Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6244 Tengzhi 1 Clan

After Qin Fengming and Yingyi entered the cave separately and started refining elixirs in seclusion for more than a month, on another mountain covered by mist, a young monk with a stern expression suddenly appeared in the restricted cave. among.

The thick fog outside the cave didn't stop him from entering at all.

"The ancestor has arrived. Jun Hui pays homage to the ancestor. I will inform the master immediately."

The Junhui female cultivator who was sitting cross-legged in the cave with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes. After seeing the person clearly, her body immediately jumped up. She bowed respectfully and said urgently.

"Don't be in a hurry to ask your master, I have something here for you, which may be good for your internal injuries." The stern young man looked at the female cultivator in front of him, and suddenly waved his hand to stop her.

"Jun Hui has been injured and injured for more than six thousand years, and the ancestors have been worried about it. They have tried hard to find various spiritual objects for Jun Hui to take. Jun Hui really feels guilty..."

After hearing what the young man said, the female cultivator did not show any expression of surprise, but showed an extremely remorseful look on her face. As she spoke, she bent her knees and knelt down in front of the young man.

"Hui'er, please don't have such thoughts, it is not beneficial to your state of mind. You are the most talented person in our Jun family, and you should have the opportunity to break through the bottleneck of Mahayana. If a few more people are gone at that time, you will not He would face that ferocious beast alone and be seriously injured. It was precisely because of your risk that that incredible benefit fell into the hands of our Jun clan. It was precisely because of those benefits that in the following three or four thousand years During the years, several monks of our clan had the opportunity to break through the bottleneck. No matter how difficult it is, your master and I will repair the injuries in your body. If you are bound in your heart, you have failed me and your master in vain. Respect your heart.”

The young man's eyes flickered, he looked at the female cultivator, and he spoke firmly.

After hearing the words of the young man in front of her, the female cultivator's eyes suddenly flashed, and a firm intention emerged from her eyes.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your advice. Jun Hui has taken note of it. Jun Hui will definitely put aside distracting thoughts and live up to ancestor's expectations." The female cultivator nodded solemnly and replied firmly.

"This...this is Zhuntizhi! Did the ancestor take the risk and break into the place where the poisonous tapir lives?"

The female cultivator took the jade box handed over by the young man and opened the lid. She just took a look at it and an exclamation of surprise suddenly sounded from the female cultivator's mouth.

Zhuntizhi is one of the few heaven-defying spiritual herbs in the world of mastiffs and vines that is extremely beneficial to the Taoist injuries in the body of monks.

It has long been recorded in the classics of the Mastiff Vine Mountains that in a dangerous place, where a poisonous tapir lives, a very old Zhunti Zhi grows.

But the poisonous tapir is too powerful to deal with, especially since the place where it lives is full of poisonous mist. Even if several Mahayana conspirators try to get hold of the Zhunti Zhi, it is extremely difficult.

However, at this moment, there was an extremely old Zhuntizhi plant stored in the jade box. How could this not shock this female cultivator who had thought about that Zhuntizhi plant many times.

"This time, I went to a dangerous place on the route to see the poisonous tapir. Fortunately, the poisonous tapir seemed to have fought with other vicious creatures. There were traces of fighting everywhere in that place. To my surprise, that poisonous tapir The venomous tapir disappeared. Fortunately, this Zhuntizhi plant was not lost. I got it without much effort. I did not remove the Zhuntizhi plant by the roots, but left its The root. If it is not destroyed, after tens of thousands of years of growth, it can still grow into a suitable Zhuntizhi."

The young man raised his head and spoke slowly with some surprise in his expression.

The Poison Tapir is a ferocious beast with terrifying power. It is huge and covered with scales. Although it cannot be compared with the Ice Ridge Beast,

But it contains a poison that is extremely corrosive to monks.

The vast area where it lives is filled with that poisonous aura.

It can be said that in terms of difficulty, it is no worse than an ice-ridged beast.

It is precisely because of the terrifying and powerful poisonous tapir that for countless years many great masters in the mastiff and vine world have known that there is a powerful Zhuntizhi plant in the place where the poisonous tapir lives, but no one has been able to obtain it.

This time, the young man took the risk to sneak into the dangerous area where the poisonous tapir lived, and actually got the Zhunti Zhi recorded in the classics. How could he not be overjoyed?

"With this Zhunti Zhi, Jun Hui's internal injuries will definitely be greatly improved." The female cultivator was overjoyed and said excitedly.

"This Zhuntizhi is too old and the medicinal effect contained in it is very powerful. Therefore, you should not take it casually. You must take it when your master or I are around. This is not urgent. You will inform me now Your master, please come and meet me."

The young monk's expression calmed down and he warned.

The female cultivator nodded solemnly and did not answer. Instead, she stretched out her hand, and a black branch appeared in her hand. A group of ghostly light flashed, and an invisible wave was transmitted.

"Brother Junchuan has finally returned, which is good."

It didn't take much, and as the words were resounding, three figures suddenly appeared in the cave.

The silhouette was solid, revealing three monks, one female and two male. These three monks all exude the aura of Mahayana.

However, looking at the faces of the three of them, two of them are quite normal, no different from the monks from Qifu, but the other monk dressed as a male cultivator has a sharp-mouthed cat face. Although his body was standing, it was obvious from his figure, exposed limbs and skin that he had not yet completely transformed.

Another male cultivator is Jun Hui's master Wu Rong, who is also the top being in the Mastiff Vine Mountains.

This Wu Rong is extremely extraordinary. He can be said to be the longest surviving Mahayana on the surface of mastiff and vine. It's just that he didn't move around the interface very much, which made Youfu Palace think that he had passed away long ago.

