Text Chapter 6189 Stone Wall

As the female cultivator's words rang out, Qin Fengming's eyes were fixed on the soul cultivator's body that was still standing in the distance.

At this time, the place where the soul cultivator stopped was only two feet away from the soul cultivator whose body was chopped into pieces by the terrifying attack just now. The powerful attacks that suddenly appeared and were within easy reach only killed the soul cultivator, but seemed to ignore the soul cultivator who stopped on the spot and was forgotten by Qin Fengming just now.

None of Qin Fengming and the other three had personally experienced the attacks that appeared out of thin air.

But seeing how he easily killed the soul cultivator, even Qin Fengming had to be wary of him. The attack was full of divine aura, sharp and sudden.

Qin Fengming believed that he was the one who was attacked just now, and he would definitely not be able to dodge the attack before it came.

Of the two soul cultivators, one was killed instantly and his limbs were missing, but the other was unscathed and not a single attack came.

Such a situation confused all three of them.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, the aura on that soul cultivator seems to be the aura of the spiritual body of vegetation." Suddenly, Hua Huanfei's words rang in their ears.

Hearing these words, Qin Fengming was immediately shocked. Suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Yes, that soul cultivator should be the incarnation of the spiritual body of vegetation. Is it because of the restriction here that it cannot attack the cultivator of spiritual body of vegetation?"

Qin Fengming's expression flashed, and he suddenly expressed his judgment.

As he spoke his words, his mind stirred, and the soul cultivator stepped forward again, moving forward several feet in a breath.

The three people locked their eyes on the soul cultivator, but no powerful attack appeared. The surrounding fog was shrouded, as if there was nothing strange there at all.

"I'm going to go and test it to see if it's immune to attacks as long as it's a plant or tree." Suddenly, Hua Huanfei spoke words, and she stepped forward in a flash.

Qin Fengming and Yingyi's expressions changed slightly, but neither of them spoke to stop them.

As a Xuan-level monk, he naturally knows how to deal with the situation in front of him. Now that Hua Huanfei has made her choice, Qin Fengming and Yingyi cannot stop her.

Watching Hua Huanfei move forward step by step, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly became tense.

Although he has already made a judgment, he is not entirely sure and needs testing to be truly sure.

As Hua Huanfei approached the place where the first soul cultivator was killed, Qin Fengming and Yingyi's hearts were in their throats. No attack was revealed, Hua Huanfei stepped on that location.

"Sure enough, the restriction here does not attack the vegetation spiritual cultivator." Hua Huanfei moved forward a few feet again, but still no attack appeared, then he stopped, looked back and said.

Qin Fengming and Yingyi confirmed this situation, but neither of them moved forward. They were not people of grass and trees.

"I wonder if the vine demon will not be attacked?" Yingyi said while looking ahead.

Hearing Ying Yi's words, Qin Fengming was also moved in his heart. But he soon sank again, and he didn't have the vine demon with him at this time.

But just when Qin Fengming felt strange, a huge vine demon suddenly appeared on the spot.

The realm of the vine demon is not low, it is equivalent to the realm of the early stage of spiritual connection.

The giant vine demon seemed a little dazed. It appeared on the spot but made no move.

It didn't last long. After just a brief pause, the huge vine demon's body suddenly flew up and headed towards the front where Hua Huanfei was.

There was no attack, and the huge vine demon quickly crossed Hua Huanfei and advanced to an extremely far distance.

"The vine demon is not attacked by the restriction here, so let's see if it is not attacked by the restriction after using the fusion technique. Fairy Ying, you drive the vine demon back, and I will try using the technique." Qin Fengming was overjoyed, He said immediately.

"It's better to test Yingyi. I have the bamboo shuttle given by Fairy Qing to protect me. It's more stable than Young Master's test."

Yingyi did not agree to Qin Fengming, but said directly.

Before Qin Fengming could say anything else, Yingyi had already moved forward and flew towards the returning giant vine demon.

A cloud of green mist emerged, and the huge vine demon and Ying Yi were immediately wrapped in it.

Not long after, the vine demon who had just returned ran forward again.

Seeing the vine demon getting closer and closer to where Hua Huanfei was standing, Qin Fengming felt nervous again.

