Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6251 Another discussion on incense

Hearing the words of confirmation transmitted from the Juxiang Palace, Fairy Ruojing's mind immediately roared, and she suddenly fell into despair.

The Mastiff Vine interface is an interface full of mysterious secrets. There are many secret things in it that are unknown to the Seven Great Palaces and even the Mahayana of Youfu Palace.

As the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Mountains who controls the countless mastiff beasts and vine demons on the Mastiff Vine interface, Fairy Ruojing knows far more about the Mastiff Vine interface than the monks from Qifu.

The source of many information is the holy statue that generations of mastiff beasts and vine demons have willingly knelt down to worship.

To be more precise, the information channel is the scroll in the statue's hand controlled by Fairy Ruo Jing at this moment.

Among the information that usually appeared on the scroll, there was a brief biography that described things about Jiuxing Garden, and the owner of Jiuxing Garden was Taojun Teng Chi.

The huge Nine Star Garden can only be controlled by the presence of Dao Lord.

It can be said that Jiuxingyuan is a private garden of Taojun Tengchi, but the method of controlling Jiuxingyuan is different from other forces.

Now that the spiritual being in Juxiang Palace has confirmed that he is Daojun Teng Chi, Fairy Ruojing has no doubt at all.

The Tao Lord is the supreme power that can control the laws of heaven and earth. Pretending to be a Tao Lord is enough to cause karma.

Doing this is not much different from the effect of inspiring the Star Ancestor's oath.

In the world controlled by a Dao Lord, no one would risk such horrific consequences by doing something counterfeit.

With a roar in her heart, Fairy Ruo Jing's expression changed and flickered, but her body still did not move forward and approached the main hall.

"Since the senior is the owner of the Jiuxing Garden, can you tell me some of the secrets of the Mastiff Vine?" Fairy Ruojing's eyes flashed, she bowed in the air and saluted, and she spoke respectfully.

"You are cautious by nature, and you have not lost an inch in the face of the unfavorable advantages. It is good. However, if someone had questioned this way about our ancestor in the past, his body and soul would have been destroyed long ago. But seeing that you are the direct descendant of our ancestor, As the first person to come to Juxiang Hall in countless years, I make an exception and allow you to ask a question."

Fairy Ruo Jing's heart was beating loudly as she spoke. What gave her some peace of mind was that the spiritual beings in the hall did not reprimand her too much, but agreed to her words.

"Thank you, senior..." Fairy Ruojing saluted respectfully, and as she thanked her, thoughts surged rapidly in her heart.

Facing the spiritual consciousness of Teng Chi Taoist ancestors, Fairy Ruo Jing no longer had any fear at this time, but the questions in her heart also surged, making her not know which question to ask.

Although they are the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Realm, both the monks of Youfu Palace and the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range have many doubts about this interface.

But there were so many questions that Fairy Ruojing didn't know which one to choose and asked.

As for questions, there are many in the Mastiff Vine World. Whether it is about Qifu Land or the Mastiff Vine Mountains, there are many secrets that Fairy Ruojing cannot find the answer to.

Or maybe there are too many questions about the Yin Yuan land that is threatening the Mastiff Vine Realm at this moment.

However, these questions only flashed through Fairy Ruo Jing's mind for a moment, and were immediately thrown aside by her. If you ask these questions, you will definitely get the answers, but as far as Fairy Ruojing is concerned, even if she knows the secret answers, she will not gain much.

Thinking rapidly in her heart, the words finally came out of her mouth: "Senior, I want to know what kind of inheritance I can get from my senior with my spiritual body at this moment when I enter the hall?"

Fairy Ruo Jing asked this question:

It can be said that it is the first thing she has to face. She cannot avoid it and must face it.

She couldn't tell whether there was danger in Juxiang Palace from the outside, so she could only listen to this spiritual being and then decide how to choose.

At this time, Fairy Ruojing's mentality was still stable, and she did not feel the slightest nervousness or fear due to talking to a supreme being in the Miluo Realm who had existed for unknown tens of thousands of years.

It can be said that the female cultivator is even more cautious than Qin Fengming.

"Humph, the body of spiritual thoughts? You think you are the body of spiritual thoughts now. You are so ignorant and ridiculous. The valley where the Juxiang Palace is located is the retreat place of our Taoist ancestors. Even if it is suppressed by the interface law at this time, the valley is filled with The mist is definitely not something that the body of spiritual thought can enter.

As the master of Xuanteng Horn, you naturally awakened some of the direct bloodline of this Taoist ancestor. Only then did you rely on the power of the bloodline between Xuanteng Horn and this Taoist ancestor to gather your spiritual consciousness and enter this place. If it were someone else, even the most powerful person in the Mastiff Vine clan, as long as he had not awakened the true bloodline of his Dao Ancestor, his body would definitely shatter and his soul would be scattered when he touched the surrounding mist.

