Qin Fengming is not a blindly optimistic person. He senses what is happening to the flesh, blood and meridians in his body, and is convinced that even if the power of the stars here, with the blessing of the fusion of space and breath, can make his body undergo some changes, there must be a limit. It would be endless.

At the same time, he also understood that even if the power of the stars affected the physical body and had indescribable benefits to the physical body, he would not need to do anything.

He cannot control the power of the stars, and naturally he cannot guide the power of the stars to do this.

Since the power of the stars has not hindered his physical body, what he has to do next is to try to practice the magical power of the immortal world: the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper.

What kind of magical power is the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper? Although Qin Fengming understood it, he did not know the specific power and effect of this magical power. Because he spent time and energy practicing this technique, he didn't get a glimpse of it at all.

Since the power of the stars is a prerequisite for practicing the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper, and this place is filled with strong power of the stars, Qin Fengming does not believe that he cannot successfully practice the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper.

His eyes flickered, and a look of determination suddenly appeared on Qin Fengming's young face.

Qin Fengming once again made a hand gesture and sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes slowly closed, and his body became motionless again.

The starry sky shines brightly. Although the distance is unknown and the stars in the distance are tiny, the stars appear very bright.

There is no air here, and there is no vitality of heaven and earth. Instead, there is a cold, dark void.

Qin Fengming didn't identify things carefully. As energy groups appeared around Qin Fengming, his body that was originally moving rapidly was no longer moving rapidly.

It was as if he himself had become a solid rock in the midst of a rushing river, and the rapid torrent was worth detouring for him.

Qin Fengming didn't feel this, and he didn't have time to think about what if he found a place without the power of stars and sensed the power of teleportation attacking him.

As his hands kneaded, the mana and soul energy surged in his body, and Qin Fengming completely entered into cultivation.

No one can tell clearly how big the extraterritorial space communicated by the Nebula Array is. Because even in the Youfu Palace classics, there is never any introduction to this aspect.

Even the monks who have entered here before, no one can find out clearly.

Although there is a sense of time here,

But there is no sense of spatial orientation. The monks here, even if they can cast spells to stabilize their bodies, they still can't tell the east, west, north, and south.

It can be said that there is no east, west, north or south here at all.

Because this is an extraterrestrial space, even if there are stars and stars as a reference, they are extremely far away. To be precise, those stars are not fixed, but are moving rapidly. As for the orientation of east-west, north-south, there is a large benchmark as a marker. For an interface, there is a direction, but it is impossible to have it here.

This is not an interface, but it is beyond the scope of the interface. Naturally, there is no direction or orientation.

Here, if you can't control your body to change directions, it can be said that you can't escape the invisible power of the stars to guide your body to move rapidly.

If Qin Fengming was carefully examining his surroundings at this moment, his heart would definitely be filled with incomparable admiration for the supreme power who created this place.

Because this is beyond the understanding of interface monks under the laws of the Miluo Realm.

He must not have been able to imagine what kind of power could seal an extraterrestrial place with a magic circle, allowing it to communicate with a space under the laws of Miluo Realm.

Being able to cast formation spells on an extraterrestrial space was unimaginable based on Qin Fengming's knowledge of formations at this time.

But now, this unspeakable formation has existed in the Arctic region of the Mastiff Vine Realm for countless thousands of years.

Qin Fengming was in it, and for a moment he forgot about the power of the stars outside his body, and no longer considered any physical changes. His mind was completely immersed in a strange situation that suddenly appeared to him.

The mantras that could not run smoothly in the body before have become smooth now.

And as Qin Fengming used the Beidou Seven Elements Jue talisman, seven air masses formed by faint energy suddenly appeared around him.

Seven balls of energy were suspended around Qin Fengming, slowly floating around and not far away.

As time slowly passed, the energy group that was not strong at first became more and more full. And as the energy gathered and solidified, the seven groups of energy slowly showed fluorescence.

It wasn't obvious at first, but as time went by, the energy groups that originally looked the same started to show different colors.

The energy groups of seven different colors are all colors that slowly appear from the inside out.

The color was just like wisps of faint fluorescence at first, and even if someone saw it, they wouldn't be able to recognize it immediately at first. But as time slowly passed, the wisps of colorful fluorescence began to increase and began to grow.

Slowly, a ball of shining fluorescence slowly formed, wrapping the entire energy ball in it.

Seven energy groups of different colors still slowly surround Qin Fengming. Except for the different colors and solidification levels, the size has not changed.

Qin Fengming sat cross-legged in the void, wrapped in the fluorescence of seven energy groups. It seemed that he was not aware of the changes happening around him, but kept his eyes closed.

His hands were still making secrets, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly moving the spiritual lines.

Those spirit patterns suddenly appeared from Qin Fengming's hand, and then they shot out and disappeared into the endless open space in the distance, disappearing without a trace.

