Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6163 Leaving the city

Qin Fengming suddenly felt a chill all over his body as the essence and blood submerged into the center of the array.

Something strange suddenly appeared, and the magic formula in Qin Fengming's body surged on its own. Suddenly, he suddenly felt a bright light before his eyes, as if the fog covering the tall city wall in front of him suddenly became thinner.

Suddenly, Qin Fengming realized something in his heart.

The array that protects Fengze City is not a large array, but is composed of countless identical arrays. It can be said that each such platform is a separate array.

If the monks who climb the city wall are not blocked by the magic circle, they must inject their own essence and blood into the center of the formation.

Only in this way will the monks not be excluded by the magic circle, and they can freely use their magical powers in the magic circle to attack the rioting mastiff beasts and vine monsters outside the city.

Although he does not know the details of this magic circle, Qin Fengming is convinced that monks who drip blood essence can avoid being rejected by the magic circle. This is just an effect of the magic circle. In addition, the magic circle must have the ability to monitor the monks who drip blood essence and prevent them from being rejected by the magic circle. There are unscrupulous monks from within the city who destroy the city protection restrictions.

If such a magic array is just said to be powerful, it will definitely not be as powerful as an overall large array.

But this kind of small magic circle to protect the city wall is still of great benefit to the monks of the Seven Prefectures who are not short of manpower.

Even if one of the restrictions is broken, the monks stationed at the center of the array can immediately repair the damage and leave enough time to rearrange the restrictions.

For countless thousands of years, in the battles with the Mastiff Vine Demon, the monks from the Seventh Mastiff Vine Mansion have already developed a set of methods and magic formations specifically designed to deal with the Mastiff Vine Demon.

Without the repulsive force attacking him, Qin Fengming appeared on the city wall in a flash.

Looking under the city wall, Qin Fengming finally saw what the Mastiff Vine Chaos was, and what the real battle between the Seven Prefectures' monks and the Mastiff Vine demonic beasts was.

On the broad city wall, hundreds of thousands of monks relied on the tall and solid city wall to form combined attack formations and used various means to attack the mastiff beasts and vine monsters that flew towards them outside the city.

Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness could see clearly.

Under the tall city wall, which is more than a hundred feet high, is an army of mastiff beasts and vine demons that cannot be detected by spiritual consciousness.

Each mastiff beast or vine demon exudes a ferocious and brutal aura, its eyes are filled with blood-red color, and with a roar, it steps on the body of its companion that fell under the tall city wall, like A puppet beast that had no emotions and only knew how to kill, braved powerful attacks shot out from the mist, and flew towards the tall city wall.

Qin Fengming had no way of knowing exactly how many mastiff beasts and vine demons were attacking the vast city at this moment.

An indiscriminate attack on a vast city with a radius of hundreds of miles, the exact number of mastiff beasts and vine demons involved is absolutely astronomical.

It can be said that in just a breath of time, a large number of mastiff beasts and vine demons will be killed by hundreds of thousands of monks on the city wall.

However, as batches of corpses of ferocious beasts fell from the sky, the mastiff beasts and vine demons all over the mountains and plains were not afraid at all, and still roared and flew forward.

The corpse of the monster beast that fell under the city wall not only did not scare the beasts, but instead became a ladder for the beasts to attack.

Looking at the layers of mastiff and vine demon corpses that were gradually getting higher under the tall city wall, Qin Fengming suddenly felt a roar in his mind, and an uncontrollable feeling of vomiting suddenly appeared in his chest.

Shocked in his heart, he hurriedly held back the roar, completely blocking his own feelings.

In this battle scene, the smells of various attributes are mixed with the extremely bloody atmosphere, and the smell is really unbearable.

"The corpse below has already formed pickled poison. Quickly activate the magic circle to incinerate the corpse of the monster below."

Just when Qin Fengming's heart tightened and he was secretly performing the technique, Hua Huanfei's urgent cry suddenly sounded on the spot.

Qin Fengming didn't know what kind of poison the pickled poison was, but seeing Hua Huanfei's solemn expression, he could tell that the poison must be very extraordinary.

It should at least be a threat to monks below Xuan level.

As Hua Huanfei spoke, a harsh buzzing sound immediately erupted from several nearby platforms.

The sound resounded, and balls of fire like green ghost fire suddenly appeared on the solid city wall.

A ball of fire suddenly appeared, followed by a stinging sound.

Looking around, Qin Fengming discovered that the strange fire ball emerging from the city wall did not emit heat, but it had the ability to burn.

Facing those fire balls, the mastiff beasts and vine monsters, who were originally fearless of death, actually retreated one after another.

When the fire ball touched the corpse of the monster below, a layer of emerald green or black and red mist immediately rose.

Qin Fengming's eyes were shrouded in the sight, and the corpses of mastiff beasts and vine monsters, when touched by the fire ball, turned into ashes instantly like withered grass encountering the flames.

The corpses of the beasts, which had been piled up like a mountain just now, and which were about to be level with the crenellations of the tall city wall in a short time, suddenly collapsed. As Qin Fengming looked, there was a thick layer of spherical objects of different sizes piled up on the vast ground below.

"Demon pills! There are many demon pills down there."

Suddenly, Fairy Yingyi suddenly exclaimed something.

In Ying Yi's voice, Qin Fengming also identified what the pile of balls that appeared on the ground outside the city wall were, and they were demon pills.