"The vine demon has not been attacked. As long as it has the aura of vegetation, it should not be attacked by the restrictions here." Ying Yi's joyful words rang out, and the other huge vine demon appeared, and its body moved quickly, and it came to Qin Fengming. .

Qin Fengming nodded and immediately began to perform the technique without hesitation.

Not long after, Qin Fengming, who had integrated into the body of the vine demon, drove the huge vine demon forward, and soon passed the place where Hua Huanfei was standing. The terrifying attack still did not appear.

"No wonder there is no record of cracking the restriction in this area in Tianji Mansion City. This peripheral area alone can block most Tianji monks. However, this is only a peripheral restriction and has not yet reached the real sealing circle. Let's move on. OK."

Qin Fengming's words sounded, driving the soul cultivator to move forward again.

The mountains and rocks here are rugged, and since it is impossible to escape quickly, the huge vine demon is very suitable for running on this kind of landscape.

The three of them didn't move forward for long. After passing through this rugged land, a stone wall made of tall rocks appeared in front of them.

This stone wall is tall, dozens of feet high, and stretches far away with no end in sight.

, slowly approached the stone wall, looking up, Qin Fengming suddenly felt a vast and heavy breath emerging from the stone wall, covering his body.

The breath slowly solidified, and Qin Fengming suddenly felt that the vine demon's body suddenly became flat.

The body of the vine demon in the realm of the gods was unable to withstand the terrifying pressure aura here.

"There is no longer the forbidden attack that appeared out of thin air before, but the force of the heavy pressure is terrifying. Flower Fairy, you can enter my bamboo shuttle."

Aura emerged, and Yingyi's words rang out on the spot.

As the words rang out, Ying Yi's body reappeared, and the tall vine demon's body flashed and was retracted into the Xumi Cave space in her arms.

Qin Fengming's body flashed and he separated from the vine demon's body. He also put the vine demon away.

"Thank you Fairy Ying for your kindness. This heavy pressure cannot pose much of a threat to me." At the same time as Qin Fengming appeared, Hua Huanfei's polite words also echoed on the spot.

As Hua Huanfei spoke, pieces of lotus petals suddenly appeared around her, and the petals were wrapped layer by layer, wrapping her entire body in it.

Hua Huanfei is not a body refiner, but she obviously has the means to bless her body.

"Hey, this tall stone wall doesn't seem to exist in reality." Qin Fengming looked at the tall stone wall in front of him, a blue light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and a soft cry sounded in his mouth.

The sound was not loud, but both female cultivators heard it.

"There is something strange on this stone wall, but how could it be an illusory existence?" Hua Huanfei looked at it intently, and after a moment, she spoke with a look of deep doubt on her face.

She has a natural sensitivity to psychedelic and illusory things. Facing the stone wall in front of her, she didn't notice anything wrong.

Qin Fengming did not answer Hua Huanfei's question, but his face suddenly became solemn and he looked forward.

After a long time of drinking tea, Qin Fengming spoke again: "Whether it is a physical existence, you can know it by attacking."

After speaking the words, Qin Fengming's spiritual thoughts urged the soul cultivator standing in front of him.

Suddenly, several solid attacks flashed out and slashed towards the tall stone wall ahead.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!~~" Suddenly, several bangs sounded in front of the three people. There was a bang and explosion, and the attack launched by Soul Cultivator was not blocked and directly touched the stone wall.

"The attack was carried out on the stone wall and was blocked by the stone wall. It shouldn't be an illusory existence." Hua Huanfei blinked and immediately made a judgment after seeing what she saw.

"Hua Xianzi, it is true that the attack was carried out on the stone wall, but it was not blocked by the stone wall. The violent fluctuations should have appeared when the forbidden aura and the attack were connected, not the energy released by the broken attack energy."

Following Hua Huanfei's words, Qin Fengming shook his head slightly and said firmly again.

After hearing these words, Hua Huanfei's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled slightly. What Qin Fengming said was not unreasonable. If what Qin Fengming said was true, it would be enough to show that the illusory restriction ahead had exceeded her ability to sense the illusory aura.

"No wonder the runes sacrificed by Fairy Qing contained a lot of space aura. It turns out that if you want to break this restriction, you need to use space means. In this case, Qin studied it to see if he could find it. To find a way to crack it.”

Qin Fengming looked forward, his eyes slowly becoming sharp, his aura emanating from his body, and a very firm word suddenly sounded on the spot.

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