Outsiders cannot see it, but Qin Fengming who is performing the technique can clearly feel it.

The spiritual patterns he sacrificed did not disappear into the pitch-black void. Instead, they shattered before they left the aura of the space around him, and were then swept away by some invisible force. , one after another merged into the seven energy groups around him.

And as the seven groups of energy were formed, Qin Fengming, who was performing the technique, finally understood the key point of practicing the Seven Elements of Beidou.

The practice of Beidou Seven Elements Jue has its own special features. It can be said that it is a strange practice technique that Qin Fengming has never seen before. The cultivation of this magical power of runes cannot be accomplished by running the runes. Instead, it requires decomposing the runes using special methods, and then refining the decomposed runes.

To decompose the cultivation runes of the Seven-Yuan Jue, you need to use the power of the stars.

Qin Fengming didn't know if there were other ways to decompose those runes, but Qin Fengming had experienced it personally at this moment that the power of the stars could decompose them.

Feeling the talisman patterns turning into tiny talisman patterns in the rolling force of the stars, and then rewinding and integrating into the seven groups of energy, Qin Fengming fully understood in his heart that the real reason why the Beidou Seven Elements Technique could not be practiced was those Tiny runes.

If the cultivation runes cannot be decomposed, it will be impossible to form seven energy groups, and it will be impossible to truly practice the magical power of the "seven yuan" runes in the name.

Qin Fengming still doesn't fully know what the seven groups of energy are and how the Seven Elements of Beidou form an attack.

But he also understood something, because he sensed seven energy auras with different attributes from the seven energy groups surrounding his body, namely: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and ice.

Seven energy groups surround the body, and their movement trajectories appear to be irregular. However, Qin Fengming, who is performing the technique, can sense that the movement trajectories of the seven energy groups are very unusual.

It seems that the movement trajectory contains some kind of mysterious formation mechanism.

Normally, Qin Fengming would definitely feel the trajectory of the energy of the seven groups with all his heart, but now is not the time for him to focus on this point.

Although he knew the key to practicing the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper, Qin Fengming did not succeed in cultivating the magical power of runes. He needed to go all out to break through the bottleneck of cultivation and truly step into it.

Surrounded by seven groups of energy, the fluorescence shines brighter and brighter.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, a ball of silver light burst out from a ball of shining white energy. A golden light suddenly appeared, and a sound like the sound of golden swords clashing suddenly sounded on the spot. .

As the silver light flashed and the voice suddenly rose, a silver lightning bolt shaped like a sharp blade suddenly shot out and slashed into the open space in the distance.

The silver light suddenly appeared, causing the atmosphere in the surrounding space to suddenly become agitated.

Just as the silver blade was slashing out, the other six energy groups also fluoresced, and the colorful colors shone. At the same time, attacks of various colors also flashed out.

The six attacks have different forms, and the attributes they display are also different.

Cyan fluorescence flashed, and pieces of palm-sized vegetation shot out, and a vigorous and infinite vitality filled the place. Next to the cyan fluorescence, there is a huge, clear blue water flow. As it winds and winds, the water flow is accompanied by the cyan side, giving the space a sudden sense of vitality.

Within a ball of dull yellow fluorescence, a ball of red light was hidden. Under the intertwining of fire attribute aura and earth attribute aura, the space around Qin Fengming actually showed an extremely thick and strange feeling.

The howling wind and icy aura emerged, and the gray light and light green light filled the air, shrouding all attacks.

The seven balls of energy around Qin Fengming unexpectedly emerged at the same time with what looked like a very powerful attack. The attack forms were different, but they seemed to be very harmonious, and they merged together as soon as Hajime appeared.

"It turns out that this is the real attack of the Seven Elements of Beidou!"

As various attacks unfolded, a calm voice with a hint of surprise suddenly sounded among the various sounds.

As these words rang out, Qin Fengming also opened his eyes with his eyes closed.

There was excitement in his eyes, and he blinked, as if he was carefully savoring the seven attacks he had just launched.

At this time, Qin Fengming had truly succeeded in practicing the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper.

As Qin Fengming's eyes flashed, a very mysterious and strange feeling arose in his chest. It seemed that the seven energy groups around him seemed to be part of his body, and it seemed that they could be activated with just a thought. Seven groups of energy with different energy attributes offer different attacks.

Such a situation is extremely different from all Qin Fengming's own magical attacking powers.

He knew in his heart that although he had successfully cultivated the Seven Elements of the Big Dipper, he was still far from reaching the first level.

There are only three levels of Beidou Seven Elements Technique, and only by cultivating one level can one be considered a minor success. Qin Fengming can only be regarded as successful in cultivation at this moment, but has not fully reached the first level.

Feeling the situation around him, Qin Fengming closed his eyes again, made secrets with his hands, and once again fell into seclusion and practice.

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