Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5964 Dark Feather Crow

As Qin Fengming's attainments in runes increased, the power of the crystal runes he refined naturally increased, and their power increased significantly.

At this moment, Qin Fengming has a huge number of crystal talismans on his body.

These crystal talisman formations are all made of black crystal stones. It is also a bombardment thing he specially prepared for the Mastiff Beast Vine Demon in the Aoteng interface.

Ever since he learned about the reality of the Aoteng interface, he had the Second Mysterious Soul Spiritual Body specially refine a large number of crystal talismans in preparation for emergencies.

These talisman formations refined from black crystal stones are no longer the strongest support for Qin Fengming, because he already has the dark jade stone. After squandering the black crystal stone talisman array, Qin Fengming felt at ease in his heart.

Of course, Qin Fengming was not without means to defeat the Dark Crow Ancestor's flying needle attack.

The simplest and most feasible method is to sacrifice to the temple. The temple has a strange effect, that is, it can swallow magic weapons that attack the temple.

The flying needles of the Dark Crow Ancestor are naturally a kind of magic weapon. Although there are many of them, they are small in size. It is not difficult to be captured by the temple.

Of course, with the power of the Dark Crow Ancestor, it is impossible to let the flying needle be absorbed by the temple. If something goes wrong, he will immediately react and use means to get rid of it.

But no matter what, the temple should be the most suitable to resist attacks from flying needle magic weapons.

But Qin Fengming didn't want to do this. When Master Fengji sacrificed himself to the temple before, Qin Fengming really felt that his life was in danger. Qin Fengming is not willing to rely on the power of the temple when there is no crisis. I don’t want to add any powerful magic weapon to the temple.

With a thought in his mind, Qin Fengming still used the method of consuming the crystal talisman array to deal with the attack of the Dark Crow Ancestor.

The roar resounded, and the huge explosion energy swept across the world. A radius of more than twenty miles was immediately enveloped by the monstrous and tearing impact force.

Everyone watching the battle quickly dodged and evaded. Except for Mo Ye, everyone had a look of shock on their faces.

As beings at the pinnacle of the Mysterious Level, everyone could certainly see how powerful those explosions were. Everyone present believed that they could do such a huge explosion.

As long as you self-destruct a magic weapon that has been refined for many years, everyone can easily achieve such a powerful self-destruction.

But no one among them can continuously self-destruct to sacrifice the magic weapon. Sacrifice and refining a magic weapon, even if it is not a destiny, still requires the monk's mind to be connected. It contains the mark of the monk's own soul.

Self-exploding several sacrificial magic weapons may not cause any damage to the monk himself. But if there are dozens or hundreds of magic weapons that have been refined with countless souls and souls, no one can imagine what kind of dangerous situation it would be.

But now, what everyone saw was the appearance of hundreds of explosive energy impacts. Each explosion was comparable to the self-destructive energy impact of a magic weapon refined by a monk at the top of the Xuan level.

Even though everyone was well-informed, they still looked puzzled when faced with the situation that suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Look at how powerful your flying needle is, or how powerful Qin's explosive attack is." The energy of the explosion swept across the sky and the earth, and a figure flew out from the explosion impact, wrapped in colorful rays of light. Shi Yi stopped and said calmly. The sound was heard on the spot.

Everyone's pupils shrank, and coldness appeared in their hearts.

Because at this time, Qin Fengming didn't have any strange manifestations on his body. He had self-destructed so many magical weapons that were comparable to those of a peak Xuan-level monk, and there was no change in his aura.

The monks in Tianshu knew that Qin Fengming once fought with Master Fengji, and just now he fought with all his strength against the two powerful monks. But now, the young man who appeared in front of him did not have any weakening in his aura, but instead felt a strong fighting spirit. The fighting spirit appeared on his young face.

Everyone could see clearly that this was not something the young man did deliberately, but was revealed naturally, which was enough to show that the young man was not weak at this time and was still full of fighting spirit.

At this time, the monks present had other expressions of surprise among their expressions.

Everyone in Moye looked excited and excited, but the other monks looked more solemn.

Faced with hundreds of self-destructive attacks, which were comparable to the self-destruction of magic weapons refining by monks at the top of the Mystical Level, everyone could not keep their minds stable and didn't care.

Qin Fengming flew out of the explosion energy and immediately looked at the four fire spirits fighting in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Without hesitation, the magic formula inside the body surged rapidly, and huge energy surged out, turning into four torrents, sweeping towards the four fire spirits' bodies.

In a short period of time, the auras of the four fire spirits weakened greatly.

The corrosive power of the skeleton that dissolves vital energy is so powerful that not even the four fire spirits can completely resist it.

The majestic mana surged out, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth surged towards the four fire spirits again. The sky-shaking screams and roars grew louder, and the attack, which had been weak just now, surged again.

"Zhong Miao, let's see how many skeletons you have to squander!" The mana energy was sacrificed, and Qin Fengming's loud shouts echoed on the spot.

Qin Fengming could see clearly that even in a short period of time, there was already a thick layer of skeleton limbs, broken arms, and bone fragments on the ground where the Soul-Eating Ghost Fire and the skeleton army were fighting.

It was very obvious that during this fight, many skeletons had their bodies shattered by the attacks from the four fire spirits.

Qin Fengming's words rang out, but he didn't wait for Zhong Miao's answer. It seemed that Zhong Miao was too lazy to argue with his words. The skeleton army still attacked the four fire spirits fearlessly.

Although Zhong Miao was silent, everyone could see clearly that although the four fire spirits sacrificed by Qin Fengming seemed to be chased and intercepted by the skeleton army and were at a disadvantage, the fire spirits were not fatally damaged. As long as Qin Fengming sacrificed his majestic magic power, It is enough to stabilize the power of the fire spirit.

But if the skeleton is smashed, the number of people will decrease. If things go on like this, it will naturally be detrimental to Zhong Miao.

"Junior, you actually let me sacrifice your true body. Okay, very good. If I don't kill you completely today, I swear I won't be a human being."

Just when Qin Fengming was trying his best to replenish the energy of the four fire spirits, a hoarse voice that shook the wilderness suddenly rang out amid the violent energy impact.

As soon as the sound started, amidst the rapid and rolling violent energy impact, an even more surging energy mist suddenly emerged. The mist appeared blue-gray in color, like a terrifying giant beast with a huge body that suddenly stood upright.

"That's the Dark Feathered Crow! The Dark Feathered Crow's ancestor is actually a Dark Feathered Crow with the blood of the ancient divine bird zhu."

As the violent mist surged, a terrifying and vicious bird suddenly appeared in the impact of monstrous energy. As soon as the ferocious bird appeared, several exclamations resounded throughout the vast world. The voice was full of shock. Except for Master Mogan, all the monks obviously didn't know the details of the Dark Crow Ancestor.

The egret is an ancient and supremely ferocious bird that has existed for an extremely long time. It is an ancient creature born when the world first opened, and it is powerful beyond words.

Although it existed for a long time, the world of cultivating immortals has disappeared without a trace at this time.

Although the bird is gone, its bloodline has not been cut off. In the world of immortality, there are still several kinds of demon birds with the bloodline of the bird. Dark Feather Crow is one of them.

And no one thought that the ancestor of the Dark Crow was actually a Dark Feathered Crow with the blood of a bird.

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