Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6253 Revealing the ferocity

In the Holy Land of the Mastiff Vine Mountains, there is a tall statue. The statue is tall and majestic, but its shape and appearance are like a monk who has used the magical power of heaven and earth to appear real and energetic.

Fairy Ruojing has seen the statues in the holy land dozens of times.

In the impression and judgment of the Mahayana monks in the Mastiff Vine Mountains, that statue is the owner of the Jiuxing Garden: Taoist Master Teng Chi.

However, the statue that appeared in front of Fairy Ruo Jing now looked like a young man with a young appearance, but it had no resemblance to the tall statue in the Holy Land.

The statue in the holy land is young and handsome, with calm eyes, giving people a sense of wisdom and majesty.

But the short statue in front of him, although he didn't look very old, clearly looked like a tall man with a curly face who acted decisively and ruthlessly.

The statue looked directly at Fairy Ruojing, making the female cultivator suddenly feel like she was being watched by a terrifying beast, and a chill suddenly spread throughout her body.

She can be sure that this statue is definitely not the statue of Taoist Teng Chi as mentioned by the spiritual being in the hall.

Who is this statue? This is the first question that arises in Fairy Ruojing's mind.

"It is not a simple matter for you to lift the seal of the statue and release the artistic conception of the law sealed within it. This statue was sealed by the Dao Ancestor himself. If it were not for someone with extremely high attainments in the forbidden magic circle, it would be impossible to lift it. This statue is sealed. But fortunately, your body has the bloodline of our Taoist ancestors, so you can use it to study the several runes on the statue. As long as you can understand it, you will naturally be able to dissolve the statue's seal."

When Fairy Ruojing looked at the statue in front of her and thoughts flashed in her mind, the voice sounded around her again.

The voice was ethereal. Although the voice sounded right next to her, Fairy Ruo Jing could not pinpoint where the voice came from.

"Now that I am not an energy body, how can I understand the runes and use them to break the forbidden statue formation?" Fairy Ruojing suddenly said with a flash of her eyes.

The words rang out, but the voice in the hall did not answer immediately, and seemed to be thinking about this issue.

There was no immediate reply from the wise presence in the hall. Fairy Ruo Jing, who was standing still, suddenly had a ray of coldness in her eyes. The ray of coldness was fleeting and did not show up.

"This is not a difficult task. You can use the art of eating the sky to gather energy. Then you can find the runes on the statue. As long as you can understand them, you can naturally break the seal above."

The voice sounded, still calm.

Hearing the words of the voice, Fairy Ruojing did not show any excitement, but her expression sank slightly, and she said: "It is a bit reluctant to understand based on the junior's current state. I would like to ask the senior to tell the junior how to do it." Let your body come here, and then comprehend the artistic conception of the laws of your predecessors."

"This is impossible. It is simply impossible for you to enter the Juxiang Palace with your physical body. How can you possibly use your physical body to gain enlightenment..."

The voice sounded resolutely, quickly rejecting Fairy Ruojing's words.

"Since the physical body cannot enter the Juxiang Hall, the junior can only give up on comprehending the artistic conception of the senior's law. Even if he does not comprehend, the junior will definitely practice hard and one day try to ascend to the upper world to find the senior's true body and listen to the senior's true body's teachings. "

Before the spiritual being in the hall could finish speaking, Fairy Ruo Jing had already interrupted the voice and spoke a firm word quickly.

In her voice,

The figure flashed and flew away rapidly in the direction from which it came.

"You..." Suddenly seeing the female cultivator making such a decisive decision, a cry of urgency rang out. But the words only uttered the word "you", and no subsequent words were transmitted.

It was very obvious that Fairy Ruo Jing’s sudden decision made the spiritual beings in the hall unexpected for a moment, and they didn’t know what to say to Fairy Ruo Jing.

"Humph, you are really ignorant. I didn't tell you to leave, so how dare you leave!"

There was an exclamation of surprise, and then a cold snort sounded in the vast hall.

This voice was full of ferocious meaning, and at the same time revealed great anger. It changed from the previous calm and clear tone, and suddenly became like the roar of a terrifying beast that was suddenly angered.

The sound came out, and the wisps of fluorescent light all over the sky suddenly surged like water waves, surging and rippling in the hall.

The colorful glow in the hall suddenly changed. Fairy Ruojing, whose body was flying rapidly, suddenly felt a cold breath sweeping over her. Her heart surged with shock. Her figure, which was not moving at full speed, immediately became faster. .