As for what kind of inheritance you can get by entering the hall, it depends on your chance. As a powerful mastiff vine, you certainly know what is condensed in the Juxiang Palace. You can experience the power of incense on this low-level interface, but this experience is something that no one can encounter. Of course, if you can lift the ban on the statues in the main hall, you will naturally understand the artistic conception of this Taoist ancestor, which can be said to be a great help to your understanding of the artistic conception of Manhai. Aren't you satisfied with these? "

Although the voice of the spiritual being was somewhat cold, the words were very detailed, which not only cleared up the doubts about Fairy Ruojing's current state, but also explained why she was able to enter this Sumeru space.

"The power of incense? Senior said that there is the power of incense recorded in the classics in the Juxiang Palace? But even if there is the power of incense, how can it be preserved in the Juxiang Palace?"

Suddenly, Fairy Ruo Jing's expression changed again, and she kept asking questions.

The power of incense is indeed recorded in the Mastiff Vine Mountains, but not many monks know about it, because only the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Mountains can access those scrolls.

Although there are not many records about the power of incense in the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range, Fairy Ruojing also knows that the elusive power of incense cannot be stored in a certain space.

In an instant, Fairy Ruojing suddenly thought of something, which was a Youzhang stored in the Holy Land of Mastiff Vine.

An ancient scroll called the item a Youzhang, and it was a dark-colored token. The token is not big, only the size of an adult's palm, but it is said to have hundreds of millions of spirit patterns carved on it.

The token is full of strange power. Rumor has it that once the token is released, billions of living beings will surrender.

Although Fairy Ruojing is a Mahayana existence in the Mastiff Vine Mountains, she has never really seen the Youzhang. I just know that the Youzhang is stored in the tall statue in the Holy Land.

Fairy Ruojing doesn't know how to take it out or use it.

But there is one thing that is spread among the Mahayana of the Mastiff Vine Mountains, and that is that in that Youzhang, there is the power of incense sealed in it by the owner of the Nine Star Garden.

As for what the power of incense is, countless Mahayana people in the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range have no idea.

Although there are rumors in the Mahayana that the holy statue that millions of mastiff beasts and vine demons kneel before can provide the power of incense to the holy statue, no one has ever seen how the power of incense exists.

Now the spiritual beings in Juxiang Hall say that there is the power of incense in the hall, how can Fairy Ruojing be convinced by this.

"Of course the power of incense will not be manifested in the main hall, but this main hall is called the Juxiang Hall, and what is gathered here is the power of pious faith and obedience dedicated by countless millions of mastiff beasts and vine demons in the Nine Star Garden It can be said that the mastiff beasts and vine monsters in the Jiuxing Garden are all the people of this Taoist ancestor. They were derived from the Taoism when this Taoist ancestor became a Taoist king.

The name of this Taoist ancestor is Teng Chi. He has a special bloodline and the Tao he has demonstrated is extraordinary. He can turn the world around like an ordinary Taoist king and is worshiped by hundreds of millions of monks. Instead, he used his own blood to develop the mastiff beast and vine demon. Worshiping the true body with hundreds of millions of bodies transformed by blood can be regarded as the first of its kind for the Tao Lord to attain enlightenment.

It is true that the Juxiang Hall cannot preserve the power of incense for a long time, but it can collect the scent of incense. As long as you are in the Jiuxing Garden, there will be a steady stream of incense power gathered into the Juxiang Hall, and finally for the Taoist ancestor to realize. As long as you can enter the Juxiang Hall, you will naturally be able to touch the scent of incense gathered in the Juxiang Hall. If you can understand something from it and get some benefits, it is your chance.

You have the bloodline of this Dao Ancestor. As long as you can ascend to the upper world and find the original body of this Dao Ancestor, he will naturally take care of you. Alas, the original battle caused Jiuxingyuan to separate from Miluo Realm, and the main body was seriously injured. After so many thousands of years, I don’t know what happened to the main body. However, being able to accept the power of incense is enough to know that the original body has not disappeared or died. "

The spiritual being in the main hall spoke very tirelessly this time, and seemed to tell Fairy Ruojing many of the words that had long been in her heart.

After hearing the words coming from the main hall, the female cultivator slowly frowned.

At this time, she finally understood that what was in this hall was just a ray of spiritual consciousness from Taoist Teng Chi. It is not all the spiritual consciousness of his body.

If Fairy Ruojing's judgment is correct, this spiritual consciousness was originally left in the Juxiang Hall by Taoist Teng Chi specifically for the purpose of controlling the Juxiang Hall.

The purpose is to gather the power of incense.

Listening to the spiritual being speaking slowly, Fairy Ruojing looked heavy and did not speak for a long time.

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