Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 6071 The formation appears

Seeing the figure of Ancestor Lin Shuo submerged in the surging waves in the distance, everyone present held their breath and concentrated, and there was excitement in their eyes.

The huge fluctuations of the soul and the appearance of talismans are enough to prove that the spell handed over by Qin Fengming is really extraordinary.

At this moment, Qin Fengming also locked his eyes on the place where the fluctuations appeared in the distance, sensing the vast energy of the soul with his heart.

Although Qin Fengming felt that the technique he had temporarily created should be usable, he was not completely convinced. If there was a problem, or if there was any danger when Ancestor Lin Shuo was performing the technique, he would naturally take action immediately to resolve the crisis.

However, seeing the energy aura erupting and appearing very stable, Qin Fengming slowly relaxed in his heart.

Qin Fengming's technique was certainly not something he created in a short period of time. Most of it was a technique of communicating with souls that he had used long ago. However, there are also many new runes and spells incorporated into it.

He was originally worried that the integrated rune spell would conflict with the original rune, but now it seems that he can rest assured. When those runes were used, there was no conflict, but instead the original runes were enhanced.

The main reason why he was able to fuse it in such a short time was that Qin Fengming's attainments in rune patterns were already extremely high. The other is the rune spell he incorporated, which itself has the same origin as the original rune.

Because the art of blood soul is originally a forbidden art in which the soul melts into the void.

It's just that when the magic spell pattern is cast, it needs the blessing of the monk's own essence and blood to make its power manifest.

Feeling the soul energy around Ancestor Lin Shuo surge and roll like a bursting river, everyone's hearts were filled with surprise and strong shock.

Because the huge surge of divine soul energy has obviously exceeded the level that the peak Xuan level monk can release his own divine soul energy.

At first, everyone was worried that the spell that Qin Fengming produced in a short period of time would be flawed and would cause some danger to ancestor Lin Shuo, but now it seems that everyone's worries are unnecessary.

Ancestor Lin Shuo's spell lasted either long or short. After less than half an hour, the violently surging soul energy began to slowly converge.

Under the gaze of everyone, the ancestor Lin Shuo, who had just appeared in a hazy figure, suddenly shot out and flew away in a direction.

"Fellow Taoists, come quickly,

Lin sensed a location. "

As the figure shot away, a voice sounded on the spot.

Everyone moved at the sound and followed quickly.

This place is not very large to begin with, and it won't take long for everyone to patrol the entire area. Soon, Ancestor Lin Shuo stopped at the top of a tall mountain.

"The aura that Lin sensed should be in that direction." Ancestor Lin Shuo stopped and immediately pointed to a certain direction with his hand.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and couldn't help but show expressions of surprise.

The direction that Ancestor Lin Shuo pointed was not in the void, but in the direction of a tall stone wall. The blue-black rock on the wall looked very weathered, but as a whole it didn't look like a broken rock, but a huge piece of dozens of pieces with an area of ​​tens of feet.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, are you sure that the direction of the aura you sensed is the stone wall in front of you?" Fairy Yingyi blinked and asked.

In everyone's impressions and consciousness, the Nebula Formation should exist in the void, but when Patriarch Lin Shuo pointed in the direction, it was obviously not the void, but a huge hard stone.

"Yes, the direction sensed by Lin is right there."

Ancestor Lin Shuo's expression was solemn, his eyes flashed with determination, and he spoke very firmly without any hesitation in his words.

At this time, ancestor Lin Shuo was filled with excitement and excitement about the technique that Qin Fengming gave him.

Because the situation revealed in that spell really shocked him. After the spell was completed, not only did his previous soul connection increase by an unknown amount, but he could also clearly feel the direction from which the soul connection was sensed by him.

With all his strength, he finally determined the specific location.

Such a magical telepathy technique really shocked the heart of ancestor Lin Shuo. He was full of admiration for Qin Fengming's attainments in runes.

In fact, ancestor Lin Shuo has always been very happy in his heart, happy that he met Qin Fengming.

Because he could not sense the ferocious, vicious and perverse aura from Qin Fengming that he was accustomed to from the ghost world monks. Although Qin Fengming's technique was also a ghost technique, even if he was captured by the opponent, he did not feel the opponent's sinister methods.

Although he felt a constant sense of cruelty from the young man, as his relationship with Qin Fengming deepened, Ancestor Lin Shuo felt a sense of respect from the bottom of his heart that he did not even understand.

It seemed that this young man convinced him from the bottom of his heart. Ancestor Lin Shuo couldn't explain why he felt this way.

This feeling was something that even Ancestor Lin Shuo had never experienced in the Mahayana in the original Youfu Palace.

Now that he felt the clear direction of the source of induction in his mind, as well as the long-lost sense of his body's aura, ancestor Lin Shuo felt a sense of joy in his heart.

At this moment, he could finally be sure that his physical body had not been taken away.

Not taking it away means that if he wants to get the item, there is still a possibility that it will return to his hands.

