Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6097 Origin of Mastiff Vine

The thoughts in his heart became clearer little by little, and Qin Fengming's expression finally became calmer.

Looking at the young monk whose expression was constantly changing, Fairy Yingyi's eyes were also flashing. She didn't know what Qin Fengming was thinking about at the moment.

The longer she walked with Qin Fengming, the more Fairy Yingyi felt that this alien monk was unusual.

When she first saw Qin Fengming fighting with Zihao, she was not optimistic about Qin Fengming at first, thinking that it would be good if Qin Fengming could cause some damage to Zihao.

Yingyi had few thoughts at the time, she just wanted Qin Fengming to force Zihao more and expose more of his secrets.

But the result surprised her. Qin Fengming not only forced out the secrets of Zihao, but also directly helped Master Fengji seize Zihao's body. Later, he even had a head-on fight with Master Fengji, but he was not at a disadvantage.

This situation immediately made Yingyi look at Qin Fengming with admiration.

Later, she saw Qin Fengming single-handedly forcing dozens of monks to bow their heads and agreeing to spend sky-high price demon pills in exchange for the Chaos Order. This made Yingyi see the young man's intentions.

Later, along the way, Qin Fengming's strength and methods shocked Yingyi.

Fairy Yingyi had a feeling in her heart that without the young monk in front of her, she would never have been able to come here, because in the land of black light, she might have returned without success.

One after another, she experienced something that appeared in her mind. Subconsciously, even if Fairy Yingyi refused to admit it, she already had a hazy feeling in the depths of her mind, that is, she felt that as long as she was with the young man in front of her, she could be resolved. Danger and difficulties that cannot be resolved by one person.

This feeling made Yingyi feel a little strange, and she desperately wanted to get rid of this thought.

When monks cultivate immortality, they rely on themselves. Relying on others is a taboo for monks to cultivate immortality.

But although Yingyi tried her best to restrain herself, the feeling of dependence still lingered in her heart.

When the female cultivator stood aside and stared at Qin Fengming with eyes flashing and unreadable, Qin Fengming was also talking to Jun Yanyan about the key point.

Although the names of the mastiff-eating wolf beast and the vine tree demon in Junyan's mouth are somewhat different from the names of the monsters in the mastiff and vine interface, Qin Fengming can be sure that the two monsters in Junyan's mouth should be the mastiff beast and the vine demon.

"Have you ever known about Zhu Yan and Yi Yu?" Qin Fengming asked again as thoughts surged in his heart.

As a mountain spirit, Jun Yan is far more knowledgeable about various beasts of heaven and earth than Qin Fengming. However, the existence of such wild and strange beasts is extremely rare even in the Miluo Realm. Even if there is, the number must not be much.

Sure enough, after hearing the two names Qin Fengming asked, Jun Yan did not hesitate at all and immediately said: "These two ferocious creatures are not very numerous in the Miluo Realm. They can survive for countless centuries, but this kind of ferocious beasts and monsters can survive for countless centuries. Generally speaking, people living in the wilderness are inaccessible, and there are very few people who can see them. However, there seem to be these two kinds of vicious creatures in the Witch Wasteland."

Jun Yan spoke with a lot of thoughts in his words.

Although Qin Fengming had already made some conclusions when he asked this question, hearing Jun Yan's clear answer still made his body sway.

Following Jun Yan's words, Qin Fengming spoke again and said: "The interface we are stuck in at the moment is an interface called the Mastiff Vine World. On this interface, there are countless mastiff beasts and vine monsters living. . And these two monsters rarely fight. In addition, there is a Zhu Ni and Yi Yu on this interface..."

Qin Fengming looked shocked,

His eyes flashed, and the sound came from his mouth again.

Before he could say anything, Jun Yan's startling words rang out: "You said there are two ferocious beasts existing on this interface at the same time? Could it be that this is the Nine Star Garden?"

Jun Yan's words entered Qin Fengming's ears, and Qin Fengming's mind suddenly roared.

Jun Yan really has memories of the mastiff and vine world in his memory. Although Qin Fengming had never heard of the Jiu Xing Garden that Jun Yan wanted, he almost instantly confirmed that the Jiu Xing Garden that Jun Yan was talking about should be the Mastiff Vine World at this time.

The nine stars are the seven stars of the Big Dipper plus the two stars of Swagger and Jiuyi.

Qin Fengming had also known for a long time that there were two hidden spaces in the Mastiff Vine Realm, one was the Swaggering Place where Youfu Palace was located, and the other was the Jiuyi Place.

This, combined with the seven major mansions, forms the name of Nine Stars.

Although the Arctic Land can be regarded as a hidden space, it is not usually visible and cannot be accessed, so it is reasonable to exclude it.

Jiuxingyuan, the land of nine stars, is really very similar. Because of such similarity, Qin Fengming can be sure that the Jiuxing Garden mentioned by Jun Yan is the current Mastiff Vine World.

"Yes, a Zhu Dao and a Yi Yu did appear on this interface, and the two fierce beasts were fighting endlessly. Moreover, there are seven places in this Mastiff Vine interface, each named after the Big Dipper. Except for the Seven Stars There is also the theory of swagger and Jiuyi Space."

Qin Fengming suppressed the shock in his heart and spoke. When he finished speaking, he immediately stopped talking.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Jun Yan didn't speak for a while.

The memory in Jun Yan's mind has not been restored, and some stimulation is needed to restore it. And some of the information Qin Fengming said is exactly the right remedy.

