Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5885 Dark Water Vortex

Qin Fengming had already seen the water in front of him. This is a turbulent sea area, and the huge waves are like mountains moving layer by layer, surging forward one after another.

The sea water is blue and black, and the spiritual consciousness is submerged in it. It seems that there is a huge obstructive force, which directly blocks the spiritual consciousness at a depth of tens of feet in the sea water, making it difficult to go deeper into it.

Even if Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness is so powerful, he can only detect to a depth of tens of feet. It is quite good for other peak Xuan-level monks to be able to detect a depth of more than twenty feet.

Flying on such a rough sea, if a vortex containing space breath suddenly appears below, it will be extremely dangerous for the monks passing by.

No one spoke, but their eyes fell on Qin Fengming.

"As long as the vortex contains a strong spatial aura, Qin will be able to sense it early. Fellow Taoists, follow Qin's side. If there is anything strange, dodge immediately."

Qin Fengming knew what everyone was thinking, nodded slightly, and spoke calmly.

As he spoke the words, his mind had already connected with the dragon soul beast in his arms.

The previous actions of this little beast made Qin Fengming suddenly feel that this little beast, which had always had little potential, was not useless, but had great uses.

Without this little beast, Qin Fengming would have been in greater danger during the hurricane in the Qiyuan Snow Land.

The Ice Sea that we faced at this moment was still a dangerous space vortex.

Ice Underworld Sea, an area with such a sinister-sounding name, definitely has its dangers. As soon as Qin Fengming flew over the Ice Nether Sea, he immediately felt the danger.

This dark water area is full of Yin energy. Amid the surging waves, there are waves of icy cold air that penetrate Qin Fengming's body.

In this wave of ice, even Qin Fengming's tough body felt cold. Although it won't freeze his meridians, it will obviously make him feel stiff.

Looking at the other monks, Qin Fengming found that they all had very similar expressions.

It is very obvious that the restriction of the monk's physical body by this ice sea is the same. He will not feel relaxed just because his physical body is strong, nor will other monks feel so strongly frozen just because they are not body refiners.

"Hey, that hurricane was able to freeze the surging seawater solid." Just when Qin Fengming and others had just entered the seawater hundreds of miles away, Qin Fengming suddenly let out a soft sigh.

When he said these words, the six great masters of Yuheng Land were all tense. After hearing his words clearly, everyone felt slightly relieved.

"The hurricane is very cold. Even if I enter it, if I don't have any means of protection, I will definitely freeze. However, the ice cold in the hurricane does not spread very much. It is only felt wherever it passes. As long as we avoid the hurricane route and we’ll be fine.”

After everyone paused for a moment, Shao Hong immediately explained.

Seeing the hurricane blowing past, the frozen seawater was instantly submerged by the huge waves behind it. Qin Fengming nodded and did not ask any more questions about the matter. He flew away and his consciousness enveloped the surroundings.

Not long after his body flew away, suddenly a vast expanse of dark sea water surged towards him.

Just when the seawater appeared in everyone's consciousness, a low voice also sounded in Qin Fengming's ears: "Fellow Taoists, each take action to force the dark water ahead away."

As Mo Ye spoke, attacks suddenly appeared on the spot.

All of a sudden, sword blades and fists with powerful power flashed continuously, and bursts of dull roars filled the vast sea along with surging water columns.

Seeing everyone using magic to bombard the turbulent dark sea water in front of them, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly flashed continuously.

The six Yuheng monks seemed to have a tacit understanding. Although they did not form a formation, each person's attack just made up for the gaps left by others' attacks.

In an instant, the surrounding area in front of Qin Fengming was immediately overwhelmed by the huge attack energy.

"Fellow Taoists, how come there is a spirit-like aura in this sea water? Is it possible that there are ghosts in this sea water?"

Looking at the dark sea water that came under everyone in an instant,

Qin Fengming suddenly said.

There were constant roars all around, but Qin Fengming's calm words reached everyone's ears very clearly.

Qin Fengming checked some books about the Arctic, but they were not detailed. And he only searched for two or three days. And he was very interested in some introductions to various resources and searched extensively. As for the rest, I really haven’t looked up anything.

From Qin Fengming's point of view, since the North Pole is an area where monks below the Xuan level enter and exit, he really doesn't think there is any danger that can threaten him.

But suddenly, he felt a cold feeling on his back. It is obvious that he has some fear of what is in the sea water below at this moment.

"There are no spirits here, and those objects with concentrated soul energy are not ghosts. We call those gathered soul energy ghost water. These ghost waters are cold but not stiff, and they have the terrifying ability to plunder the soul energy in us. If It would be extremely dangerous to be involved.”

While quickly launching attacks, Shao Hong explained again.

She did not speak as easily as Qin Fengming, but used sound transmission. The distance between the two is very close, so there is no need to worry about the sound transmission being disturbed by the surrounding energy.

Hearing Shao Hong's words, Qin Fengming suddenly felt enlightened.

This body of water is called the Ice Underworld Sea, presumably because of the passage of the underworld water.

Looking at the dark sea water below, Qin Fengming's eyes showed no sign of worry at all, but were filled with sparkling light.

The area of ​​​​the dark water was not small, but under the powerful attack and rapid flight of everyone, it did not take long to break out of the siege of the black water.

Although these underworld waters are extremely threatening to monks, they have no consciousness, no tracking effect, and will not entangle monks.

Facing this dark water, with the strength of everyone, there is no sense of danger.

However, the next scene made the six monks from Yuheng suddenly feel fearful in their hearts.

"No, there are several groups of spatial auras converging towards where we are from several directions. Everyone, follow Qin and don't stay two feet away." Just as everyone came out of the dark water, there was a urgent sound A shout rang out from Qin Fengming's mouth on the spot.

As Qin Fengming screamed in surprise, his figure had already flashed away in one direction.

In the midst of a flash of excitement, he even changed direction twice on the way.

Everyone in Moye suddenly heard Qin Fengming's words. They were alert and did not dare to hesitate at all. They quickly followed Qin Fengming and dodged away.

Amid the flash of figures, no one noticed the formation of any undersea vortex.

However, just when everyone was confused, they suddenly discovered that four huge vortices carrying the majestic space atmosphere suddenly appeared on the sea surface where everyone had just left the place where the underworld was besieged.

Each vortex is tens to hundreds of feet in size. When the vortex appears, deep and dark caves are instantly formed. The surrounding seawater makes a terrifying whistling sound, spinning and pouring back into the huge cave.

When the whirlpool suddenly appeared, the expressions of the six Yuheng cultivators immediately changed in shock.

If Qin Fengming had not warned them, no one would know whether everyone could escape these four whirlpools safely.

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