Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6248 Reappearance Space

"The sound waves filling here should obviously come from this cave. I wonder what secrets exist in this cave?" Stopping at the entrance of a dark cave, Qin Fengming's expression was constantly aroused, and the blue light in his eyes slowly flickered. He spoke.

He walked here and still didn't feel any strange intrusion in his mind.

At this moment, the cave in front of Qin Fengming has traces of vicissitudes on the cave wall. A cold breath is like a transparent ice filled in the cave passage, and there seems to be no sign of movement.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Qin Fengming felt that the aura of the sonic runes in the mist had obviously increased.

You can vaguely hear the hazy melody contained in the singing voice. It was a strange Xuanzang Sanskrit voice that Qin Fengming had never heard before.

When Qin Fengming heard the hazy melody, he didn't feel any strange fluctuations.

However, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly tightened, and he couldn't help but block out the hazy rhythmic sound he heard.

This was something he did subconsciously. He had not yet determined whether the rhythmic sound had an impact on him or was a threat. Facing an unknown cave and an unknown situation, this move is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice.

The moment Qin Fengming blocked the sound with force, a huge energy suddenly appeared in front of him.

The energy appeared suddenly, and this energy contained a breath of space.

Just when Qin Fengming felt a shiver in his heart, a space aura suddenly surged around his body. Qin Fengming felt that his body was suddenly empty, and the scenery in front of him had changed drastically.

As soon as it became clear, the scene was no longer the mist-shrouded place, but a vast, open and bright place with undulating mountains and rippling blue waves.

There were clouds and mist in the sky, the mountains were bright and the water was bright, and a vibrant scene appeared in front of Qin Fengming.

"Serial Sumeru Space!" Suddenly, Qin Fengming suddenly exclaimed.

The connected Sumeru space is naturally a Sumeru space within a Sumeru space. This kind of nested Xumi space is usually deliberately arranged by monks and will never be naturally generated.

The Sumeru space arranged by a monk made Qin Fengming suddenly alert and at the same time expectant.

Expectation suddenly appeared, and a cold breath had invaded his body, causing Qin Fengming to quickly make secrets with his hands, and the secrets in his body suddenly surged.

But what suddenly frightened Qin Fengming was that although the magic formula in his body was running, a feeling of emptiness spread throughout his body. It was as if the magic techniques he was operating were flowing out of his body through his flesh and blood.

Not as if, but as a fact.

The spells and spells that Qin Fengming was running throughout his body at this time actually flowed out of his body uncontrollably. At the same time, he even realized that his consciousness could not leave his body at all.

It's not that he can't leave the body, but that as soon as his spiritual consciousness is released, it immediately seems to sink into the void without boundaries, quickly moving away from him, and he can no longer sense feedback information.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly changed. With a move of his hands, three crystal talismans appeared in his hands.

However, a scene that made Qin Fengming's face suddenly change even more appeared.

I saw the crystal talisman array tightly held in my hand. The moment it appeared in my hand, a wave of energy fluctuations slowly surged out of the crystal.

Qin Fengming sensed clearly that when refining the crystal talisman array, the runes sealed in the crystal stone actually flowed out of the crystal stone one after another with the gushing energy.

Qin Fengming had never seen this kind of situation before.

The ice and cold around him were terrifying. If Qin Fengming's physical body was not strong enough, his ability to withstand the cold erosion was far inferior to that of other monks. If it had been anyone else, just covered by the freezing aura, he would have been frozen solid in an instant.

With rapid thoughts in his mind, Qin Fengming no longer paid attention to the terrifying ice cold, but waved his hand, and three crystal talisman formations shot out immediately, and a curse rang out: "Explode!"

What made Qin Fengming stunned was that the crystal talisman array that was supposed to explode did not emit any explosive waves. The three crystal talisman arrays did not seem to receive the detonation spell he activated at all.

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed blue, and he suddenly widened his eyes on the spot.

He could clearly feel that the detonating divine thoughts he activated had no contact with the three crystal talismans at all. The moment he waved the crystal talisman array, he had lost mental contact with the three crystal talisman arrays.

Qin Fengming has encountered situations where his spiritual consciousness cannot leave the body, or it can swallow his spiritual consciousness.

But the situations he had experienced before were absolutely difficult to compare with now. Now it's not that the consciousness cannot leave the body, but as long as it is sacrificed, not a single bit of it will be swallowed up by the unknown aura here. Moreover, any spell, as long as it is running inside the body, can be directly guided out of the body by unknown forces.

Even the runes and spells sealed in the crystal talisman array can't resist the strange guidance power here. This is beyond Qin Fengming's imagination.

In the past, he had encountered mana and soul energy being released from his body, mostly caused by strange auras invading his body, but this time he didn't sense any auras invading his body at all.

Qin Fengming felt a little at ease as his mind quickly looked inside the Xumi Cave space on his body.

The items in the Xumi Cave, the storage ring, and the spirit beast bracelet were not disturbed by the strange power.