If the dangerous situation caused by Jiuyi Land this time was not far greater than the previous times, Wu Rong would not have come out from the Mastiff Clan's secret place.

The temptations of the mysterious wasteland and the main hall in the hidden space were too great. Even Wu Rong, who was as calm as water and devoted himself to understanding the world, left the seclusion after receiving the message from the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range.

It was also when Wu Rong came out of seclusion that he accepted Jun Hui as his disciple.

It seems a bit unbelievable that a Mahayana who does not travel around the world of immortality accepts a female cultivator who is sick as a disciple, but there is naturally a hidden meaning in it.

Even Jun Hui doesn't know what the specific secret is.

However, Patriarch Junchuan and the Mahayana of the Digital Mastiff Vine Mountain Range seemed to know about this matter, but no one informed Junhui.

The monk who seems to have not completely transformed is named Yan Ren, and he is a monk from the mastiff clan. Although he does not seem to have successfully transformed, he is definitely not without intelligence. Not only is his spiritual intelligence fully developed, but Yan Ren is also one of the few alchemy masters in the Mastiff Vine Mountains.

If Yan Ren hadn't been proficient in alchemy, Jun Hui would have passed away long ago.

When Jun Huiqiang suppressed her internal injuries and returned to the Mastiff Vine Mountains, she was already close to dying. That is to say, with Yan Ren here, Jun Hui was given a few pills that could repair injuries and have some benefits on Taoist injuries, and soaked Jun Hui's body with a juice mixed with the juice of various spiritual herbs. Only then did he finally save his life.

The other female cultivator has a very beautiful appearance. Although she has a slightly plump figure, her movements and movements carry a soul-stirring sense of turbulence, which seems to be able to stir people's minds and make them intoxicated.

This female cultivator obviously has some methods of confusion.

"Brother Yan Ren, Fairy Yuli, you two have left the land of Shuofeng. How is the situation there?"

As soon as Shi Shi saw the three people appearing, Junchuan's expression changed slightly and he looked at the female cultivator and the cultivator whose animal body had not completely transformed, and spoke to himself first.

"When Yan and Fairy Yuli returned, they were ordered by Brother Jin Hao to inform them of the situation in Shuofeng. The expansion speed of that place is obviously much faster than before. If it is allowed to expand to more than a million miles, by then Even if we implement the methods we have collected in the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range, I am afraid it will be difficult to prevent the Yin Yuan Land from falling into the Mastiff Vine interface."

Although the monk didn't seem to have succeeded in transforming, his words were very clear and there was no difference between him and the monk who transformed.

"There are still one or two years at most. If we can't effectively prevent the expansion of the contact point, we can only rely on the power of the Seven Prefectures to stop it. But in that case, it will be a life and death test for our Mastiff Vine Herd."

Following Yan Ren's words, the female cultivator also spoke solemnly.

"Youfu Palace has convenient conditions and can mobilize a large number of formation masters from the Seven Prefectures to participate, but our Mastiff Teng side does not have such conditions. Whether we can succeed depends on the Teng Zhi brought by Brother Junchuan. Can a clan complete what is recorded in the classics?"

Wu Rong nodded and spoke with a flash of eyes.

The three Mastiff Vine Mountain Mahayana all looked at Junchuan, and the worry in their eyes was clearly revealed.

"The Tengzhi clan is a special ethnic group. Our Mastiff Vine classics specifically state that the Tengzhi clan is stationed in the Mastiff Vine Mountains. They have been inhabiting the area with the most lush vegetation for countless thousands of years, and they have strictly ordered other clans not to disturb them. This way The purpose of this is to make it work at this time. Otherwise, the classics will not indicate that when the Mastiff Teng Mountain Range encountered the Yin Yuan Land and touched the airspace barrier, it summoned the Teng Zhi clan, and Jiuyou Palace summoned the formation master. Let’s join together to block it.”

Junchuan looked calm and spoke very calmly.

"Brother Junchuan is so sure. Could it be that he has carefully studied the vine demons of the Tengzhi clan and gained something?" Seeing Junchuan being so calm, Yuli suddenly said.

"Yes, nothing happened on the way. I spent more than a month carefully studying the bodies of the Tengzhi clan, and finally found something strange in their bodies that is different from other clans of our clan. Anyone with a cultivation level that reaches the level of a ghost master Within the bodies of the Tengzhi clan in the world, there is a mass of deeply hidden strange energy. The energy is very strange. Although it is not obvious, as long as it is tested with magic, it can be confirmed that it contains majestic forbidden power. It seems that it is That ball of forbidden energy will be recorded by our ancestors and can help seal the land of hidden origin."

Junchuan nodded and spoke with a hint of excitement.

"It turns out that the Tengzhi clan really has this effect. If it hadn't been for the Yin Yuan land touching the Mastiff Vine world this time, we would have never known that the Teng Zhi clan had such a function. The classics are also very extraordinary. They can actually sense the Yin Yuan world. The breath of the earth reveals information that has never been revealed in the classics. It seems that as long as Brother Wu uses magic to plant the runes into the Tengzhi clan, the sealing should be completed."

After Junchuan finished speaking, Yan Ren's eyes sparkled and he spoke.

"Without further delay, please use the technique immediately, and must not fall behind with Youfu Palace. Only by completely stabilizing the contact point we are responsible for can we manage to enter the land of Yin Yuan. And in Yin Yuan Before the land becomes self-rejecting, there won’t be much time for us to get involved. It can be said that whoever stabilizes the area where the contact point is located first will be able to enter the land of Yin Yuan earlier. "

Fairy Yuli looked relaxed, but her words still showed anxiety.

Of course, everyone understood what the female cultivator meant, so they stopped talking and warned Jun Hui. The four Mahayana Masters from the Mastiff Vine Mountain Range disappeared again into the cave.

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