"Poof!" Suddenly, a dull, dull voice suddenly sounded among the surge of fluorescence.

A cry of surprise resounded throughout the scene.

As she screamed in surprise, the body of Fairy Ruojing, who was flying rapidly, suddenly touched the tall and closed palace door. With the touch, the solid female cultivator's body suddenly hit the stone wall like a stream of clear water with a faint cyan light, and suddenly splashed in all directions.

In an instant, Fairy Ruojing's body, which was originally solid and upright, immediately turned into a green light and sprayed on the palace door.

"This Taoist Ancestor has not yet allowed you to leave Juxiang Hall, so you can't even think of leaving." The voice came up again, and it was still the same ferocious words.

Following these sinister words, a surprising scene suddenly appeared in front of the palace gate.

I saw Fairy Ruo Jing's body that had just shattered into streaks of green light suddenly and quickly gathered together. In the flash of green light, Fairy Ruojing's delicate body reappeared on the spot.

She still has the same outfit and the same gorgeous face. But at this time, the female cultivator had a look of shock on her face, and she was obviously confused.

If it hadn't been for the female cultivator's body hitting the main hall door just now and shattering, no one would have believed that the female cultivator's body had shattered just now just looking at Fairy Ruo Jing.

"This...the restriction of this hall is basically controlled by you, so that I can't pass through it at will." Fairy Ruo Jing's figure was solid, her face was frightened, she suddenly looked at the door of the hall, and she let out a sharp cry.

"Hahaha... As the existence of the Juxiang Palace, this Taoist ancestor can naturally control some of the restrictions in this hall. If you are obedient, this Taoist ancestor will definitely not harm you, otherwise you can rest and leave here."

A burst of laughter sounded, and a threatening word also entered the ears of Fairy Ruojing.

Until now, Fairy Ruojing could still not understand that when she appeared in front of the main hall, she was guided step by step by the spiritual existence in the main hall, and was finally controlled by him in the main hall.

Recalling the previous experience and the other party's words, Fairy Ruojing understood that the other party's purpose was to let her break the seal on the statue.

Fairy Ruo Jing didn't know what would happen if the seal was lifted, but she was sure that it would not be a good thing.

The other party has always claimed to be the Taoist Ancestor, and must be related to Taoist Master Teng Chi, but Fairy Ruo Jing cannot imagine the specific situation.

When she thought that she was trapped in the Hall of Juxiang at this moment, and that she could not break the restriction and escape, Fairy Ruojing's whole body was filled with ice.

She doesn't know what's going on outside, nor what her physical condition is.

She was not sure whether her physical body still had consciousness and spiritual consciousness at this time. Everything she had experienced before made Fairy Ruojing dizzy. Even if she had experienced it, it was still difficult to know the details.

How she entered here, how she avoided being disturbed by the terrifying hurricane outside the valley, and how she realized the scent of incense later, all these things seemed so unreal.

It makes Fairy Ruojing feel like she is in an illusion.

Only in the illusion can her spiritual body be protected from the hurricane outside, and can she directly pass through the thick palace door and comprehend the so-called scent of incense.

But hearing the harsh words of the spiritual being in the hall again, Fairy Ruojing suddenly woke up. No matter whether she was in an illusion or not, what she had to face now was the spiritual being in the hall.

"Senior, you want junior to break the seal of the statue. Could it be that the soul of the senior is what is sealed by the statue?"

The frightened expression on Fairy Ruo Jing's face slowly faded away, and the perseverance in her eyes appeared. She looked at the surging glow in front of her and spoke calmly.

At this time, the danger definitely exists, but Fairy Ruojing no longer has any fear in her heart.

"Hahaha... Divine Soul? Although there are some discrepancies in your judgment, it is not far from the truth. As long as you can break the seal of the statue, this Taoist ancestor will tell you the truth. Not only will you understand the reason, but it will also defy the heavens. benefits for you.”

Amid a burst of wild laughter, the words of the intelligent being returned to their previous calm tone.

Fairy Ruo Jing's expression did not change as the words entered her ears. She had heard these words from the spiritual being several times.

"It is not impossible for the senior to ask the junior to break the seal of the statue. As long as the senior inspires the oath of the mastiff vine and the seal of the statue is broken, the senior will let the junior leave safely. And without doing any harm to the junior, the junior will try to break the seal of the statue. I don't know what the senior wants. ?”

With thoughts flashing in her mind, Fairy Ruojing suddenly spoke loudly.

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