"Bang!" Three crisp sounds suddenly sounded in front of Qin Fengming.

In just two or three breaths, three crystal talismans containing majestic energy shattered on the spot at the same time.

The crisp sound was not loud, but to Qin Fengming's ears, it was like a thunderous explosion, making his mind roar.

"I can't sense any forbidden talisman breath, and there is no sound wave interference. How are the talisman and energy in the crystal talisman array drawn out?"

Qin Fengming frowned sharply as he looked at the several broken crystals in front of him with little energy left on them.

"The sonic mist that fills the Meru space outside is obviously released here, but why is there no sound or runic breath here?"

Qin Fengming stood on the spot, his eyes flickered, and he spoke again.

The place in front of him was obviously a place called Sumeru, which was a self-contained world. However, there was no sonic mist that filled the outside space, and there was no chanting music. This made Qin Fengming very puzzled.

He was puzzled, but Qin Fengming didn't have any doubts in his mind.

There are many mysterious and unpredictable situations in the world of immortality. He cannot identify them. He can only say that he has not reached the realm of cultivation or knowledge, but it does not mean that they cannot exist.

Turning around and looking behind him, Qin Fengming could find that not far behind him, there was a layer of transparent water waves covering him. The water waves were suspended in motion, like a portal.

That water wave is naturally the passage for him to enter here.

This place is full of secrets and very strange, which makes Qin Fengming extremely fearful. But at the same time he was alert, an irrepressible desire to explore suddenly filled his mind.

Looking at the bright vast world in front of him, thoughts flashed in Qin Fengming's mind. It is definitely not possible for everyone to enter this place.

The sonic mist in the outer space has caused many Xuan-level formation masters who are familiar with runes and spells to fall into it. This has shown how powerful the harassment in the sonic mist is.

Even if a Mahayana monk enters it, it is difficult to say that he can withstand the sonic mist better than those masters who are familiar with formations and runes, and it is difficult to say that he can take a few more steps forward.

If Mahayana monks had not comprehended the artistic conception of the law of sound waves, they might not be able to enter here at all.

"Now that we are here, if we don't go in and take a closer look, we will definitely regret it in the future. No matter what dangers lie ahead, Qin must go in to find out."

After standing for a moment, Qin Fengming's face flashed with expression, and he suddenly spoke firmly.

When he said these words, his body suddenly stood up straighter. It seemed that these words greatly increased his confidence.

With his mind made up, Qin Fengming stepped forward and walked forward.

Naturally, the air control technique cannot be used here, so walking is the only option.

However, just when Qin Fengming moved lightly and had just moved forward a few dozen feet, a majestic energy wave suddenly rose from around him.

The energy that suddenly emerged was vitality energy, but it contained an aura of decay.

The energy surged, like a huge hurricane suddenly rising into the sky and impacting towards the clouds and mist above.

A group of hurricanes suddenly appeared, then a second group, a third group...

In an instant, the calm space, like a calm lake, suddenly fell into a large number of huge rocks, and countless huge waves suddenly surged, covering the entire space in an instant.

Waves of strange but rhythmic chanting sounds were suddenly transmitted as the monstrous energy swept through the world. Qin Fengming, who suddenly heard it, felt dizzy in his mind, and a exclamation rang out, and he lay down on the ground. on the ground.

Coma seemed to be the only thing Qin Fengming could do at this time.

However, the coma did not last long. In just a moment, Qin Fengming, who was lying down, suddenly sat up, sat cross-legged with his knees, and sat still on the spot.

As he sat up straight, bolts of lightning suddenly appeared around him.

Lightning flashes appeared around Qin Fengming out of thin air, like huge dragons.

If the powerful monk looked carefully at this time, he would definitely be able to identify that it was not a real lightning flash, but a series of strange runes that could blend with each other and change forms. The rune pattern was so huge that it reached the sky, covering hundreds of feet in front of Qin Fengming.

As the shining talisman patterns all around appeared one after another, the fused talisman patterns gradually grew in size. In just a few breaths, they had become extremely thick and long.

The strange sound of chanting filled the vast Meru space, and more and more runes appeared in the energy hurricane that appeared in the space.

It didn't take long for the unknown extent of this Sumeru space to be obscured by the runes that penetrated the sky and the earth.

It is said to be a rune pattern because when the shining lightning flashes and coils, a huge rune pattern aura will be emitted.

The breath of runes is different from the breath of energy. It contains the power of a certain specific effect that the monks can easily identify. A monk can distinguish rune energy and vitality energy.

The aura of runes did not appear at first. It was after the lightning-like movements of the swordsmen touched each other that a terrifying aura of runes suddenly burst out that could make any monk tremble in fear.

The aura of rune patterns spurted out, wrapped in strange chants, and suddenly impacted the surroundings.

Sitting cross-legged in a ball of thick energy, Qin Fengming closed his eyes, lowered his hands, and sat still. He didn't know whether he was meditating or still immersed in a coma...

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