cry suddenly sounded on the spot.

The sound was loud and unaffected by the roar. Because at this time, the thunderous roar was gone.

As soon as Yaoluo started talking, Qin Fengming quickly looked into the distance and saw that the vast fog that had just blocked the sky and sun had shrunk and receded a lot.

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