After hearing Fairy Yingyi's words, Mo Ye's expression immediately became solemn.

Naturally, he had never seen the baptism of the body of a ghost cultivator from the Bone Broken Realm. However, it is recorded in the classics that every time the baptism ceremony is started, tens or millions of ghost cultivators will gather.

Those ghost cultivators have condensed the existence of soul infants.

Such a number of ghost cultivators from the Bone Crushing Realm are not comparable to the millions of mastiff beasts and vine demons. If they are surrounded by ghost cultivators, even if Qin Fengming has strong restraint methods against ghosts and ghosts, they will inevitably perish.

Without any thought, Mo Ye nodded and agreed with Fairy Yingyi's words.

"This two Taoist friends have a good idea, but it may not be possible because a ghost cultivator has already left quickly. If Qin's prediction is correct, I am afraid he will inform a large number of ghost cultivators about you and me appearing in the Bone Broken Realm. ."

Qin Fengming blinked his eyes, looked meaningfully in the other direction, and spoke slowly.

As soon as he said this, Mo Ye and Fairy Ying Yi's expressions changed at the same time.

"Fellow Taoist, are you saying that there was a ghost cultivator nearby just now, and fellow Taoist also discovered the ghost cultivator?" Mo Ye was confused and asked with a surprised expression.

With Qin Fengming's ability, even if he used all his strength to target the two ghost cultivators and missed them, he could still transmit the message. Whether it was himself or Fairy Yingyi, they would be able to chase down the ghost cultivators and capture them.

"Well, the ghost cultivator and the two ghost cultivators were approaching us from the front and back, but the ghost cultivator stopped more than twenty miles away and did not get closer. When I captured the two ghost cultivators, he Then he stayed away and left. Now there is no way to pursue him."

Qin Fengming did not hesitate and spoke immediately.

As he spoke, a bright light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Did Fellow Daoist Qin do this on purpose to let the ghost cultivator know about it, so that he can pass on the information?" Seeing Qin Fengming's expression, Fairy Yingyi blinked and said.

She knew that if Qin Fengming wanted to capture a bone-crushing ghost cultivator, even a ghost cultivator at the top of the Xuan level would never be able to escape Qin Fengming's pursuit.

Even if there is interface power to suppress it in the Bone Broken Realm, it will definitely not be easy for the ghost cultivator to escape.

However, Qin Fengming knew the consequences and still allowed the ghost cultivator to leave. Apart from the reasons she mentioned, Yingyi couldn't think of anything else that would make Qin Fengming do this.

"Yes, Qin is willing to accompany the demon commander this time. The crossing of the Soul Lake is one reason, and the other main reason is the ghosts and ghosts in the Bone Broken Realm. Qin needs ghosts to practice a technique, and the amount required is difficult to Imagine. Since there are ghosts in this interface who don’t have to worry about karma, Qin will naturally want to collect them."

Qin Fengming did not pause, looked at Mo Ye and Fairy Yingyi, and immediately spoke firmly.

His words really frightened Mo Ye and Fairy Ying Yi. It turns out that Qin Fengming was willing to enter the Bone Broken Realm not for the purpose of crossing the Soul Lake, but specifically to capture the ghost cultivators of the Broken Bone Realm.

The ghost cultivators from the Broken Bone Realm did not come from reincarnation, nor will they enter reincarnation. Naturally, they will not be contaminated by any cause and effect. This is something that all the monks from the Mastiff Vine Realm know.

And this is also the reason why the Mastiff Vine Interface cultivators are willing to enter the Arctic to capture the ghost cultivators from the Bone Crushing Realm.

But if anyone dares to enter the Bone Broken Realm and rush to capture the ghost cultivator from the Bone Broken Realm, for countless years, there has never been such a record in the Mastiff Vine interface.

Qin Fengming is the first monk who can do this, and he may also be the last.

Looking at Qin Fengming's young and calm face, Mo Ye's eyes flickered and he didn't speak for a while. The young man in front of him has done many things that are unimaginable to him. Now this thing seems impossible, but the young man in front of him can do it.

Not only Mo Ye, but Fairy Ying Yi next to her also had a dazed expression on her face.