After drinking tea for a long time, Jun Yan's words rang out again:

"Jiuxingyuan is a forbidden area in the Witch Wasteland. It is surrounded by wild wilderness. In my memory, it is an area that no one dares to enter. It seems that Zhu Nu and Yiyu are sealed in Jiuxingyuan. Savage. As for whether there are mastiff-eating wolf beasts and vine tree demons in Jiuxingyuan, I have no impression. However, Jiuxingyuan is indeed named after the Big Dipper plus the two hidden stars. If there are really two vicious beasts here, It’s barbaric, and it’s related to the name of the Big Dipper, so it’s possible that this place is the Nine Star Garden. Could it be that the reason why my realm dropped sharply and I was separated from my master was because the Nine Star Garden was separated from the Miluo Realm?”

As Jun Yan spoke the words, his tone became heavier and heavier. At the end of his speech, he suddenly said something that made Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly widen and freeze.

The steep rock is the body of the mandrill, the existence of the mountain spirit. Qin Fengming could not imagine what he had gone through when he had cultivated to an extremely high level and was able to make his level plummet and seal himself.

With the tenacity of his body and the power of his methods, even a powerful person who was one level above him would never be able to stop Jun Yan when he wanted to escape. You must know that Jun Yan possesses magical powers of the wind attribute, and he actually has an escape technique that is extremely capable of flying.

If Jun Yan's injury level dropped sharply because Jiuxingyuan escaped from the Miluo Realm, then one can only imagine what kind of war took place in the Miluo Realm at that time.

That kind of war, let alone Junyan is not a true immortal or a Taoist king, even if it is a true immortal or a Taoist king, there will definitely be some damage in that kind of war.

Qin Fengming couldn't specifically imagine that kind of war situation, and he didn't want to imagine that kind of war situation.

Because this matter is not a good thing for him.

Regardless of anyone, even if he is a powerful person who understands the world, if he is immersed in a certain kind of fruitless thinking and cannot escape, it is definitely not a good thing for his state of mind.

"Jun Yan, I wonder if you remembered anything about Xingyun Palace when you appeared?"

When Qin Fengming's consciousness saw Jun Yan's dull expression, his heart moved and he immediately changed the subject.

Qin Fengming's words already contained some sonic power. Because he suddenly found that Jun Yan's expression was different at this moment, and he seemed to be struggling.

As Qin Fengming transmitted the message, Jun Yan's dull eyes suddenly became bright again.

"Nebula Palace? Yes, I remembered some things about Nebula Palace." Jun Yan regained his expression and said immediately.

Hearing Jun Yan's words, Qin Fengming suddenly felt happy.

Facing the great hall in front of him, although Qin Fengming wanted to understand it, he had no confidence that he could understand it and decipher it.

Being able to learn some information about Xingyun Palace from Jun Yan, even if it has nothing to do with cracking the restriction, is a great thing for Qin Fengming.

"I don't know what you remember about the Nebula Palace. Please explain it in detail."

Hearing Qin Fengming's urgent voice, Jun Yan did not answer immediately, but was slow for a dozen breaths, and then suddenly spoke out and said something that made Qin Fengming suddenly tremble: "Xingyun Palace's The owner is a female nun!”

Qin Fengming was not shocked by Jun Yan's words, but something suddenly occurred to him.

That thing is about Fairy Yingyi. Fairy Yingyi once received the mantle of a great sage. Later Qin Fengming once asked.

Although Fairy Yingyi did not elaborate, she told Qin Fengming that the owner of the mantle was a female cultivator.

The mantle of that female cultivator contained a book about the Nebula Formation, and now Jun Yan said that the owner of the Nebula Palace was a female cultivator. This naturally made Qin Fengming suddenly think of Fairy Yingyi getting the mantle of the mantle.

"Fairy Ying, I wonder what the name of the owner of the mantle you met is called?" Qin Fengming's mind flashed, and he immediately looked at Fairy Ying Yi and asked.

The female cultivator was surprised when she heard Qin Fengming's words. But without hesitation, he immediately said: "Fairy Bi Tong!"

As Fairy Yingyi spoke the words, Qin Fengming's eyes immediately became extremely solemn, and his eyes shone brightly, as if he was thinking about something urgent in his heart.

"The owner of Xingyun Palace is not Bi Tong, but Fairy Haiyun."

As Fairy Yingyi spoke, Jun Yan in the Xumi space immediately spoke.

Qin Fengming was not shocked when he learned from Jun Yan that the mantle inherited by Fairy Yingyi did not belong to the master of Xingyun Palace. Because if you think about it carefully, it is impossible for such a powerful person to leave his legacy in the Arctic.

"I want to try to see if I can enter this hall."

Just when Qin Fengming was thinking about it and planned to ask Jun Yan again, Jun Yan's voice transmission immediately entered his ears again.

After hearing these words, Qin Fengming immediately frowned.

Jun Yan has extraordinary strength and can control thousands of ferocious beasts, but his formation skills are definitely not as good as Qin Fengming's, but now he actually wants to try to enter the hall, which surprises Qin Fengming.

However, Qin Fengming's consciousness fell on Jun Yan's resolute face, and he immediately gave up the words he wanted to say, and immediately said: "Okay, I will use the magic immediately to see if I can use magic in this void place." Cover.”

Jun Yan has a special identity, and Qin Fengming doesn't want too many people to know about it, so he needs to make some arrangements before Jun Yan shows up.

As a thick mist surged up, Qin Fengming suddenly felt a huge force of plunder suddenly acting on his Danhai. It seemed that in just an instant, 10% of the mana energy in his body was drained.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fengming immediately stopped performing the technique. His brows were furrowed, showing an embarrassed look on his face.

It's very obvious that no magic can be performed here.

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