The sudden appearance of the fire ball could burn the body of the monster beast, but it did not damage the demon elixir in the monster beast's body at all, which made Qin Fengming full of curiosity.

Without any hesitation, Qin Fengming stretched out his arm, and a huge palm shot out.

The palm of his hand returned to Qin Fengming's side again, and a ball of green-colored fire appeared in front of him.

"This is not a flame, but an energy object that has a corrosive effect on blood essence." Qin Fengming said immediately as he looked at the green fire ball in front of him.

"Yes, this is a secret technique that all of our Mastiff Vine monks must practice. It has a strong melting effect on the body of the Mastiff Vine demon, but does not damage the demon elixir in the demon beast's body. This is unique to our Qifu region. Magic, other strange fires and demonic flames definitely don’t have this effect.”

Seeing Qin Fengming acting, Hua Huanfei did not stop him, but explained.

While the two were answering, several figures suddenly appeared outside the city wall.

What surprised Qin Fengming and Yingyi was that among those figures, there were monks from Fengze City and mastiff vine monks.

The two sides did not fight, but each quickly collected the demon pills piled on the ground below.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi, who saw this scene for the first time, both showed curiosity.

But soon, Qin Fengming figured out the reason. For the seven major mansions of the Mastiff Vine Realm and the Mastiff Vine monks, the Mastiff Vine Demon without spiritual intelligence is only a source of demon elixirs needed for cultivation.

The sharp increase in the number of mastiff and vine demons is not good for the seven major mansions. It is also not a good thing for the mastiff and vine monks.

Therefore, the two sides had a tacit agreement to kill a large number of mastiff beasts and vine demons with the help of monks from the seven major palaces.

Qin Fengming looked at it and saw that the thick layer of demon pills accumulated on the ground below was quickly cleared away by the monks on both sides. As the two sides disappeared, the violent beasts attacked the tall city again.

And while they were doing this, there were also shouts in the distance saying 'Incinerate the corpses of the monsters below'.

Qin Fengming's eyes flickered as he watched countless mastiff beasts and vine demons below crazily attacking the tall city wall. The vines hitting the city wall made a rumbling sound. If it were not blocked by the green mist and guarded by the power of restraint, no matter how strong it was, The city wall is bound to be damaged and destroyed by the tentacles of the vine demon.

Seeing that even if there is a restriction, the tough city wall can still cause pieces of debris to burst out, Qin Fengming understands in his heart that although this situation is acceptable to both sides, the danger in this process is also unspeakable.

If the Mastiff Beast Vine Demon really breaks through the tall city wall defenses, the Mastiff Vine Monk will naturally not mind bloodbathing this Fengze City.

The green mist spread on the tall city wall had no effect on the monks' attacks, but it did not obviously slow down the swooping mastiffs or vine monsters.

It was with that little blocking power that the many monks on the city wall were able to kill the mastiff vine demon that flew towards them.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, what are your plans?"

Just as Qin Fengming was thinking, several figures appeared on the city wall not far away, and a voice came into Qin Fengming's ears.

The monks in Fengze City obviously didn't have a good impression of him and Fairy Yingyi's arrival.

Although they may not necessarily be held responsible for the siege of the city by the mastiff beasts and vine demons outside the city, there is indeed a conflict between them.

This is easy to understand. When Qin Fengming joined Yuheng Land, the Yuheng Land monks once said that he had the aura of Yuheng Land and would be ostracized or hostile to any other place he went to.

Earlier, Qin Fengming directly took out three bottles of Wuzhi Baihua Cream, of course, not just to get a few teleportation array positions, but also because Qin Fengming did not want to argue with everyone in Fengze City.

Three bottles of ointment made the grain merchants lose their temper, which Qin Fengming was very happy to see.

Now that the grain merchants said this, they naturally wanted to force Qin Fengming to face the powerful Mastiff Vine alone.

"Please ask Lord Gu to open the city gate. Qin and the two fairies will immediately leave the city and leave through the beasts outside." Qin Fengming frowned slightly and looked at the densely packed beasts roaring like a tide outside the city wall, and suddenly turned around Looking at the grain merchants, he suddenly said something that made everyone present suddenly change their expressions.

This sentence caused everyone present to fall into silence for a moment.

Everyone already knew that Fairy Yingyi was the one holding the Order of Youfu. If she treated the inspector of Youfu Palace like this and even made him fall among the beasts, then Youfu Palace would definitely find trouble in Fengze City.

With their ability, how can they confront Youfu Palace.

After hearing Qin Fengming's words, Hua Huanfei's eyes immediately showed hesitation. She obviously did not think that Qin Fengming's decision to leave Fengze City at this time was the best choice.

But when Fairy Ying Yi, who was standing next to Qin Fengming, heard his decision, her expression did not change at all, and her eyes were indifferent, as if Qin Fengming's words were simply ordinary words.

Seeing Yingyi like this, Hua Huanfei's words of advice were immediately swallowed by her.

"Fellow Taoist really plan to leave Fengze City now?" The grain merchant looked at Qin Fengming and asked in a deep voice.

"Not bad!" Qin Fengming nodded without further explanation.

Looking at Qin Fengming's young expression without any strange expression, the grain merchant nodded slowly: "Okay, now open the city gate for fellow Taoist!"

As the grain merchant transmitted the message, the huge city gate embedded in the tall city wall suddenly made a creaking sound. A gap then appeared on the city gate.

"Let's go out of the city!" Qin Fengming looked at the two women, said, and flew towards the city gate first.

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