Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5981 Hidden Affairs

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Qin Fengming's heart was moved again. From the expressions of the two of them, he suddenly felt that what he just asked must be true.

The dust in the sky actually appeared in the Mastiff Vine interface.

Qin Fengming couldn't imagine what kind of situation this would be. The Mysterious Wasteland was once brought to the spiritual world by two ferocious beasts and birds from the Mastiff Vine interface. Now, the dust from the sky that gave birth to the Mysterious Wasteland appeared on the Mastiff Vine interface. This kind of situation made Qin Fengming, who had always thought clearly, suddenly feel something in his mind. Roaring, I lost the ability to think for a moment.

Qin Fengming was really shocked by what kind of interface the Mastiff Vine was.

"Fellow Daoist Qin is not a member of our Mastiff and Vine interface. Naturally, he is not familiar with many of the things recorded in the Mastiff and Vine interface. According to legend, hundreds of thousands of years ago, an immortal from the upper realm once visited our Mastiff and Vine interface. He once visited a place called Mighty Mountain. He was stranded in the place where the Mastiff Vine lived. The Immortal's stay in Mighty Mountain caused the Mastiff Vine chaos in the entire world. The chaos lasted for a very long time, a hundred years. Whether it was the Mastiff Vine monster, Even the monks from the seventh place were seriously injured. And the most terrifying thing is that the Mahayana in the Mastiff Vine interface all participated in the fight. Not only the Mastiff Vine interface, there were other interfaces that crossed the line to join in that battle. .”

As Mo Ye spoke, his expression became extremely solemn, as if the incident had frightened him as much as he imagined it.

Listening to Mo Ye's words, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

A monk from the upper realm once came to the Mastiff Vine interface and caused chaos in the Mastiff Vine interface. This situation suddenly touched a memory in his heart.

The monks in the upper realm were in chaos in the three realms. He had heard about these memories from several aspects.

Now, Mo Yeyan said that there was an immortal who visited the Mastiff Vine interface hundreds of thousands of years ago, causing chaos in the entire interface, and also attracted Mahayana from other interfaces to join the war. All these things, Qin Fengming suddenly contacted that person The great power of the immortal world who brought trouble to the three realms.

"I wonder what the name of the powerful immortal who has been to the Mastiff Vine Realm is?" Qin Fengming was thinking in his heart and suddenly asked.

He needed to confirm to see if it was the immortal he had guessed in his mind.

Although this matter was of little use to him at the moment, he still wanted to find out.

"What the immortal is called, there is no record in the classics in my Yuheng Mansion. I only know that he came to my Mastiff Vine interface to repair a Mihuang Xuanbao. And in the Mighty Mountain, There have been dust particles in the sky, and there are rumors that black wasteland has also appeared."

Mo Ye shook his head slightly and answered with twinkling eyes.

"Zou Rui! That immortal's name is Zou Rui." Before Mo Ye could finish his words, Fairy Ying Yi's words had already sounded on the spot.

"Zou Rui? It's indeed Zou Rui!"

After hearing Fairy Yingyi's words, Qin Fengming couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Although he had already felt it in his heart, when Fairy Yingyi said the name 'Zou Rui', Qin Fengming was still in a trance and said this involuntarily.

He had heard Zou Rui's name a long time ago, and he had already known that the Immortal Relics Land he entered when he ascended to the spirit world was Zou Rui's retreat.

Qin Fengming felt a chill down his back when he thought of the Immortal Relics Land.

Because he had a feeling that the immortals from the upper realm who had brought trouble to the three realms had not died, but were cultivating in seclusion in the Immortal Relics Land.

As long as it recovers its own strength, it will definitely appear in the Three Realms.

Qin Fengming felt a cold feeling on his back just thinking about what would happen then. That will inevitably lead to chaos in the Three Realms again.

And he, as the person who entered the Immortal Relics Land and turned it upside down, will definitely be traced by the Immortal. The danger can be said to be greater than ever.

"Fellow Taoist actually knows Zou Rui's name? That's right. That immortal probably didn't just come to our Mastiff Vine Realm. He must also go to other interfaces. I want to see the records about that immortal in other interfaces.

More detailed than my Mastiff Vine World. I wonder what happened to that immortal? Can he fall to death? "

Qin Fengming exclaimed, and Fairy Yingyi and Mo Ye's expressions changed at the same time, but they soon calmed down again. Fairy Yingyi looked at Qin Fengming and asked with a solemn expression.

The records she saw in the Youfu Palace books were more detailed than Mo Ye's. I know how brutal and terrifying the disaster was, and how tragic it was.

Fairy Yingyi was extremely frightened just thinking about the immortal from the upper realm who caused that disaster.

With one person's power, he can resist the great power in the three realms. What kind of strength is that, and how spectacular the scene is. It makes people yearn for it and want to see it with their own eyes, but they also feel extremely fearful and dare not experience it personally.

Fairy Yingyi was convinced that if she really wanted to experience that scene personally, it would be extremely dangerous, because that kind of battle could not be described as an instant and thousands of miles away.

Before you blinked, you were still fighting thousands of miles away. When you opened your eyes again, they were already in front of you.

Everyone can imagine what it means to be enveloped in that fighting aura.

"That immortal probably did not fall completely, because there is no record that anyone has ever seen him fall. As for where he is at this time, no one knows." Hearing Fairy Yingyi's question, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly froze. He spoke slowly.

The heavy tone of his words showed that he was not at peace in his heart.

For Qin Fengming, the immortal had been putting pressure on him. Even if he doesn't want to, there is always an invisible pressure deep in his heart.

That pressure made him always think about how to increase his strength.

Only by greatly improving your own strength can you have the slightest chance of survival when you suddenly encounter that immortal.

Although he was convinced that even if the immortal reappeared in the Three Realms, he would not be the first target of revenge, but the feeling of a lump in the throat gave Qin Fengming an unspeakable sense of oppression deep in his heart.

"Immortals naturally have many ways to avoid heavenly calamity. Since no one has seen his death, the possibility of living is still very high. But I wonder what the world of immortality will look like if he appears again?"

Mo Ye looked solemn and said in a deep voice. The look on his expression was different from Qin Fengming's because he had no psychological burden.

"If the particles here are just dust in the sky, do you two know how to perform sacrifices?" The three of them were silent for a moment. After a while, Qin Fengming suppressed his thoughts and asked.

The dust in the sky is the product of the mysterious wasteland, but Qin Fengming doesn't use this kind of sacred object very much.

"Sacrifice? The dust in the sky is a thing that condenses and evolves the mysterious wasteland. It will not be sacrificed by monks at all. However, since it is a thing that gives birth to the mysterious wasteland, it should have a certain effect of the mysterious wasteland. It should be useful to our magic weapons. It has a certain tempering ability. And the immortal used it to repair the Mihuang Xuanbao. But how to use it is not recorded in the classics."

Fairy Yingyi glanced at Mo Ye, whose brows were furrowed, and then said.

Mo Ye nodded and said nothing.

"I don't know how to make sacrifices. Is it possible to put the magic weapon in it?" Qin Fengming frowned and said, already waving his hand, and a small blade emitting energy appeared in front of him.

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