Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 789 Spiritual Flame Green Lotus 2

Qin Fengming, who was more than ten miles away, was now within the magic circle, with almost all his spiritual consciousness withdrawn from his body, and he was running the Fusion Art with all his strength.

Although the level of the golden flame was slightly lower than that of the Soul-Devouring Ghost Fire, Qin Fengming was not at all careless.

Qin Fengming knew very well about this alien flame. If he was not careful, he might let it explode in his body. At that time, even with the help of immortals, he would be helpless.

Just when Qin Fengming was smelting the golden flame with all his strength, a golden firebird circled several times near the magic circle he had arranged. Without noticing, it spread its wings and flew in the direction from where it came.

Regarding this, Qin Fengming, who was doing his best, didn't know anything about it.

Three hours later, Qin Fengming opened his eyes while meditating. With a shake of his right hand, a ball of emerald green flame appeared in his palm.

Looking at the emerald green flame, although it has not changed much from the original color, Qin Fengming knew in his heart that the power of the soul-devouring ghost fire at this time has increased slightly.

The body of the golden firebird is only a little bigger than a pea. If there are twenty or thirty more flames like this, the power of the soul-devouring ghost fire will definitely increase significantly.

Even so, Qin Fengming was happy in his heart. How could it be so easy for him to encounter the different fires from heaven and earth? The flames generated by heaven and earth were extremely difficult to generate. This kind of heaven and earth fire that produces spiritual intelligence and can transform into shapes is absolutely difficult to generate without the slow evolution of tens or millions of years.

With a wave of his hand, he took the soul-devouring ghost fire into his body and shot up. With a wave of his hand, he put the formation flag into his arms. Qin Fengming urged his body to fly slowly towards the place where the red light flashed.

Although Qin Fengming did not expect to encounter a group of alien flames again, he was confident that no monks had entered this place for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Since no monk has set foot in this place for so long, the chances of precious spiritual herbs being found here will increase a lot.

Although due to the special nature of the Tianyan Mountain Range, there may not be spiritual herbs that are more than ten thousand years old, but as long as there are spiritual herbs that are thousands or ten thousand years old, Qin Fengming's trip is worthwhile.

While flying slowly, he carefully released his spiritual consciousness to detect places several miles around him.

As long as there is a slight movement, Qin Fengming will stop and identify it carefully. After confirming it carefully, he will start again. But to his disappointment, after traveling for several miles, he found nothing.

At this time, Qin Fengming entered the mountains and was already more than ten miles away.

What puzzled Qin Fengming was that since no spiritual grass appeared here, there was no trace of monster activity. The only thing that puzzled him was that as long as he got closer to the place where the red light flashed ahead, the hot energy outside his body would slowly grow.

The scorching intensity at this time was already many times higher than when it was outside the mountains.

It was already unbearable for Qin Fengming to be protected by Kanlanzhu. The Kanlanzhu made a creaking sound under the hot energy. Qin Fengming knew that this was a sign that Kanlanzhu was about to burst. . As a last resort, Qin Fengming put Kan Lanzhu away.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the soul-devouring ghost fire again and let it wrap around his body.

With the protection of this soul-eating ghost fire, Qin Fengming immediately felt that the scorching heat no longer threatened him at all.

To resist the roasting of scorching energy, one must not only have corresponding restraint treasures, but also have deep magic power.

Under the scorching heat, Qin Fengming was convinced that if other monks at the top of the foundation were here, they would not be able to hold on for even an hour before their mana was exhausted and they fell to the ground and died.

However, the loss of mana is not a big threat to Qin Fengming. As long as the spiritual liquid in the mysterious gourd is there, he will not worry about the depletion of mana in his body.

"Is there something with huge natural fire energy in the flashing red light in front?"

With this thought, Qin Fengming naturally wanted to reach the place where the red light flashed as soon as possible.

Just when Qin Fengming sacrificed the soul-devouring ghost fire and flew forward slowly and extremely carefully again, in his consciousness,

But suddenly a huge energy fluctuation was discovered. This energy is undoubtedly still hot fire energy.

Moreover, Qin Fengming felt that this fire energy and the golden fire bird he had refined seemed to come from the same source.

Upon discovering this, Qin Fengming was immediately delighted. Could it be that there was not only one golden firebird here?

Without any delay, Qin Fengming hurriedly waved, and a spiritual weapon appeared at his feet, escaping light and shooting toward the place where the spiritual power fluctuated.

The two sides were only a few miles apart. When Qin Fengming turned around a tall mountain peak, a firebird that was the same as the original golden firebird appeared in front of Qin Fengming.

Upon seeing it, Qin Fengming was suddenly overjoyed: It turns out that this kind of strange fire transformed from heaven and earth is not the only one here?

Overjoyed, Qin Fengming tried his best to activate the spiritual weapon under his feet and flew quickly towards the golden fire bird.

Just when Qin Fengming appeared, the golden firebird that was scanning everywhere also sensed something strange behind him, and turned around to face Qin Fengming.

The golden firebird who had just seen Qin Fengming had a hint of extreme fear in his eyes.

"Chirp!" In an extremely urgent bird song, the golden firebird had no intention of fighting with Qin Fengming. It spread its wings and flew away towards the place where the red light flashed.

The golden firebird is as fast as lightning. Even at this time, Qin Fengming can use the soul-devouring ghost fire to intercept it, and it is already difficult to track it.

In this regard, Qin Fengming was not too panicked, because he knew that in general, the different fires in the heaven and earth had their place of origin. As long as he could find it, it would not be difficult to find the fire bird.

Without hesitation, Qin Fengming activated the spiritual weapon at his feet and chased in the direction where the fire bird was fleeing.

After a meal, Qin Fengming stopped in an empty valley.

The mountains in the Tianyan Mountain Range are already desolate, but the valley here seems even more desolate. In this valley, there is no stone or gravel at all, and what you see are only tiny particles like sand. If it weren't for the tall peaks around him, Qin Fengming would have thought he had entered a desert.

In the sky here, hot fire energy fills the sky. Looking from a distance, it seems as if the entire sky is burning.

The fire energy here was so abundant that even Qin Fengming felt a burning sensation on his face under the protection of the soul-eating ghost fire.

Under such an environment, Qin Fengming thought that even a monk in the early stages of becoming an elixir would never be able to persist for even a moment.

"No wonder this kind of heaven and earth fire can be born here. It turns out there is such abundant fire energy."

Suspended in the air, Qin Fengming was thinking in his heart. At this time, Qin Fengming felt even more incredible about the Tianyan Mountain Range.

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