Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6093 Walking together again

Qin Fengming was surprised that Fairy Yingyi could enter this space, but there was also some joy in his heart.

The dark starry sky outside is obviously vast and indescribably vast. It must not be easy to find any space in the void with no sense of direction. But the female cultivator arrived here not long after he entered, which surprised Qin Fengming.

At the same time, he was happy that since the female cultivator had entered here, she knew how to get out of here.

"It is indeed fellow Daoist Qin, but I wonder how he used the magic to create this new swirling sky?" Fairy Yingyi arrived quickly, stopped in front of Qin Fengming, and asked directly.

Qin Fengming looked stunned. He did not understand the meaning of the female cultivator's words: "The fairy said that this space is called the Land of Swirling Sky, and is it new?"

Just ask if you don't understand. This is Qin Fengming's usual style.

"Yes, there are many swirling places in the Nebula Formation, that is, suspended spaces. In the swirling spaces, there will be some treasures, and Ksitigarbha Milk is the most precious among them. And the place where fellow Taoist is currently located This swirling space should be hidden in the void and not usually visible. But I don’t know what method you used to bring out this hidden swirling space?"

Fairy Yingyi looked at Qin Fengming, blinked her eyes, explained in her mouth, and asked questions again.

She was obviously very interested in how Qin Fengming led to the spinning sky, and asked repeatedly.

Hearing the female cultivator ask again, Qin Fengming's heart immediately sank, and the situation flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, a bright light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and it was obvious that he was thinking of something.

Fairy Yingyi did not ask questions, but looked at Qin Fengming with equally bright eyes, waiting for his answer.

"The ability to activate this space may be related to the fact that Qin once practiced a magical power in the starry sky. During the practice, he once activated an extremely powerful energy wind."

Qin Fengming's eyes narrowed and he expressed his judgment.

Before he entered this space, it was when he fully integrated the seven groups of energy. The huge wave rushed away quickly, and Qin Fengming naturally didn't know where it ended up.

However, he had already confirmed at this time that it was the aroused vast aura that impacted away and touched the space called the Land of Swirling Sky. This space has an effect and should be able to make contact with it. The energy that hits it is strongly absorbed into it.

Thinking that there is no energy of heaven and earth in the nebula formation, Qin Fengming is even more convinced that what he thinks must be absolutely correct.

"What? Fellow Taoist, are you saying that you have practiced some kind of magical power in the starry sky?"

However, Qin Fengming's words were calm, but when Fairy Yingyi heard it, there was a thunderous sound, causing Fairy Yingyi's beautiful face to change suddenly, and she suddenly screamed out in shock.

To practice magical powers and secret techniques in the Nebula Formation, such a thing is simply impossible in the view of Fairy Yingyi, who knows some of the secrets of the Nebula Formation.

But the young monk in front of her said this, which really made her feel incredible.

Qin Fengming did not dispel the suspicion and asked Fairy Yingyi in shock, but said with twinkling eyes: "Fairy Yingyi, I wonder how much you know about Hunxu Mountain?"

As he spoke, he looked closely at the female cultivator.

This place is full of secrets. Although he already knew in his heart that the female cultivator should not know many secrets here, Qin Fengming was still full of expectations.

When she heard the words "Hunxu Mountain" spoken by Qin Fengming, Fairy Yingyi's body became obviously stiff.

"Fellow Taoist actually knows about Hunxu Mountain?" She froze, and Fairy Yingyi suddenly asked a question urgently.

Qin Fengming nodded without looking away.

Instead, he still stared closely at the beautiful face of the female cultivator. It seemed as if she wanted to take in any strange expression on Fairy Ying Yi's face and figure out what it meant.

Although he did not show any strong momentum, the solidity and concentration in Qin Fengming's eyes was undoubtedly revealed.

Qin Fengming's gaze gave Fairy Yingyi a sense of oppression.

Fairy Yingyi admitted that this feeling did not show any coercion, nor did it appear to be too coercive. But under Qin Fengming's thick gaze, Fairy Yingyi immediately felt a lingering sense of nervousness deep in her heart.

This feeling was something Fairy Yingyi had not felt for an unknown amount of time.

Even though she had encountered a Mahayana being in the mastiff vine before, Fairy Yingyi had never felt like this before.

Although the Mahayana in the Mastiff Vine filled Fairy Yingyi's heart with fear, that feeling was the emotion that low-level monks would feel when facing beings far beyond their own realm.

The female cultivator knew clearly that what emerged in her heart at this moment was not pure fear, but a negative feeling that seemed indescribable but could not be shaken off.

It seemed that the young man in front of him had his eyes locked, making him feel unable to think.

"Fellow Taoist actually knew about Hunxu Mountain, which really surprised Yingyi. You are not a mastiff vine monk, so it is naturally impossible for you to have been to this Nebula Formation. Could it be that you have seen something about Hunxu Mountain in the spiritual world?" records?"

Fairy Yingyi was a powerful person after all, and she knew that the young man in front of her had no intention of taking action against her, so she secretly took a deep breath and asked calmly.

"Qin not only knows Hunxu Mountain, but also knows some of the conditions for refining in Hunxu Mountain. However, the information obtained cannot be told to the fairy. I think there should be no restrictions on what the fairy knows, so I also ask the fairy to tell the fairy what he knows. Let me tell you something about the situation here."

Qin Fengming did not hesitate and immediately explained.

Hearing what Qin Fengming said, Fairy Yingyi frowned slightly and became silent for a moment.

Qin Fengming was very quiet and did not speak to urge her again. Instead, he looked at the female cultivator and made no movement.

"I did get some information about the Nebula Formation. Apart from the spells that enter the formation, the main information is the information about the situation in the Nebula Formation. Since fellow Taoists know about Hunxu Mountain, they naturally know about Hunxu Mountain. How is Xushan located? It also knows how to collect the spiritual milk generated in it. As for the origin of this formation, there is no information that I know. But I got a treasure that can detect the starry sky. If If fellow Taoists are willing, we can work together to find Ksitigarbha Milk."

Fairy Yingyi blinked, and instead of asking Qin Fengming any more questions, she spoke directly. He said the words of jointly searching for spiritual milk.

As she spoke, a sense of expectation suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Qin Fengming's expression moved slightly, but it was nothing too strange. He had long thought that female cultivators should have the means to find such a Sumeru space in Hunxu Mountain.

After experiencing the previous battle between the six powerful guards, Qin Fengming was not surprised that Fairy Yingyi asked him to accompany him.

"The fairy made an appointment to go together, and Qin naturally agreed." Qin Fengming did not hesitate and immediately agreed to the female cultivator's request.

Qin Fengming knew in his heart that Fairy Yingyi must have secrets that she had not revealed, and only by walking with the female cultivator would those secrets be known to her.

"Okay, I have fellow Taoists with me. I think you and I can go plot a dangerous place that I have encountered before." Fairy Yingyi's expression showed, and she immediately said with excitement. ??

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