When the ruthless words came out, He Xuan's expression instantly became concerned. If you want to practice this powerful technique, understanding it is only a prerequisite. The most important thing is to find a place where the poison can be cultivated and a place where the poison can be fostered.

Since this is the place where ancestor Lin Shuo practiced secret arts, it is naturally the place where Gu is cultivated and Yuan is cultivated.

The most critical thing left is the poisonous foster food.

Qin Fengming had no words to say when he heard Li Xue speak, but his second mysterious soul body moved and floated in mid-air, looking towards a valley in the distance.

In that valley, there was a huge skeleton of a vicious bird lying quietly in it.

"Dark Feather Crow, are you saying that the Dark Feather Crow's body can house poison?" Seeing the huge monster bird's body in the valley, Ruxue said in shock.

Of course, Li Xue knew what kind of ferocious bird the Dark Feather Crow was, and he also understood that the corpse of a ferocious bird needed to be fostered by Gu Du, but the ferocious birds he knew that were suitable for Gu Du's foster care were all small species.

But now, Qin Fengming actually said that he could use Dark Feather Crow's body as a poison to foster.

Li Xue was shocked, and He Xuan also looked shocked, but He Xuan did not show the slightest suspicion. Because he has always been convinced by Qin Fengming's words.

"For others, the body of the Dark Feathered Crow cannot be used as a shelter for poisonous poison, but for Qin, this body of the vicious bird is just right. Regardless of whether it is a Gu Partridge, a Evil Magpie or a Yin Ibis, their own attributes are all Yin attributes. It is a ferocious bird, and the dark feathered crow also has the attribute of yin. It is just that it is difficult to use the entire dark feathered crow's body to contain the poison. Therefore, it needs to be repaired and refined with its flesh and bones. It looks like a small vicious bird.”

Qin Fengming's words reappeared in the ears of Li Xue and He Xuan. They were relaxed and full of confidence.

Li Xue shook his huge head, his cheeks swelled several times, but no words came out.

For Qin Fengming's puppet skills, Zhu Xue naturally admired him, otherwise he would not be able to occupy such a broken but restored body of the Black Flame Thunder Frog.

After hearing Qin Fengming's words, He Xuan's face immediately became excited.

"Hexuan, you continue to familiarize yourself with that technique. I need to spend a certain amount of time refining the body of Dark Feather Crow." Qin Fengming's words rang out again, causing Hexun to immediately stop the smile on his face.

The body sat down cross-legged again, and the mind sank into the scroll, no longer shaking at all.

"Friend Daoist Lin,

Qin needs to find a place to retreat for a period of time. It may not be very long, but it will not be short either. Therefore, I hope fellow Taoists can protect Qin. "

Qin Fengming withdrew his gaze, looked at Ancestor Lin Shuo beside him, and suddenly said.

Lin Shuo was slightly surprised when he suddenly heard Qin Fengming's request, but he agreed without asking any more questions.

Qin Fengming's body swayed, far away from the lake, and stopped at the entrance of a small cave. With both hands making secrets, forbidden runes suddenly shot out, and a group of fluorescent lights flashed out, covering the cave.

As the forbidden wave disappeared, the entrance of the cave completely disappeared without a trace.

Ancestor Lin Shuo found a place and lowered his body. As he moved his finger, a forbidden wave immediately appeared around him.

This time, Qin Fengming used the Dark Feather Crow's body as a poison, which can be said to be very extravagant.

Although this Dark Feather Crow body has become dilapidated and the sharp needle blades on it have been severely damaged, Qin Fengming still has other uses.

But if Hexuan wanted to practice this technique, he agreed without any hesitation.

Ancestor Dark Crow, it is impossible for him to turn their hostility into friendship with Ancestor Lin Shuo and release him. Therefore, he will not return this Dark Feather Crow body.

Using it here can be considered very useful.

Just when Qin Fengming was in retreat, a fast and escaping figure suddenly stopped in a dense forest, clasped his hands, and a mist suddenly emerged from the dense forest.

After a moment, this figure floated in the air again, and said with a puzzled expression:

"It's surprising that no trace of the intruder was found in several surveillance circles. Could it be that the person who entered just stayed at the entrance for a while and then left the place immediately?"

The figure wrapped in the gloomy mist was the man with the surname Wan who left the retreat to search for Qin Fengming and his two men.

The monk named Wan has been searching for Qin Fengming and his wife in the vast world for the past two months. But what surprised him was that after several sweeps, there was no trace of the two of them.

He also walked to several dangerous places in the Evil Sun Land where precious spiritual herbs were stored, but found no signs.

There are some surveillance arrays deployed in those places. Although some surveillance arrays have lost their effectiveness, some are still functioning. In all the surveillance arrays, there was no trace of the monks who broke into the Evil Sun Land.

Like the monk Wan, the five monks who searched for traces of Qin Fengming and the two also found no aura.

But both sides saw each other's image information from the surveillance circle, and knew that there were other monks searching for the intruder.

Neither party gave up, because although both parties were monks in Youfu Palace, they secretly followed the Mahayana.

Even if the monk named Wan is one of the seven commanders, he cannot order the five Yu Wei people.

"Is it possible that the person who broke into this place went to those dangerous places?"

After contacting the two lonely cultivators stationed at the entrance again and confirming that the intruding monk had not left, the monk named Wan suddenly shook his body and shouted.

What made the leader of Youfu Palace change his expression so strangely was, of course, because the dangerous place he mentioned was a really dangerous place.

In those areas, even the Mahayana monks dare not say that they can escape by entering.

Although few people have ever entered it, some precious books in Youfu Palace have clearly marked those dangerous places, and you must not try to enter and explore those dangerous places.

His expression changed, and soon, a solemn look filled his face again.

"No matter how dangerous the dangerous area is, there is still no danger in going to those surrounding areas to take a look." After a moment, the monk surnamed Wan spoke again and made a decision.

Without any further hesitation, the monk named Wan turned around and flew away in the other direction.

Qin Fengming spent a lot of time in retreat this time. After a wave of turbulence, Qin Fengming's figure, which had disappeared for more than three months, reappeared on the spot.

And there was another figure who appeared together with Qin Fengming.

"Does Fellow Daoist have a servant who is always in Fellow Daoist Xumi Space Cave?"

As Qin Fengming's forbidden wave appeared, Ancestor Lin Shuo, who had not gone deep into seclusion, immediately opened his eyes, and then the forbidden aura around him was released.

However, after he clearly saw the figure of the monk next to Qin Fengming, Lin Shuo's ancestor's expression suddenly changed and he said immediately.

He Xuan was still just a monk at the top of the Ghost Lord. Following Qin Fengming, he would naturally be regarded as a servant by Lin Shuo. But he didn't understand, with Qin Fengming's ability and strength, how could he need such an accomplished follower.

However, what Qin Fengming said next really shocked Ancestor Lin Shuo.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, please wait a moment. Fellow Daoist He is going to enter this lake to practice the Partridge Gu death energy magical power. Qin will accompany him into the lake to have a look."

Qin Fengming looked at Lin Shuo. After finishing his words, he took Hexuan and flew away towards the lake in the distance without stopping.

Watching the two people disappear into the mist above the lake, Ancestor Lin Shuo's expression did not recover for a long time.

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