When Master Fengji spoke of the evil bird, he only used fear and fear in his heart to describe it. He did not show such intense fear and horror just by recalling his words.

Qin Fengming could not imagine how terrifying the phantom that Master Fengji saw back then would be.

He has encountered many situations that made him frightened. Even thinking about it at this time, there were also situations that made him feel cold on his back. However, just thinking about it, his appearance changed, and the fear could not be suppressed. .

The fearful expression shown by Master Fengji at this moment is definitely not just an appearance, but he still has great fear of that phantom in his heart.

Thinking about it, even if he advanced to Mahayana again, he would still have this mentality when he saw the phantom again.

"What kind of illusory figure can make the senior feel such a terrifying emotion? I really can't imagine what kind of existence it is. Senior, please give me some details."

Fairy Yingyi looked solemn and said.

Everyone is curious about unknown situations, and Qin Fengming is no exception.

"The illusory figure is the face of a young monk. The young man is very young and handsome, but he is tall, several feet tall. His whole body is condensed by the energy of the soul, as if he is a spiritual being. But where the soul is condensed and formed On my body, I suddenly felt a heavy breath from ancient times. The breath was indescribable, extremely heavy, and extremely terrifying. Just by sensing it, I immediately felt a cold feeling on my back.

What frightened me even more, and what made my mind roar, was that through the tall soul energy body, I suddenly saw a vast tide of mastiffs, vines and monsters. It seems that that tall body is just a portal to the Sumeru space.

Within your tall body, I saw countless mastiffs and vine demons. It was an indescribable scene, as if that space with unknown boundaries was a nest of beasts. The densely packed mastiff beasts and vine demons are like tiny ants, spreading throughout the entire space.

From that space, there is an unspeakable strange aura emanating, as if I am being stared at by countless mastiff beasts and vine monsters that are comparable to the Mahayana, or even beyond the realm of the Mahayana. It seems that as long as I move even a little, there will be countless people. A powerful beast swooped over.

You can't imagine what kind of situation that was, and I can't fully describe it. I can only explain that that tall body is full of weirdness and danger. Just looking at it made me lose the power to resist. Although my eyes were wide open, I had no thoughts. "

Master Fengji was not good at describing scenes, but his words made the expressions on the faces of Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi suddenly become tense.

The two of them had never heard of the existence of the tall spiritual shadow that Master Fengji spoke of, but neither of them thought that Master Fengji was lying.

Qin Fengming didn't know what kind of situation it was like for a tall phantom of a soul to be able to see illusory scenes from its body, and to sense the auras of countless Mahayana ferocious beasts.

And Master Fengji said that among the ferocious beasts he sensed, some existed beyond the Mahayana realm, which was even more difficult to understand.

The Mastiff Vine interface belongs to the Three Realms. There is no existence in the Three Realms that exceeds the realm of Mahayana cultivation.

But Master Fengji is convinced that there is one, and it is not a mastiff vine demon that has surpassed the Mahayana cultivation level. This in itself is full of mysteries that are difficult to explain.

Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi were silent and did not speak for a long time. Master Fengji's expression also changed, his eyes flickered, and recalling the situation at that time still made it difficult for him to calm down.

"Qin once saw a strange energy existence called the power of worshiping faith from an ancient book. It is an illusory and indescribable strange power that can make people obtain indescribable supreme power. Divine power.

That kind of power is difficult to understand, let alone its specific manifestation. Could it be that what fellow Taoist sensed from that illusory body was the power of the incense of faith? "

Qin Fengming's face was solemn, and he had been thinking for a long time. He slowly raised his head, looked at Master Fengji, and spoke slowly.

"The power of incense, fellow Taoist, is saying that the terrifying power contained in the illusory figure is the same as the power of faith absorbed by the Tao Lords and Star Ancestors in the Miluo Realm? How is this possible? The power of incense Power is not something that everyone can enjoy. The existences that can gather and control the power of incense are all Tao Lords and Star Ancestors. How can the power of belief in incense exist in the three realms?"

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, Fairy Yingyi's expression suddenly changed, and then she immediately spoke.

Hearing the female cultivator's decisive words, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly fluctuated greatly.

He knew about the 'Incense of Faith', and he also got it from Jun Yan's mouth. Among the classics in the world of immortality, there was no detailed record of the existence of Incense of Faith.

Belief in incense is not the chanting of sutras by disciples respected in Buddhism. As long as you recruit many disciples, you can gather the power of incense. There is a special understanding of the technique, and not everyone can gather the power of incense.

Even in the Miluo Realm, those who can see through the great power of the incense and fire are all those who have reached the realm of heaven and earth Dao Lord.

Of course, not all Tongtian Taoists can see through the incense.

There is no detailed record of this situation in the Three Realms. However, at this moment, Fairy Yingyi just heard Qin Fengming say the "power of incense" and immediately screamed out in shock. The words were accurate, which made Qin Fengming's heart Suddenly surprised.

He didn't believe that the monks in the Mastiff Vine interface would know the name of 'Incense of Faith' in detail.

As Qin Fengming and Fairy Yingyi spoke, Master Fengji's expression was suddenly shocked, and then he showed a look of surprise.

From the expression on Master Fengji's face at that moment, Qin Fengming was even more convinced that Master Fengji didn't know any more about the matter of 'belief in incense' than Fairy Yingyi.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, are you saying that the tall figure that Feng saw when he first saw it might be the power of incense condensed by a supreme power in the Miluo world?" With a surprised expression, Master Fengji frowned, but still asked .

Qin Fengming didn't answer for a while when Fairy Yingyi and Master Fengji asked.

The waves in his heart were surging at the moment, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

Because at this moment, he suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that to him should be the true reality of the Mastiff Vine interface.

From the moment he came to the Mastiff Vine interface, he was full of curiosity about the Mastiff Vine interface.

When he first knew that the Mastiff Vine interface might be a place where powerful beings raised spiritual beasts, he had a doubt in his mind, that is, no matter how powerful the monster was, it was impossible for him to accumulate his own cultivation realm just by devouring the Mastiff Vine Demon. of.

As long as the strength reaches a certain level, any monsters or birds do not need to swallow food to practice.

If this Mastiff Vine interface is just a place where supremely powerful spiritual beasts are raised, it would still be a bit unconvincing. Although Qin Fengming had this idea, it was not clear.

But now, after he spoke his words, he suddenly became convinced of what he said.

That is the mastiff vine interface. It may really be the place where a powerful being accumulates the incense of faith. And the incense of faith he collected was not the cultivators from the Seven Lands, but the power of faith from countless mastiff beasts and vine demons.

Countless mastiff beasts and vine demons would gather in the Mastiff Vine Mountains every two thousand years and willingly worship a supreme being. What kind of situation this would be like, Qin Fengming thought about it, and his mind was already roaring.

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