Hua Huanfei transformed into a human body and entered the world of immortality for quite some time. After becoming the leader of Tianji Mansion, her knowledge has greatly increased. Regardless of the classics or hearing, I also know that I have heard of many people who are bold and reckless, but this is really the first time for a monk like Qin Fengming who dares to think like this.

It is not that no Mahayana monks have entered this forbidden area of ​​Tianji Mansion. I don’t know how many smart and talented monks have entered and been baptized here.

Although there is no record of Mahayana falling into it, there are also people with extremely high attainments in formations who have fallen into it.

However, there is no record in the classics about anyone who escaped from trouble by breaking the restrictions in the forbidden area.

But now, Qin Fengming thinks so. It seems that this is what he is going to do.

Although Yingyi's expression was startled for a moment, she quickly regained her composure. She blinked and fixed her gaze on the mountain ridge in front of her, motionless for a moment.

Of course Qin Fengming was not hot-headed, but had thought carefully.

Since there are different levels of trials for the monks' souls in the two areas, it means that the restrictions in the two areas are different.

The two different formations do not intersect, but are only separated by a mountain ridge. This is enough to show that the two formations are not a whole and are not connected.

When Qin Fengming was still in the human world, he had been able to slightly improve the magic circle and arrange it so that two different magic circles could be integrated with each other. Therefore, he can certainly think of some key points for this kind of magic circle that cannot be integrated together.

Since they cannot be fused and require a clear separation, it means that there must be a certain gap between the two magic circles. As long as you can walk along the gap and resist the two magic circles, it is not impossible to pass through the space between the two areas.

It seems that Qin Fengming's idea is bold, but after careful consideration, you will find that his choice is undoubtedly the most appropriate at this moment.

Hua Huanfei's expression changed with surprise, because she had already had the impression in her heart that no one could shake the forbidden area of ​​Tianji Mansion for countless years. Yingyi's calm mind was due to the knowledge that Qin Fengming always acted unexpectedly.

The two women knew that they couldn't get involved, so neither of them said anything more. They just looked at Qin Fengming who was slowly walking forward, their eyes flashing with worry.

Qin Fengming's aura emanated from his body, and he moved closer to the abrupt mountain ridge. A sense of vigilance emerged in his heart. When he was still more than ten feet away from the foot of the mountain, Qin Fengming immediately stopped standing.

None of the three of them knew how to enter the three major areas.

However, from Zhong Miao's words, Qin Fengming judged that there were many different ways to enter the three major areas. After entering, you will also enter different areas, and then be trapped in a certain area by the restrictions inside.

Qin Fengming was most willing and expected to not be forcibly pulled in by the guards in the three major areas.

He now needs to test the restrictions on the mountain ridge to see what the scene is like.

As soon as he stopped, Qin Fengming immediately urged him with his spiritual thoughts, and a figure of a soul cultivator flew out and climbed directly towards the mountain ridge ahead.

These soul cultivators have all been wiped out by the golden bite. Although they cannot complete the task independently, after Qin Fengming's sacrifice, they are able to connect with his mind and make some specific attacks.

It is better to say that it is a soul cultivator than a soul-body puppet.

This soul is not cultivating quickly. Every time it takes a step, Qin Fengming will make it pause slightly.

As the soul cultivator climbed up the mountain, Qin Fengming suddenly felt two extremely strong squeezing forces from his soul body.

The squeezing force appeared suddenly, as if it appeared out of thin air. The soul body's body immediately deformed under the action of the two squeezing forces.

However, after being slightly stabilized, the soul cultivator climbed upward again.

"Bang!~" Suddenly a bang sounded on the mountain ridge. Amidst the explosion, the soul cultivator's body was suddenly like a bursting firecracker, turning into a ball of divine soul energy that filled the sky and splashed around.

Suddenly a huge ball of energy swept across, and the soul energy in the sky was suddenly swept away.

Disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, two screams also sounded.

The scene that suddenly appeared made Hua Huanfei and Yingyi scream out in surprise. A soul cultivator in the Ghost Lord realm was so easily blown apart and killed without any warning. It was enough to know how terrifying it was on that mountain ridge.

Qin Fengming's face was gloomy, but the sparkle in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Without the slightest pause, another soul-cultivating body quickly stepped forward and climbed up the mountain ridge again like the previous one.

Seeing another soul-cultivating body explode again without any abnormalities, although the two women did not scream in surprise, doubts appeared in their eyes.

There was naturally a reason why Qin Fengming caused two soul cultivators to explode on the spot.

But the two women didn't know what Qin Fengming sensed from the explosion of the two soul-cultivating bodies.

At the same time that the second soul cultivator's body exploded on the spot, Qin Fengming waved his hand, and a huge blade with green light suddenly appeared and slowly slashed towards the mountain ridge.

The blade of the sword was several feet long, the blade was wide and the back was thick, making it look very sharp and strong.

The huge blade moved forward slowly, as if being lifted by a huge force.

"Buzz!~" Suddenly, as soon as the giant blade floated above the mountain ridge, a ball of green light suddenly emitted, and a rapid buzzing sound suddenly sounded from the giant blade.

Amid the buzzing sound, the giant blade seemed to become extremely unstable, suddenly swaying left and right and up and down.

The buzzing was loud, the green light shone, and a majestic energy suddenly surged around the giant blade. The energy gathered, and an extremely terrifying clanking sound suddenly sounded, as if the giant blade was being cut and twisted by some extremely terrifying force.

"Buzz!" A green light suddenly flashed, and the giant blade suddenly broke free and slowly shot back.

