Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6138 Grand Formation

"Fellow Taoist Wan, do you know the cause of the Mastiff Vine disaster now?" Qin Fengming's eyes narrowed, he turned to look at Wan Yuan in the distance, and asked directly.

Qin Fengming is not worried about Wan Yuan taking the road away, because Wan Yuan is not a stupid person.

Hearing Qin Fengming's question, Wan Yuan's eyes showed some surprise: "Didn't you two capture the powerful man in the mastiff vine for interrogation?"

Wan Yuan did not answer, but asked a question.

"Fellow Daoist Qin and I came across a large number of vine demons running around when we left the Land of Evil Sun, and took a detour to get here. During this period, we did not encounter other fellow Taoists or spiritual beings in the mastiff vines, so for this time Chaos, not knowing the truth.”

Fairy Yingyi nodded and answered Wan Yuan's question.

"I see, Wan did not investigate the Mastiff Vine Disaster carefully, but Senior Mu Ran once said something. He said that a great chaos was taking place in the Mastiff Vine world, and the Qifu Land was attacked by a large number of Mastiff Vine Demons at the same time. The attack caused us in the Arctic to go to Tianji and Tianquan respectively to assist the monks in the two places to guard the Big Dipper Formation to fight against the war that may occur in the near future and harm the Mastiff Vine World."

Wan Yuan nodded, his expression suddenly became solemn. After thinking for a long time, he organized some words and spoke.

Wan Yuan's words made Qin Fengming frown in his ears.

Before Qin Fengming could ask about his confusion, Yingyi's startled words were heard: "Commander Wan, do you think the seven prefectures will work together to activate the Big Dipper formation that has not been activated for countless thousands of years?"

She spoke quickly, and her words contained great shock.

What moved Qin Fengming was not that the unspeakable Mastiff and Vine chaos was about to break out in the Mastiff and Vine world, but that he had heard about the 'Beida Seven Stars Formation'.

With the Big Dipper here, the name of this formation sounds very ordinary.

But Qin Fengming was instantly convinced that the Big Dipper array he knew was definitely not the 'Big Dipper array' that Ying Yi was talking about at this moment.

Because this magic circle requires the joint stimulation of the seven major palaces in the Mastiff Vine Realm.

The seven major mansions are extremely far apart. Qin Fengming just thought about what it would be like to activate a large formation together at such a distance, and it immediately made his mind roar.

At least until now, he had never seen such a huge magic circle operating.

The nebula array in the Evil Sun Land is very huge and has a very wide range, but compared with the Big Dipper array mentioned by Fairy Yingyi, it really pales into insignificance.

"Fairy Ying was shocked, and Wan was also shocked. The Big Dipper array, which is related to the Seven Prefectures, has only been used twice in the classics. Every time it is activated, it will seal off an unknown territory of hundreds of millions of miles. Large areas of the territory will fall into a very terrifying filth, and it will take countless years to recover.

Although the large formation can make the mastiff beast and vine demon become confused and disobey the command, it is enough to make it difficult for our monks from the Seventh Land to distinguish between east, west, north and south, forming a combined attack. Although Wan asked Senior Mu Ran for advice, he did not say what would happen. He just asked me to go to the two mansions and wait.

A large number of mastiff beasts and vine demons gathered, and although many of them invaded the seven lands, most of them did not actually invade the seven major mansions. Wan did not know where exactly they went. Just because we wanted to find out the reason, we were led into a magic circle by several spiritual beings and fell into it. "

Wan Yuan looked confused. After thinking for a while, he said what he had judged and knew at this time.

Listening to Wan Yuan's slow words, Qin Fengming's brows furrowed even more.

He has never seen what it is like to activate a large array that can activate a vast area of ​​​​the interface.

But as a formation master, he can certainly guess some.

Once such a large formation is activated, it cannot be broken by just a few extraordinary beings.

Regarding that kind of grand formation, Qin Fengming's mind was roaring, and an uncontrollable feeling of excitement suddenly surged up.

It is unspeakable to see this kind of huge formation that can only be encountered once in this life.

In the Three Realms, there are definitely not many magic circles that can cover such a large area. And there are not many people who have seen such a large formation operating.

It's not that no one has seen it, but those monks who have seen it probably don't have many left in the world at this time.

Of course, Qin Fengming did not dare to say whether such a large formation was rare in the Miluo Realm. But I learned from Xingyun Palace that this Mastiff Vine interface was originally covered by a large formation in the Miluo Realm.

No matter what, it would definitely be of great benefit to Qin Fengming if he could encounter such a large formation in the Mastiff Vine World.

Suddenly, the worry and fear in Qin Fengming's heart suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by an extremely huge excitement in his heart.

"I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see that legendary formation being activated. I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing." After listening to Wanyuan's words, Fairy Yingyi's beautiful face also shone with clouds and clear colors. He said quietly in his mouth.

She knew better than Qin Fengming what it meant for that large array to be activated.

The more she understood, the more difficult it became for her to calm down.

After Yingyi finished speaking, no one at the scene spoke for a moment. The three of them had uncertain expressions on their faces, and they were obviously thinking deep down in their hearts.

The three of them are considered to be the top monks in the Mastiff Vine world. No matter how powerful the Mastiff Vine Chaos is, the three of them are not really afraid of it, and they can still adjust their mentality quickly.

But if the magic circle that consumes countless thousands of years of savings accumulated in the seven major mansions is activated, it will still make it difficult for the three of them to calm down for a short time.

"The Big Dipper Formation that can be activated by the Seven Palaces probably has nothing to do with the Mastiff Vine Demon. There must be secrets in it that all Taoist friends don't know at this time. But don't worry, as long as we capture a few Mastiff Vine Demons The existence of spiritual intelligence within it can be figured out if you think about it.”

After a moment, Qin Fengming's eyes narrowed and he spoke.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Fairy Yingyi and Wan Yuan both looked at Qin Fengming involuntarily, with a hint of disdain on their expressions.

However, Ying Yi's disdain only appeared briefly, and was quickly driven away.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, your methods are powerful and unrivaled by Wan, but if you want to say that you can easily capture a royal being with full intelligence among the Mastiff Beasts and Vine Monsters, you still underestimate the group of Mastiff Beasts and Vine Monsters. Every royal family member with full intelligence and at the core will be surrounded by a large number of powerful guards of the same clan.

Under the influence of the strange aura of the royal family, those mastiff beasts and vine monsters will become extremely cruel and fearless of death. As soon as the order is given, they will swarm forward one after another. The monks still seem too indifferent in front of them. Since the two spiritual vine demon monks have returned, they will naturally be prepared. If we go there, it will be no different than seeking death. "

Wan Yuan's expression did not calm down, but he spoke some words.

Hearing his words like this, Qin Fengming was slightly surprised. The meaning of his words clearly showed that Wan Yuan had no intention of rescuing the Youfu Palace monks who were trapped in the Vine Demon Array.

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