"You two fellow Taoists, don't worry. Since Qin knows that there is a place where ghosts gather in the Bone Broken Realm, he will go and have a look. You two can take a detour and go to Duhun Lake first. If Qin can't arrive, , you two don’t have to wait for Qin.

You can return by yourself after completing the set tasks. "

Qin Fengming looked at the mountains in the distance and said suddenly.

What he said was categorical, and what he said made it even more difficult for Mo Ye and Fairy Ying Yi to calm down.

They never thought that Qin Fengming would take the initiative to go to the place where the ghosts of the Bone Broken Realm held rituals. Although they have never been to the Bone Broken Realm, it has been recorded in the classics that there are so many ghosts in the Bone Broken Realm. It is hard to imagine that the number is no less than that of the monks from the Mastiff and Vine Realm.

Anywhere the Thunder Soul Sacrifice is held, it will attract countless ghosts from the Bone Broken Realm. There may still be statistics on the number of ghost cultivators who have produced spiritual intelligence and have condensed soul babies. Those ghosts who have not produced spiritual intelligence cannot be counted at all.

A monk who enters the Bone Crushing Realm will be suppressed by the power of the interface, and his own strength will be greatly reduced. It is a great thing to be able to protect himself.

Now Qin Fengming's choice really shocked the two powerful men.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, since the Thunder Soul Sacrifice is where the souls of Shattered Bone Realm ghosts are condensed, the number of ghost cultivators participating is probably incalculable. It is really not a wise move for Fellow Daoist to go there. If Fellow Daoist wants to capture Shattered Bone Realm, Ghosts in the Bone Realm can be attacked by looking for places where ghost cultivators gather, rather than risking their lives at the Thunder Soul Sacrifice."

Mo Ye looked at Qin Fengming and advised in a low tone.

"You two fellow Taoists, don't use any advice. Since Qin has already planned this, he will not change it. You two fellow Taoists can go ahead, maybe Qin will arrive later."

Qin Fengming was unmoved, shook his head slightly, and said again decisively.

Fairy Yingyi's eyes sparkled but she didn't say anything. She knew in her heart that even if she wanted to go with Qin Fengming to see how the young man responded to the siege of ghosts, the young man would not allow her.

Because in the face of countless ghosts and ghosts in the Bone Broken Realm, it is good to be able to protect yourself, and naturally it is impossible to bring others with you.

None of the three of them were mother-in-laws. After just a few words, they immediately left.

Seeing Mo Ye and Fairy Ying Yi disappear into the distance, Qin Fengming slowly withdrew his gaze. He stood on the spot without moving his body for a moment.

Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed, and his face suddenly showed a look of shock.

"Ruxue actually fell into a deep sleep?" As Qin Fengming's face suddenly changed, he suddenly spoke. The words were spoken with a look of confusion on his face.

It was true that Li Xue had been in seclusion, but every time Qin Fengming communicated with him, he was able to wake him up.

Because Li Xue usually does not need real seclusion to practice, it is just a spirit. Although it exists as the controller of the spirit corpse puppet, after all, it is impossible to fuse the physical body with its own body.

When Qin Fengming heard that there was a sacrificial place in the Bone Broken Realm where the whole body could be fused, the first thing that came to Qin Fengming's mind was that it might be of some benefit to the ruthless blood.

However, no matter how he awakened the blood at this moment, he could not achieve his wish.

"Is it possible that if a Mahayana being enters this bone-shattering world, it will fall into a deep sleep?" After a moment, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly shook, and his eyes suddenly flashed and he whispered again.

This possibility is extremely high, because it can also explain why there is no Mahayana ghost cultivator in the Broken Bone Realm.

Qin Fengming's eyes flickered, and the expression on his face kept flickering.

His original intention was to let Zhu Xue participate in the Thunder Soul Sacrifice in the Bone Broken Realm so that he could gain some benefits. In addition, with the help of Zhu Xue, he can also safely fight against the ghosts and ghosts in the Bone Broken Realm.

However, in this situation, it was obviously impossible for Li Xue to help him anymore. This forced Qin Fengming to re-plan the critical situation he was about to face.

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