"Fairy Yingyi, it's up to you now." As ancestor Lin Shuo spoke and thought rapidly in his heart, Qin Fengming's words rang in everyone's ears.

Everyone was slightly surprised, but Fairy Yingyi did not hesitate, and her words came out: "Since Fellow Daoist Lin is convinced that this is where the Nebula Formation is, I will perform some magic. Fellow Daoists, please stay away from here. What I have done is The scope of the technique is extremely wide, and there must be no fetters.”

Hearing the female cultivator's words, no one else felt strange, but Qin Fengming blinked his eyes, his expression slightly showing that he was thinking.

Without waiting for everyone to leave, he spoke again: "Fairy Ying, you don't need to use magic on a large scale. You can just deploy the method on that mountain peak and you may get the effect."

After hearing Qin Fengming's words, Fairy Yingyi paused slightly.

"Okay, just do what the fellow Taoist said." Without much hesitation, Fairy Yingyi agreed to what Qin Fengming said.

What Qin Fengming said makes perfect sense. Although he did not check what kind of spell Fairy Yingyi was going to cast, he could tell that it should be a large-scale exploration spell.

At the same time, that kind of magic should also be able to trigger the movement and manifestation of the nebula formation.

This kind of technique, when the position of the nebula formation cannot be determined, is naturally used in a large area. But now, Ancestor Lin Shuo has determined the specific location, so there is no need to conduct a large-scale exploration.

As soon as Fairy Yingyi spoke her words, she immediately moved towards the tall mountain peak in front of her.

As her delicate body slowly flew through the air, slight, undetectable fluctuations were seen flying around as her hands danced.

As the fluctuations streaked across the void, mysterious multicolored slender rays of light appeared out of thin air.

The rays of rays of light are like living long snakes with small colorful bodies swaying, traversing the void and intertwining around the tall mountain peaks.

Under the gaze of everyone, the dense glow suddenly burst out, and the surroundings of the huge mountain peak were immediately shrouded in dazzling glow.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but squint, and when they saw the situation in front of them clearly again, everyone looked surprised.

At this moment, the tall mountain peaks in front of him had disappeared, and the place in front of him was suddenly obscured by a huge silk screen that appeared in five colors.

The silk screen covered the world like a huge tent, and nothing inside could be seen anymore.

As the glow of the huge silk screen shone, a vast breath of space suddenly spurted out, and the world seemed to twist and shake as the sudden breath of space swept across it.

The heaven and earth shook, and space seemed to become distorted and unstable.

Seeing such a situation, everyone who knew them was well-informed and could not help but be shocked by it. Qin Fengming had a feeling that if he entered the twisted space, his body might be twisted and squeezed by force.

Anyone can see that the spell performed by Fairy Yingyi is full of law. Although it may not really contain the power of law, it is definitely an upper realm spell.

Qin Fengming's eyes flickered, full of curiosity, as if he wanted to step forward and have a closer look.

But even though he had this idea in his mind, he didn't actually go there.

Fairy Yingyi is casting a spell at this moment, but she wants to trigger the nebula formation to appear. Even if Qin Fengming has never seen it, he has already made a judgment about what kind of formation the Nebula Formation is.

How could he dare to taint the magic circle that Mahayana would care about and expend energy and painstaking efforts to deal with.

If he was really involved in the Nebula Formation, Qin Fengming had a feeling that there would be no chance of him surviving.

"Retreat quickly!"

Just when everyone was looking at the mysterious scene in front of them and were shocked by the magic spell performed by Fairy Yingyi, suddenly a graceful figure suddenly shot out from the sky-covering net shining with rays of light. At the same time, her delicate body suddenly appeared, An urgent exclamation echoed throughout the scene.

As Fairy Yingyi spoke, a wave of fluctuation appeared on the spot. Her body just flashed and then disappeared without a trace.

Qin Fengming could see clearly that as soon as Fairy Yingyi's words rang out, she was already dozens of miles away.

When she finished speaking, the female cultivator had already gone hundreds of miles away.

The female cultivator's urgent words were heard. Although everyone's movements were slightly behind Fairy Yingyi's, they were definitely not that different. Just when Fairy Yingyi stopped on a tall mountain peak, several figures appeared on the spot at the same time.

"Is that Nebula Formation about to appear?" As soon as everyone's figures appeared, Ancestor Lin Shuo asked anxiously with an excited expression on his face.

Regarding Ksitigarbha milk, everyone present certainly wants it.

But if there is anyone who wants the Nebula Formation to appear the most, it must be Ancestor Lin Shuo. Because there is something he wants more than Jizo Milk in the Nebula Formation.

"I don't know whether it was the nebula formation that appeared, because I only know how to perform magic and have never seen what the nebula formation looks like. But I sensed an indescribable force suddenly emerging from the mountain wall. The terrifying space atmosphere.”

Fairy Yingyi twisted her figure, with a look of deep fright on her pretty face.

Being able to be shown such an expression by Fairy Yingyi is enough to show how powerful and terrifying the sudden space aura is.

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