"There is no restriction on this mountain ridge, but under the harassment of the two major area restrictions, there is a terrifying squeezing force. Even Qin's magic weapon cannot stay in it for a long time."

Looking at the blade that had returned to several inches in length, Qin Fengming's face was as gloomy as water and he said in a deep voice.

At this time, although the blade magic weapon had only stayed on the mountain ridge for a few breaths, the energy aura above it had become unstable, as if it had experienced a terrifying and fierce battle.

The horror of the squeezing force on the mountain ridge, just by being in contact with the magic weapon, made Qin Fengming feel chilly in his heart.

His physical body is so powerful that even among the three realms, he is definitely among the best. Even if he encounters a Mahayana monk who is refining his body, he thinks he can fight him if he only fights with his physical body.

But sensing the terrifying force that the magic weapon was receiving on the mountain ridge, Qin Fengming felt a chill coming over him, and fear appeared in his heart.

If he was in an open space, he could use the power of the strange runes to neutralize most of the force, but between the two magic circles, he simply couldn't induce the force that was attacking his body.

Because the squeezing force between the two magic formations is a kind of runic power that can ignore the monk's defense.

In addition, the squeezing force exists in the gap between the two magic circles, and there is no way to find space to vent it. It is impossible to get rid of it just by using the weird runes.

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Qin Fengming thought he couldn't bear it just by relying on his physical body to resist the squeezing force.

"Let me try!" Qin Fengming said, and when his ugly expression appeared, a crisp voice suddenly rang out.

Amidst the words, Ying Yi's delicate body moved and she quickly came to Qin Fengming.

"The squeezing force cannot be resisted by the physical body. Do you have any magic weapon that can withstand the squeezing force?" Qin Fengming was surprised and looked at the female cultivator and asked.

"There is an item that may be able to withstand the force of squeezing."

After Yingyi spoke, she held her hand, and a small green bamboo shuttle item appeared in her hand.

This bamboo shuttle was only the size of a palm, with a verdant surface. As soon as it appeared in Yingyi's hand, a space aura radiated out.

Seeing this bamboo shuttle, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed slightly, revealing his thoughts.

This was obviously a flying object, and Yingyi actually planned to use this flying object to pass through the gaps between the two magic circles in front.

Under Qin Fengming's gaze, Yingyi raised her hand, and a green light suddenly shone on the spot.

"There may be restrictions here. You should be more careful when driving this thing." Qin Fengming's eyes blinked slightly, and just as he spoke the words, Yingyi in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Under the gazes of Qin Fengming and Hua Huanfei, a small emerald green light just flashed and flew towards the mountain ridge.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the air, and a green arc suddenly appeared without any sound, directly slashing towards the emerald green light above the mountain ridge.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly froze.

Qin Fengming didn't need to think carefully to know what the sudden thunderous arc was. It was an attack made by the forbidden control here.

There was a loud bang, and the green arc of lightning struck the mountain ridge with just a flash.

No terrifying energy fluctuations appeared. The thunder and lightning attack that made Qin Fengming's heart tremble only touched the mountain ridge and then disappeared immediately.

Emerald light flashed like a flying dragonfly, and the bamboo shuttle reappeared in Qin Fengming's eyes.

The green light floated back to Qin Fengming, and in a flash, Yingyi appeared on the spot.

Looking at Ying Yi who was unscathed, Qin Fengming was filled with shock. This bamboo shuttle flying object did not suffer any damage from the sudden forbidden attack.

"Could this flying shuttle belong to the Green Fairy?" Qin Fengming's thoughts suddenly turned and he suddenly asked urgently.

"Yes, this object belongs to Senior Qing. This object has the ability to escape through space. It should be able to pass through the place ahead." Yingyi admitted immediately without hesitation.

Looking at the small shuttle suspended in the air in front of him, Qin Fengming's eyes flickered continuously.

In the Xingyun Palace, he got nothing at all, but with the bamboo tower in hand, Yingyi got far more benefits than Qin Fengming.

Without further words, the three of them entered the bamboo shuttle.

As soon as he entered the bamboo shuttle, Qin Fengming suddenly discovered that the area inside was not small. It was several feet long and two feet wide. There were huge holes at the front and rear ends, but it was impossible to see the outside through the holes.

"Hey, there is actually squeezing power here, but the power is much smaller than outside."

Suddenly, Qin Fengming let out a soft sigh. He suddenly felt a terrifying force suddenly rush in from the hole at the front, sweep over his body, and then exit the small space from the hole at the back.

Hua Huanfei stood behind Yingyi, wrapped in a ball of transparent fluorescent light, as if she had not been disturbed at all.

"This is an air-breaking shuttle. It has the effect of splitting the air. However, its flight speed is not very fast, but it can be used in some special environments." Yingyi opened her mouth and explained.

Qin Fengming nodded. He did not look down on Yingyi's flying object. As long as it could pass through the two major areas, he would be happy.

Qin Fengming didn't know what was going on outside. Under Yingyi's control, three or four hours later, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that the huge force acting on his body suddenly disappeared. Yingyi's words rang out again: "Okay, let's fly away." The land of mountains.”

As Ying Yi spoke out her words, Qin Fengming and Hua Huanfei lightened up, and suddenly the scenery in front of them changed drastically.

What was in front of him was a dark land with jagged rocks and howling wind. There was no light, no vegetation, just strange rocks standing all over the mountains and plains.

Qin Fengming turned around and took a look at the mountain ridge shrouded in fog and clearly well-lit. As his eyes flashed, the expression on his face suddenly became uncertain.

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